
is a country in the continent of Asia with a population of 85,325,965 habitants. The capital of Türkiye is Ankara.
Members: 10,635 (Browse all)
Sent: 381,590 postcards
Received: 379,614 postcards
Ranking: 30th (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Türkiye

Most active members

1. dragon50, Türkiye dragon50
5,603 postcards sent
2. bodrumlu, Türkiye bodrumlu
3,885 postcards sent
3. Motimel, Türkiye Motimel
2,901 postcards sent
4. resssan, Türkiye resssan
2,152 postcards sent
5. ibrahimgulec, Türkiye ibrahimgulec
2,046 postcards sent
6. al2, Türkiye al2
2,034 postcards sent
7. cucuk74, Türkiye cucuk74
1,959 postcards sent
8. NasuhMert, Türkiye NasuhMert
1,707 postcards sent
9. mbea, Türkiye mbea
1,659 postcards sent
10. ozy, Türkiye Postcrossing Supporter ozy
1,645 postcards sent

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