
is a country in the continent of Europe with a population of 84,482,267 habitants. The capital of Germany is Berlin.
Members: 62,006 (Browse all)
Sent: 13,746,779 postcards
Received: 13,757,407 postcards
Ranking: 1st (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Germany

Most active members

1. Willi, Germany Postcrossing Supporter Willi
39,076 postcards sent
2. klausdiemaus, Germany klausdiemaus
36,214 postcards sent
3. Nordbaer, Germany Postcrossing Supporter Nordbaer
33,974 postcards sent
4. Antje321, Germany Antje321
30,650 postcards sent
5. rosenbusch, Germany Postcrossing Supporter rosenbusch
29,017 postcards sent
6. uttia4a, Germany Postcrossing Supporter uttia4a
28,047 postcards sent
7. hepman, Germany hepman
25,730 postcards sent
8. elfie-luna, Germany elfie-luna
22,388 postcards sent
9. Rehus, Germany Rehus
22,194 postcards sent
10. elbe, Germany Postcrossing Supporter elbe
22,114 postcards sent

Random members

timmyn, Germany postcardsfromlotti, Germany Naliiv, Germany MoinDaisy, Germany wonderblue, Germany tuareg, Germany novemberkind, Germany Matthias3110, Germany farbeundsprache, Germany Gnerak, Germany Schohema, Germany Schwan, Germany DariaKs, Germany unicorn94, Germany Lucilla1983, Germany Bjoern97, Germany Melonenotto, Germany lavenderinet, Germany Flaxmom, Germany reiselustig, Germany bestof, Germany Uwe58, Germany Quietschie, Germany Trenker, Germany Abbyfania, Germany Herminsche, Germany Sunflower69, Germany zimtschnecke28, Germany lappi007, Germany Shakarian, Germany Weihnachtsstern, Germany beer-boy18, Germany mag-berlin, Germany Chaenomelis, Germany Teanna, Germany Marie47, Germany
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