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Blog > Papersisters giveaway!


We know, we know… the blog has been a bit slow lately, as we’ve been busy with other tasks. In the meantime, here’s a brilliant giveaway to make up for it — enjoy!

Do these postcards look familiar? 😍


If so, you’ve probably heard about Papersisters! Although the company only started a couple of years ago, its eye-catching designs have swiftly conquered the hearts of many postcrossers around the world.

Sisters Wiebke (aka Namibia13) and Maike (aka jofemapa) are both enthusiastic postcrossers, and this passion turned into the creation of postcards and the opening of their own shop. Their range includes nicely illustrated postcards about different regions of Germany and their typical things, the country series featured above, stamp collages (my favorite!), and others for special occasions. They also do cute Postcard IDs or weather-themed rubberstamps to personalize your cards, as well as a few other goodies!


And now, for the best part! Papersisters is offering a pack of 12 postcards to 4 lucky postcrossers, plus one rubberstamp prize for an extra winner! Pretty cool, right? For a chance to receive one of these prizes, visit their website and leave a comment below, telling us which postcard (or series of postcards) is your absolute favorite!

But be warned, choosing from so much goodness will not be an easy task…

papersisters Airmail

Good luck everyone! Don’t forget to check back here next Saturday for the winners (randomly picked by Paulo’s number generator, as always).

And the winners of this giveaway, as chosen by Paulo’s random number generator are… amandam718, tandrj, Tufta, Allison_b216 and svoboda999! Congratulations — and thank you everyone for your enthusiastic participation on this giveaway!

1120 comments so far

stukgelezen, Netherlands

I love the Just Airmail set. Lovely design and practical at the same time!

czema, Spain

Hard to choose! I really enjoy the ones of Happy Postcrossing from... I think they look so cool and has a little bit of every country in them! Hope I'll get some beautiful postcards!

ctr, Germany

It is really hard to choose!!! I like them all but especially the cards with typical german issues.

FrauScheepers, Germany

Wow, the cards are all fabulous! If I have to choose, I must admit that I love the Baden-Württemberg - German Landmark Series a bit more than the others... Now I,ll be holding my thumbs :-)

salmiakkipanda, Finland

My absolute favourites are Around the World and By Airmail. And of course all the cards related to Finland!

foudetimbres, Switzerland

My favourite has to be the Airmail labels one, it looks so fun.

shivangi, India

Such beautiful and creative postcards! My favourites are the stamp flags.

babybeau82, Germany

My favorites are the Bayern - Landmark series! By the way every postcard is beautiful when it arrives my letterbox. 😁

GoCindy, United States of America

I like the German Landmark series.

LuSays, United Kingdom

I like the happy postcrossing series and the stamp flags... but I like a lots of the individual ones like snailmail essentials and the teddy bear hug one. A GB set like the Canada and Finland ones would be very popular and useful!

mrskezbo, United Kingdom

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the collaged stamp flags, particularly the European one. I also love the night weather rubber stamp - I've been coveting that for a while! Such a brilliant shop :)

irokoneko, Netherlands

I love the Happy Postcrossing cards te best!

Knerq, United States of America

How exciting! I would love to receive the Happy Postcrossing from Canada postcard and the Canada airmail stamp.

lady_of_the_house, United Kingdom

I love the Europe stamp flag card - even though we're leaving the EU we will always be part of Europe ;)

TeacherNicci, Taiwan

I love the Happy Postcrossing from... ones best. I especially like the one for South Africa because that is where I am from, but not where I live. The colors, the design and the layout are exactly my style of card! Great work, Papersisters.

JoJo2000, Ireland

Absolutely in love with the stamp flag cards! <3

ColorfulCourtney, Germany

I like many of these! My favorite is the "Germany" series, especially the regional cards from Rheinland-Pfalz (my region) and the German food and drink cards.

wifetoalineman, United States of America

All the postcards are really nice but my favorite is the 'Postcard Pack "For You" I always buy in a set to save you money and you never know a certain person just needs a hug, just like what it says in one postcard.

Sleeplessness, Lithuania

I love all of them! I can't choose just one because they all are awesome, but if I have to, I'd choose typical postcrossing cards, they're amazing :)

HamburgCityLove, Germany

I really like the "Happy Postcrossing" - Series and the German landmark - series.
Moreover, I think papersisters offers the opportunity to show a lot of people, what is typical for Germany. No matter, if it's food, culture symbols or typical sights in a lovely colourful way. In my opinion, that a way of Postcrossing. To share something typical of the own country with a stranger.
And it's funny, as papersisters is located in one of the neighbour cities, to my hometown. I hope, I see them one day also in a local store, not only online shop ...

LeishaCamden, Norway

All their cards are so great ... ! But I love the country series the most :-)

I met Wiebke and Maike at the Tampere meetup and they are lovely people too! :-)

mounten, Italy

Lovely!!!! What a difficult choice, but the stamp flag collages and everything related to Italy are my favorite.

BrilliantDisguise, Sweden

I love, love, love the Priority rubber stamp! I no longer get priority stickers with my international stamps and being able to use the rubber stamp instead would be awesome.
Also hoping you might add Sweden to your country series.

biblio_dani, Germany

Wow, I didn't know there were Postcrosser postcards (I'm a new member). I would love a mix of Stamp Flags, German Landmarks (especially Hamburg and S-H) and Germany.

Momentensammlerin, Germany

My favourites are the stamp flag cards.
I think it is really impressive how they use their love for postcards and their creativity to make money and at the same time make so many other postcrossers happy with their postcards.

schmoochee, Singapore

My favourite is the world heritage DE series - what a great way to see another side of the world in the mail, and to raise awareness of the importance of these sites... plus they make it so tempting to plan a self-drive vacay!

Angela-Joelle, Netherlands

What a tremendous good idea to make and sell such postcards, and indeed they are all very pretty. One though is my absolute favorite: Rainbow Germany! That one stands out above all, because of the light colors and the forming of them into a rainbow. I wish you a happy sale and bright future with this enterprise. Blessings, Astrid.

isinesunshine, Germany

My favorite is the "Happy Postcrossing" country series as I love air mail design cards. Bus all are really cute!

LenaSophie, Germany

Their postcards are awesome. But my favourite one has to be the "Airmail International" one. I just love Airmail stickers and all the designs on one postcard are perfect!

CharmaineZ, South Africa

Although South Africa does not have as much members as other countries, these lovely sisters gave South Africa a chance and made a "Happy Postcrossing" card just for us♥. I have ordered some and would love to have "By Airmail", "Snailmail Essentials"; "Typical Postcrossing" and Äround the world" - too many choices! Hopefully my fellow SA postcrossers sees this and also buy some. Thank you Wiebke and Maike♥

Allison_b216, United States of America

Wow! Such cute stuff! I love the rubber stamps. I'm in a rubber stamp phase right now.

Jeremy92, Hungary

Creative and lovable graphics. It's difficult to choose, but my absolute favourite is the posthorn.

inesaraiva, Portugal

I love all the postcards but I got to choose Happy Postcrossing Portugal!
Such amazing postcards, I will place an order soon! <3

chrisbonham11, United Kingdom

I'm going to be biased and say that my favourite card in the collage is the one from the UK!

mcastro, Portugal

My favourite is definitely the german sweets one!

isabeljeronimo, Portugal

It's a lovely opportunity! It´s not easy to choose, but Posthorn is my favourite postcard from the site. Good luck everyone!

Dinis, Portugal

Me and my family really enjoy all the postcards! But our favourite is Typical Postcrossing.

Olgao01, Russia

I really liked the series "Happy Postcrossing" and of course the most of all the postcard "Happy Postcrossing RU")))

Axolotl, Germany

I love their cards and just ordered some last week! My favorite is the card about German inventors. :)

ira_from_mars, Ukraine

I really like Deutschland auf einen Blick postcard :)

kittersmom, United States of America

My favorite postcard is the US Flag postcard! I would love to be sending that one to new Postcrossing friends! I wish they were available on

Sarahj0260, United Kingdom

Lovely postcards - I particularly like the Postcrossing cards and the typical German words/sweets etc ones.

craveyardcat, Philippines

My boyfriend who's in Germany already got us some Typisch postcards. I love food illustrations und ich liebe Deutschland, so I'd say my favorites are German Drinks, German Food, and German Sweets postcards.

roogile, Lithuania

Love the German Landmark series! I think the design of those is amazing. Also their stamps are soo nice.

Hawwa, Spain

Can I choose some favourites? About Germany: German Beer Glasses & German Poets (and Writers, Inventors...). I found them very informative, and I like to receive something related about the country the postcard is sent from. I love to learn from different places/cultures.

In general: Posthorn & Snailmail Essentials. I would like to sent and/or receive those myself.

But.. yes, the choice is difficult!

chittajitm, India

I loved the "For You" series ❤

berthakuiken, Germany

Really lovely postcards. I pick the one fom Hessen because that´s where I live now. But I love them all.

PatteHen, United States of America

My favorite postcard (although I really like many of them) is the USA stamp flag. Also loved the Christmas card - wish it was in English, too!

Herr_, Switzerland

The Stamp Flag series 😍😍😍

freezeframe03, United States of America

I love the postcards made with stamps. Especially the US Stamp Flag. And there are so many great rubber stamps for Postcrossing postcard mail.

Lata, United Kingdom

My favourite one is Hallo! because I have studied German for a few years and I am generally interested in languages. But they are all fantastic!

DonnaM, Canada

I like the Canadian postcrossing card and ID number stamper but all the cards are wonderful !!!

sagarika_r, India

I love the postcard with typical postcrossing!!

Ingmal, Austria

I like the Happy Postcrossing series <3

Lata, United Kingdom

They really are all lovely, I actually received Rainbow Germany very recently.

Helenisframed11, Australia

I love the airmail cards, because sending cards from Australia always means airmail.

Nikhil_Nitesh, India

Well!! Cancellations have always fascinated me and the "Around the World" postcard is one unique collection of such Cancellations so it automatically becomes my favourite.
The different designs of Cancellations give it a different look and feel which makes it stand apart from the crowd.

And for the postcrossers who send postcards everywhere this postcard could be the one they can send "Around the World"

uncknitter, United States of America

I love all the cards! But if I have to choose... I'd pick the one with the variety of cancellations stamps.

shouldhavezagged, United States of America

US Stamp Flag is my favorite!

Banauson, Germany

I love the Airmail Cards but the German Cards I like too, can't decide ...

YOIYUMTEWA, United States of America

I like them all, to be honest. But the "Hugs" and "Happy Birthday" cards are really cool, because I never seem to find things like that where I live.

Kate_Frost, Russia

Stamp flags are my absolute favorite 😍

Newdawn, Switzerland

the airmail set is great

AmitxSahoo, India

All the Postcards are pretty beautiful and I will go for "Bremen - German Landmark Series" and "Happy Postcrossing ID". <3

EchoDelta, United States of America

I love all of these, but the US Stamp Flag is my favorite.

alterego, Canada

I love all their designs but I love the Happy Postcrossing from Canada best. I am hoping that one day they will design a Canadian Flag made of stamps! I love the flags from stamps that they already have!

KKitti, Hungary

I'm in love with the Owl Post rubberstamp.

Kedar, India

Love all the postcards. Tough to judge though. But I still like -"by airmail", "happy Postcrossing " and "flags" series postcards😊😊

marinuchi, Spain

My favourite one is Posthorn!!!! That symbol is internationally known and, I must say that I play French horn, so for my it have a special meaning :)

zhezhevika, Austria

It is really hard to choose, but it has to be the Stamp Flag series. I totally recognize some of those Austrian stamps.

SNarkis, United States of America

I had never heard of this site before - their postcards are gorgeous! Although I love lots of them, I'd pick the US Stamp Flag ... it's wonderful. :)

Kullerbaum, Germany

I really like the 'How to say Hello in German' - postcard

corvettegal, United States of America

Love them all but I think my favorite ones are the Stamp flag ones. I've been perusing their website for a while now and keep finding more to love each time!

Marieke1901, Netherlands

The stamp flags are awesome 😍

coniea, Malta

All the cards are absolutely fantastic with a lot of creativity. My favourite cards are the "Happy Postcrossing from.. " series.
"Prosit" (well done) and thank you Wiebke and Maike.

PilotOne, Portugal

Well, too many nice cards for a perfect choice, but definitely I prefer this one:

Cochins, United States of America

I really love paper sisters postcards. They are really fun, and full of useful information for a postcrosser. "typical postcrossing" is my favorite card from their shop. I wish the paper sisters shop all the success in the world. thank you for making people happy!


Always_Purple, Canada

I really enjoy the stamp flags. Since starting Postcrossing, one of my favourite things is seeing different and unique stamps.

oneparekh, India

Has to be the Stamp Flags

ennstalerin, Austria

I like the German Landmark series. I have a few and hope to get all of them in the future :D

bessclef, Canada

I was torn between two sets but I decided I love the Just Airmail set most. :)

BunniesAreFabulous, Netherlands

Wow, these are all very nice postcards!! Very pretty and creative! I'll go for the "For you!" pack :)

renatoBG, Serbia
Broetchi, Germany

I love the just air mail set and the rubber stamps ;)

kmpoppe, Germany

I'm totally up for "Typisch Norddeutsch" - as we North Geans have so many lovely absurdities, it's brilliant ;-)

ezertfyg, Russia

I really love their "German Landmark Series"! It's so nice!!!

Tufta, Poland

German landmark series is so cool.

ExploreMIR, Russia

I like the entire "Germany" series.

Honeysong, Ireland

My absolute favourites are all the postcards in the "typisch deutsch" (or Typical German) series, including the german food cards. If I had to point out one favourite card it would be German Sweets because I live abroad and German sweets are what I miss most about home 😉

nofrodelius, United States of America

I love the “typisch” series: it’s so neat to see the various icons and traditional items from each area of Germany! 🇩🇪

Anyz8, Czech Republic

All the designs are so lovely! My personal favourite is "Snailmail Essentials" :)

Of_Sophie, Russia

To my mind the "Happy Postcrossing" series is absolutely great!

radiohead92, Germany

So many great designed postcards...
My favourite series are the stamp flags. :-)

mysweetlife63, United States of America


babytreese, United States of America

Wowsers!! My fave is the Happy Postcrossing series. Thanks so much for the opportunity!

fredweasley, Türkiye

I felt emotional when i see german state SH card. Cause studied there for while and now i need to visit there asap. But my fav design is "happy postcrossing from" series

MichPen, United States of America

The World Heritage Sites are my favorites, or maybe the cancellation stamps.

roxy, Canada

I love their designs. So unique and colourful! Especially the Happy Postcrossing series.

Bibliophiler24, United States of America

I like the “Typical Postcrossing” that show how Postcrossing works. It’s especially helpful if you’re a newbie or maybe a veteran that hasn’t done it in a few years. Plus it’s a great way to introduce people to Postcrossing that aren’t already on here. When I’m writing to a new penpal, I put Postcrossing as one of my hobbies and I always get asked what is it. 😀

aj83, United States of America

I’d have to say the US flag stamp postcard is my favorite. I collect stamps and have a whole book of just the flag!


My choice is the European flag of the brand and Airmail International. Actually, I like many others.
Happy postcrossing!

athinaral, Greece

I love the Airmale set ! Is very beautiful and practical at the same time ! 😁

sokrue, Germany

I love the new card with the "German inventors"! That is definitely my favourite at the moment!

squaresunflowers, Malaysia

Cancellation marks have always fascinated me, so it's definitely the 'Around The World' that won my heart!

anusaw, India

So so amazing! :) I loved all of them but particularly liked the from North to South one the most !

AnneMac, Ireland

They are all amazing, but Hugs for you has to my my favourite.

BryonD, United States of America

I love the donut card and now it's making me hungry just looking at it!

MtnBelle, United States of America

I love Switzerland so I love the CH stamp flag!

Sarian, Finland

My absolute favorite is Finlands stamp flag.

JennyAssis, United Kingdom

Hi Postcrosser's!
I love "Happy Postcrossing from" series!
this series is part of my collection of postcards.

TenshiMegami, Finland

My favorite is "Happy Postcrossing FI" -postcard.

i_am_rhu, Indonesia

I love everything from Papersisters.😍😍😍
Happy Postcrossing series I love the most.

TerraPax, Czech Republic

I really like the Postcrossing series but I don't think that the CZ version is giving enough credit to CZ (I would change/add things). Also, the stamp is not Czech. But otherwise I really like the series. In any case I vote for the postmark card called Around the World. I really love postmarks! ❤

Lejo, Spain

My favorite would be the World Heritage sites of Germany.

Vanessa_1995, Germany

I like the postcard of saxony.

KarenNfld, Canada

Love them! The Happy Postcrossing set is gorgeous

mattcorey, United States of America

German Poets and their Works is one I really love!

DisneyCats, United States of America

I love the US stamp flag!

dougmv214, United States of America

I will recommend this site to buy postcards and rubber stamps from. A fascinating variety to choose from. It is quintessential to say the least.

crazy_apotheek, Spain

I love the Postcrossing cards for the different countries!

Freyja, Luxembourg

I love all of them, Happy Postcrossing series and Around the World are among my favourites ♥️

Bea, Cyprus

What a lovely idea! Talk about being a dedicated Postcrosser! :) I like them all, but I like the AirMail set and the zebra a tad more.

arledan, United States of America

My favorite is the German Inventors !!!!!! 😍😍💖

Dory1703, Germany

So difficult to choose! I think my favourite are the germany cards and the one from baden württemberg.

pne, Germany

I like "typisch Norddeutsch" -- I'm from northern Germany and it's nice to see regional things and words on it :)

Also, whenever I read the names of the papersisters, I have to think about the coincidence that they share the name of a co-worker of mine and her daughter.

antiquarian, United Kingdom

Wow! what a marvellous selection, my favourite is Just Airmail - Postcard and Sticker Set, and the "Postcrossing" set

gstone, Canada

so many nice designs. I like the postcrossing Canada ones well all of the postcrossing country ones. I also like the Highland cow with the " bad hair day" made me laugh. Thanks for your offer to postcrossers. And your designs are delightful.

girl_of_ink, Netherlands

Yay! Of course I'd love to send the 'happy postcrossing NL' one. And I like the 'airmail international' and 'around the world' cards..

Alba1004, Germany

Ich als gute Kundin kann mich nicht entscheiden ... aber da ich in Bayern lebe ...immer gerne Weiß Blau 😊. Tolle Aktion!

akartika, Indonesia

It sure is difficult to choose one favorite but I definitely love The happy postcrossing series!

Sweetsazzle, United Kingdom

My favourite is the 'Happy Postcrossing BE' as it reminds me of a lovely holiday travelling around Belgium. It even mentions Charleroi, the first destination, the people there were some of the lovliest people I've ever met.

Ann34, Belgium

Love the ‘around the world’ postcard, that is what it’s all about in postcrossing for me...

uncoiled_tiger, United Kingdom

I love the 'Just Airmail' postcards, such an awesome idea and a really great postcard to send and receive!

Esclvsa, Venezuela

I do like that one postcard with German poets on it.

Janinelily, United States of America

I’d have to say that the USA is my favorite with Black Diamond the buffalo and the Statue of Liberty. (Although France is very nice too!). I haven’t seen these cards before. How lovely!

Hellevi, Finland

Oh there are so much great cards, but if I have to choose.... it's Happy postcrossing FI. Why? I don't know, the card speaks for itself

RickAnita, Germany

We are from different countries in the EU, so the EU card would be perfect for that! It really looks amazing, just like all other cards :)

NicoleBrosseau, Canada

It is truly a difficult choice to make. The creation of these postcards is super attractive. My favorite is the series the Set of postcards and stickers. Oh would I be happy to win this set!

zeynepm, Türkiye

lovely postcards! Im in love with the postcrossing series!

petragras, Germany

My favourite is the Bayern-Landmark series,because I live there.But all Postcards are lovely!!😁

Nieke11, Germany

Beautiful and unique postcards. I like the postcards from northern Germany most. I would like to receive them in my mailbox too <3

Macchiato_Gurl, Malaysia

so hard to chooseee!!! but if I had to really choose, it'd be the beer glasses! the card is so fun!! ^^

LoneMatz, Germany

All cards are beautiful and special. Favourite is the regions of Germany series. ❤

oxdeadstarxo, United States of America

They are all so lovely but I especially love the "Around the World", "US Stamp Flag" and the airmail one. :)

postmama, United States of America

I love the US flag made with all of them!

Alamogordo99, Germany

Papersisters are the best!I use the German Landmarks PostCards...
When my package arrive it was so lovely packed...with a special gift inside.👍🏻

dainaa, Lithuania

So many lovely postcatds! My favorite is Europe Stamp Flag postcard, because it's such a beautiful idea and postcard.

seoki, Germany

There are so many great postcards! My favorite ones are the stamp flags, I love their design!

kfumkfuk, Türkiye

I love the « around the world » postcard with various cancellation marks of different countries :)

bibliobures, France

I love the card "Germany attendant a glance", would like to see other countries.

MailmanRay, Canada

Although the German Sweets postcard looks delicious, my favourite is Around the World!

meike_johanna, Germany

Love the "German Landmark Series" - beautifully designed

hopeley, United States of America

US stamp flag, love! love!

Lila1503, Germany

My favourite postcard are „welcome Tor Nordrhein-Westfalen“ and „typical postcrossing“. Bit honestly, I love them all.

inki1963, Germany

I prefere the German Landmark Series because I have to choose one. Otherwise I would take all of them😍

justylev, United States of America

I love so many but Paperhorn is my favorite!

4121gloria, Italy

I prefer snail mail essentials and German maps!

Petre, Netherlands

Offcourse I like the 'Happy Postcrossing NL' card!

di_postcards, United States of America

Awesome giveaway! I like Happy Postcrossing series and EU stamps postcards and Cancellation marks from around the world :)

robinmp, United States of America

The U.S Flag made out of stamps is my favorite 😊👍🏼

freshwaterwi, Italy

Papersisters' products are well-designed and high quality. I love using my Owl Post rubber stamp on my Harry Potter postcards! I also love the "happy postcrossing from...." series. Thank you, ladies!

Nastiye, Türkiye

the "typisch" cards cards about german foods, drinks and sweets are great!

yamsinaj, Canada

I would love to use the happy postcrossing from Canada! Thanks for the contest.

Hansvanderveeke, Netherlands

I liked the 'Relax' postcard very much. Something I should do more often. ;-)

Angellalalala, Malaysia

Woww I love these!! I love the airmail set <3 Thanks for this activity.

ErinL, United States of America

They're all great, but my favorite is By Airmail. <3

jiaxin91, Japan

I love the "... stamp flag" series! Will I become the lucky one? :D

Hannako, Germany

I, too prefer the German landmark series :-)

yanaconda, Belarus

Wow cool!!! I love the Happy Postcrossing series!
I hope some time Belarusian card will be designed 😎

jmr1739, United States of America

Beautiful! I love the US flag one; it's delightful!

Ro-, United Kingdom

My favourite series is the Mail one, with the stamps design. I particulary like the posthorn!!

craftgasm, United States of America

I love all the countries' stamp flags -- what a clever idea!

IveyAlex, United Kingdom

I like "Around the world" postcards and I really would like to have the rubber stamps, they look so cool :D

PaulPostcrossing, United States of America

I like the stamp flag collection

Aline_R, Portugal

My favourite postcard is the happy postcrossing PT 😀

cflathem, United States of America

I recently purchased some of these postcards, as well as one of the stamps. Great quality! And I love the postcards. Can’t beat the quality!

keohusa, United States of America

I love the regions of Germany series!

Cassiopheia, Germany

I love the German Landmarks Series :)

Sognatrice, Italy

Thanks for this giveaway. I love Europe stamp flag

80sTrekkieGirl, Canada

I love the Mail series, but all the cards are great.

debriiiinha, Ireland

I like the rubberstamp

kkjr_, Singapore

The airmail stamp looks SO COOL! The German Series looks pretty damn cool too!

RomaandPaul, United States of America

I L-O-V-E the Posthorn. Whenever we travel internationally, it’s a see the symbol and be able to post a PostCrossing card. The cards are so colorful and creative...thanks for sharing them with the world!

Iguanna, Russia

OMG)))Such a wonderful post things)))))I like it all))) But especially - postcard of region Rheinland-Pfalz, my best friend lives there))))To have cycling there my favorite spending time)))LG.

JonathanChua, Singapore

So many to choose from but I still love Country Series n Regions in Germany the keep coming up with new cards...........

EngelDD, Germany

The Happy Postcrossing Series is great but German Landmarks is adorable as well. 😅

Free-to-be-Me, Netherlands

The German inventors and -poets are great and I had not seen them yet. I love them.

Heiidi, Portugal

Happy Postcrossing series has my favorite postcards :)

hadaverde, United States of America

Fantastic work on all the postcards, but the most interesting to me personally is the German Food card - food is another keen interest of mine aside from postal mail!

nk970634, Taiwan

My favourite is definitely Happy Postcrossing series. 😊 Thank you for your great activity.

PeggyLoh, Singapore

Just love these Country Series n Regions of Germany......colourful n cute cards........

Housewren, Belize

Wow I like all of the posrcards.

katkero2, Belgium

Lots of good postcards. My favourite is the bad hairday postcard.

Hoppelflausch, Germany

I love these postcards :)

emotis, United States of America

Great giveaway! Love the cards :)

lanalee, Singapore

I love the Germany ones. There are so many unique designs related to Germany, especially the postcard with the German Sweets! :)

servingHim, United States of America

Wow, so hard to choose! I would say my favorite are the flag postcards made out of stamps. Very unique!

rousita, Mexico

I absolutely loved all cards, but my favorote are the postcrossing series! They arr just perfect for all enthusiastic postcrossers!! All the small details and color are fantastic! Congratulations!

Lisanne95, Netherlands

I like the Postcrossing series they created, I like that every card is designed with typical things to fit the specific country!

deckergirl, United States of America

The Country Series is delightful and my favorite!

JKropp4, United States of America

So hard to choose! I love the Happy Postcrossing US postcards. :)

ChalkJunkie, Germany

I loved the German foods the most <3

SteffiRocks, Germany

Amazing postcards. I like all of them - but I choose Bayern - German Landmarks Series. 🤗

kojep, Indonesia

I love Postcrossing series. Because i collect all about postcrossing. And i've already get an official postcard that become my favorite "Typical Postcrossing" . Thats describe us as postcrosser very well



What choice difficult; but one of my favorites, are the German poets.

Keep and maybe some postal cards on various countries?

Thank you

Sparky4, United States of America

My favorite is the German Landmark series. The bright colors and the information presented are awesome!

forestofice, United States of America

I like all the postcrossing greetings, and well they're all lovely really, but my absolute favourite is the Airmail set.

noranora, Latvia

The bright and laconic posthorn catched my eye from the very first! And stamp cards are my favorites, as I use my colorful but damaged stamps to create a card, too.
Interesting detail -Tzarist Russia's oldest stamps has two postcorns. When telegraph came, two arrows symbolizing it were added across the horns.

Selina0629, Taiwan

It's sooo difficult to choose one. But my absolute favorite one would be German Sweets. Now I can say it's easier to make the decision for a foodie!

Leserin, Germany

I love these cards and have already order some a few times. They are all really great and it's hard to choose a favourite one. I like the "Happy Postcrossing from ..." cards a lot.

Zaara, Finland

It´s hard to choose...but I´d go for the Finland postcards set. ;)

paradonym, Germany

the stamp flags or the airmail postcards are all great.

MirjamDublin, Ireland

I love Papersisters postcards and love sending them through postcrossing.
I would love the Geman poets and inventors series, oh and a few more of the Irish postcrossing one!

seadra, Germany

I like the most HAPPY POSTCROSSING FROM ..."

Juliayana, Russia

All the postcards are fantastic, but "Von Nord nach Süd", colourful card of Germany North to South, with tiny symbols for the respective area is absolutely my favourite. The thing is I use it quite often at my English classes. The postcard makes a wonderful activity for my students.

Hrustik, Ukraine

I like "german... poets\ inventors\food serie. I'd like to have them)))

dictaudrey, Indonesia

The happy postcrossing from series are really cool even thought the Indonesia one needs some corrections :)

MargaretMiles, United States of America

I'm partial to the "By Airmail" postcard--they are all so great!

lyndac, Canada

I love them all!

Juliettochka, Türkiye

The Airmail set is the best!

Ataturk, Italy

The best one (not considering local ones) is the "typical" series.

CelesteP, South Africa

My favourite is the Bad Hair Day postcard!!!!

jessica1979, Netherlands

I love the ' happy postcrossing from' cards. But hard to choose. They are all wonderful! 🍀🍀🍀

Goldberry59, Netherlands

Wonderful cards, all of them!
But I like the Happy Postcrossing country series the best!

ericaedwards, United States of America

I love your “typical postcrossing “ postcard! Actually, all of them are so cute!!!

seattlestacia, United States of America

I love papersisters! Have ordered from them several times, including the stamps-make-a-U.S.-flag card and several Postcrossing-themed cards (so those are my favorites - so far!). I love this new series and hope to collect them all. Hooray for a give away, crossing my fingers. :-)

Ramya, United States of America

I love the postcard that says ‘happy postcrossing from the united states.’ That design for that series is gorgeous! All of the cards are so appealing to the eye!

Olga_Mo, Belarus

Today I received a handmade card for the first time and was fascinated. And there are so many amazing things on Your website! I'm impressed! What magical things can be done with your own hands! When my son was in school, we learned German together. I liked to look at the map of Germany. So my likes are cards.

zwergkoenigin, Netherlands

I love the Happy Postcrossing cards from NL and the NL-id stamp the best :D

Himmelsvogel, Germany

My favorites are the "Happy Postcrossing from Germany" Card and the stamp cards from Germany and Europe.

Banjo, Netherlands

These cards are awesome! I really love the stamp flag series, they are subtle and very pretty :)

Michaela0705, Germany

I really love the stamp flag series best but they have sooo much amazing cards

cleopatra-matta, Italy

I love the Mail series and "how to say hello in German". their rubber stamps are great too!

tania_baeva, Russia

Ah, all of them are so incredibly cute! I found that SNAIL MAIL ESSENTIALS was the nicest of them all.

dogfan, United States of America

I love the Happy Postcrossing sets. Wouldn't you love to receive one from every country available?

imaginAlexandra, Russia

They all are so beautiful.I really want "typical postcrossing" in my collection.

Lmeo, France

These postcards are so beautiful,Because me i love all postcard postcrossing is so good and i love it

mrcoreydco, United States of America

Wow this is hard to choose... The Airmail is the best in my humble opinion, but I love the flag stamp and the US PostCrossing ID# rubberstamp (The one with the BISON) is awesome! Nice! Cory aka mrcoreydco

dershots, Canada

I love the Just Airmail-postcards and sticker set. And of course,the Canadian postcards. Hope to get some in the mail.

meanie-jay, Germany

I love the "How to say Hello/Goodbye in Germany"- cards!
All and those showing typical German things - I like to send them to friends and then discuss if we had put the same things on, or if there is something missing - or if they are showing something that just has to be there, but we would never have thought of it :-)

cartonfamily, France

I love the post cards with flags of Europe and France !!!! Happy postcrossing from France is great too !!! Thanks for this giveaway !!!! And happy postcrossing !

tallahassee4, United States of America

I like the ones with the flag outline made of stamps. Very cool.

Schneewante, Germany

Already I bought some of the really nice postcards from Paper Sisters and I'm sure that the Postcrossers that received them were happy with them as well - aren't even some of them among the favorites? At least they can be found on my wall of sent postcards!
As I live in Bremen, of course my favorites are the Bremen Card and the "Typisch norddeutsch" card!

plomp, United Kingdom

I love the Europe flag stamp! It's so creative!

cariboocarol, Canada

I love the airlmail cards and all the country ones! You have really done a great job of continually expanding your stock to cover everything that postcrossers want and NEED! I have your owl stamp and love it! 🇨🇦

KJ_lillianopal, United States of America

My favorite postcard is the "German Food" one!

greatoaksstudents, Taiwan

They are all lovely, but one I like most is typical postcrossing. PS.. How about producing a Taiwan card? 😁✌️

littlemonique, Canada

Hello from Canada! I am in love with the Happy Postcrossing series. Thabk you so much for the chance! ♡♡

Manitouwolf, United States of America

I love the flag cards made from the stamps of that country. :)

Chaldane, United States of America

My favorite is 'Zen for You'. It's a beautiful design and great colors!

kellymcf, United States of America

so hard to choose! I really like the flags made of stamps.

Eline-89, Netherlands

Lots of nice postcards, my favourites; By Air Mail & Around the world. Loves to send best wishes around the wolrd :D

vicyuen, Hong Kong

Wow! You did a great job and I think Just Airmail series is absolutely amazing! Thank you very much for the giveaway chance.

Luziaceleste, Brazil

Thanks ladies for the offer!
Lovely work. If I am forced t pick one collection I would say 'mail', very creative, recently saw a video on how they prepare them!
And thanks Postcrossing team for all this fun!

Greenstork77, India

I love the post crossing series it's awesome it will be a big hit like the FOTW,WOW etc

mlandman, Netherlands

I really love these postcards. Especially: typical postcrossing! But also the nice rubber stamps are great! And the Papersisters are so nice, they gave away goodies for our Postcrossing meeting!

hkappespc, United States of America

I love the postage stamp flag series!

Lex222, United States of America

All the stamp flags are so creative. I can imagine how much time it took to lift those stamps and create the image. Well done! I really love those cards the best. My favorite is the US Stamp Flag.

postcrosser74, Italy

All postcards are very catchy! However, if I have to choose, I'll pick the "Happy postcrossing" series.

2dancers4me, United States of America

Happy Postcrossing US - Love this one

littleblackcatpatch, France

Bonjour i like Happy Postcrossing postcard serie i would love to collect this serie =)

whodalalee, Canada

I have a lot of your cards and love them all!! Thank you!!

tikismeekis, Spain

I like the stamp flag series, they're very nice! Lovely postcards, great discovery!

DorotheeB, Germany

My favourite serious are the German Landmark postcards and the Germany postcards.

CaptainFoulken, United Kingdom

I LOVE the stamp art series - especially the post horn! Beautiful art makes me inspired to collect my old stamps and make some of my own. :) Really cool and fun idea! :D

McMacik, Czech Republic

For me just airmail :) and the stamp are amazing.

Raccoons, Belarus

They are all great but I mostly like Happy Postcrossing series, and Typisch Deutsch - it is funny

theraspberry, Russia

Most of all I like Typical Postcrossing postcards 😍

Vitoria1, Portugal

It`s so hard to choose!!! but I really enjoy the ones of Happy Postcrossing from... I met the lovely ladies behind the Papersisters in Tampere, Finland and they are so nice. Thank you so much!!!

laurede, France

I love "around the world".

nediam_nori, Finland

Country series:)

beryngela, Portugal

My favourite postcards is “Happy Postcrossing from Portugal” my country ❤️🇵🇹

MagiaHobbs, Germany

Oh, I love all of of their postcards. But the German series are of course among my favorites. Also the German landmarks

jettyb, Netherlands

Love all the postcards. My favorites are the Happy Postcrossing from....

aerobear, United States of America

Ooh! I love the Stamp Flag series! Especially the USA flag :)

sokakkedisi, Türkiye

I wish there would be a Happy Postcrossing from Turkey postcard. But I love the airmail set, too!

jennylee60, United States of America

I love the Snail Mail Essentials postcard

Tuihei, Finland

Everything goes well ❤️

buckndi, United States of America

I just bought the US Postcrossing and the US flag of stamps cards, I think the snail mail essentials would be a fun addition.

noetnik, Netherlands

So many nice cards, it makes it hard to choose.
My favourites are the Happy Postcrossing cards with the Netherlands being my favourite number one.

namajak, United States of America

Happy Postcrossing From USA! Lots of other too!

hermelinea, France

Hi, thank you for sharing, they are all good and original!
I have a hard time making a choice ... I still have a preference for "around the world" with tampons ... good postcrossing to all

czuczy66, Canada

So many creative cards to choose from... I loved the "stamp flag" series the best!!

Pawstcrossing, Brazil

I love this Happy Postcrossing series, but all products are amazing!

CorgiGirl, United States of America

Hello, they are all very nice. Hard to pick just one or two. Germany North to South and Airmail.

ilenia, Italy

I am in love with the european flag made of stamps <3

hellerib, United States of America

I'm excited to know that these cards are available to order. I have seen them from time to time...and wondered how I could order them...especially Happy Postcrossing from the USA! I also have been searching for a postcrossing stamp!! I hope that I win...if not...I will hope to order them soon. Thank you for the opportunity!!

eaglerising, United States of America

I love the U.S. stamp flag. Very nice!

LYS, Malaysia

Wow😍😍I love all the series but my favorite is country series. The cards are so beautiful and amazing. I really hope I will be one of the winner😃fingers crossed. Thank you for the amazing opportunity.

BeanieBoos, New Zealand

What a beautiful collection. I love the Around the World postcards. So cool.

zomertje, Netherlands

Ooooow how lovely, I know the paperisters already and have there card Greeting from the Netherlands, they are so lovely and are well received!!!
Hope to get some more of these. Got one from Switserland and got to there site that way. Love there cards.

Tigerqueen, United States of America

The “How to say hello in German” card is my favorite. It reminds me to practice my German!

mattyboy3y, Italy

I love the Happy Postcrossing from... thanks for opportunity! Very kind from you!

EnglishFitzPercy, Germany

I love the postcards made from stamps, especially the European one! I also like the typisch NRW :)

josephineheeringa, Netherlands

Yes! The stamp collages 💌

cbear214, United States of America

I love the "Happy Postcrossing from..." cards. And I love the Typical German things too! Very nice!

Totta, Italy

I love the German Landmark series the most. These postcards remind me of the beautiful places I visited as an international student in Germany many years ago :)

Esther62, Netherlands

So happy to discover this shop!! My favourite card is the Posthorn made of stamps.

Sandristica, Spain

This web is great! I like very much all of them but my favorite postcard is Around the World.

seaturtle0925, United States of America

Such bright colorful cards! I love the for you cards, very lovely

gnarosaurus, Belarus

"Happy Postcrossing" cards are totally amazing! Love them all!

Mosshumla, Sweden

I like the stamp flags best, and the Just Airmail set as a close second.

RaeKaren, United States of America

Great selection! My favorite is the German Christmas symbols postcard. Loved the advent calendars and traditions when I lived there for 3 years as a child. Brought back wonderful memories. Thank you!

yagmurasila, Türkiye

I love the "Happy Postcrossing from..." series!

sonyfj, Finland

I like just everything :) My favourite are stamp flag cards!

searow66, Spain

My favourite are the Airmail ones, please I´m the winner!!!! :D

jimfields3, United States of America

I have plenty of postcards for my region, so I would love to have some of the "For You" series!

Jobineke, Netherlands

Schöne Postkarten! Ich denke dass die Länderserien am schönsten sind. Viele Grüsse aus den Niederlanden.

viaMicaela, United States of America

I absolutely love the stamp flag cards also!! So clever to create a flag out of vintage postage from each country. Amazing! Thank you for doing this giveaway! Love papersisters.

saluti_al_postino, Poland

I love all of them:) too difficult to choose *.*

fausta__, Lithuania

All of them are really beautiful! Especially stamp flag cards are really original! It’s so hard to choose my favorite ones, but it is Airmail postcards series!

SisterKate, Russia

I like Airmail international card

kate101, Hungary

I like the "Happy Postcrossing" magnet & the Typical Postcrossing card :)

Katrin110291, Russia

All their cards are lovely. But my favorites are the stamp flag cards. But all the postcards are so creative and unique.

daiana_o, Germany

Such a touch choice! Love the stamp postcards, perhaps my favourite is the one showing German writers:
Oh, and the one with inventors! Oh, and the one with... (I would have to fill in at least a dozen!)

PickledPoppy, United States of America

Eeeeek! EVERY card is absolutely INCREDIBLE! I am from Germany and living in USA so my favorite is tied between the German flag of stamps or the US flag of stamps. Thank you very much for the opportunity to win!

Iside82, Italy

The "happy postcrossing" series :)

MA2017, Finland

The Landmark series are absolutely amazing! So much information in one postcard :)

amysbrooks, United States of America

I love the Christmas postcard but of course I love all things Christmas anyway!

cateyegypsy, United States of America

I really like them all but my favorite is the stamp collage postcards.

Hohdin, Finland

Landmarks Finland is my favorite.

sheshe6620, United Kingdom

I love the Birthday ones . Flowers and post ,my favourite things 🤗

Kuhwilli, Germany

I like everything but the cow with the bad hair day is very special .

MerlinM, Germany

Wow, it is really not easy. But I like the German Inventors and German Poets best. I wish there would be similar postcards for other countries. But really the decision is very difficult I also like the Landmarks and Happy Postcrossing series.

Neskofiets, Netherlands

I adore the postcrossing cards. I would love to receive them all (W&S)!

Dorien13, Belgium

Wow, so many nice postcards! My favourites are the stamp postcards!

takerusatoh, China

I love all the designs! Especially the serie that shows the typical things of a city/country. Wishing to see some new cards about China:)

Sarah_Connor, United States of America

I love the Stamp Flags and Around the World. They are so cool.

Mokey19, United Kingdom

My favourites are the Happy Postcrossing ones.

cheapskategardener, Canada

very awesome

Hoernchen1, Germany

So many cool and lovely cards, I love the German landmarks and Happy Postcrossing ones.

DancingRain, Malaysia

This is so tough as I absolutely love all of it, and to choose a favourite is impossible but I'll go with the Snail Mail :)

coyvo, Germany

The German series is lovely

JohnnyLightning, Belgium

The Stamp flags are BRILLIANT!

fabk2, United States of America

I love the Happy Postcrossing US and the the US Stamp Flag cards!!

ZSinTO, Canada

Papersisters, your website is a joy to visit! I, like many others, would be so appreciative to receive some of your postcards. They're all so much fun, but I would cherish the air mail or snail mail set. Like you, I also like postcards of maps, subway lines, zebras and I always try to use beautiful, and often vintage, stamps. Air mail stickers are fun! Thank you for this generous offer! All best, ZS

PlasticOno, Canada

I love the Europe Stamp Flag!

Mamiielariie, Belgium

I really like the HPC serie alot and make already a facebookgroup for it! People who like them add you to the nice group and let's swap!

Jumu, Netherlands

My favorite is the posthorn card. Stamps + bright yellow and black = a winner. All the stamp cards are nice!

KarineL, Canada

I like the "for you " series, the ones related to canada and i looove the cow with the bad hair day ! :-)

sjoerdvos, Netherlands

I would go for the international air mail postcard!

DeclanM, United States of America

I loooove the posthorn made out of stamps. It's creative! I love stamp art in general!

ChicClara, Canada

Happy postcrossing from... - Sweets - German Beers - How to say goodbye in German 😁 The one with many cancellations. Hello from Canada 🇨🇦! 🤗

STUFFellaneous, United States of America

Happy Postcrossing US

elpis, Australia

All of them are sooo good! But my favourite is "Around the world" :-)

NancyNijntje, Netherlands

The rubberstamp Thank you Postman is my favourite. I work as a post-wo-man for 23 years now and I would be very happy to see such a stamp on the/my mail haha! But it is about cards so ... I like the Happy Postcrossing cards and all the airmailcards and the snailmailcard.

Nana805, France

I like very much all the postcards. It’s a real good job, the sisters do.
Maybe the card “around the world” could be the favourite one ...(for Postcrossing).
I wish good luck for every one on the contest.

hulamunki, United States of America

How can I choose? I want the whole collection! What lovely cards...such creative designs you have...and also the rubber stamps are so great, too! The bison on the US ID stamp is perfect. I love too many to choose a favorite! They are all so special. Well done!

MissSassiFras, United States of America

So many delightful cards to choose from makes it hard to pick. I must sat that I like the "For You" cards and also the stamp collage cards.

ronalpss, Canada

I really like the "zen for you"! postcards make me relax in my busy life in general and a relaxing postcard is a win-win! :D

revode, United States of America

I have been trying to research my heritage for many years, but have reached roadblocks - all I know is that they came from the Schleswig-Holstein area. So that card is definitely my favorite, not only because it has taught me a little bit more and made me feel that much closer to my ancestors, but I love the artwork, too! Thank you for creating these postcards!

sarahabmc, United States of America

I really, really like the selection of old stamps and of course I actually love them all

sheen87, United States of America

I love the happy postcrossing ones

CarminaBurana, Canada

I know Wiebke since she was in Canada and since that time I am in love with their work, Wiebke and her sister. I love the stamps serial. Thanks for the contest! :D

rotulio, Italy

I love the Italy Stamp Flag!!

vanny1210, Germany

Their postcards are awesome. But my favourite is the stamp flag series. It´s such a great idea! :D

NadineRodrigues, Portugal

My favourite postcard is the happy postcrossing PT 😊

Rho, United Kingdom

I also really like the stamp flags.

bugbrat, United States of America

My favorites are "Typical Postcrossing" and "Around the World" - Thanks!

Misiasio21, Canada

My favourite is Canada package and Canadian ID stamp. Thank you for the lottery!

CreativeArtLover, United States of America

I just order some cute U.S. postcards and a stamp!!!!

guvina, Italy

I love Airmail and Snailmail essentials!

Mysteria, Germany

Oh, they have such lovely postcards and other things! The card with various German beer glasses is quite funny. I also love the card that teaches how to say hello in German because I just love the German language, been studying it for many years. ♥

whiskersonkittens, United Kingdom

Typical Postcrossing is my favorite! :)

LittleWoman, United States of America

German Sweets!

Itinha, Portugal

My favourite are the Happy Postcrossing and the PT...Postcard ID Rooster love it!!!!!

DueSer, United States of America

I love the ones that are flags made out of postage stamps - so clever!

flannelflower, Australia

So many lovely designs! Hello, Goodbye, Happy Postcrossing and the stamp collages are some of my favourites.

Bossmare, United States of America

I like the postage stamp cards. They are cool!

Bowyum, Australia

I am a fan of any card which mentions Postcrossing, so would love to receive one from that series.

emilyann, United States of America

By airmail, awesome!

fire_maggie, United States of America

I love the airmail one most of all. :) I think the postcrossing series is nice but not particularly the USA one.

Cri_ciprea, Italy

What lovely cards! I like the Happy Poscrossing series and the Tschüss card as well!

kiwijanine, New Zealand

Hard to choose as like them . I like any that say postcrossing

triplightly, United States of America

So many fun ones to choose from! I really like:
Airmail international, Postcrossing US, Around the World, and US Stamp Flag

Cully, United States of America

I like the Posthorn card!

suvimmmm, Finland

My favorite is Just Airmail - Postcard and Sticker Set.

Sammone, Netherlands

The flags made with stamps are colorful and creative, also enjoy the Rainbow colored map of Germany!

otegami, Japan

The rubber stamps & stickers are great!

stickerz78, United States of America

All are lovely, but I like "Snail mail essentials" best!

Mary_Smire, Russia

Oddly enough, for me the choice is obvious)). My favorite series is Happy Postcrossing (especially RU). The concept is lovely for me. There is nothing extra only interesting facts in pictures. My first HP from Papersisters was from Austria. Thanks ennstalerin for get me to know about this pretty series!

swan, United States of America

It's really impossible to choose a favorite, but I'll go with Schleswig-Holstein from the German Landmark Series. I'm from that state and it has the Holstentor right there in the middle.

nenya1985, Germany

I really like the "How to say hello in German" class. :)

ChenZijuanyeah, China

I like every cards!!Each of them is so wonderful and beautiful!!😆I like the Typical Postcrossing Card most.

sweet20j, United States of America

I love the US Stamp Flag cards!

perfect_blue, Italy

Love the Happy Postcrossing cards! Also, the "For you" series really spoke to me.

gmunthe90, Indonesia

The stamp cards of course! Super cool 😆

guise1201, United States of America

They are all gorgeous! But the Typical Postcrossing card is amazingly lovely!

Yoyoww, United States of America

💜 💗 Typical Postcrossing. That's what it's all about.....Postal Love and Postcrossing!

Alberta-Girl68, Canada

I love the Canada postcard because I am Canadian 🇨🇦 :)

PetraQ, Czech Republic

Hello! My fave is Typical Postcrossing!

MommaBear1977, Canada

So exciting!! I'd let the kids pick! They'd be so excited.

tarawe, Canada

I love the around the world postcards with all the cancellation marks.

hello_indira, Indonesia

I love the "Happy Postcrossing" series and "Just Airmail" series. It is so difficult to choose because all the cards are awesome!

Tenar, Portugal

Lovely postcards! My favorite one is the "Snailmail Essentials" one :)

RV-En-Terre-Inconnue, Canada

I love them all, but my favourite one is the Around the World postcard. The Happy Postcrossing series is really cool too.

COSmatthew, United States of America

I'm partial to the cards featuring the United States! I especially like the one with the flag made out of stamps!

dena1965, United States of America

My favorite of all the wonderful cards is *German Beer Glasses*

Badrit, Indonesia

All the cards are unique, i love them all. I should choose one, I take rainbow germany :)

CathyFay, United States of America

I love the US flag made from stamps! My 2nd favorite has to be the German beer glasses.

ned44440, Ireland

What an impossible task you have set us, Ana. It would almost be easier to hold back the tide. They are all my favourites.

perrydeborah, United States of America

Oh... My its so hard to just pick one ....But I will go with ...Around the World postcard.....

olettera, United States of America

US Stamp Flag is my fav!

betslets, United States of America

I lived in Germany for some time, many years ago, and cannot remember seeing such a selection of cards there as Papersisters offers today. As many Postcrossers have said, trying to choose favorites is most difficult. However, I enjoyed seeing the cards of Unesco sites in Germany and those offering various German cities. Just seeing these brought back wonderful memories.

RumDilly, Japan

How can one decide?
They are all very lovely!
I like the german poet side, because I sometimes try to explain my japanese friends about writers etc....and most of them have no clue!

patty_la, Mexico

I love the Snailmail Essentials postcard. Also all the german series <3

NancyfromBC, United States of America

I love " By Airmail" But all are them are cute, nonetheless! :)

nicolet, Malaysia

I love the Postcrossing series postcards! I find them very unique and depicts the country so nicely! <3

karli, United States of America

I like the airmail stickers an postcards set.

vivyma, United States of America

I like the “Typical Postcrossing” and the “Snailmail Essentials” ones...I couldn’t choose just one! They’re great!

jm1122, United States of America

My favorite is the Sweets for You doughnut postcard.

ThunkShelf, United States of America

I like the Around the World postcard best!

kittenwsharpclaws, Canada

What a neat bunch of cards. I have to say that i love the Canada set the best. .

uconn, United States of America

my favorite is the US Stamp Flag

kathilo, United States of America

Lots of cute ones, but my favorite is the "Snail Mail Essentials'.

brookesheree, United States of America

The stamp series is most inspiring!

Kanmj, Taiwan

I like the "Typisch ~" series and the similar "German drinks/sweets."

CraftyTokyoMama, Japan

Around the World is my favorite. The US flag card is great as well. Thanks for introducing this nice shop.

JammaicanPatty, Philippines

I fell in love with the stamp flag series. I loved how bits and pieces of stamps cam make a bigger picture ❤️

SLPascual, Philippines

Happy Postcrossing is my No. 1 Favorite.....

SunflowerLover, United States of America

Wow, what wonderful postcards!
My favorite one is the Christmas items with the German words for each things. A great way to learn a new language!
I wish these sisters great luck in their new business. A very positive outcome to such a wonderful hobby!

Heepy, United States of America

I especially like the assorted German sweets postcard. I grew up in Germany, and I miss their baked goods. So, seeing them on a postcard is awesome.

BrittJohnson, United States of America

I've always liked the US Stamp flag postcards. Lots of care clearly went into making it! (And I've always thought the US Bison postcard stamp was very neat - I just had the opportunity to see some bison at a state park and their size is really mind boggling!)

guildam595, Canada

Wow, so many amazing postcards! I think my favourite would have to be the Postern. Not only did I learn something new about mail and postage, but it looks so cool with the incorporation of the stamps!

emilyfauxbull, United States of America

So many fun postcards an supplies.

MsConnie, United States of America

Love the USA flag one!

rsabioni, Canada

Love the "Posthorn" postcard!

sarast14, Canada

The Canada post card of course pretty 🇨🇦

Angeldreamer, United States of America

I love the stamp flags!! Partial to my own country of course but I love them all.

kaosticOcean, Canada

The Postcrossing serie is my favorite :)

HannahF, United States of America

I love the "Airmail International", "US Stamp Flag", "Around the World", "Happy Postcrossing US", and "Snailmail Essentials" postcards the most personally. I'm a huge fan of all the rubber stamps offered, too!

George23, United States of America

I like the “US stamp flag.” It is so nice and beautiful. I also think it’s the best series because it is related both to the Postcrossing and to the country the postcard is sent from. Maybe, I like nice stamps too much.

lusihuei, Taiwan

My favorite postcard is Around the world.

peterlar, United States of America

The stamp flag series are of absolute favorites I’d love to receive some of those some day!

joyoustmjp, United States of America

The "Around The World" cancellation marks postcard struck me immediately. Had me thinking not only about our letters and postcards traveling the world (& graciously allowing us to live vicariously through them), but also of an art project I once did, where I covered a notebook cover in those stickers that are always on fruit in the grocery store. I got good compliments on it, & a few years later, I saw a professional artist working on a similar project in her studio! I gives me new ideas for art projects...

wohlfjoa, United States of America

The country map postcards

Eli8274, United States of America

I have to say that I really liked the German Poets card- artists, and writers especially, are so closely connected tot he spirit of the place that they lived/worked I've always thought they make a great subject for postcards.

gj1979, Netherlands

The around the world series. Love them!

Gan_Gan, Malaysia

I've received one of the postcard (Germany) last week, I didn't know it's from Papersisters! Love the quality & design so much!!

mkrish, India

Every cards are wonderful and attached with a theme in that.its really nice.
My favorite German Landmark Series and Europe Stamp Flag

Exploradora73, Netherlands

I love your cards my favourite is the Happy Postcrossing NL

Restu_Amalia, Indonesia

All cards are beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
My favourite : postcrossing series of course :)

cathyzhengbb, New Zealand

Well!! So much to choose from. My favourite is Around the World .

Rosie2766, United States of America

Oh my...there are so many to choose from, but I think the Happy Postcrossing are my favorite!!!

bluepuppy, Malaysia

Wow! I love the For You series card! They are too sweet, cute & adorable 🍭💐🐾

Sayuri_Sekaikami, Russia

I love the Typical Postcrossing card and Happy Postcrossing RU. But the design of all postcards is unique and beautiful!
Special favourites of mine are rubber stamps and sticker packs <3

Aya_, Poland

All postcards are beautiful, congrats on the idea! My favourite would be German poets and Typical Postcrossing.

Korttien_kuningatar, Finland

Very creative cards all of them! My personal favorites are Typical postcrossing and Finnish stamp flag😊

livi16, Spain

I really like the "Happy Postcrossing" series.
But...yes, the choice is difficult!

RichardSu, China

European Stamp Flag and Around World are my favorites! Hope I can have the chance :-D

lama1, Netherlands

I like the "how to say hello in German" card but the postcrossing cards of every country are also great.

vesnal, Slovenia

It's so dificult to choose.
Postcard Pack "For You" is great. And Postcrossing series. Mmmmm. And Rubbers stamps. Aaaa...

silver_macaroons, Canada

They are all so nice! My favorite would be the happy postcrossing series and the around the world cards and by air mail.

PascaleOh, France

I like very much the postcards "For you" :D

Stargirl73, Germany

I like the stamp flag postcards, especially the European one.

chrisstonycreek, France

I like the German landmark series and especially Hessen. But all the cards are Nice ;-)

LaRouxQuine, France

Nice to hear about the story of papersisters! There's a lot of nice postcards on the website (even if we can't send some from our country ^^), but my favorites are the FR ruberstamp, and the Airmail stickers ! :)

Agi1230, Hungary

Wow, sooooooo beautiful and creative postcards! Thanks for the chance to win, but choosing will be hard... :)

Tanuss, Belarus

I really enjoy Niedersachsen and Hamburg postcards, just because they are pretty and because my dear cousin lives in Niedersachsen, and I we travelled there together. So I keep really warm memories from this land.

StuartH, United Kingdom

My favourite is the Posthorn one - all those stamps from around the world and evoking memories of a bygone age when the postman used to blow his horn from the horse drawn carriage.

rollmops, Germany

I love all the stamp collages the most I think.
But it's amazingly hard to choose. I might have to get them all.

RobynPainter, Australia

I like the “Big Letter Germany” postcard. It is colourful and eyecatching and simple. I like alot of the others too, but that’s my favourite.

makotar, Philippines

There are so many postcards to choose from but I really like the "German Stamp flag" postcard. I hope I get to win. I love postcards. I would love to receive one from the sisters.

pins, Netherlands

oh my god these are all gorgeous!! I literally fell in love with the stamp flag series, just perfect.. Thanks for the giveaway and introducing meton this shop~ I'll definitely consider buying one!

LouisaLuk, Hong Kong

OMG, there are so many beautiful postcards and especially I love the card with food!!! Love to eat so much!!!! But German Landmark Series also very colorful!!!! It is hard to pick one favorite from them.

enidan, Germany

Of all those wonderful postcards my favourites are the postcards with German food, sweets and drinks :-)

InBetween, Germany

I like the Germany postcards best! Lots of postcrossers ask for cards on country related topics and these are perfect for that!

catsings, New Zealand

My goodness, that’s very impressive. I’d opt for Typical Postcrossing because it mentions New Zealand.

sinta, Indonesia

Waw... so difficult to choose, may I choose a lot?:D I love the Postmarks, Happy Postcrossing, Typical Postcrossing, Sweets and Flags the most, but all is beautiful! Thank you for the chance ;)

Antje321, Germany

They all are wonderful, but I like the German Post Horn the most ;-)

ch_nz, Germany

I like flags, I love stamps so the choice is natural: I really like the postcards depicting flags made out of stamps. I received the Finnish one a short while ago and was wondering where it was made. Now I know. :-)

XIN99, Malaysia

I love the Around The World postcard so much !The postcards are all wonderful ! (●´з`)♡

feral, Australia

"Around the World" It reminds me of a well travelled passport (in the old days)

JCB24, Netherlands

I also like the Stamp Flag collection. Pity there isn't one with the Dutch flag.

vkribe, Indonesia

It's really hard to choose.. but, the 'priority rubber stamps' sounds great. I really like it.

la-kathy, Germany

The "Around the World" Stuff is amazing <3
You can always use it

Syniel, Germany

I really like the cards about the different regions of Germany. A bit of stereotypes but definetely funny

batzi, Germany

I like the stamp-collections best. My favourite is the Posthorn.

ys2876, China

All the stamp flags are so cool!!!

cherrylalaball, Hong Kong

My favourite postcard is "Typical Postcrossing". I love stamps and postcards since I joined postcrossing before. This postcard seems to conclude what I like and present it in a clear and tidy way:-)

chauchau, Hong Kong

all of them are too lovely, but my favourite one if the ''around the world one'' since I love the ideas of putting different post marks together, simple yet so unique! :)

Lesewolke, Germany

What a great give away. I love the papersister cards, mostly the typical things for a special region.

karmenu, Malta

The "stamp collages" are my favourite :-)

summer_melody, Russia

Absolutely beautiful and cute postcards! It's really hard to choose, but my favorites are "Around the world", " Von Nord nach Sued" and "Typical Postcrossing".

margreetbtn, Netherlands

Great cards, hard to pick a favorit.
I think typical postcrossing is my favorit, as the card made me laugh out loud 😁

kanel971, France

The flag cards made with stamps and the "Happy Postcrossing" are my favorites cards ;)

kugusch, Germany

I was fortunate to meet the papersisters in person last October in Bielefeld, and shop a little on location. I love the vibrant colors and design of the landmark series, and as I myself do stamp collaging, of course I love those cards, too. They are all quite neat, AND a really nice quality card.
And OMG!!! The "night weather" rubber stamp is SO cool!!!!!!!!

wei_c, Malaysia

I like the Hallo! postcard a lot!

Indah1, Netherlands

I like "Hallo!" It tells people about how do people greet each other in the different corners of Germany. However, all of the postcards on website damn so good and makes me one to have it all!

josephvm, India

Wow. Thanks for the giveaway Papersisters. I love the "Postcards
German Landmark Series (English)" series.

Paavaliina, Finland

My favourite postcard is Landmarks Finland!
Thank you for this!

Bibii, Germany

What a nice giveaway! <33 It's pretty difficult to choose a favourite - took me a while :D I love them all, but especially the 'Happy Postcrossing DE' postcard and the 'Deutschland auf einen Blick' are really nice. :)
And not to mention the rubberstamps ... the are all amazing! <3

HM, Netherlands

Favorite: Just Airmail. Postcard and sticker set.

stinemor, United Kingdom

Happy post crossing and around the world are my favourites. Although they are all amazing.

kasia_kubik, Poland
TerriGreenberg, United States of America

I like the flags a lot. It gives me a great idea for being creative with the piles of stamps I have! (I have a friend who would really like the beer glasses one!)

Dahliana, Germany

So many wonderful postcards. :-) My favourite ones are the postcards of the 'Happy postcrossing from...' series.

halizarahman, Malaysia

Their designs are lively! my personal fav is 'happy postcrossing from' series :D

laura_001, Germany

Never heard of them, but they look absolutely beautiful:)
I like the Postcrossing and the stamp flag one the best:))

la_luna_pusa, Philippines

My favorite series are "Postcard Pack for you" and "Just Airmail" series and "Typical Postcrossing" card.

linkalexin, Portugal

They are all so lovely! I love the Around the World with all the beautiful cancelation marks and of course the "Happy Postcrossing PT"!!! ;)

AleksandraBD, France

Lot of them are nice and my top are those with the maps :-)

Koersty, Germany

They're all so beautiful! I prefer the "typisch Deutsch" or "German sweets".

giorgina80, Italy

Wow is very difficult choose one :)
My favourite is
Happy Postcrossing IT

Good luck to everyone

Mocca, United Kingdom

Hard to choose! But I like the 'Happy Postcrossing series', 'Just Airmail' series, 'Landmarks Finland', 'Landmarks Germany', Rubber stamps... So beautiful!!

EvieB, United States of America

Happy Postcrossing US for sure with RELAX coming in 2nd :) Great stamps too!!!

Soobeen, Korea (South)

Ohhhhhhh it is really difficult to choose one, but I would love to choose 'Happy Postcrossing GB' as my favorite! As I lived in the UK as an exchange student last year, I really miss my friends in the UK and the UK itself. It will be awesome if I can receive that postcard. I've been watching postcards of Papersisters on Instagram but I did not know that I could buy them online! I think I'd better buy some, they are wonderful :)

Gertarud, Germany

I like the postcards with pictures made of stamps, it reminds me of a poster my sister did. And of course the cards with the typical stuff of the different states of Germany.

Mirfi, Australia

I like the Just Airmail set, probably because I'm not from the European countries on many of the others. I really love the Thank you Postman rubber stamp too!

Elkka, Finland

Germany is my fav country so easy to pick: Deutschland Landmark Series auf Deutsch

ApolloniaVeronika, Germany

I really love Airmail-Stickers, thats why I choose the Airmail-Postcards:) Peace & Love!

Worldtraveler90, Germany

The German Landmark Series in English because so i can tell people from all over the World something about my home region or fav parts of my home country...
I love their ruberstamps too ♥

CharlottePV, France

The "typical post crossing" card is very nice :-)
Thanks for this giveaway!!!

Pansy93, Russia

Wow! They're all so great! I liked the series "Happy Postcrossing" and the postcard "Relax". To be honest, I'm the first to hear about Papersisters. Thank you!

cheezyhoe2006, Malaysia

The first time I saw the Happy Postcrossing series, I totally fell in love with it. Thank you so much for the giveaway!

ana92, Portugal

Thank you for this giveaway! 😁 I love the postcard about Portugal! 🇵🇹 Happy postcrossing everyone!

KateWolfbaer, Germany

I love the design and my favorite is the Happy Postcrossing serie!

Alina92, Germany

Great giveaway! My favourite postcard is the one with the posthorn made from a collage of stamps :)

Kat-Zen, France

Hard to choose! So many nice cards... My favorite may be the Hugs card... Too cute! :-)

Jelena_Herz, Serbia

Really interesting design! My personal favourite is "German beer glasses" as I like both beer and collect bottles & glasses! Would like to receive this card someday :D

ritvapeltola, Finland

I loooove all your products! Happy Postcrossing serie might be now the favorite...

inion_mekhi, Poland

I absolutely love the stamp flags! Such a brilliant idea!

Shamkez, United Kingdom

My favourite is postcard series is the Happy Post-crossing one, also love all the stamps - Particularly the weather ones!

Ti-ti-uu_North, Finland

Snail mail essentials -simple but amazing!

twinsis, Portugal

Pretty nice postcards from papersisters postcards!
I like the "For you" postcards, they have a simple but good message to share.

amgardne, United States of America

I love them all! I always enjoy getting these cards and wondered where they came from. I would love to have a set from the US.

joanann, United States of America

I like all of them but particularly the US stamps flag and the symbols cards.

juttertje, Netherlands

Wonderful postcards but one just touched my heart: the teddy from hug for you!
I'm 65 years old and as a child I played with a similar, well loved and a bit worn teddy that had belonged to my mother.


I like all postcards: my favourite are stamps flags.

Blue_Sheep, Germany

My favourite is the one with the cancellation marks from all around the world.
But there are so many other awesome ones too.

strawberry131, United States of America

Cute! I like the German word postcards.

Caramiga, France

I already received some of them, they are so nice. But my favorite can be the posthorn !

theresebees, Belgium

I love the stamp flags! The colours and the idea make it very unique. Hopefully, there will be one for Belgium one day!

Cannamell, Russia

German Landmark series, Happy postcrossing set and the ones that are made up of lots of different stamps getting together to form a country flag are adorable. It's my cup of tea indeed. <3

kzswap, Kazakhstan

Like stamps flag and around the world with postmarks. Postmarks is my passion

Anactf, Portugal

I really like these postcards, all of them. My favourite is "the typical post crossing". <3

Oaksilver, United States of America

It is so hard to choose just one! I really like all of these postcards since they are so creative, colorful and unique. My favorite is the "posthorn".

lifedance, Philippines

All of the postcards are lovely but I love the German stamp flag! Cheers!!

cbayha, United States of America

I love Papersisters! My favorite is the “Typical Postcrossing” postcard - i just sent one to a new member!

Leonor1722, Portugal

I love the postcard about Portugal! Happy postcrossing!

laridian, United States of America

Those stamp collages are fabulous! And I like the Postcrossing cards too, those would be fun to send to other Postcrossers :)

katskity, United States of America

Love them all. But the stamp flags really stood out to me, along with the german inventors and poets.

thistledown, United Kingdom

My favourite is the rainbow Germany, it is so bright and would lift anyone's spirits.


DeliaDobre, Romania

Well...I like the Relax card, because that's what we need from time to relax....:)
All are very cute!

Reggenta, Czech Republic

I like Zebra and Bad Hair day! Everything related to animals makes my day everyday :-)

poppypaper, Philippines

I love all of the items but I think I like the airmail international postcard the most! :)

Dep8, Czech Republic

It is a very hard to choose one, but the number one for me is "Typical postrossing".

AnnaAzalee, Germany

I just got a package of these postcards from my co-worker for my birthday. We were both sad that the new German poets card was released after she ordered. But my favorite is the German sweets postcard.

ksenkop, Latvia

I love all postcards, but my favorite is 'Snailmail essentials'! I also like all postcards with flags made out of stamps!

siobhan, Germany

I like the German Landmark Series (in English) best, but it really is hard to choose. The stamp collages might win if you ask me again in 5 minutes. ;)

Dianchik81, Russia

I like "Happy Postcrossing RU".

Copperplate, United Kingdom

Airline and Airmail vintage sticker set, definitely! But everything is lovely :) I always put stickers on my postcards and I love getting them, they make me really happy!

Regndroppar, Finland

There are so many of nice cards like Happy Postcrossing and Stamp Flags, but I like 'Sweets for you' best. 🙂

tonipoet, United States of America

My favorite is Happy Postcrossing from the US. Thanks for the chance to win!

Cakepop85, Germany

Wow, absolutely great! I really like all of them but I prefer the "German sweets" postcard! :)

Thanks for the chance to win! :)

Burialsheer, Estonia

I of course wish there was a "Happy Postcrossing from Estonia" card. :D
I think my favourite ones are these that show typical German things.

lio35, Germany

As a German postcrosser I think the "how to say hello/goodbye in German" cards a great to send. There are many postcrossers who like to learn some words in different languages. At the same time the cards show the diversity and differences within Germany. The "German sweets" card is great as well =)

Soikku, Finland

My favourite is Around the world :) It was hard to choose because I like very much also Typical postcrossing card and all cards related to Finland.

Bees-and-Butterflies, France

I love the Unesco World Heritage DE1. It would be great if there was one for different countries. It is like a must visit check list.
Lovely range of cards. I am sure I will buy some items soon.

nisnoopy3, Malaysia

The Air Mail stickers postcard is my favourite. Please keep up the good work! Thank you!

cheller7, United States of America

I can't pick just one! My favorites include Airmail International, By Airmail, Around the World, Hugs and US Stamp Flag. I also really like the various Postcrossing designs. :-)

Lyudmila_, Russia

I like the "Happy Postcrossing" series!

ilzeb, South Africa

Definitely love the postcards with stamps arranged like a flag - super idea!

Othello, France

I like all the postcards and it would be too difficult to select only one !. All of them are so cute and unusual.

msskt, Finland

Beautiful postcards! I'd be happy to find any one of those in my mailbox! FI stamp flag is my current favourite.

sherikay, United States of America

I love the stamps flag postcard!!

blweaver, United States of America

My favorite is the relax card!

catwool, United States of America

I am a US customer of Papersisters, I love the stamps and have 2, I also love the post cards. After viewing the website again my new favorite post card is the beer glasses of Germany. Please include me in this giveaway contest!!

hanc31, United Kingdom

I love all of these! I think the happy postcrossing GB is my favourite though xxxx

lraven13, United States of America

So fun. Posthorn is so eyecatching!

JetteLise, Netherlands

What a coincidence ! I have received a " special designed card " : The Pottmeeting " in Germany . It's my first card, received and designed by Papersisters , so I " feel & see " the beautiful card ! My personal choice ( they're all beautiful ) is this one : Typical Postcrossing ! ( To be honest . it's hard to make a choice , I also like Snailmail Essentials and more, more , more ,more , like the rubberstamps and stickers . )

honeybee, Austria

I love the postcards of papersisters and already received some of them. I also bought some of their postcards and rubberstamps in their online-shop. Especially I love the country series "Happy postcrossing".

-Karina-, Netherlands

I really love all of the postcards the papersisters made and I would love to receive one from them one day. My absolute favourite is easy though; I love the posthorn the most. I play the musical instrument "French horn", which looks a lot like it. I've never seen such a card before and I think it is really pretty!

valeriekhas, Ukraine

My absolute favourite is German Landmark Series - first of all, I like this kind of cards with some infromation on the cities (I have almost collected the whole set of cards with Ukrainian cities). And the second reason - I'm preparing to German exam right now, so it would be a good sign to receive these kind of cards )

Lord5005, United States of America

I loved them all. I have the German flag painted in my garage (my maternal grandparents were German) along with the other national flags of my husband's and my grandparents' so maybe I would pick the German flag. But another favorite is the how to say hello.

DaniMoon, United States of America

Such pretty and awesome postcards!!!!
Love the stamp inspired ones.
I think they're very cute.
Also love the one that says how to say hello in....

heleen3824, Netherlands

My favourite would be Typical Postcrossing card. The cards made up of stamps are great too.

Max_Furmanov, Russia

I enjoy different cards, but my favorite are "Statistics" by Ewa Stocinska. They contain lot's of interesting facts about countries and looks pretty cute :)

Greeh, Germany

My favourite card is the one with the "Snail Mail Essentials". :)

linku, Germany

We love the German Länder postcards!!

blagomar77, Russia

I like the state maps and the stamp flags)

Jen_n_Cats, Germany

It's hard to pick just one, but I love the "Mail" set. So creative and cheering!

milrose44, United Kingdom

I love the Just Airmail set, however I think my favourite has to be the Europe stamp flag post card :) I love the EU flag and the unity it brings!

MarcsiBB, United States of America

So hard to choose. But if I have to pick one, it would be the Around the World postcard. I love mail stamps.

somarsola, Latvia

The 'Happy Postcrossing!' set of cards for me :)

j3, United States of America

The rubberstamps! Definitely! So much fun to use.

Picklesmustard, Australia

Around the World and Typical Postcrossing 🙂

lauranon, Czech Republic

I adore the Around the World ones! :) They are so nice!

tea_and_books, Germany

Wow, you have very lovely postcards!
I really like the Happy Postcrossing series... maybe because I am new to Postcrossing and I would love to send and get some of those!
But I also really like the Stamp flag series. My dad used to collect stamps and I like colourful and interesting looking stamps as well.
*keeping fingers crossed*

Cassisia, Germany

My favourite is the "Germany"-series: German drinks, food, sweets - and the best: German beer glasses. :D Great postcards you don't get anywhere else.

ag_ma, Czech Republic

I like the stamp flag series

Climbing, Germany

I like the posthorn-card most (and other ones with stamp-pictures). and i really like the weather-rubberstamp :-))

Beccacabra, United States of America

I love all of the stamp flag postcards!

AutismMom, United States of America

They are all fabulous! I had the wonderful pleasure of sending a card to Maike and she sent a beautiful papersisters card as a "thank you". I would love to have the US stamp flag card. Stunning! Best of luck to all!

wayness, United States of America

I like around the world :)

Aspnas, Finland

I like them all but my favourite would be the "Von Nord nach Süd - North to South".
A fun and colourful card.

jordi07, Spain

All their cards are so great, but I love the country series the most, specially Spain card! ;)

inesbarbosa, Portugal

Happy Postcrossing from, but they're all great! Love the stamps!

ZenCat, United States of America

These postcards are all wonderful, but I especially like the airmail series.

dbb-postal, United States of America

All the cards are awesome - I like the Landmark series, Happy Postcrossing series and Hugs. :D

rosabranca, Portugal

I LOVE THE "HUGS" Postcard ! :D

StacieStarr, United States of America

All of them are amazing of course! I would have to say my favorite is the stamp flags, especially the U.S. one. It would be one I would be proud to send to others or have in my own collection.

dili04, Germany

I love all of the Postcards - and I can't choose one favorite :)
I love the Baden-Württemberg one, because I have been living here for 8 years now - but I also love the Saxony one, because I grew up there. I am also in love with the USA, because my dad is American and Greece, because my wonderful partner in crime is a Greek.
Happy Postcrossing to everyone :)

DianaCoelho, Portugal

I like the "for you" series... very nice!

EEK7148, United States of America

I love any of the usa ones!!

WanderingRoots, Canada

Wow! Love these! We're relatively new to Postcrossing and would love to send or receive some of these! Our kids picked out the "Happy Postcrossing from Canada' set as their favourite. Thanks for the giveaway :)

sparrowwren, United States of America

I really like the American flag made with stamps!
Also the Around the World one is very nice :) I'll have to order some when I get some extra money!

mommaland, United States of America

I love all the stamp cards. How clever to make the flags out of stamps.

BBrick, United States of America

Such beautiful products! I like the stamp collages best--all those flags done so well. Generous of you to do this giveaway.

History, United States of America

My favorite has to be the CH Stamp Flag. I just love how creative it is.

Flippie, Canada

Thank you, Paper-sisters for doing this for us. My favorites are; -Hugs,-Relax and -Around the world.
I cross my fingers......

KienMei, Malaysia

I like German landmark series postcard!

shirlily, Hong Kong

“Around the world” is my favourite. I love cancellation marks from different countries.

mvandrogenbroek, Netherlands

I love Papersisters! I like the Postcrossing from cards the most.

JannRedding, United States of America

I love the look of the USA Flag. I may even make one out of stamps that I receive!

idrisson, Malaysia

My favourites are 1) How to say Hello in German and 2) Around the world.

My favourite series is the flag series!

MeggieW, Australia

I can never go past Christmas items. I love them.

pammykay, United States of America

I like the "Happy Postcrossing" cards and the flag cards.

luckyme2332, New Zealand

I love how there are people out there willing to give away postcards! I would really love the around the world one!

Jediross, Philippines

all the cards are really lovely but i love the "Mail" series most! :)

niselfishy, Indonesia

My fav among all lovely cards are 'Around the World' and German Landmark series :D

navi, Taiwan

Since there's no "Happy Postcrossing TW" now, my favorite is temporarily the "Snailmail Essentials." :-D

joannaivy, United States of America

Posthorn is my favorite - but you were right, it's hard to choose!

NurulH, Indonesia

Hello! After looking at the website, I like the Airmail International postcard best :D. Thank you for the giveaway :).

surfclub66, United States of America

I like the German Landmark series. It's so neat to see all the cities and the artwork is adorable.

Anka-89, Germany

i totally adore their "Happy Postcrossing from....." Postcards! The design is absolutely beautiful and i can't wait for more <3

silviajiang, China

I like “Around the world” most. I love cancellation marks from different countries.

NaruMinamino, Peru

I absolutely love the "Happy Postcrossing from" ones, I had no idea who made those until I saw this blog post! I haven't received any but I'm hoping to see one at my door soon :)

Madgehands, United States of America

I like the “typical postcrossing” set.

Apelser, South Africa

My favourite is the Happy Postcrossing ZA ones. It is awesome.

Garv, India

I absolutely love the 'Around the world' series and By Airmail postcards. I collect flag cards so I would like to see Indian flag in that series. :)

GinaMoer, Netherlands

The cards with the stamps which togethet creates a flag, are so cute. Even though all of the cards are very cute and I would like it to receive any of them in my mailbox :)

bungaalangalang, Indonesia

Thank you for the giveaway. All the postcards are interesting, but I like the stamp flag the most :)

Deb65, United Kingdom

I love the cards made from stamps...oh and all the typical German many to choose from!

CrimsonKing, United States of America

Thank you for having this giveaway!! My absolute favorite ones are the stamp collages! Seeing all the different stamps over the decades are very cool to look at. 😊

MargLondon, United Kingdom

Europe Stamp Flag is super cool, my favourite, uniting Europe. I hope this positive message gets shared a lot!

Darenalia, Indonesia

I love the "HAPPY POSTCROSSING" series. Such beautiful cards! 😍💃💕

FreyaM, South Africa

Wow I love this postcards. Don't see anything from South-Africa though but would like anything!!!

olly93karma, Israel

I loved the stamp flags!
And it would be so cool if you made a Happy Postcrossing from Israel card :)

tbt924, Mexico

I have bought one too many of the Typical Postcrossing cards, and will continue to do so. Love them all! 🙌🏼

secret-rebel, Germany

I like the Nordrhein-Westfalen - German Landmark Series

jannet40, Russia

As I am a culinary freak I absolutely ! one hundred per cent ! totally fell in love with German drinks and German sweets! I would really like to have such postcards in my collection to be aware of what to try on my next visit to Germany!

theadventurer, Italy

Choosing is very hard! My favorites are Around the World and By Airmail!

Loredana_m, Netherlands

Although it sis very hard to decide, I'll have to go with the Around the World series!

Gabriele1952, Germany

I like the typical Postcrossing Card with its interesting composition.

lilacs, Germany

My favorites are the German landmark cards. I often send the one of my federal state North Rhine Westphalia and many postcrossers enjoy it.

JammaicanPatty, Philippines

I like the Posthorn and Around the World card!

JammaicanPatty, Philippines

I love the Airmail too. I really love travel postcards

Kamile99x, Lithuania

Posthorn :)

matoune54, France

It's really hard to choose. But my favorite is German Beer Glasses ( beer is very good ^^). I can't wait to receive one of these beautiful postcards in my mailbox.

mellovesfairies, Germany

I like the German landmark cards especially but all are just great.

pure_sunshine, Ukraine

I like Around the World and stamps-flag

Rainlover, Australia

I love the 'Around the World' ones!

_Oceanlover_, South Africa

My fave is the Around the World series!

lezzfezz, Germany

Since one year it is the first time I visit this site, because we moved two times. And now I read this article. The postcards are all so nice and lovely designed. But my favourits are the stamp flags and the weather rubberstamp. I also paint little weather icons on my postcards. Now I have found a beautiful alternative 👍

Astros, South Africa

Ooh so many options! I would say the Berlin - German Landmark Series

Gagaie, France

Very nice idea this postcards ! Thank you very for this beautiful giveaway. ☺

quickbrownfoxph, Australia

The airmail set is very cute! ^_^

FunandLoving, South Africa

The UNESCO World Heritage Site 3 part series is pretty nice!

raspberryaddict, Germany

So much beauty! I especially love the cards with the national flags made of stamps. My favourite is the Europa Stamp Flag. :)

Mara7, Latvia

Absolutely great postcards. My favorite is the Stamp Flags. Brilliant idea!

Itti, United Kingdom

I love all the stamp flag postcards! There doesn't seem to be a UK/GB one but I also love the "Happy Postcrossing GB" and "Around the World". So many great cards! The rubber stamps are also pretty awesome, I love the idea. :)

bonesmakenoise, United States of America

Those stamp flags really are very lovely. I didn't see one for Japan on my first glance, though! I should go hunting some more. I love the German region illustrations, too!

ramprasadmahurkar, India

There is a lot of choice available. You are putting in a lot of effort to offer this variety.

I like the 'Typical postcrossing' card and the poets. Beethoven and Bach are family favourites

Marynka18, Czech Republic

I like all cards very much,but Happy postcrossing from CZ is the best,because its my lovely country;)

lamrach, Hong Kong

I love Hallo!

mozoltov7, China

It has to be the stamp flag and the HPC series. They are wonderful. Sadly, i have only HPC germany, england and swizerland by far. And ofc, everythings there is great. especially the cards about German since i have been learning deutsch recently.. Thank you so much!!!

StetsFlauschig, Germany

I really love the "Happy Postcrossing from..." series and the stamp cards :)

Geoian, Taiwan

My favourites are Stamp Flag series.
Of course, other cards are also welcome.

MareGel, Philippines

I love the POST HORN Postcard very meaningful!!!! Hope I will have it for my gift to my father for the Fathers Day Celebration!!! Thanks Postcrossing and Papersisters!!!! PEACE!!

Michi_1995, Austria

I love the Austria flag Cards and the Hugs Card but I havn't seen all Cards ;-) I love them all so I would be really happy being surprised :-)

PostcardsToTheMoon, Italy

The "Happy Postcrossing" serie is gorgeous! 😍

kathiemt, Australia

Typical Postcrossing for me. I couldn't see any that might relate to Australia. But so much to look through.

clemens1279n, Germany

I like the State card map Germany best, because I like geography and we learn the states and the capitals of it in school. Thanks for this great giveaway :-D

MissMenolly, New Zealand

Wow! So many cool postcards. I would have to go with the Hugs for you and the other For You postcards. I send postcards to my cousins and nieces and these would be perfect for them. Plus the Owl post rubber stamp is awesome! Thanks for running a cool giveaway!

cerenruya, Türkiye

So many beautiful cards. I love papersisters!
I think i like the for you or germany series.
Happy postcrossing!!

Tintenfisch, Germany

It's really hard to choose. I think I like the German Landmark series most.

chinyen, Malaysia

Thanks Papersisters for having this wonderful event! My favourite would be the Just Airmail series, they look so cool and I have a collection specifically for this category. I hope to receive this and brighten up my collection!

Charissax, Netherlands

Ohh so much goodness! Besides those amazing stamps, I think the 'happy postcrossing from' cards are really cool. Imagine having received them from different countries!

igeado, Germany

I like the Federal State Cards most :)

_samy_, India

I love so many postcards from the paper sisters!!!
I particularly loved the sweets postcard...after all ,who doesn't love sweets!!!
I also loved the happy postcrossing card..I am sure it would brighten up the day of the receiver:)

I think the travel to from rubber stamp would be very useful for post crossers.
I found the thank u postman and the herz für dich rubber stamp very cute :D maybe u can make the herz für dich stamp in English for the rest of us? It's my FAVOURITE!

Hope to win! Post cards would make my day very interesting and make me happy and the rubber stamp will make my postcards' receivers thrilled!! I'm sure I will be thrilled!!!

_samy_, India

PS the happy postcrossing button and magnet are super cute

lfasyz, China

Postcrossing series are my favorites!

Trot, Kazakhstan

All postcards are wonderful, but most of all I want "Bremen - German Landmark Series"

renegade_cavalcade, Canada

I love the German drinks/sweets/food cards! :)

Hafizaa, Malaysia

I like the German Landmark Series.

Rosebuddy, South Africa

Congrats on such beautiful postcards! My favourite would have to be Happy Postcrossing from South Africa 🇿🇦Here's hoping😬

-Abceyda-, Türkiye

Happy postcrossing is my favourite. It shows the most important places of the stated country. Looks beautiful!!

tinaschk, Germany

I love the "Happy postcrossing" series most :)

sometime_lights, Japan

I like to " Relax" card!

rugbygirl7, United States of America

Mine is around the world and then how people greet each other from around the world!

Mamasch, United States of America

It is REALLY difficult to pick a favorite! I think I'll go with the Postcrossing Country series, but I also adore the stamp series and the Germany postcards!

Wize_Foxx, Russia

All postcards are really amazing. It's so hard to pick just one! My favourites are the For You pack and Stamp Flags :)

Gypsiesmoon, United States of America

I Love the "Happy Postcrossing Series" and the US - Postcard ID Bison Stamp!!!

OneMoment, Germany

I love the "Happy postcrossing" series most :)

notmuchcompany, Brazil

Very nice sets and postcards there! But my favorite is the German Stamp Flag one. ;)

deniputuje, Serbia

I love German Landmark series because I visited many places in Germany ;) I would love to win this, so beautiful postcards! ;)

saanattaja, Finland

My favourite is this one with German sweets! Sieht lecker aus. :)

peppermint27, United Kingdom

My favourite would have to be the European stamp flag postcard, it's such a cool idea and showcases all the cool stamps we have in Europe

naturhanninchen, Germany

I love the "Posthorn" postcard. I´m thinking that it is a Symbol for connecting the world with post.

KatziMausi, Germany

I like the Around the world series^^

ZenTravel, United States of America

I ❤️ the American flag postcard and the "from me to you" rubber-stamp. It's a sweet touch!

shadowsword, Malta

My favourites are the German food and sweet ones. I happen to love food a lot :D

klazien79, Netherlands

Wow so nice....... the country series are so nice!!!

Jessica_SB, Brazil

It's a though choice but "Tschüss!" Really caught my attention.

KathyCC, United States of America

I love all of them, they're all so pretty! The Landmark Series is the one I'm drawn to the most :)

JasonDavid, Canada

Great cards!
The "snailmail essentials" are my favourties!
I also really like the Canada red ink stamp with the maple leaf.

sdelnegro514, United States of America

I really like the US stamp flag! Particularly appropriate today, May 28- Memorial Day.

AmandaPost, United States of America

I like the US Flag one a lot, and also the cancelled marks "around the world." What a nice collection !! :) Hope to share these cards w/ my pals internationally, what a treat it'd be!

steph2000, United States of America

I like them all - I placed my first order to be honest! I really like the Happy Postcrossing from the US one. I ordered several of it - and I do recognize some of the post cards!