It’s been a while since we’ve had a giveaway on the blog… so when our friend Addis (aka sumares) found this cute stamp-themed puzzle and offered to send it to a lucky postcrosser, we immediately jumped at the offer! Little Paulo showcases it below:

Isn’t it cute? It’s a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle, featuring the “Wonders of America: Land of Superlatives” commemorative stamps! Here’s an introductory video highlighting the concept and artwork of the stamps, which were released almost ten years ago, in May 2006.

Stamps and puzzles and mailboxes… so many our favourite things put together in this charming package! Little Ana is ready to write a name on the mailbox…

If you’d like a chance to win it, all you need to do is leave a comment below. Oh, and if you have seen or played with other fun toys that promote postcard collecting or letter writing, do share!
Don’t forget to check back on this post around this time next week, to know whether your name was picked by Paulo’s random number generator. And a huuuuge thank you to Addis, who generously sponsored this giveaway!
And the winner of this puzzle, as chosen by Paulo’s random number generator is… havarah! Congratulations! :)
370 comments so far
Very nice and cute! I wish I could win one! :D
Love the puzzle. My kids and I would have hours of fun doing it.
I like this idea so much! I would love to receive one hehe :D
Love to have this! <3
So cute! All my pupils keep their fingers crossed for me ... and are already searching for a good Spot in the classroom.
Puzzles are the only thing that keep me sane during college! Love this & postcrossing too much! <3
Adorable! Fingers crossed. :)
That box is adorable!!
This is such a cute idea! I love puzzles because they help me relax. Thanks, Postcrossing! :-)
Amazing and completely stunning! Lots of history in this! :)
What a lovely giveaway prize! It really is a lot of favorite things put together in a charming package!
This is a good idea. Collecting stamps, Postcrossing and Puzzles are my hobbies!!
Wow, what an amazing puzzle. I LOVE it ♥♥
Puzzles are one of my passions. The biggest one I have done up to now had 18.000 pieces.
Great and cute idea! Fingers crossed :)
oh but that is extravagant and almost unique that has I collectibles worth'd also like to take with me on lg Heidrun
It would be great to have this :)
This looks super fun -- I would love to win it and share with my friends (who I'm constantly trying to get involved with Postcrossing!) :-)
Happy Easter to everyone!
love to win
I love jigsaw puzzles. And this one is amazing!
Thanks @sumares and PC for this! Sounds lovely toy <3
Lucky me! I just can't believe. Oh God, you help my disbelief.
Looks awesome, I wouldn't mind getting it ^^;
Hey there I'm using postcrossing again !
And Happy !!! ;)
Puzzle? Challenge accepted.
Now that's a great jigsaw puzzle! I'd love it.
Awesome. Waiting to explore.
Sounds Great...
Would love to get my hands on this awesome rare fun filled postcard game we play
Puzzles, stamps and postcards - the only way to spend an afternoon. What a lovely puzzle.
Wow, I really wish I could win one!
Awesome! I would love to win it....
i would love to get ones like these and send them to travel around the world :D
So nice to have this lottery. Good luck to everyone, and thanks to Addis for this give away!
A Postcrossing Puzzle to Play with would be Peachy!
So cute! I want to participate in the raffle!
Thank you!
Would love to win this and give to my mum. She's the puzzler.
Count me into the competition. That jigsaw looks fab!
A very good idea. Thank you for sharing!
It is really a good idea for a give away. I would like to receive it.
I love that it's in a mailbox :) count me in
What a lovely giveaway! Would love to share this with my niece and nephews. Thanks 😊
Looks awesome:)
Oh very nice mailbox. One of my hobbies is making puzzles and another hobby is making cards. I really want to win one of this mailboxes.
That's awesome!
What a cute puzzle!
How cute! I love puzzles and postcrossing!
This is so cute! I love it
What an awesome puzzle. Thanks so much to Addis (sumares) for giving us an opportunity to win it. Our kiddo's would love to attempt a puzzle this big (they easily do 300 piece ones now) and it's such a great topic! Would love to win :)
What a lovely puzzle. Never seen such one before.
I like puzzles :) I love this idea :D I would like to receive this toy :D :D
I love puzzles. I think I am still a puzzle to myself :) Great idea to put puzzles and postcrossing together. Well done!
I see that there are a lot of Postcrossing members who also enjoy jigsaw puzzles! 😊 Good luck to all the participants! 💛
Hy, cute idea, I'm so overwhelmed what postcrossers are able to invent. I have no words for it I just love it. Grazie Ciao!!!!!!!!
Adorable! I'd like to get it ;)
As big a jigsaw fan as a Postcrossing and postcard fan, here!!! Pick me, pick me! ;D
This is so cute, I would love to have it! :)
Perfect! I love puzzles and I love Postcrossing! :)
Seems like a great combination! Puzzles with old friends. Postcards with new friends!
That's super cool. My daughter will love it.
What fun this would be!
I see it coming my way. Lo, it has arrived.
Wow lovely one - I loved jigsawpuzzles as child - to do it would bring back great memories :)
That's really adorable!
How clever. Please enter me in this awesome drawing, and thank you to all the wonderful postcrosters for sending me great cards & messages
I'd love to win this so I can add it to toys and fun activities I'm gathering for therapy! I love puzzles and I especially love mail :-) My best friend once sent a postcard that was a large piece of tree bark -- really cool!
Postcards and puzzles? I want it!
This is extremely amazing! Ya, it's too cute and I wish I can receive it !😄😘😘😘
Please consider me for the giveaway!
What a lovely prize!!!
Pefect activity for stormy days at the Oregon coast!
Thank you @sumares for this great giveaway. I would be really thrilled if I won the puzzle!
What a wunderful puzzle...
All my favorite things in one package; would love to win it.
That's a wonderful idea :-)
I really love puzzles and if I'll win, I would do it and after I've finished it I would give it to someone else so that many people have the chance to do it.
Very cute, I wish I could win!
Keep my fingers crossed!
Oh my goodness! This would be such a fun thing to win! Crossing my fingers I'm the lucky one! Happy post crossing everyone!
Oh!! How nice!!! I just love puzzles so much!!!!
Wow, it would be great to do this jigsaw, a lovely pastime during the winter months. Best wishes everyone.
Cute :-)
How cute and interesting puzzle! I wish I can get. It reminds me of lego toys and tetris game, no matter what age is fit for play.
Lovely puzzle! Thank you for telling us about it :-)
What a great idea, so many other stamps that could also be turned into jigsaw puzzles! Would be fantastic to win it! :)
Terrific prize!
This is a really cool idea :)
If I win this puzzle, I will send it to my pen-pal in America, who is serving a prison sentence. Puzzles and games are very important behind bars, because they give structure to the days.
That is awesome and such a great idea!
How lovely! Congrats to the one of us that will be so lucky to win it :)
that is so nice! love it! ^^
thanks a lot addis and of course thanks postcrossing! :)
it's an awesome idea, i would like a lot ... to win ! i never won on nothing ...
Postcrossing is a such fairy adventure, we could hope for everything ...
Adorable :) Fingers crossed :)
amazing!!!!! i really want one!!!
Looks great! Fingers crossed. C:
wow! super cool for my collection since i collect wood postcard, bottle postcard and 3D postcard! make my dream come true! i love POSTCROSSING! xoxo
I love jigsaw puzzles and this one is awesome!! Thanks a lot to Addis for the kindness!
A very good and especially cute idea!
I've never won anything, would be happy if it works here.
How fun! I love the playmobile people, and jigsaw puzzles.
What a lovely puzzle!
This is awesome!! I'm just really happy that something like this exists! So cute! :p
Wow! Stamps, letters and mailboxes .... A puzzling postcrosser's paradise!
Oh, I love jigsaw puzzles, and of course I'd love to do this one!
Thank you so much for such a lovely giveaway :)
Love this!
So cool!
Thanks for awesome giveaway!! :D
Congrats to whomever wins and thanks to Addis for her kind offer!
This is so lovely!!! Also, many thanks to Addis for this wonderful offer! :-D Thank you very much again for this lottery.
I just LOVE it! All passions in one :)
This is adorable !!!
I think I am starting to hyperventilate... 8-]
Nice Puzzle.Would love to be the lucky one.
That looks great!! I love puzzles!
Awesome Giveaway *-*
This is really great! I'd like one...
It's uber cute and creative! Moreover, the commemorative stamp is definitely collectible! I'd love to receive one! :)
This is awesome! Thank you for the opportunity to win it!
It would be amazing to win this!!!!!!!!
Here's hoping to become an American superlative: happiest prizewinner! :D
Awesome - all the things i love :)
What a great idea! I would love to win this! I wish the US would design a Postcrossing stamp, as so many other countries have done.
Is anyone else here interested in direct swaps?
Great idea! I love puzzles and postcrossing :o)
What a superb prize. I would love it so must keep my fingers firmly crossed. Good luck to everyone who enters.
I love puzzles
What a lovely gesture by Addis :)
I wish I could get one! I want to surprise my mum, because she loves jigsaw puzzles! :)
My two favourite past-times are Postcrossing and puzzles so it's great to see them together on the same page!
This must be the cutest I've ever seen!
I remember having as a child a little post office. It was something like a box (that you could use as a counter box) full of little envelopes, rubber-stamps, stamps and other things that you could see in a post office in that time. I loved that and I just realized it thanks to this post. Thanks for bringing back the memory! :-)
I would love to win this for someone special
It's like a treasure box full of stamps! XD
Crossing my fingers that I win this!
So cute and I love puzzles! :)
I love this I am a post lady and also love jigsaws. anything that promotes snail mail is great.
This is adorable (o^^o) I would love to receive this special gift :-)
Wow, very cool!
I love it. :)
Wonderfulllllll!!!!! I love this cool thing!!!! ;-)
Amazing puzzle! I would love that and I'm sure the whole family would! :-)
How kind and generous of you, Addis. This gift is very unique and suitable souvenir of post crossing for all like minded participants. I am smiling at the clever idea!
How adorable that is! I would love that for my office. Thank you Addis for your kind generosity.
I need this puzzle in my life.
It's so adorable! I have a mighty need to have this puzzle ^///^
How cuuuuute! I need this! Please Fortuna, smile for me!
We love jigsaws, this is fantastic! :)
That's super cute!
How generous! What a lovely prize.
How fun! I love puzzles and postcards! Would love to win this!
What a nice thing to do!
That is just too cute!
Very fun gift and generous donation Addis, thank you for the fun!
A very original puzzle indeed! Wish I could have one of those! :)
How I wish I could have one...
This is a very nice puzzle. I think I could do it with my brothers help. Thank you for making a nice prize for everyone.
Count me in! The jigsaw looks great!
Great idea ;)
I`ll be an exchange student in America soon and would love to win!!! :)
It's so cute!
That sounds really lovely and like lot of fun! Thank you, Addis, for your generous gift to Postcrossing!
So cute!! :) waaant :D
How lovely is this! I would so love to play with it!
As a child I had a lot of Playmobil :)
Super Idee. Würde mich sehr freuen.
It's so sweet ^^. I'd like to have ones :-)
AWESOME! This is like one of the unique giveaways over :D Little Paulo and Little Ana must have had a great time in the US!
Oh I like puzzle´s and stamps - hope I can get this wonderful giveaway :-)
What a lovely idea. The Irish post office sells a a set of 5 post vans for big kids and small kids to play with
The box is wonderful! I like this interesting idea :) Hope to win this amazing giveaway :)
It's very interesting and unusual,
nice idea! :)
What a wonderful puzzle!
So cute^^ Hope to be the lucky one :3
a very cute idea !!!!! Fingers crossed ;)
Love this colorful puzzle featuring stamps and beautiful vacation destinations.
I have seen some scratch postcards online and we can use our imagination to scratch anything we like on the cards. I think people who enjoy DIY may like this kind of scratch postcards! It's unique and I hope to receive them as well!!!
Very cool! Would love to enter!
Really nice !
I haven't seen a jigsaw of stamps before, love it! And being able to send it straight away without any packaging is a brilliant idea.
It would be a cool gift!
That looks great! My stamp-and-flag-mad nephew Oliver (aged 7) would love it!
I would love to win this! Thank you for the chance :D
What a great concept and puzzle! Thank you for the opportunity to win it!
This is adorable! I'll put all my Postcrossing Postcards in here if I win this! :D
Wow! So interesting! :)
Thank you for the generous donation. What a lovely idea. Would love to get it...
What for a cute puzzle :)
I love it :)
super cute!!! :) best puzzle ever! :D
It looks like so much fun! Puzzles AND snail-mail, together?! Yes, please!!
Hope to win that wonderful thing!
That's a very good idea by the USA Post to create id, by Addis to offer it, and by you to make us play. (By the way... I LOVE jigsaws!!).
That is a great idea to puzzle again, haven't done it in three years! Would be lovely to start with this one!
Great puzzle! Would love one!
Cool idea! Thanks)
I used to do puzzles with my beloved grandma and after she died I got all her puzzles. I love puzzles. <3
Choose us! Choose us! My lovely students and I will really like this puzzle!
Wow! It reminds me of the time when my daughters and I had fun putting little pieces together. Amazing idea...
Would love to win this! So cute and great idea!
It's been a while to check on postcrossing. Feel so lucky to see this give away. Hope I'm the luck one. :)
That is cute. I wish I could win it. 😄
I wish i can win this, super cute!!!
If there's a giveaway I'd like to be lucky on, it's this one (taking into account I'm never lucky 😜). What a fantastic collection!
We once had a jigsaw puzzle of the painting "Blue Poles" by Jackson Pollock. It was so difficult it took us about 6 months to finish. We invited people to dinner but we threatened they would not get fed until they got one piece in the puzzle. It was a fun time.,_1952_%28painting%29
That's really cute, I wonder if the winner will receive it sent like that. With the back written and stamped :P
I like it)
It's great!!!
Thas a good one. I like surprise and i like gaming. Inspiration
it's so cute! I really want it :)
It's a very nice idea. I hope I could get it! ;-)
I would love to win this!
What a great thing to would be very nice to win.......
Wauw what an amazing puzzle, if only......:) it would make me soooo happy
So cool! Thanks!
I´m in!
Wow. This is awesome. Puzzles are my favorite hobby after postcrossing. It helps to see my friends more often! Hope to win)
Ohh... I love puzzles :)
That is so cute! Thank you Addis for sharing this with us ^^ I would also like a chance to win!
Awesome :3 I love puzzles sooo much!
Hope for the best:-)
Beautiful! Thanks for sharing, Addis. :)
I love it!
I am loving it!
great idea puzzle that recalls many memories with my daughter.
This is SOO cute!!
That would be a fun puzzle to win!
What fine gift for whoever wins it.
What a nice gift. Let it travel all the way to Vienna, please ;-))
It's so awesome :) I wolud love to have that!
Great idea 😀 Good luck everyone and Happy Postcrossing! 💌
Such a cute puzzle never seen one like it before
Great!!! I would like to get it :-)
Cool.., pick me, please. :-)
WOW!! I like it!
Yes of course :) bring that beauty to me :)
Always loved that sheet and the puzzle!
I love puzzles... ;o)
this is great! have never seen anything like that before.wish I could have one
Really cute! I would love to get that package through the mail :-)
I would absolutely love to win this!
A beaut way to keep the little grey cells turning over! A jigsaw is tactile, strategic, imaginative...& good fun to be shared. Some enterprising business folk should get on to this idea, & issue puzzles with a postcards/stamps/friends theme - they would sell like the proverbial hotcakes, eh?
Thanks for the chance to win! Would love to solve this one!
Thats a smiling day to read you - thanks
This looks like a lot of fun! Count me in!
Good luck for me :D Love puzzles
Its so awesome.. And i would love to have it myself hehe... Doing puzzle and postcrossing are both addicting, i can't know when to stop :)
Wow, it is so nice. Hope can get it.
Vauh! How lovely it is. I hope that I am one lucky one:-)
Lovely box but I never win anything ;)
Wow ... You never are too old to win a prize
It's so adorable!
What a nice idea! Thanks for sharing it with us :)
I would love to have this - It looks like so much fun
Dear Little Paulo and Ana,
I love solving jigsaw puzzles no matter how long it takes, hope to win this prize. :D
Very nice :)
What a great idea! Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for sharing, it's a wonderful gift! Good luck to everyone !
What a lovely idea! Thank you for sharing this with us!
Great giveaway! Thanks!!
Cool jigzaw puzzle!
Thank you for organising! Good luck everyone!
aww, what a lovely jigsaw puzzle! :) I love jigsaws and the theme of this one is just great for postcard nerds. :D
Oh wow, that looks really awesome. I haven't ever heard of the Mailbox service but the idea is lovely. Whoever wins the jigsaw will certainly have a great time :)
It looks so cute. I love it.
A sweet idea, good luck to you all!
This is absolutely adorable ! Thank you for sharing !
This is such a cute idea! I would love to win it! Good luck to everyone!
What a lovely idea.
What a nice puzzle :) Would love that.
So cute and so perfect for postcrossers! (Especially those who love jigsaw puzzles... like me!)
Cute puzzle! My son and I would have a blast with this.
Ahhhh! Very creative idea!!!! :)
It seems like a lot of us have more in common than just postcrossing, we like puzzles too, we must be good people!!!
This is awesome! I'd love to do this with my family.
Fingers crossed!
Here's hoping. :3
That's one good way to promote the art of communication though post. I love it. I would make something similar for my school children so that they learn it right away. But it would be great if I win it too :)
Good luck everybody, keep your fingers crossed.
Who ever wins it please send a postcard to me so that I can send you a congratulations postcard in return. :)
pick me! pick me! ^.^
Good luck everyone
Wow, jigsaw puzzles and postcards together! Two of my very favorite hobbies! My profile talks about my love of doing puzzles with my Grandma. I would be thrilled to win this! Another reason to love Postcrossing!
A hobby with some curiosity and fun is very Important...
I like collecting Postcard which are something different and Unusual :)
Just like this Puzzle Postcards...
and in Stamps there are many such amazing unusual stamps which attracts new collectors too...
Stamps with games and Puzzles
for example
1. Games
2. Moving Parts
3. Scratch
And Many More....
Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway :)
Wishing myself best of luck of it :)
Shall I be the LUCKY one ^_^
I would like to have one :)
WOW! Great!
Oooh, this is awesome! Just a few days ago I was thinking that I should really find a new jigsaw puzzle to do, and this one would just be perfect - I love stamps! :D
Hımm...Do I have a chance?
Looks wonderful
Like it so much
So cute! I want to participate in the raffle!
Thank you! :3
Great puzzle. I used to do a lot of puzzles, maybe with thatis one I would pick this pastime up again :)
I would love to win it!!!
Super! Thank you for the lottery! :)
My grandson is 20 months and already a huge fan of postcards thanks to my collection and my mother is fond of jigsaw. 4 generations will be pleased if we win this box :)
a puzzle with travel.
Hello sweet little Postman, sweet grtz veldbloempje🌸
This is wonderful! It would be so much fun to win this!
lovely prize, would love to win it.
It´s awesome!!! I really would love to have it ;)
I love puzzles! :)
I like it. Espero tener suerte
Two of my favourite things: jigsaw puzzles and Postcrossing :)
What a nice thing! Curious who will win it! Good luck to all!
Great idea USPS and thank you Addis and Postcrossing :)
What a beautiful idea :D
What an amazing surprise that would be to receive in the mail!!
A jigsaw would be a fabulous present!
Really wonderful idea and collection of the WONDERS OF AMERICA series.
I love this!
Want to win!
What a cute idea!
Say, how do I sign up to host the little Postcrossers? I did once when I was living in China, but now have moved to Egypt. Would love to introduce the little guys to the Sphynx and the pyramids at Giza!
I love to collect puzzles and postcrossing! It would be great to win!
What a fun idea! Good luck everyone!
I love this! Jigsaw puzzles are a passion of mine too! I have heard of a website where you exchange puzzles with people around the world:
I haven't tried it yet though!
What a nice birthday present this would be for me. I like jigsaw puzzles so much that often after completing them, I'll either take a photo or glue the most interesting puzzles to prepare them for framing. Otherwise, they'll be boxed up and taken with me to the local mall on the 3rd Saturday of each month where there is a free Puzzle Exchange time.
Cool :) I'm in too.
I love this idea so much! It`s ages since I have played with puzzles. I`d love to win these ♥
I wish I could get it, puzzles are my last hobby ^^
This is awesome, I got puzzle postcard a long long time ago while I was just a kid, and it get lost.. It's a pitty, I loved it very much <3 Thank you!
Very nice.
Happy Easter.
Love puzzles, became obsessed with 3D puzzles a few years back, made a 2ft R2D2 and a working miniature grandfather clock. Love them
Fun! Thanks for the opportunity.
I'll throw my hat into the ring. This is so cute.
wow, beautiful! i like jigsaw puzzle:)
great! good luck to everyone!
wish I'm the lucky one:)
So cute! Good luck to all!
This old postal worker would love to put this together!
This is very cute!!
Yeay! It is so amazing! I love it ♥
What a beautiful idea! Good luck to all ;)
This is really great! :)
Awesome one ! :) I'd love to win that
I would be really happy to have this puzzle!! :)
OOh, what a treat! I do love seeing the adventures of Little Paulo and Little Ana
So wonderful! It's great even to see a picture :)
This is so cute! The kids in my class would love it :D
Super cute. Thanks for the chance to win!
This is so adorable - the little playmobil figure (with the German postal service logo on it, at that), and of course that awesomely awesome puzzle! That sure would keep me entertained for some time, and receiving a Postcrossing postcard makes me smile a lot.
That's cool, I'd love to win it!
Would love to win. Love jigsaws also =)
I love puzzles and postcards so this would be the perfect prize!
Hoping for the best.
The mailbox was a cute idea.
Cute "little" puzzle. Hope it makes it way to my house - we love putting puzzles together.
It is a wonderful puzzle. I love puzzles it would be a great addition to my collection
I love it! And jigsaws....and Postcrossing
Lovely :) Would be nice to have!
Adorable...perfect gift for my hubby who loves to do puzzles!
This is awesome! I LOVE jigsaw puzzles! Would be so happy to be the lucky one.
What a great idea! Puzzles and Postcrossing! I LOVE doing
count me in. I love a good jigsaw!
Wow! Lots of people really like jigsaw puzzles! Yay! Good luck!
such a great idea!
soo cute!
Count me in! Such a lovely idea :D
Very cute!!
Wow it's adorable! I hope I can have it :)
Ooo ^^ It's wonderful) want it to my collection of puzzles :3
Good luck to everyone!
What a lovely idea. I want it too :)
so nice...
So cool! I have the stamps, but now I want this puzzle set! :D
What an awesome giveaway!
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