If you didn’t notice yet, we are just a few thousand postcards away for reaching the postcard 3 million in Postcrossing!
Little over 6 months ago we could hardly believe we were celebrating 2 million Postcrossing postcards. And now, we are already speeding through another million – can you believe it?
As always, we like to celebrate this important milestones of the project with you, and this time is no exception. And a party without gifts is hardly a party so, we have something special to offer!
The lovely people behind Int’l Girl Aerogrammes have generously offered a few of their cool Aerogrammes to celebrate the 3,000,000 postcards. An Aerogramme is a letter that folds up into is own envelope – this is perfect for mail junkies such as ourselves, and theirs are specially cute. So what do you do to get one of these Aerogrammes packs? Read on.
All you have to do is leave a comment on this post with your best guess about from which country will the postcard 3 million be sent from and where it will go to (example: From Singapore to Brazil). Simple, right? The first to guess it correctly will be the winner of a pack of Int’l Girl Aerogrammes! Only one guess per person is allowed! We will announce the details of the lucky postcard when it gets registered.
Oh, and both the sender and receiver of that magic postcard 3 million will also receive Aerogramme packs, so be sure to keep your pen busy!
PS: If you hang out on the forum, be sure to check this related thread for more ways to celebrate this milestone!
415 comments so far
I'm going to go out on a limb and say Finland :)
Oops, I should have said it will be sent from Finland to China.
It will be sent from Finland to Germany.
Finland to USA :-)
P.S. I forgot to mention that I've bought Int'l Girl Aerogrammes and they are wonderful!
Germany to Australia
Congrates on nearly 3 mil. Did Paulo when he started this ever beleive it would reach such a mark and be increasing in popularity. Conratulations to all postcrossers on keeping the posties busy.
USA to Taiwan..
Congratulations for wonderfull project :)
Congrats to all involed it is a fantastic project. I think the 3 Million card will be from USAto . I hope you are all haveing as much fun as I have the last 2 months.
Thank you everyone.
USA to Finland....3 million WOW!!
Congratulations on the upcoming 3 million postcrads! ^0^
My guess will be : Taiwan to Germany!
Germany to China!
YAY 3 million!
Netherlands to Brazil!
Germany to Brazil! :)
From Finland To United States
Netherlands to Finland, I think. :)
brazil - finland :)
I guess ... Estonia to Portugal :D
Slovenia to Canada Wow another million that's quick in six months,
Since I hope to be the one to send (or to get it) I'll say MP to Finland. Or if we could have two choices Finland to MP.
Then we can guess how long to 5 million or 10.
From USA to Russia
Finland to The Netherlands
That was fast! :D
Singapore to Lithuania
My guess is from Russia to USA (:
OK, good!!! From FINLAND to CHINA.
USA to Netherlands!?! Congrats in advance. This is an amazing site, and I'm loving it a bunch.
USA to China!
Woohoo 3million... that's a lot of postcards!
Happy Postcrossing, everyone. :)
USA to Germany!
Postcrossing so Rocks! I want to be the 3 millionth!!
China to malaysia
This is not an easy choice. My pick is Finland to Germany.
Good luck everyone.
Finland to USA
... but,i hope it's mine
Germany to Taiwan! \^O^/
BTW, "Only one guess per person is allowed! ", is that mean i couldn't leave a comment with my another account?
Australia to Finland
Finland to Taiwan
I guess it will be a postcard from finland to the netherlands :-)
hmmmmmm...I think The Netherlands to China
From Taiwan to Finland
From USA to USA (me!) :)
I think it will be China to Germany! :)
Malaysia to Finland!
since I get a Finnish address about every five times requesting... I'm new and still hoping to hit one of those milestones where I get to send one more postcard quick!
My guess is from Canada to Finland
from Netherlands to USA
From Finland to Japan!
From Japan to Finland! :)
Canada to Finland
Portugal to Germany, I think.
USA to Estonia
Netherlands to Taiwan
Germany to Belarus
Switzerland to China
Canada to...Germany!
Taiwan to Finland
Germany to Netherlands
USA to Spain
Netherlands to USA (sent by me :P :D) ;)
A lot of ner participants from Russia last time.
So I guess it will be from Russia to Germany!
My guess is USA to Norway.
from China to Malaysia
Finland to Finland:)
Taiwan to Germany
from Russia to Taiwan
From China to Poland ; )
Finland to Austria is my guess!
Wow, 3 Million is quite a bunch! That's so cool! :-)
Netherlands to Netherlands
A Fin will write the 3rd million card to the USA
Finland to Australia
Netherlands to Germany
3million wauw.
New Zealand to Australia! :)
Sweden to Turkey:)
Sweden to Finland :)
I'm guessing ( & hoping ) it's from Finland to Singapore : D
UK to China
i hope will be from Italy to Belarus ;)
From Spain to Finland?
USA to Canada. Maybe I'll be sending one home.
From USA to USA
Germany to Portugal :)
From Estonia to Finland
Netherlands to USA!
From Finland to Taiwan
From Japan to Germany! ^_^
from China to USA
From Finland to Belgium
From Italy to USA
My guess:
From Spain to Finland.
Sorry, I've just read that my answer is already taken, so I'd like to change it.
From Spain to Germany.
And that's my final decision ;)
From Finland to China
China to USA
from China to Finland
Kazakhstan to New Zealand!
Canada ...to...Japan
Portugal to China
from norway to united states.
i hope.
From China to Japan~~
Good Luck Everybody~~
From China to Finlang
from Bulgaria to New Zealand
I make a mistake.
From China to Finland
From Italy to USA
Wow! 3 millions postcards!
I guess... from Netherlands to Spain
From China to Portugal !
I think: Italy to Taiwan!
From the Netherlands to Taiwan.
USA to New Zealand! :)
USA to Germany :)
From Finland to China
Nerys from Germany
Finland to the USA!
Belgium to Holland
or Belgium to the Netherlands, as we call Holland here
From Norway to Taiwan
Algeria -> Greenland
I think from Hungary to USA :)
USA to China
From Australia to Estonia
Estonia to Canada!
3 million postcards sure snuck up fast, I had just joined Postcrossing around the 2 million mark ... and I'm happy to be a part of it all - I love my new postcard-ing hobby!
Czech Republic to Netherlands :-)
From Finland to the USA.
Thailand to the US.
Congratulations on reaching the 3 million mark!!!
WOW!!:)The millions seem to go so fast!!!:)It´s great!;)
I guess: Taiwan to Estonia!
germany to malaysia
China to USA.
Cheers for you and for all! What a wonderful project!
Netherlands to Lithuania
Netherlands to Lithuania
India to China
3 million postcards...that's a lot!!!!
My guess: from Belarus to the Netherlands :)
Taiwan to USA
Congrats Postcrossing!
Finland to Germany
A wild guess, really, but Japan to the US!
USA to Belgium
Israel to Estonia
from Italy to Italy
New Zealand to the Netherlands
WOW! that`s absolutely GREAT!!! Lycky we all!!!!
my guess:from Finland to Philippines
Taiwan to Australia.
Live long and prosper Postcrossing!
If I'm allowed to participate, I'd say from Guernsey and Alderney to New Caledonia! :D
(remember to choose different countries from the ones already suggested in the comments above! only the first person getting it right gets the aerogrammes!)
im noticing a similar trend to my guess, but im gonna stick with it and say from Germany to Finland.
From Russia to Finland :)
I guess from Portugal to Spain, and I hope to be who register the card. Happy 3 million!
Norway to Thailand...
Russia to China, maybe
Netherlands to Russia
Postcrossing's 3 million card :-D
I think it could be Switzerland to Southafrica!!!
Germany to Finland
From USA to Hungary
I'm guessing USA to Poland. I tried to read through all 178 replies so far, so I hope I got a first guess on this one!!
Hihii...it must be from Finland to Finland. =D Really 3 million!!! That`s so superb! We all postcrossers are so good!
Finland to Portugal... of course! :D:D:D
I can't believe it will happen again so soon! :D:D:D
Germany to China
oooh, so sorry, it's already taken. Can I change my guess?
Turkey to France!
Austria to Australia
I'd love to send this card so I'm going to guess UK to Brazil!!! Cogratulations on such a fantastic achievement, I only just found you all but I'm loving it already!
ick! Please disregard that last one.... I forgot to log my sister out and myself in before posting my guess.
Austria to Australia
Supposed to be guessed by me: Linabella LOL
Germany to USA
From Finland to Germany
From France to the Phillipines
From the Netherlands to Turkey!
It's already taken, I'm sorry! Turkey to the Netherlands it will be then.
From USA to Germany :-)
USA to USA (CA to OH)^^.
From Venezuela to USA
I'm guessing AUSTRALIA to the USA (can't believe no one else has guessed that yet!!)...
I love this website, it totally rocks!! My all time favourite pasttime!!
UK to Finland
Germany to France
Germany to Australia! :D
Portugal to Thailand
I'm going to say Finland to Germany.
Latvia to the USA. Why not?
Congratulations, and thanks for being such a great part of my life! :)
Finland to Korea
let's see it,
USA to Finland
Finland to Germany
China to Latvia
I really can't look through 230 posts, so I will hope no one guesses this one! :)
From USA to Taiwan.
From China to Finland!
From France to Malaysia.
My guess is from New Zealand to Sweden.
Finland to USA :)
From Israel to Palestine!
It'd be great if it's true. World Peace!
germany to netherlands
netherlands to usa
From The Netherlands to Poland
From Poland to Belgium
from Taiwan to USA
From USA to Finland
USA to Canada
germany to finland =P
Um...... my guess is Germany to New Zealand :o)
Hm... just a guess.... Taiwan to Netherlands!
Finland to Netherlands!
Vote for Finland to USA
Best regards Kouka
Poland to Taiwan. :-)
USA to India!
Poland to The Netherlands I guess
Country number 200 is worth a celebration as well. Every postcrossing day is a party, anyway :-)
The Netherlands to Poland :-)
From the Netherlands to Germany.
Congratulations to all!
USA to Belarus :)
Taiwan to Finland
Poland to Netherlands
From Switzerland to USA
Holland -> Belgium
From Greece to Finland!
From Portugal to Brasil!
Amazing that we have came so far in such short time...Parabens!
from France to Japon
From Austria to the USA
From Finland to Netherlands
I think it will be send from the USA to Finland
From the Netherlands to Austria. Congratulations for this peaceful project. I just love postcrossing.
USA to china
From Poland to Germany!
From Switzerland to Finland
Belgium to Belarus!
From Finland to Germany
Well i will say from Portugal to USA. :D
From Autralia to Finland
From Fiji to Albania ! :-)
From Mayotte to Tuvalu :-))
I guess from australia to taiwan :)
Maybe from Netherlands to China !
I think from the Netherlands to Finland.
Let's go with from Russia to USA.
China to Brazil.
Indonesia to Germany?
USA to Switzerland
However - its great, thanks to all
Congratulate first :)
And I guess "the one" is from Ireland to USA.
I say Taiwan to Brazil! :D
From The Netherlands to Germany
Congrats!!! It is such a fantastic project. I LOVE IT!!! I think the 3 Million card will go from.....
FINLAND TO BRAZIL or BRAZIL to FINLAND. I know that one direction is taken already twice but I forgot which one. :( Arggghhh. ;)
I hope it will be me sending or receiving though. :) It would be an honor. ;)
from germany to usa
I guess it will be from Brazil to Finland. :)
or perhaps from france to china!
South Korea to Germany 8->)
USA to Portugal. Postcrossing rules!!!!! Congrats!!!
From Sweden to Norway :D
From Taiwan to Germany!
From Hungary to Portugal!
Congratulations! What an achievement!
France to Romania!! :)
US to Finland
Canada to Italy
I'll guess Sweden to USA
It will be sent from Taiwan to Finland.
from Netherlands to Sweden
USA to Germany
Finland to Singapore
Mexico to Latvia :)
Germany to USA
Finland to Germany
From Germany to Finland
3 milions I can't wait ! ;)
From China to Finland!!
It's really unbelievable that we come to this number:):):) Can't wait to see that day!!
I guess it might be from Taiwan to Netherland! Haha ;)
Can't wait to see who are the lucky receiver and sender! ;P
China to Netherlands is my guess
but Bhutan to Central Africa would be nice :)
Congratulations on remarkable milestone!
I guess: From Estonia to Netherlands.
I say from USA to USA.
Congrats to this wonderful project. What a mark!
I think it´ll be from Austria to Poland.
China to Iceland
Hınmm ... From Turkey to Germany.
[even the most of the senders are from USA and Finland :)]
Italy to Malaysia
Germany to Singapore!
from Finland to Hong Kong
Finland to Germany
from Uzbekistan to Mexico
Finland to the US.
Ireland to UK
Any guess I would have made has already been taken, but I must note that I, too, have bought International Girl aerogrammes and the are some of my favorite letter-writing stationery ever!
Any guess I would have made has already been taken, but I must note that I, too, have bought International Girl aerogrammes and the are some of my favorite letter-writing stationery ever!
Hmmmm...USA to Russia!!
Singapore to USA. Haha, this is like guessing lottery numbers, really a wild guess!
Finland to US! :)
Portugal to Netherlands!!!
Happy Postcrossing!!!
From Finland to Germany.
I think from Germany to Spain....
From Finland to USA :)
Card will be travelling from Japan to Australia =)
I'd say Finland to Portugal.
Portugal to Taiwan!!
Finland to Poland ;)
My favourite guess: from Finland to Sweden
From Russia to USA.
From Belarus to Turkey.
From the USA to China
Belgium to Canada.
Netherlands to China!
Germany to U.S.A.
Switzerland to Finland :-)
It will be sent from Finland to USA.
It will be sent from Mexico!
Oops forgot to add the TO part.
It will be sent from Mexico to Sweden.
From Finland to Russia :)
I'm gonna say from the Netherlands to Finland
Finland to the Netherlands
Going out on a limb and saying from USA to Sweden.
usa to usa
I'm going with UK to Finland. :*))))))))
Turkey to Cananda
My guess is: Germany to USA
I'm going to guess Finland to the USA!
I will guess: Italy to Finland.
USA to Finland
Heartiest congratulations to the awesome postcrossing team on this wonderful achievement:-)
Hmm, since the postal strike in South Africa is now over :-)), my guess is SOUTH AFRICA to the USA
Russia to Singapore :)
I'm guessing Canada to Taiwan.
China to Finland!
Of course...from Germany to USA ;-)
I guess it will be sent from China to Malaysia.
Thanks:) And congrats:)
I guess it will be USA to Germany
I think Netherlands to USA
Congrats with the 3 million! Let's go to the 100 :D
I believe it will be USA to Germany
Finland to Slovenia :)
Belarus to Finland!
Portugal to Czech Republic!
Portugal to Czech Republic!
USA to Finland!
I think Poland to Germany
I think Latvia to Finland
Taiwan to USA :)
my guess is from China to Germany.
Congrats on the 3 million postcards!
From Japan to Germany =]
Iceland to Canada
My guess: from Costa Rica to Netherlands
My guess: From Brazil to China.
I deserve a chance to try my luck as well, right? My bet is: Portugal to Slovenia ;)
Just 17k to go!
Belgium to Finland
Finland to the Netherlands
My guess will be Italy to Russia!
Australia to Belguim.x x x x
Finaland to Japan
Germany to Finland.
South Africa to Finland.
Australia to Netherlands
Canada to England! :)
And congrats to everyone for the 3-millionth-postcard milestone!
From Estonia to Belgium
I'm guessing USA to Belarus
Maybe from Finland to Belarus
From Singapore to Finland! :)
I´d say from Brazil to Poland :)
And congratulations to (almost) 3 million postcards!
Finland to South Korea
Finland to Finland ;)
From Germany to China
From Finland to Switzerland
From Germany to Finland
Germany to Germany? :)
Japan to the Netherlands
I guess 2 more days~~ it'll reach!
Spain to Japan;)
The Netherlands to Taiwan
from Brazil to USA
from Brazil to USA
From the Netherlands to Taiwan
from the netherlands to Letland
The 3,000,000 card!
How many possibilities there are?
There are 202 countries joining the postcrossingproject, but not all of them have active members. But in theory they might sent cards. Although Botswana, Nicaragua, Niue, Svalbard & Jan Mayen, Smaller territories of Chili & same UK don't have users (but have sent out card in the past).
196 countries left. They can all sent to 195 countries. = 38,202 possibilities.
To sent a card within the same country there must be 2 members at least who marked the box: sent and receive within your own country.
So that will not be possible for countries with one user. 196 - 21 = 175
So there is a total of 38,377 possibilities of country-combinations.
When I forgot something please respond!!!
The best chance to win is to select two large countries. But it's not wise if you like to win to choose countries someone before already picked. Then you are absolutely sure you won't win at all! Never mind the lol for it. But...
What might be the best bet? One of your cards sent to a smaller country, which might arive between WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY.
Or select some of the less larger countries and a smaller...
And there are still combinations of countries that are not mentioned!
I LOVE this competition!
I wish you lot of fun too!!
Would be nice when number 3,000,000 turns up we all scream in our gardens or balcony - like the winning goal at football!
Spain to USA!
Brazil to Brazil ;)
Finland ti USA
From China to Germany
I'm going to guess Latvia to Greece!
Happy 3.000.000!!! I´ll guess from Spain to Taiwan.
I say: Hong Kong to Japan
U.S.A. To Chaina
From Germany to Finland
From USA to Germany
Finland to Netherlands
Congratulations for the 3 million cards! :D
Let's try! From.. China to Spain :)
from Netherlands to Germany
From Singapore to Poland
From USA to USA
Netherlands to U.S.A.
Netherlands to Portugal
France to USA
I hope Iran to Austria
From Ukraine to USA
finland to belarus ...
from Portugal to Portugal ^^;
Lovely postcards!!!
Germany to USA
USA --> Lithuania
USA to China
Germany to Finland
Latvia to Belgium
Germany to USA
Italy to Russia
Belgium to USA
UK to Finland
I guess, it will be from ukraine to finland!
China to Italy! :-D
OMG this is like betting on the lottery! USA to germany?
WOW~~excited that so many people here
I guess it's from China to Germany
WOW~~excited that so many people here
I guess it's from China to Germany
Congratulations! :)
I'd say: from Lesotho to France
From Finland to Greenland
My guess would be The Netherlands to China. :)
I think it will be sent from the USA to the Netherlands
Belgium to Finland..
Belgium to Finland..
Belgium to Finland..
I think Nehterlands to Belgium!
It's will be from Poland to Italy
Netherlands to Germany
Finland to Netherlands
Russia to UK
Finland to Germany
Finland to Germany~~
I guess Japan to Finland
I think USA to Finland
From Finland to Belarus
From Taiwan to Germany:o)
From Finland to Malaysia perhaps? hehe
From Germamny to Finland:)
From Germamny to Finland:)
Canada to Taiwan
from Germany to Canada
Belarus to UK
The Neatherlands to Finland
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