Hong Kong

is a special territory in the continent of Asia with a population of 7,536,100 habitants. The capital of Hong Kong is Hong Kong.
Members: 9,787 (Browse all)
Sent: 788,135 postcards
Received: 796,703 postcards
Ranking: 19th (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Hong Kong

Most active members

1. louisehei, Hong Kong louisehei
8,956 postcards sent
2. sandyahyu, Hong Kong sandyahyu
8,633 postcards sent
3. VivienSin, Hong Kong VivienSin
8,383 postcards sent
4. emilaylay, Hong Kong emilaylay
6,952 postcards sent
5. angusjai, Hong Kong angusjai
6,607 postcards sent
6. yukspostcard, Hong Kong yukspostcard
6,457 postcards sent
7. CaMoLa, Hong Kong CaMoLa
6,000 postcards sent
8. ZeroFu, Hong Kong ZeroFu
5,865 postcards sent
9. dorothy1109, Hong Kong dorothy1109
5,658 postcards sent
10. ilovepostcrossinghk, Hong Kong ilovepostcrossinghk
5,657 postcards sent

Random members

CarolineWang, Hong Kong somnr, Hong Kong stayrealbeing, Hong Kong Lizett_lee, Hong Kong Tracykelley, Hong Kong yammiew, Hong Kong candy527, Hong Kong mm1851, Hong Kong LiaFa, Hong Kong karlyn_man, Hong Kong DolphinChen, Hong Kong dodedo, Hong Kong angusjai, Hong Kong Blacksnow0331, Hong Kong joechui, Hong Kong chloe-poon, Hong Kong applepak, Hong Kong katiew, Hong Kong VivienSin, Hong Kong postcrosser, Hong Kong cesartang, Hong Kong xztang, Hong Kong zhanghaokun, Hong Kong emilaylay, Hong Kong Miya38, Hong Kong snlawx, Hong Kong ambervalley, Hong Kong E-for, Hong Kong HeiHei2, Hong Kong TFin30, Hong Kong KristyTang, Hong Kong louisehei, Hong Kong Anny53, Hong Kong kenniswan, Hong Kong Goloh, Hong Kong Oscar_730, Hong Kong
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