Good news, everyone! We’re happy to announce that Russia, the country with the largest number of Postcrossing members, is releasing a themed stamp to commemorate the project on January 27th!
The 23 ruble stamp was designed by O. Shushlebina, measures 37×37 mm and comes in sheets of 9 stamps. Here’s what it will look like:

Quite nice, isn’t it? I think you can guess what it says, even if you don’t know much Russian! :)
To celebrate the occasion, three postcrossers in Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Moscow decided to hold a lottery to offer 60 lucky members the chance to receive a postcard with this stamp and the first day cancellation mark! If you’d like to participate on this giveaway, just leave a comment below saying you’d like to receive one. We’ll draw 60 names by the end of the week, and send your addresses to the members who are going to write you a postcard.
You might find a surprise postcard on your mailbox in a few weeks! :)
878 comments so far
I'd love to receive one! It's very pretty! Fingers crossed x
... and another one for me, please! I love it and furthermore I can read it :-)
this is such a lovely stamp. I would love to receive one too.
I collect stamps since many years, but these is one of the
greatest stamps I have ever seen.
What a wonderful stamp. I´d really love to receive one.
I would be happy to receive one. It is such a beautiful stamp.
Yes, i like to receive on :D
Me too :-)!!!
A modern and international stamp!
Yay! I'd like to participate =)
What à wonderful stamp.
I would be happy to receive one.
Thank you
It´s really a beautiful stamp. I am happy, when I receive it on a postcard....
very nice stamp! I would be thrilled to receive one.
Hey, this is great! I'd love to receive one, of course!
congrats ! ...i would like to receive one :)
I'd like to travel the world someday, Pisa being one of my top destinations. Seeing that it is featured on the stamp, makes me happy! I really like to receive one of these nice stamps to add to my collection :)
Wonderful stamp, well done Russia! And of course I would love a card with the Postcrossing stamp. Thanks for the great idea to make 60 Postcrossers happy!
So funny, marvelous. I would like to receive one.
Finger crossed for some luck, really want one :D
Thats a wonderful Stemp. I like the Colors. And I want to have one. That will be fine.
Yes please!
I'd love to receive one! Really pretty! :D
I would love to be one of the recipients
What a beautiful stamp! Please put my name in! Thanks!
Yes please! That stamp is gorgeous!
wow 60 winners! fingers crossed...thanks guys!!! its an amazing stamp for postcrossing's 10th year too!
Wow!! Such a pretty stamp! Good luck to all of us :-)
What a beautiful stamp! We'd love to receive one!
I've received so many beautiful postcards with amazing stamps from the Russian Federation (My favorite country to receive postcards from because the postcrossers there really send the best cards according to one's wishes!) I would love another to add to my collection with this awesome stamp! Ya tebya postcrossing! ;)
Wow! That is very interesting and very thoughtful for us all postcrossers of the world. I would certainly like to have one. I hope I will be one of the 60 lucky postcrossers!
I'd like to receive one!
I'd like to receive one too!
Great design!! Lovely roundabout! I would like to receive this first issue ~
Is O. Shushlebina a famous designer? Could not find much information about her (I presume it's a her), but found some nice laces stamps of 2011 designed by same person.
I hope this stamp will bring a lot of new postcrossers inside and outside Russia!
I would love a to receive a postcard with one of these stamps! They're amazing! Really nice design, wish I could do that :)
This is a really beautiful stamp :)
I would love to receive one too!
I would love to receive a postcard with this lovely stamp!
I'd like to receive one,please ;)
Maybe I am lucky too..
A very pretty stamp! I would love to receive a postcard with one.
It is the world on a little piece of paper! I loveto recieve one of the postcards....
I'd be glad to have one!
What a nice stamp! I would be really happy to get one!
Such a pretty stamp! I'd love to get one.
That's wonderful! I'd be happy to receive one.
A wonderful stamp! Congratulations! I'd be happy to receive one . Thanks!
So pretty, I would love to get this one day :)
I am envious, Germany must have such a wonderful stamp, too!!
such a pretty stamp!
I would Like to recieve one! yeah!)))
Oh, I would love to receive one of those! It's great, and shows that Postcrossing is for the whole world! I also collect stamps and this one get a beautiful place in my album. :)
I love it! Please send me one!
I would love to receive one of these stunning stamps. It is lovely to see both the world in unity and Postcrossing being acknowledged.
i'm also on the roll dreaming to get one:)
A very nice stamp, I hope somebody sends it to me in the future.
Another postcrossing stamp, how great! I'd be over the moon to receive such a card. :)
Such a beautiful stamp, I would be so happy to find it in my mailbox :)!
i wish we would have some of them in germany ><
havent seen any so far..
I really would love to recieve a postcard with this stamp*-*
and then with a first day cancellation mark! thats too cool to be true!*-*
What a great stamp! I would be very happy to receive it. I hope more countries issue such stamps soon.
It is a lovely stamp. Thanks for sharing it through the blog.
Wow - LOVE the new stamp - I hope I'm one of the lucky winners to receive one! Thanks for letting us know!
My birthday is the day before (January 26), so i would love to receive a postcard with this beautiful stamp! =)
Yes! Definitely I want to have the card with this special stamp & cancellation mark. Asante sana! (Thank you very much!)
Of course I want to receive a postcard with such a beautiful stamp!!! Я люблю посткроссинг!
That would be so fab! Would love to receive one. So pleased to see Postcrossing recognised in a country with so many Postcrossers!
I love Russian postage stamps!
What a nice thing to do. I would love to get one of these cards. Russia issues such beautiful stamps.
I'd definitely like to receive one of them!
Hugs :)
I´d super love to get one :D
I would love to receive one, the stamp is beautiful!
Awesome! Count me in! :-)
Super cute! Would love to receive one!
How lovely! Wish the UK would do this! Would love to get one of these cards.
I'd like to recieve one ^_^
I would love to receive a card with this beautifull stamp! More and more countries release a postcrossing stamp. A good cause!
I'd like to participate in this awesome project! Cheers ;)
I'd love to receive one!
Great stamp! Of course I´d love to participate and maybe I´m lucky :D
Amazing initiative :)
thanks a lot Novosibirsk - Tomsk and Moskow
I would love to receive one please!
Oewww nice stamp =D
Would love to get one!
Thank you for this generous offer!
I'd like to receive one!
I'd like one :)
What a lovely stamp, a great project and those lucky enough to receive one.
Yes please! What a lovely stamp!
It looks nice =)
I'd like to receive one! Thank you in advance.
I would really like one!! :)
Wow.. great idea, wonderful design..! I would love to receive a postcard with this stamp! :):) Thank you :)
I would love one!
Those are great! I would love to receive one :D
I would definitely love to get one of this! This is unique!
It is a very nice stamp, i would love to recieve a postcard with it:)
So much fun! I'd love to see it in person. :)
Like:) I'd like to participate.
What a wonderful idea! I'd love to receive one! :)
That' s a nice idea! I love to receive one!
I'd love one!
I would really like to have one postacard with this stamp :-) I have one from Guernsay, one from Belarus and now ot is time to have one from Russia, with love of course ;p
This is so good, I'd like to receive one too. :)
I would definitely love to have it! :D
This stamp is gorgeous! I wish my country would come out with a stamp dedicated to Postcrossing!
Отличная идея для лотереи! С удовольствием запишусь :) Спасибо.
That'S so beautiful. I would ♥ to receive one postcard :P
What an awesome stamp! I would love a chance to see it travel to my mailbox. Спасибо!
I would love to receive one! Very pretty!
I'd love to receive one, too! The design is so beautiful with all the sights! :)
I would like to receive one!
I love it, I love it, I love it!!! Always show my cards to the elderly people I work with. This would be a very special one!!!
I would really like to receive a card with this special stamp, too! It looks so pretty:)
I would love to receive one! This is a great celebration of world unity - brought together with Postcrossing!
How very cool! I hope that I get one in the mail in due course...Maybe the Royal Mail might consider designing one, one day!
That's wonderful! And how kind of them to send the cards with this new stamp. I'm hoping to receive one this year, but this would be quiet unique. I'd like to receive one!
I'd love to receive one of this stamp ! I love that !
Greeting from Belgium !
What a beautiful stamp :) I would like to get one! :)
I'd like to receive one! Very much =)
I want one!! Looks awesome :3
What a wonderful and colorful stamp to celebrate the spirit of postcrossing. :) Greetings from Malaysia.
So cute & cool :)! I wonder if Germany will ever release one, sigh.
I'd like to receive one!!!!
It is a beautiful stamp. I hope that you send to me :D
Beautiful! I'd love to receive one
I would love to receive one! Belgium probably never will do a stamp like this. :(
Wow! It's really great news! The stamp looks wonderful! I wish I could be one of these lucky 60 members...☺
Well it's beautiful, count me in!
oooooh, I want one as well :)
What a lovely idea! There are so many members in Russia! I hope to receive one! Though I think if I don't win now it'll come through regular cards!
Oh, I would love to recieve One of this cards :3
Yes please I would love it !!!
Nice stamp I want I want !!!!
Ohh nice :) I'd love to receive one!
Well done Russia, beautiful stamp! For sure I would love to receive one...
What a wonderful stamp. Seen other stamps online issued this year from Russia and they are fab too
Very nice stamp, I would like to be one of the lucky ones to get it! :-)
How cool, a real postcrossing stamp. First time I heard about that. Would be a big surprise for my girls :-)
most definitely..i like one..especially..since the Taj Mahal is right there on the stamp..!!!.. :).....
Nice! One more 'Postcrossing-stamp' to sent cards around the world. Hope to receive a sample to in the future...
Greetings from Lommel (Belgium),
Would be lovely to receive
yes I want to have a chance to receive one !!
Oh it looks great. I would love to get a card with that stamp!
i like it. and wait for a german stamp
What a lovely Stamp!!! Would love to receive one
I love to receive such a great stamp and postcard. Happy postcrossing
Ik scrolled 1 mile
Would love one, it looks so cute! Why isn't the UK doing this?
We would love to receive this stamp on a postcard!
Hello! This caught my eye on FB! Great giveaway! Hope I'm the lucky one :) All the best! :)
Oh wow what a wonderful stamp. I'd love to receive one on a nice card.
Wonderful, would love to receive
Hello..such a beauty :)I guess there is I love Postcossing of postcars.. I cannot wait to see Czech postcrossing stamp..we already know it will be in September this year but we dont know how will look like :)
Thank you..
I would love it to be chosen, but of course I also want someone else to be the lucky one! It's great postcrossing gets attention to many more people this way!!!!! I hope in the Netherlands the post will also do something like this.
Yes! I'd love to receive one!
Wow, the stamp is so lovely! I would love to receive it...
Please enter my name in the drawing. What a lovely idea, kudo's to whomever thought of this idea. And the bonus is the Russian stamp is simply beautiful.
Such a beautiful stamp! I would love to receive a postcard with one. And even more I wish I could make my 82-year old father happy with a first day cancellation mark of this stamp on his comming birthday in February. That would be so amazing!
Hello, I'd love to receive one! It's my 30th birthday on 1st February so it would be a lovely birthday treat :-)
It's a beautiful stamp and I would love to receive a postcard with one!
Wow! That is a very special stamp! I really would be very happy with it, so yes!! I would like to receive it!>
I would love to receive it :) Please :) Я очень люблю русский язык :)
I would love a card with this stamp.
I would be jumping up and down like a happy puppy if i get one
It's such a beautiful stamp!!! I would like to receive one also :)
Wow, I love it !
I'd like to receive a postcard with this beautiful stamp :)
I would love to be entered in for a chance to win. :) Would be AWESOME!
It would be an amazing surprise to find the postcard in my mailbox! :D I wish I will receive it.
I am quite new to post crossing so I would be very excited to receive this new stamp.:)
I'd love to receive a postcard with a special Postcrossing stamp on it!!!!!
I am also looking forward to receive one :-)
I'd definitely like to receive one :D They are beautiful...
Such a lovely, colourful stamp. Who wouldn't want to receive one?
Would just love one of these......everything crossed!
Such a beutiful stamp. I would love to receive one. Thank u
It's a beautiful stamp, I would love to receive one!!! Pretty please!!!
I'd love to get one!!
I really love all the international monument icons! Such a colorful and fun stamp design!
I'd like to receive this stamp! I like all the famous landmarks featured on it. Such a cool Postcrossing stamp! Thank you for this lottery! :D
Obviously I'd love to receive a postcard with such a nice stamp, too =)
I would be so happy when I see this stamp on a postcard especially for me. I hope that there comes a postcrossingstamp in my country too.
Ah that's awesome! I would love yo receive one!
Wow! Great design! I would love to be one of these 60 lucky postcrossers because я люблю postcrossing
i love this.hope to receive it
What a pretty one! Congratulations to the Postcrossing team :-)
The stamp looks so pretty - I would like to receive one.
Yes please! Love it! :)
I would be really happy to receive one of these cards! :)
I´d really love to receive one. Lovely!!
I'd like to receive one. :-)
me, me, me! pick me! :)
I's so cute, I'd really like to receive one. :)
Marvellous stamp! Я
How cute!! It's wonderful!! I'd love to recieve a postcard with that stamp! :)
I also would like to receive one. That would make me so happy
I'd love to recieve it :)
I'd love to receive one!
How fabulous! Thank you for the contest! What a great- looking stamp!
OMG! This stamp is so so beautiful! Best for travellers! I'd like to receive one, please! :D
Great stamp.
Wow, what fun it would be to receive one of these cards. If I am lucky enough to be chosen for one of these thank you to whomever I get a card from.
Verx nice stamp, I'd like to receive one and hope, Germany will also issue a special stamp some day.
I'd love one.
I would LOVE to receive one! This is one of the most beautiful stamps of all times! A very delicate drawing. The stamp accurately represents the real landmarks around the world... Breathtaking!
My liubim russkiye marki! Of course would love to receive that someday.
That's a cute stamp! I'd love to receive one :D
beautiful stamp, would love to receive a card :-)
I would like to be one lucky postcrosser to get this nice card. I adore this project, always makes my day. :)
What a lovely stamp, I would love to receive one, postcrossing has really cheered me up this winter!
I'd like it too! :)
What a beautiful stamp. I'd absolutely love to win something as special as this!
This would be a wonderful surprise for my son who just began with postcrossing
.. who wouldn't? Lovely stamp :) And even if I'm not among the lucky ones, I could always hope a Russian member will draw my address on one of these days, and use such a stamp.
I would like to win one, it's my birthday, today, maybe my Lucky day to win ;-)
It is gorgeous! I would love to have one. The postcrossers from Russia always send me the most beautiful postcards and stamps. Thank you :-)
Wow... That's awesome... Loved It completely.. wish I would be fortunate enough to win it..
I visited Moscow and St. Petersburg last May. I love the country. This would be a great addition to my Russia collection.
Gorgeous stamp, it would be a real honour to receive one! Great job :)
Very nice! I want to participate please... :)
It would be great to receive that stamp. It's awesome!
Such a funky and vibrant stamp! Yes, for me please.
Since I love receiving Russian Postcards this wonderful stamp would be a real bonus, Love it, Thanks. I hope I am lucky.
That is great! So pretty! Would love to have one! :)
I would like to receive one, too.
whow I'd absolutely love to have one! Wonderfull colorful stamp and of course a card from such a wonderful enthusiastic 'ambassador' on PostCrossing.
Beautiful stamp, we would love it !
Of course I'd love to receive it!
What a nice stamp as most of the russian stamps are, I would love to be lucky to receive one too :)
Какая красота!
I'd love to receive one. What a pretty stamp!
Oh yes, please! I'd like to join the lottery :)
I'd really like to receive a card with one of those stamps. :)
I would LOVE to receive one (and do nearly anything to get it ;D) So far I've only received two Postcrossing stamps from Finland (and only because I sent those for myself D:)
Wow, that looks SO cool! :D *wanna have*
Oh , oh, sooo cool, a real good design. I would love to receive one.
Wow yes please......
Wow I really love this one and I'd love to receive postcard with this stamp :)
I surely want it very much!
It´s such a gorgeous stamp :) I´d be thrilled to receive it on a postcard. :)
Thank you so much for this giveaway!
Looks good! But why it is 23, not 26.50 (price of international postcard)?
Anyway, I would like to receive one :)
Great looking stamp, would certainly love one.
This stamp is so cute, I'd love one!
That's so lovely! I'd be grateful to receive one of these!
Whaw what a beautifull stamp,we olso like to recived one
yes! I'd like to get one! Thanks so much and happy postcrossing!
I want to receive one please!!!
I would love to receive a postcard with one of these stamps. They look gorgeous. Thank you.
so nice! I'd like to receive one, please :)
I would love to receive one of these stamps! I love collecting all sorts!
I'd love to receive a postcard with one of these stamps! Cross my fingers. :)
Great news! I love postcrossing! Hope to get one too!
I'd love to get one, too!
OH my it's beautiful ^^ I would love to get! I love surprises ^^
I would love to receive one.
As a postcrossing enthusiast and stamp collector, I would definitely love to have one. :)
I'd love to receive one :)
I hope we have a stamp devoted to Postcrossing in my country some day, but for now I'd love to receive this one! :)
I'd love to receive one! Fingers crossed :)
Yay! It's very pretty! I'd love to receive one!
I would like one! It's so lovely!
I'd like to receive this wonderful stamp from Russia!
Красивая марка. Очень буду рада, если получу её.
It's so cute, I'd really like to receive one (≧ω≦)
Great stamp. Would love to have it :)
I'd love to get one! We really need to put together an effort to get a Post Crossing stamp in the US.
Mne pojaluista :)
I would like it too. :)
I'd love to receive one! :)
Wonderful design! :)
What great news.
Would be so grateful to receive one. My hubby designs first day covers & has been collecting stamps for 50 years.
I would be extremely grateful for one of these postcards and stamps...thank you!
That would be very nice to receive such a nice postcard with stamp!!
Congratulations Russian Postcrossers and Mail! What a nice stamp!
Also thanks for the generous lottery would
The stamp looks great! I would be very happy to receive one.
I'd totally love to get it!
What a beautiful stamp! I would love to receive one!
What a wonderful stamp, i'd love to receive one !
I'd like it, too. (:
Oh, I'd love to receive a card with new stamp!
Oeoeoeoeoe! Postcard and stamp! Nice. I really want one :-D. Fingers crossed.
Yes please, I do want want one! Hello from Finland, only 120 km from Russian border!
yes, please :-)
Wow, how nice of you Russian people :-) We would love to receive a postcard with stamp :-)
It will be so good to get this stamp!
Sooo nice! I'd like to receive one! :):)
Oh - how nice! What a beautiful postcrossing stamp!!!
Very nice stamp! I would love to receive one in my mailbox :)
Fabulous I'd love to receive one of these!
What a wonderful stamp! I would be happy to receive one.
Love these Postcrossing stamps! I would be amazed if the USA did one but it probably will never happen. :)
Lovely stamp! It mixes two of my favorite things in the world, travel and stamps
***like it*** :)
I hope to be lucky and get a postcard with this beautiful stamp from an unknown friend !
Wow, that was a very long scroll to come at the end! I can imagine, it is a marvellous stamp and a wonderful offer! I'd love to receive one!
I would love some. I collect postcards AND international stamps. They would be perfect for my collection.
It would be wonderful to receive a card with auch a lovely stamp.
Some of my favorite postcards and stamps have come from Russia, so this would be a great addition.
Such a beautiful stamp! I'd love to receive a card with it.
Great! I would like to recive a postcard with this lovely stamp!
Wow, this is super cool! :) I'd like to receive one of those.
Great way to celebrate a new stamp! I hope to receive one... ;0)
I love it! Let me be the one of the lucky people to receive it! :) cheers from the Philippines!
Beautiful-I love it!! Please enter my name also!!
I would love to have this stamp for my collection. Greetings from Canada!
This is so cool how the stamp was designed! I hope I can be one of the lucky ones to receive it! Fingers crossed!
I would love to win one of these. I wish Royal Mail would issue a special postcrossing stamp - or even issue more pictorial stamps of the right denominations to put on postcards at all!!
I would love one of these!! Nothing like a one of a kind stamp :)
I would be so happy, if i got it. :)
Pick me!
Pick me!
*fingers crossed*
From Russia and Postcrossing with Love!
Oh-wow! The new stamp looks great. I would like to have a card with that stamp on it to Finland.
A beautiful stamp and wonderful giveaway!! I would love to recieve one:)!!
Beautiful! I hope to find it in my post box :)
My favourite postcrossing themed stamp to date! It's lovely :D
Please enter me in the draw :D I have all Postcrossing stamps that have been released so far - this would be a very welcomed addition to my collection! Think "Down Under" when you do your draw o.k. hahaha :D
Russia has very many nice stamps, i hope i will be one of the lucky ones. I would really appreciate it. From Russia with love?
Good idea! I'd be glad to receive one of the cards with the new stamp!
What a great stamp. I love to get one.
So wonderful - I really wish we will get on eon Germany one day. And I'd love to get a card with this great stamp!
Count me in. Happy to receive one.
I'd love to receive one! I'm very exicted about this new stamp. How great!
I would love to receive a card with that stamp on it. It would make my day :)
Great stamp! I really would love to receive one on a postcard in my mailbox!
Please, Mr Postman!
Beautiful Stamp. Fingers crossed.
This is a really cool stamp !!! I hope I will receive a postcard with this stamp ♥ :).
I would love to receive such a postcard!
Oh yes...count me in.The stamp is cool!
That's such a lovely design! I'd love to receive one.
Such a beautiful stamp! I hope I can receive a postcard with it!
I'd love this! that'd be incredible. carpe diem!
Me too! It's beautiful!
The stamp looks soooooo nice!!
sign me up!
The stamp is beautiful. Would love to receive one with the matching postcard.
Count me in! What a terrific stamp - I would love to receive one.
The stamp looks great! I would like to receive one and I wish we would have something similar in Austria as well.
Ах, да, пожалуйста! that would be a sweet treat ❤
Count me in!
I love that Russia supports Postcrossing! Wonderful stamp!
wow!! I want to receive one!!
Очень хотелось бы получить такую марку! Спасибо.
What a lovely stamp! I'd really enjoy to get it! And a First Day Cancellation would be so amazing!!!
I really hope that one day we can get and send an Austrian Postcrossing stamp!
This is awesome. I wish USPS (USA) would do this.
I'd LOVE to receive one!
What a wonderful show of support from the Russian Postal service & Postcrossing participants! :)
i would like to receive one!
happy postcrossing ~\(≧▽≦)/~
This is definitley one of the nicest postcrossing stamps out there - I'd really love to receive one!
What a cute and colourful Postcrossing stamp featured with world landmarks.
What a lovely & colourful stamp! I would love to receive one... Thanks so much...
i want it. nice and interesting stamp.
What a beautiful stamp! I would be honored to receive one. Thank you!
How neat! I'd love to receive one of those stamps!
That is such a cheerful stamp!
It would make my day if I recieved it
I'd love to receive one! What a interesting, colorful stamp. :)
The colors are wonderful. Thank you for holding the contest. Good luck everyone!
I would love to have this beautiful Russian stamp in my collection. Thank you for this chance!
What a beautiful stamp! It covers landmarks from some countries! I'd love to receive one.
Wow.....I would like to receive one for my collection!Happy to get this change at here!
It's nice too see Postcrossing commemorated with a stamp in more and more countries! The stamp is beautiful, telling the idea of Postcrossing. Certainly it would be nice to receive a card with this stamp:)
I'd love to receive one of these beautiful stamps!
The best postcrossing stamp yet )) I love it and hope to receive one.
I wish I have a luck to get this set of stamp from Russia.
Everyone in here may also want to have a chance to get it, so here I am .
This is so great! I definitely love to receive one.
A great idea! Thankful to the Russian commemoration of a great hobby! Maybe more postal services in other countries should take the hint. I'd love to receive a postcard with this stamp!
A beautiful stamp! I would love to receive one!
Amazing stamp! Would love to receive it!
I'd love one! I hope I win this lottery.
Very cool! I'd like to receive this historic stamp.
good luck to everyone and congratulations to russian postcrossers!
With a first day of issue postmark,so : an unique maxicard, would be awesome to receive one.
Thank you very much for the lottery!! :D It will be wonderful to receive a card with this wonderful stamp!!
Kudos to the Russian post for this great stamp ! I would love to receive it.
How nice! I'd like to receive one a card with one.
Great design! Thanks for the generous offer :)
Such an amazing stamp, would love to receive one!
I'd love to receive one! It's very pretty!
I love the design, would love to receive one !
Lovely looking stamp. I would like to receive a postcard with one please.
Waoh! alot of people want it! I would love to received one too!! Happy postcrossing!! Have a blessed day!
wow so nice! would be a great surprise to receive one!! ^^
How blessed we all are to be Postcrossers! I'd live to receive a specially stamped card:)
I would love to have this stamp as a keepsake of this wonderful project. Thank you for offering this chance!
I would love to receive one! :)
Wonderful stamp, it would be a joy to win it.
What a great idea,hoping from Russia with love :)
What a brilliant idea and a great stamp. I would love ot be chosen to receive one.
count me in...please please;')
This lovely stamp would be a great addition on my desk at The North Pole!!!
Any Postcrosser would be proud to have this stamp. I would be extremely proud to receive this stamp.
This is a great stamp for anyone's collection. I would love to receive one to share with my family.
Charming stamp! Thanks for the contest!
It a fabulous stamp and it would be wonderful to receive it on a postcard from Russia! I ♥ Postcrossing too! Lisa
I would love one :)
I'd love one! Thank you for the chance to win one!
I would love to receive one, Me encantaria recibir una
I receive so many great postcards from Russia...I would love one with this stamp!
Omg meee! Meee! Pleeaaase!
What a pretty stamp! I would love to receive one!
The stamp is a beautiful mini piece of artwork. It would be an honor to be chosen to receive a postcard with this stamp commemorating postcrossing. What a treasure it would be. Great idea!
Oh! This stamp looks very pretty, I'd love to have one!!
I would be honored to receive one.
I'd love to have one!! The stamp is beautiful!!~
Lovely stamps!!I'd like to receive one!
I want to recieve one!
Sign me up! I'd love to receive one!
What a lovely stamp! It would be amazing to receive this.
Most of Russian stamps I have got are beautiful and characteristic. I would like to have one and wish to know what's the buildings on it. :-)
I would like one!
I would like one very much.
I'd love to receive one!!
I would love to receive a card with this beautifull stamp:D
You know, this stamp reminds me of the Disney ride "It's a small world" Pretty cool
Of course we want this beautiful stamp. Thank you guys for this lottery
So beautiful stamp,I want one :-)
Very nice !
I would be also get one...
Wow! What a stunning stamp!
Wow! it's so beautiful ! I want to receive it :-D
I would be happy to get that nice stamp :-)
I would love to get a postcard with that stamp!
I would love to be tossed in the drawing!
Hi, it would be very nice to receive such a surprise!
I'm in for some good luck, wish you all the best!
I would love to win one of these beautiful stamps.
i would love to win one too! A big surprise!
Gorgeous! I would like to receive one too
Lovely idea! It would be an honor to receive :)
What a beautiful stamp! I agree that other countries with postcrossers should follow suit :) I hope this arrives in my mailbox.
I'd like to receive one!
Thanks for this offer. Hope other country also follow issuing this kind of stamp.
That's a beautiful stamp! I'd certainly love one :).
Maybe I will be lucky :-)
I love Postcrossing, too! And would love to have a card.
I'd love to receive one.
I would be surprised to receive the pretty stamp.
Thank you.
It's amazing! Russian Postcrossers are so lucky to have this beautiful stamp! I would like to receive one. :))))
What a beautiful stamp. I´d really love to receive one.
Hello I would like to received one pretty please with a stamp on it :) and happy postcrossing! everybody in the world :) ~Emma :)
That would be smashing! Lovely stamp.
I would love to receive this stunning stamp, Not only will it make an awesome piece in my postcrossing collection but my stamps as well :) ~ Erin (South Africa)
I would like to receive this lovely stamp!
Looks GREAT:) Lovely.
Oh, how beautiful! I'd love to receive a card with this stamp! And thank you for the kind offer.
What a lovely stamp!:) Count me in!:))
Very nice ! I would like to receive one :)
Thanks :) I like to receive one!
Wow, I wish Germany had a postcrossing stamp. I would really love to receive one of the letters! :)
I would love to receive one. I am new to postcrossing but I love it already!
I would like to have a card with this stamp as well. I'm still waiting for the Belgium post to come with a postcrossing stamp.
Cool stamp (and lottery)! I would love to receive one :)
Hello, it would be very nice, to receive a postcard with this stap. I love the stamp =)
Oh, I would love a postcard with such a great brand!
What a nice stamp! Of course I would love to be part of the lottery and maybe become a happy recipient :-)
me too!
postkrosser's dream!!!!
Wishing for one :) Spasibo
Of course I would love to receive one too ^_^
Wow, how wonderful! Count me in please.
Я тоже хочу получить такую красоту!
Yey! Well done! Would be great to receive one of the stamp.
I would love to receive a card with this beautifull stamp! More and more countries release a postcrossing stamp. A good cause!Hopefully there is also soon in Germany ...
I'd love one. And thank you for the lottery!
It's wonderful to see countries releasing postcrossing-themed stamps, I would love to receive one of these.
wow, looks amazing. I would be happy to receive a card with this stamp on it!
I would love to receive a card with this stamp.It is a nice Idea...
wow..look pretty amazing stamp...i would love to receive one postcrossing =)
Such a pretty stamp! Would love to receive one! = )
Awesome news...
Congrats to all Postcrossing members ☺
It would be great to receive this stamp on postcard.....
If anyone can help me to get this stamps then please let me know.
Thank you.
Want to have this stamp...will we have a chance to buy it somewhere?)))
Greetings from Russia!
I like it. Hope I can receive one.
Me, me, me, choose me! I would love to have it!!!
So far this is the most beautiful Postcrossing stamp I think :)
I would love to receive one.
I would love to have one. Thanks! :)
I also want to have one. Thanks.
I'd like to have one too! Thanks :)
i would like to get one
Such a wonderful stamp! Would love to receive one :-)
I sure would like to receive one, since official Postcrossing stamps are the newest part of my collection :)
Oh wow, please let me have one! :)
Yay, another country with Postcrossing stamp! I'd like to get one :)
Pretty stamp :) i would be happy to recieve one!
The Russian Postcrossing Stamp. What a great stamp. :D
I would love to receive one.
I like to receive one. THANK YOU! Nice job.
Happy postcrossing from HONG KONG
Russian Post is making such a beautiful stamps! Keep doing this great work. Wish I could get one of these...:)
It is really beautiful.
I would love to receive one..
when will Germany have a postcrossing stamp?????
Wow, what a fantastic stamp!! I'd love to receive one :)
Участвую))) У нас СГ не будет, поэтому мечтаю получить!
Nice stamp and wonderful design! Would love to receive Postcrossing stamps on my received postcards :P
Very positive! I want to stamp!
Would love to get this stamp! Great design!
Really nice stamp! I would love to receive one :-)
Amazing one)
How cool I'd love to receive one. Thanks for the lottery :)
Would like to receive one - it´s beautiful!
I'd be honored to recieve a surprisecard, especially with this nice stamp. My nephew collects stemps, but I still wouldn't know if I want to share this one! ;-)
This is a very nice stamp! I would really enjoy receiving one on a postcard sometime.
Really excited to see the stamp. Hope to get one... : )
I would love to receive this special stamp!
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, I would love to receive this stamp on a postcard addressed to me from Russia. I hope I get lucky in this draw.
If any Postcrosser in Russia is willing and able to send me a card with this stamp on it, I would like to do a DIRECT SWAP. I will of course send the first card. Please check my Sent gallery to see if there is a particular card or cards that you would like. You can send me a message on the Postcrossing profile page. I am LEO9ELY. I look forward to hearing from you, Leo
Pick me! Pick me! I'd love to be the one who receives this special stamp from Russia just like anyone else in the world!
OMG!!!!!!! I'd love to recieve this stamp too!!!!!!!!
such a beauty! want the postcard!
*finger crossed* I want this beautiful stamp! >
I'd love to have that!
I'd love to receive one! I collect stamps from all over the world!
Oh, I'd love to have a postcard with that one!!! It's really beautifull. And I should definitely buy it when I get to Russia!
I'd love to receive one! Beautiful stamp! ;)
Would love to receive one!
Yes, I would love to receive one!! Hopefully my Siberian friend in Tomsk is participating too!! Cheers from Jonathan Chua, Singapore
Hi there, Thank you for this nice Postcrossing stamp
from Russia!
Yes, I would love to receive one.........awesome looking n with one of the best design ever seen......
I'd love to receive one!
I would love to receive one!! Thank you.
I would love to get one! Thanx.
I would love to receive one.
What a lovely stamp! I'd love to find one in my mailbox. :)
A very nice stamp!! I really want to have one!!
Anyone from Russia could send me one unused stamp?
It would be wonderful to receive a card with such a great stamp.
I would like to receive a postcard with this beautiful stamp...
So cute ! I love the design with the monuments !
I would love to receive one!that's a wonderful design
Such a lovely design! would love to receive!
It's very nice to discover this stamp ! Thanks for the idea of a lottery ! I would be happy to receive one
I would love to receive one too! Czech will issue its Postcrossing stamp in September this year, according this year plan of Czech Post.
I would be overjoyed to receive one!
Count me in too please.
Despite the fact I live in Russia, I cannot buy this cute stamp, just because I live in not big city. So I would really love to get it, and especially with a special cancellation mark! Thank you for the great idea!
Beautiful! Wouldn't it be great if every country made a Postcrossing stamp? I'd love to receive one. Thanks for the lottery!
I was also thinking it would be great if Postcrossing created a durable "I heart Postcrossing" sticker we could post on our mailboxes! We could buy them from the website and they could raise funds for the project. What do you think? Good idea?
Hello! I want this mark!
I'd love to get one. Great idea! :)
I want!!!!!!!!! I've looked it at General post office and there's no stamps with "I love Postcrossing".
How and where can I get it?
I'd also ❤ ♡ ♥ ❥ to have one!!! :)
I would really like to receive one!!! I would take it to school for show and tell!!!
Very neat!!! I would love to receive one!!!
Wow that is a long list :) I would love to get one :) Thank you so much for holding this lottery :)
This stamp is really beautiful, and our Russian friends are really nice people !
That`s a great idea! Such a beautiful stamp! I would really really be very happy if I could be one of the lucky ones!!!
I love those special postcrossing stamps. It's so great so many countries made them already. Would love to get one on a Russian card!
This old vet loves the stamp. Would love to receive one franked on a postcard.
Very cool! Add me to the lottery! :)
Great Stamp!! One for me please!! :o)
I would love one :D
Yes, I would like to receive one!
It would be such a nice surprise to find in my mailbox!
I would love to receive one!!!!
Good idea! Such a beautiful stamp! I really love it! I'm fond of collecting interesting and nice stamps! It's a dream for me to receive postcrossing stamps! Thank you so much, Postcrossing!
Great stamp. I´d really love to receive one.
They're great! I'd really love to receive one!
Great stamp! Hope to find it on a postcard in my mailbox one day.
Beautiful stamp and good idea! Hope to received it :)
I would love to receive this beautiful stamp, on a beautiful card of course :-)
A beautiful stamp. Congratulations to Russia Post for recognizing Postcrossing and making a stamp about it. Maybe I will be one of the lucky ones...
This is really cute. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my next postcards from Russia will have this nice stamp :)
What a great stamp. I wish the US would produce a postcrossing stamp. I am jealous :-)
Russia, twelve points for this stamp. I want to get it, to.
Yes, I would like to receive a postcard so special. Beginner's luck would.
I love it! So yes, I would like one....please!!!!
Yesss, it's lovely - hope I'll be lucky :)
What a wonderful stamp ♥♥. Yes, I would like to get a card with it. And I wish, Germany would issued such a great stamp too.
I would like to receive one, too. I know I'm not the only one.
I very much would like to receive one too, naturally - who wouldn't?
Ah! I also want one! That stamp is so pretty. Love it!
Wow, great stamp!! I'll try my luck...;)
It is a really nice stamp! ;) Would be happy to get one! ;)
*Hand raised* Pick Me ... Pick Meeee! I want one!:)
It is a lovely stamp. I would be very happy to receive it!! :)
It's beautiful ! I love the colors of this stamp :)
I'd love to receive one !
I think it's a wonderful idea to celebrate Postcrossing!!
I hope that other nations will create the Postcrossing's stamps.
I would be very happy to find this postcard in my mailbox.( if I'm very lucky)!
Thank you!!!
What a great stamp! It'd be a thrill to receive one.
It's a lovely stamp. Great idea too. It's nice when the government office is nice to its people :)
I'd be happy to receive one!
This is beautiful and really so neat! I would be so happy to receive one! I wish the US had a stamp like this!
Brilliant design! Yes, of course, I dearly desire to receive one of these postcards.
Small chance of getting such a nice stamp, but I try it anyway! Would love to get one.
I'd also love to receive one! It's a really lovely design. :)
I'd love to have it as well! :)
Would be so nice to receive one :)
It would be super awsome to receive one :)
Yes, I want to participate ! so nice !
Beautiful stamp. I would love to receive one!
I wish my counrty would issue one like that. Meanwhile I'd really like to take my chances in this draw and hopefully receive one :)
Now that is an awesome stamp!!! I would love to be picked! Thank you!
I'd love to be in with a chance of being sent one of these beautiful stamps :) proof of the impact Postcrossing has across the world: we might come from different places and cultures, but we are all united by our humble love of postcards!
So beautiful stamp and so creative postcrossers!
Thank you for your wonderful inspiration.
Beautiful stamp! Would love to receive the surprise one day! Please include me!
I want it too:)
I would love to receive this beautifull stamp. En make history with 59 other people. I hope, more countries will follow. With, also, beautifull stamps.
Very pretty! ^o^ O. Shushlebina created a beautiful stamp! It'd be awesome to receive one of these stamps!
I'd LOVE to recieve one that would be amazing!!!! :')
Hey .. beautiful stamp .. just a pity I don't speak Russia .. but I love the stamp regardless .. Robert
So cool. Would love to receive one :)
I would love to receive a postcard with the new stamp and special cancel.
Really wonderful! I'd love to receive this!
Beautiful and creative stamp! I'd love to have it in my collection!
Such a cool stamp! I hope somebody from Russia sends me a postcard with it soon.
I will like to receive one, it's beautifull. Bravo!
I love this stamp and it would make my day to receive this in my box. Nicely done, Russia!
Great stamp, I'd love to have it!
Count me in! Love.
Oh my! I'd love to win this! ^_^
This is a beautiful stamp, and I would be delighted to find one in my mailbox!
A very beautiful stamp! Oh....surprise me, PLEASE!!!!!! :)
I want to get one
Wow what a beautiful stamp!! Would love to get one!
I would like to receive one. It is a really beautiful stamp. Ute
I'll be happy to receive one! Thanks for the opportunity.
I wanna too!!!!!
I'm new around here, still waiting to receive my first card, but I love it so far! I would love to recieve a card with one of these awesome stamps.
We'd love to receive one!
I would love to receive one....
Love the stamp, send it this way to the other side of the world!
I love to receive one...
The stamp is so beautiful. I would love to receive one.
What a beautiful stamp! I hope I'll receive a postcard with it some day.
Wow! I like it:-) I want try to recieve it
It would be awesome to receive one!
What a wonderful stamp! How can I miss the chance? Try my luck!
What a nice idea! And a very beautiful stamp!
Yes, I'd like to receive a postcard from Russia next time.
GOOD LUCK to the world!!! I wish I can have it but if others have it I will be happy,too.
I'd like to receive one! It's beautiful!
Very nice stamp! Would be very happy to receive one!8)
I'd like to recieve one . its a beautiful stamp
Nice stamp! It's cool to receive it!
Very pretty! Writing 60 cards is a lot of work, good luck guys, and congratulations on this stamp!!
I'd love to receive one!
It's so lovely! I would like to have one!
I'd love to receive one! Beautiful stamp!
As a stamp collector and postcrosser, I would love to be one of the lucky recipients.
It will be great if I can have one as collection
Awesome stamp!
I hope I am one of the lucky ones who will receive a card either from Novosibirsk, Tomsk or Moscow :)
GOOD LUCK to all members participating and of course a BIG
Thanks to the three Big Spenders in Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Moscow ;)
What a wonderful idea and beautiful stamp !
YES, I'd love to receive one. Thank you for the opportunity!
Good luck to everyone!
it's written on the stamp "I love post crossing". :-)
I'd love to receive one, too! :)
WOW! We love it! It's really awesome stamp! ^^
I would love to receive one :D
It's amazing! I really want to have these stamps! In my town we have only Kremlin-stamps and this is so sad...
Beautiful stamp! Would love to receive one! :)
I would love one!
I'd love to receive one!
I would like to get one! Good luck to all! :)
I hope to receive this beautifull Russian stamp
I love the stamp so much :) Would love to receive it on cards :)
From Russia with love!
I'd love to receive one
I would like to get one :)
of course i would like to get one of them... thank you, and let's hope for the best!
So cute!:) I would love to receive one!
Yes, it is a beautiful stamp and will help to raise awareness of Postcrossing. I collect stamps, as well as postcards, and would be very pleased to get a First Day Of Issue stamp/postcard! Thanks.
Redmond. (RevRed - Ireland)
Yes, please! :-)
What a wonderful stamp! Yes - I would love to get one!
Thanks for the giveaway! I'd love one!
a postcrossing-stamp from Russia ... now that would be великолепный (awesome, I hope). Peace, happy postcrossing, Stevyy
I'd love to receive it! Very beautiful!!
Really beautiful stamp :-) Would like to get one.
It's a really nice stamp! =) I would like to receive a postcard with this stamp!!! =D
Of all the Postcrossing stamps so far, I think I like this one the most though all the others were great too... I would looooooooove to get one...
This stamp is very beautiful. I would like to receive one. I would like to be one of the 60 lucky people who will get one, please. Happy postcrossing to everyone! Good luck!!!
I'd love to receive a postcard with that beautiful stamp!
It's just awesome :)
Great idea and what a lovely stamp - it would be awesome to receive one.
я тоже люблю посткроссинг :)
Looks really awesome. I hope that I will get one. :)
Would be a very nice present for my birthday ( which is TODAY ! ) from Russia .... with love :.)) Fingers crossed !
What a good idea! Hopefully other countries Will follow this example! !
I would love to receive one!
I'd like to receive one!:)
It looks really nice! I'd like to receive one :)
I'd like to enter this fun contest.
Its fun I hope to get one soon!!
What a neat stamp! I'd like to enter this contest!
Hi, it is a nice stamp and good measures to put at the postcards. Would like to have one...
yeah, we would love it!! thank you!
Great! I want this stamp :)
I'd love to receive this stamp. It's a beautiful design, especially with the Russian on it. :)
It's so beautiful! Really would love to win one :) Even if I don't thanks so much to these Russian postcrossers! It's really kind :)
Good luck to all particpants :)
Lovely! i would be happy to receive one!
Wow! I'd love to get one please! :)
ja też :)
I'd love to receive it!
Me, too!!! go, russia, goooooooooooooooo....
Thank you all for making postcrossing grow and so many people so happy!!
everlasting life, random acts of kindness everday!!!
Oh I would love to have one! So great.
I'd like to receive one! What a beautiful idea!
Nice! I volunteer... to receive one too :) And good luck to everyone!
That would be wonderful to receive one!
I would be honored to receive one of these! Its beautiful!
I would also be happy to receive such a beautiful stamp. :)
I would loved to receive this stamped postcard
Such a lovely stamp! How cool!
I'd love to receive such a pretty stamp. I wish the U.S. would print one!
Pick me, Pick me!!!!
60? higher chances this time;') hope it'll be me...:)
Lovely stamp! And such a generous giveaway! A big thank you to the three members who are doing this for us! Please put my name in the draw.
Very cool! Love it!
Oh my, I would definitely love to receive one!
What a great way to take a trip around the world via a terrific new all the monuments depicted on it and I imagine the card to which it will be attached is great, too. Add my name to the lottery.
I'd like to receive one! So nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's a great stamp and I would love to receive one.
so beautiful stamp, if I receive it i will so happy ^^~
It's a beautiful stamp! I'd love to receive one! Thank you!
I would like to receive one!
Hi, I would love to receive this stamp as well :)
Hi! That's a beautiful stamp! I would love to receive one :D
Oh my, I would so love to get one!
Mememememe please
I really love to get one. It´s so cute.
I like many would love to receive one. But truly just seeing its beauty here would be enough for me.
It is wonderful to see a stamp design specially for Postcrossing members. And this is is such a colorfully cheerful design, too. It would be wonderful to be selected for one of these commemorative, first date of issue stamps. Perhaps I will be one of the lucky ones?
Wow. Sign me in!
I will be happy if i will receive this stamp. I hope i will be lucky person.
One for me! Pleeeeease!
I am never the "lucky girl" in lotteries like this although I do sign in most of the times. But who knows, this time it might work? Lovely stamp! Wouldn't mind getting one.
Beautiful stamp, I would love to receive this stamp as well :)
и я хочу одну))
I like to receive one please :)
Congratulations with the new postcrossing stamp. I'd like to participate too (=
Great stamp - lets hope I'm lucky! thanks to the Russian Postcrossers who made the generous offer.
I want the nice postcard & stamp... please send me ~~~
Замечательно! Я хочу получать одну.
I'd like to receive one too!
A very nice stamp! I'd love to receive one!
I would love to receive one!!
I'd like to receive one too!
I'd like to have one too :)!
Yes I'd like to receive one!
Would love to recieve a postcard with such a beautiful stamp :-)
What a great stamp! And as I am a marcophilist (postmark collector and researcher), I would love to receive one.
I'd like to receive one,please.
Love to receive one! I am very interested in Russia. Was there last summer!
I'm in love with this stamp, I would love to receive one too!
So beautiful! I'd love to get one.
It`s a very nice stamp. It`s, may be, the happiness to receive it!
Lovely, cheerful stamp! I'd love to receive a card with this stamp.
very want !!!
Would love to receive a postcard with this stamp! ;o)
A very beautiful stamp! This really captures the essence of Postcrossing, connecting people (and cats) around the world. Hope to receive one soon from some kind Russian user:) Miau to all fellow postcrossers!
What a wonderful stamp. The design is really great, it looks so modern and international. I would be very happy to get one.
I'll be glad to receive that nice stuff :)
What a beautiful stamp!
I would like to receive one!
Goldberry59 (Annemarie)
I would be very happy to receive this card!
Thank for a lottery!
I would love to receive a postcard from Russia with this stamp! Thank you.
Awesome stamp! I would love to receive one.
I'd love to receive one!
Wow! It's so pretty! I never win anything, so this would be pretty awesome :D Fingers crossed :D
lovely colorful stamp.
This stamp is so pretty and positive! I'd like to be one of the luckies. Fingers crossed! :)
I love this beautiful, colorful stamp.
Duimen maar.
It is beautiful and it would be nice to receive a postcard with this stamp on its first day! :)
It is simply Amazing! it has the postcrossing spirit :)it would be great to recieve such a surprise. Fingers crossed. Happy postcrossing!!!!!
Ok, I'd really like one, too. :)
Wauw, a beautiful stamp, of course I would like to receive one.
Please add us to the list! It's a great stamp!
I´d love to receive this stamp. It is so beautiful! And it shows symbols of several countries including the great St Basil Cathedral in Moscow. I was there last July.