I’m sure many of you are familiar with the work of illustrator-turned-guerrila-artist Keri Smith, author of magical books like Wreck this journal or Mess: the manual of accidents and mistakes. They’re not so much “books” as exploratory manuals, encouraging you to embark on all kinds of messy creative missions.
So when I saw the trailer for Keri's newest project, I squealed in delight! A postcard book, filled with magic adventures? :D It seemed too good to be true!
Everything is connected is a bit in the spirit of her previous books, but in a smaller, niftier format. Each postcard book has 50 thick cards, each one inviting you to a miniature project. You can do them yourself, or mail them to friends in need of an adventure!

We’re giving two postcard books away, kindly donated by Keri herself: just leave a comment below, and tell us about something small that you’ve done to cheer someone or put a smile on their face. Like sending them a surprise postcard… or baking a batch of their favourite cookies! :) We want to have the comment box filled with inspiration!
Check back on this post around this time next week for the winners (randomly picked by Paulo's number generator)!
And the winners, as chosen by Paulo’s random number generator are… averiguar and mydreambook! Congratulations and thank you all for the inspiring comments! You’re ace! :)
374 comments so far
Hello! I asked my real and virtual friends to send postcards for my husband's 35 birthday. He was really amazed to get so many interesting postcards from all around the world.
One time I won a shopping cupon in some of clothes stores in my country. I knew how much my friend wanted to buy herself a coat from that shop (and it was a bit expensive) but with this cupon she need to pay for it only few złoty's (polish currency) so I gave this cupon to her ;)
I asked to all my friends and family to send a birthday postcard to my grandfather for his 92th birthday.
He received 45 cards.
Nobody knew it will be his last birthday and I'm happy to have done this for him.
to be cheerful and never have to be sad:
1.vsegda smile
2.c life looking only positive
3.budte always in a good mood
4.slushayte cheerful music
5.obschaetes with people who are positive to the world
6.budte always friendly and cheerful
All Good!
There is a little-known link on the postcrossing menu bar section: Explore/Other links - that has website to donate postcards to terminally ill children. What more important use of your time IS THERE?
I recieved great satisfaction mailing a set to a family anonymously. You should too! :)
Greetings from the Czech Republic! The latest thing I've done was letting an older man to sit in a train. He was happy cause he thought that none does it these days :)
I cleared out all my soft toys and donated them to a home for orpaned HIV kids . The caregivers there will wrap them up as Xmas gifts for the kids.
One of my favorite things to do for someone who is feeling down is to find three things I appreciate about them and make sure they know. It's hard to feel sad when someone is telling you how important you are to them.
do at least one good deed a day for a stranger, more if you can. most of the time i help out the tourists that seem lost, on my way to school. :)
Picking up my parents at the airport on return from their holidays, with a big pot of their favourite "Eintopf" (stew) which we all love after three weeks of hotel "tourist" food :)
I've sometimes sent mittens that I've knitted myself as a small surprise to some if my friends here in the midst of the cold Finnish winter.
I baked a cake and made a mixtape for my best friend's birthday. It meant more than a shop bought present :)
i randomly smile to strangers and 100% of the time they smile back at me :)
I left a tiny note saying something like "have a nice workday" for a colleague who had to work on saturday. I left it on a place where he would have to find it about an hour into his workday. When I had to work with him again he told me he really appreciated it, cause it was just what he needed since his day didn't start so well. So it was mission accomplished for me :)
When a maroccan woman who lives in the neigbourhood gave birth to a little girl, I made her a bunting with the name of the baby and some more handmade baby stuff. At first she didn't know who made her that, but one way or another she found out it was me. She was so happy, she showed it to everybody!
And she even skyped with her family in Marocco because they needed to see what I made especially for her.
I don't know the woman very well, but although we hardly speak the same language she is always smiling and is very nice to everybody. I thought she deserved something nice. It wasn't much of an afford for me, but the impact was very big!
I've cross stitched a block for someone's surprise quilt.
I don't know if this counts, but I told two friends of mine that I had received a package for them. Turns out it was a common friend we made in Erasmus, and didn't see for 2 years!!! :D they had a great surprise and happy smile on their faces!!
I said thank you to a friend for cooking our dinner, and she seemed genuinely surprised that I had actually thanked her -- because for her it was something that she was used to doing. I told her that's what we usually do at home. At the end of a meal, my nephew and I thank my sister for feeding us with the most sumptuous dishes even just on ordinary days. :-)
I haven't done much these days that's worth mentioning.
Yesterday though, when I came home, it was already dark.
I had taken a shortcut through a football field and had my earphones on. Suddenly someone adressed me and it turned out to be some foreign student who had dropped her phone and lost it's battery. It was too dark to see and she couldn't find it without light. Since I don't carry flashlights or matches with me I couldn't really help with that but I stayed and with the little light from my own cellphone screen looked for it. Luckily we found it not long after. It's awful to be in a strange city without your phone and support.
She seemed happy that someone helped.
While my neighbor was on vacation at a famous tuorist spot, I stumbled upon a yard sale where I found a coffee mug from the place my neighbor was vacationing. I left it by her back door for her to find.
Ive heard that my friend was looking for a book from her childhood. she couldnt find it, even she got all alerts from internet if somebody would sell it (it was 30 years old, so not in the stores anymore). i did my best to remember the author and found it (second hand but in a very good state!) on internet. i put address of my friend so the book would go straight to her. She couldnt see who has sent it! (was not the idea, just how it worked:)) She couldnt sleep the whole night wondering who would send her the book she was looking for years... till she called me cause she knew we talked about it and coupele of days later she got it.
I make hand made cards, and I've partnered with a lady in the US who writes poetry for sick kids. Now some of my cards have her poetry on the back and are finding their way to kids who need a smile the most. Both in US and Australia.
Hello! I gave my best friend her favorite books but signed copies by the author. The author came to my town, and I got the books signed for my friend. She got crazy when she saw the notes and signatures.
I asked a postcrosser from china to swap for my sister's birthday. She sent her a card of Panda (my sister's favorite) and she loved it!! She felt very excited then called me directly, i miss her so much :(
I would cheer my friends whenever they are down... sometimes, playing as fool is one of the ways to cheer them :) I won't mind being laughed by people for being a fool as long as my friends will forget their sadness, thats all I need :D life is boring without companion especially for a school student like me :)
I was contacted by the this girl, a postcrosser from Italy, who asked me to send a postcard to her boyfriend, from my country with the words 'I love you' written in Maltese on it. She wants her boyfriend to receive many postcards from all over the world with the words 'I love you' written in different languages. Really sweet :)
My students in Advanced Journalism have "mailboxes" in our classroom. I leave random notes a few times a month to congratulate or encourage them. I use post cards for the notes. I also keep in touch with many former students and mail them birthday, holiday and thinking of you cards, as well as exam survival mailings like cagics mentioned on her post.
There is an instructor at my school who would get bad evaluations from her students online -- lots of unfair, nasty comments. I started to defend her anonymously and point out good things about her work. I never told her it was me (I made it appear as though I was one of her students), and we are not friends either. It just seemed like the right thing to do for someone who works hard and was trying her best.
Some random act of kindness is all you need to cheer one up. Sometimes, all you need to do is just by giving them your warmest smile and like a sun, your smile will shed light on his/her world and cheer him/her up.
Remember, laughter and smile are contagious.
Hmm.. I used to wake up in the middle of the night (on workdays) to accompany my boyfriend on the phone, while he was driving (he's a truckman).
I´ve gave to my 27years old husband a lego car on his birthday. I could not even image before that grown up man can be so happy and smiley playing with that car :) returning into the childhood :)
There's a fish pond in the middle of a mall near my work place. We can buy some fish food from the "vending machine" outside and feed the fishes. One day I did just that, and seeing a lot of children fascinated by the fishes, I decided to share the fish food pellets with them. I love their smile when the fishes started to eat the pellets they threw. :)
I did some paper craft or handmade gifts and cards for my close friends. I always includes their names and made it interesting and give some special words/sentences which could cheer them up!
My very good friend loves when I sing a "soft kitty" lullaby from "Big Bang Theory" to her, it happened that we speak and see each other very rarely so I made a gift - plush soft kitty, which sing that lullaby. She was so happy, and remember me when she hear that song.
Well, this summer I made a surprise for one nice girl *^_^*
That was a mini-book - 2,5 cm x 3,5 cm - entitled "The Alphabet of Russian Postcrosser" (the book was written in Russian).
To each letter of the Russian alphabet there was a post- or postcrossing-related word.
The book turned out to be a real challenge as it was my first experience in creating such things :)
Here are some photos:
For instance, the Russian letter "У" and the word "улитка" (snail):
«Snail is an unofficial emblem of Russian Post, famous for its unhurriedness.»:
Yesterday I bought coffee for the person behind me in the drive-through line. These postcards would be perfect to send to troops serving over seas!
I work with underpriviledged children in Brazil. One kid keeps on telling me that his dream is to go to Paris and see the Eiffel Tower, so I asked my cousin, who lives in Paris to send him a postcard of the Eiffel Tower.
Sometimes I send funny or inspiring postcards/mail to my friend! Its always a nice surprise within all the billls in the mailbox!
Last month, someone was kind enough to send a postcard and a few stamps which I collect and send to kids in Bhutan for a scouting project. She included her return address. I looked at her profile and saw she collected postcards with pictures of postboxes on them. I had one available and sent her a little surprise.
:-) I'm sure she'll like it...it's bright red and from Iceland.
When my friends who live far away feel sad, I always send a card with a little present. like tea or self made bracelet. just to cheer them up and make them smile again.
One time, I found a young lady crying on a doorstep. I stopped to ask if she was okay and if I could help her. She said that probably noone could help her.
So I asked if it helped to give her a hug, and she fell into my arms, crying. I offered her some tea, as I lived nearby, and she told me all about her currently messed up love life, calming down over a bit of tea at my kitchen table.
After she refreshed her make-up, she left, and I have never seen her again.
I have dozens of books that I don't need anymore and I have given them to charity. I hope that the books will give joy to other people as much as they gave me. I'll make the next donation next week :)
Our daughter started us on Postcrossing. She had a great idea for her friends getting married..we all sent them post cards with our advice, ideas or philosophy for a great marriage..and how to live with each other. We'd give this book to her. :-D
I sent my grandparents a handmade postcard for their 60th anniversary. They were so surprised and now it's the cover of a scrapbook (:
I covered the walls at work with the 'free compliments' and 'free positive thoughts' posters that are to be found at kindovermatter.com
My colleagues really needed the smiles!
I baked pancakes for my coworkers at the job I just started, because they took very much time to explain how everything works to me.
Last week I was on the bus with a young mother and her new born baby. She had a diaper bag and a folded stroller with her. When we got to her stop i asked if I could help her with the stroller. Her face lit up and she said yes so I carried the stroller off the bus and set it up on the side walk so she could just put the baby in. She looked so relieved!
I did dishes for my husband since he's been so busy at work lately.
Hello :) I was doing some experimenting with the Norwegian post. I decorated an envelope with watercolour paints and put my own address on it, and instead of a stamp I stuck on a colourful sticker with a smiling mushroom, about the same size as a stamp. It arrived in my mailbox a few days later, with the postmarks right around the smiling face of the mushroom! I like to think I made the postman's day more interesting and surprising :) The next week I sent another envelope with the address hidden in crazy writing all over the envelope. It arrived as well, I had a lot of fun with it, and I think the postman did too, though I'll never know :)
On Saturdays our office opens earlier than other days. Since I arrive first, I always start the coffee so that it is ready when my co-workers arrive. It seems such a small thing to me, but they appreciate it.
on Facebook some asked to watch her cats for a week, I replayed and did, I also cleaned her house (old dishes, cleaned kitchen, living room, bedroom, shower/toilet room, washed windows so you could look through, also the carpet was jumping, so washed it and became a nice color and fixed the shower) bought a new plant and played with the cats. I left a postcard on the table that I had cleaned for her. The next she came back and left me a very nice message on my phone. Now we are Friends on facebook.
I always try to find just the right postcard for people--whether mailing through postcrossing or giving to someone for their birthday. For my friend's recent baby shower I picked out a sweet postcard of a mama orangutan and a baby orangutan & wrote that her baby would be even cuter than this. I thought she would like it as they had recently been on a safari and their new baby's nursery was decorated in a jungle animal theme. She loved it so much they framed it and included it in the nursery. I was glad to make such a lovely family smile!
I love to surprise...one day I had to people from Netherlands in my pottery, we talked about postcrossing and find out that they live next to my postcrossing-friends! Through the lovely visitors I had the possibility to "send" some of my self-made cups to the postcrossers and they were really surprised :-))
As a teacher just to say "There won´t be any test today!" puts the smile on faces of so many children at once! ;-) (And mine too because I don´t have to correct anything in the evening.)
I've joined a giveaway group on facebook. It makes me happy to leave a smile in peoples face if you have something for them they just need. So I gave away clothes for a young woman and curtains and and and....
When my sister was in the hospital after a surgery, I asked many people to send her a postcard. It was very simple, it was possible to do it by computer, so when I visited her, there where already people who actually did it and her clipboard was hanging full of card. She really appreciated it...
I send my friend postcards to let her know I think of her. And I like to surprise my boyfriend with little things, something good to eat or a magazine or something.
I post random comments in a small piece of paper on random people saying things like: be happy, you make someone happy, smile, have a nice day, and on and on.
my boyfriend and me once were going by train to Leipzig. In a seat in front of us sat a guy who had begun charging his mobile a few stops prior to the arrival. when we all got out at Leipzig he had forgotten it in the plug socket. my boyfriend and me noticed that so i got the mobile and my boyfriend tried to tell him about this so we could reunite the mobile and its owner. unfortunately that guy was hurrying to the exit and i thought "that was it, you gotta give it to the lost property of DB". luckily he was coming back since he remembered his mobile was still in the train. I used this chance to speak to him and give him his mobile back. he was so relieved and glad that he didn´t know what to say. it really made my morning as well.
I've written a song for my mum because I love her a lot :)
My niece has just moved into her own apartment and she is a nursing student without a lot of money. I've gone through my cupboards and given her all kinds of extra things I know she would like. Anything to help her out and make her day!
I wrote a poem for my fiancee!
for my friend birthday i made her a album filled with photos of us (we knew eachother from birth) and wrote funny things that happened or were told by us. She really liked it :D
smiling genuinely to passing strangers! :)
I made a batch of card kits for a group of college students to put together so I can send them to armed service men and women overseas via Operation Write Home..org.
One evening, after I´ve left my work, I saw a young lady in the street, she has had a suitcase and a papersheet in her hands and talks to several people, who always say "Nein" (No) or who shake their heads and passed away. The young lady looks very unhappy. I asked if I could help her? The young lady was coming from Argentina,she spokes only Spanish? and two or three words in English....Now she stood in the early evening in a strange town (Dortmund), in a strange country (Germany), only with a name on the paper sheet in her hands and did not know how she can ask after the person or where she can find it.
I could understand only one or two words which she said to me, read a few time the name on the paper sheet and tried in many ways to find out why she was here and what and where she wants to go. I feel a bit like Sherlock Holmes ;oP .. it needs a lot of time to come after her story...she was come to Germany to visit an uncle, who has had a restaurant here, where she wants to work a few time. She never met him, she never seen him, but after in invitation of this uncle, she was send from her family to come here to live and work....The end of the story is, we both went through the whole city, looking at every "foreign" restaurant and there showing the name on the paper sheet. If I had known, that the name was not an "Argentinian" one, and that her uncle came from the Iran, it has been easier to find the right restaurant.(oh thats the not understanding from each other)...but after some hours we were lucky and found it...the people there were happy to see her, and welcomed her warm and friendly...she was a day to early, she was expected for the next day, so nobody was at the railwaystation to pick her up this day.
I don´t really know who was the luckier one this evening ;o)
I went home with a big smile in my face...I guess this was a special cheering up that I´´ve ever done in the last years.
When it's raining I hand out umbrellas to people that don't have one. A Random Act of Dryness! A little tag on the umbrella gives suggestions for further random acts of kindness.
It may seem a small thing but it has made many people smile. When I'm in a supermarket, I count on my phone the prices of the things I buy and prepare the necessary sum before I come to the cash-desk. The ladies at the cash register always smile (and some of them even recognize me) and thank me for being a thoughtful customer :-)
The secretary at my son's school looked like she was about to cry the other day. I ask her if she needed a hug. 'Honey, I could always use a hug'. So two somewhat strangers where hugging in the middle of the school lobby without a care in the world.
I made a Halloween letter goody bag for some family friends. Inside were small pumkin bags with a special letter and stickers for each person. The husband liked his most of all as a break from work!
I helped a friend when she struggled with a report she was writing. The contract she was writing about wasn't that easy to understand. She thanked me several times for helping her.
About once a month, when I make a big kettle of my favorite minestrone for dinner with my friends, I leave a big jar of it by the mailbox of my elderly neighbor (who doesn't appear to have much extra cash). I don't think he's figured out who is leaving the soup for him, but it's fun to watch him from my window. He grabs the jar and holds it up like a prize and does a little jiggle-dance.
Last year I wrote a christmas card to some of my neighbors, just because they're the best and always helpful. They were super surprised and i got some thank you cards in return. so we all made each others smile:)
I've sent a friend an early copy of a book she really wanted to read. :)
I have an autistic child in my class who loves to draw maps of our city and subway system. Currently, there is much discussion in the news regarding building a new subway extension. I sent our city mayor one of my student's maps, a proposal of what the new subway should look like as well as possible names for the stations. The mayor wrote us back. My student was ecstatic and his mom was so proud.
Hello :) Recently i help a person looking for her husband, after he got lost in a national park and his wife was in panic ! Recently i also send a postcard from my holidays for a friend to whom i do direct swap :)
I used to collect cuddly pigs which I kept on top of my wardrobe. I've taken them down, given them a good brush off so they look like new and have taken them to the local Children's Hospice Charity Shop. I hope they will put a smile on the faces of children who receive them for Christmas.
I can always make my friends smile with сomposing a little piano etude for them. It's cool feeling when there is a piece of music created for you only =)
Maybe the most recent thing was this: Our friend enjoyed the special coffee blend at our wedding party and since we did buy some extra to be sure there was enough coffee for anyone I decided to give him the "leftover" package of the coffee blend. He was SO happy it made me smile too. :)
My mom loves these dark brown potato chips that are really hard to find. So any time I run across them in the grocery store, I buy a bag and sneak them into her pantry the next time I visit her.
I believe in helping each other along in this world...I have a good friend who struggles financially, but is working hard to send her daughter to college...I don't have a lot of money myself, but I am so proud of both of these women so once a month I send a letter with some money to the daughter at college and encourage to continue to grow and learn.
Both of my best friends were really sad so I made them two mixtapes "To sink like Titanic" so they could enjoy their sadness and "To dance like we have no bones" to cheer them up.
I couldn't attend my college best friend's wedding so I surprised her by being her online wedding singing through Skype. :)
there is this old poor man here, that is sharing his piece of bread with his friends - a number of stray dogs. He would rather starve but will never leave the dogs hungry. I love helping him out, so last week I bought some food for him and a a few cans and a big bag of dog food as well. May not be much, but at least I thought it would help them get through a few days.
I am making advent calender for friends and family. Is there something better then the joy of waiting for christmas? (Postcards of course)
The cards look great!
One of my friends gave birth to her baby girl but unfortunately I couldn't visit her... So I made a decoration string with three hearts -out of different happy stripy dotted flowery fabrics- and some colourful beads and sent it to her thru the post :-)
I picked up a ladies handbag with her purse and cellphone in and contacted her so she can get it back.
I pay a visit to my grandma everytime I have the chance to, and even if I'm not doing well I always try to show the opposite. I know her biggest joy is to see her family happy.
From 2007 to 2011, I sent my own printed postcards and handmade cards to Canadian Forces based overseas. I received about 30 thank you letters from them.
In 2012 - 2013, I have sent handmade cards to our veterans.
One of my friends was turning 17 and a couple of days before his birthday he said that if he could, he would skip his 17th birthday and turn 18 years instead. Inspired by his sayings I decided to make him a birthday card that instead of saying "Happy 17th birthday" said "Happy 18th birthday". The card really made him happy. It was also really great to see the amazement on his face - the moment when he realized that someone really was listening to even the small goofy things he was saying.
I send an envelope with a very nice postcard and some tea bags to a tea lover in Russia via Postcrossing. She was really excited by my envelope!
I send out a request to all the people who know my best friend to write her a letter and share what is it that they love the most about her and I give her all the letters on her 30th birthday =)
Once after band practice I was waiting for my ride. The cross-country team had just finished their practice and there was a girl sitting on the fence. She was in shorts and a thin t-shirt and she was shivering. Since I always keep an extra jacket in my locker during band season I ran inside and gave it to her to keep her warm. (It's green and has fleece lining.) She was so happy and grateful.
I got the idea to reciprocate the gift because I know what it's like to be cold. Last year at a band competition I hadn't brought enough clothes to keep me warm, so I was holed up in the bathroom trying to warm up. A lady came up to me and saw that I was cold and gave me her scarf. I still have it. So I was happy to finally be able to pass on the simple act of kindness. :)
Once my best friend is stressed sad, I leave some flowers and something sweet at her workplace ;)
Today I bought a calendar as a christmas gift for my mother of which I know that she wouldn't buy it for herself because she want to spare her money. I am happy to give her something she will really love.
I am currently preparing a RAS birthday postcard for the father of a member of the P.C. Internetforum. :-)
If I want to cheer up a friend, I usually invite them home and teach them how to cook one of my favorite meals.
Then we eat it and we look into the future with more optimism :)
Back in my first years of college one of my roommates had to go back to her parents' for almost a year. She was really sad she had to leave college (and her boyfriend) for so long. I made a surprise for her buy buying her a milka chocolate bar, which she loves, of each kind for when she came back. We used to say we lived in a chocolate house :)
I volunteered to stay after hours so my classmate could finish her Auditory Processing Disorders testing on me. APD testing takes up to 2 hours and is challenging for both the tester and testee. I like to believe to make it through our doctoral program we all have to stick together & be a family. Nobody gets left behind in family.
A few days ago, one of my virtual friends that I met on Tumblr was feeling really depressed and sad, so I sent her an anonymous message in which I wrote several reasons why she's such an amazing person and why she shouldn't feel depressed cause life has great things for us to live through. When I read her answer, I knew she smiled, she really appreciated it :)
Today I sent a postcard to Germany with drawing cute hedgehog. Until then picked itself postcard, thought long and hard what to write. To a stranger when the new friend smiled when he got my card. And it's wonderful for me
I like to bake at weekends and sometimes with no reason at all I take something good with me on monday for my workmates to push them over 'monday again'-feeling :)
When one of my good friends felt sad because of things happening in her life we kidnapped her to go to a zoo and had a really good day. It really helped her.
I love to buy flowers, and then give them to random people who need a pick-me-up :)
My neighbour is a young stay at home mum, with two tiny wee ones.. Every time I bake, I make double, so she can have the special treats she doesn't have time to make :)
In our house we look forward to Friday nights when we eat pizza, drink beer, and watch a movie. I surprised my husband by picking up the beer on my way home so he didn't have to. He appreciated that!
Dear Postcrossers,
Last week I sent early December presents to my European friends to surprise them and because the wonderful old Guilderstamps were only valid till the first of November 2013! I also sent a lot of cards and letters to Dutch friends.
I wrote a comforting letter to the mother of an old friend. The mother is 83 years old and recently lost a het best friend and some of her relatives are ill. Some days later my friend called me and said that her mother was very touched by my writings.. So you see what real mail can do!
Best wishes,Ineke B.
There was quite a huge halloween party in my house yesterday so this morning I helped my neighbour to clean :)
I'm making quilts and gift baskets to raise money for our small community library. We love books!
A young friend of mine made a very bad mistake 3 years ago and killed someone drunk driving. At first everyone was supporting by sending her cards and well wishes but as time goes on those women in prison are forgotten. So, in an effort to cheer her up on her birthday, over 60 family and friends took a picture with homemade signs saying "happy Birthday". The postcards arrived daily that week and was a very emotional blessing for her. It amazes me sometimes how just acknowledging someone with a card/ postcard and a mere .47 cents can change a life.
Everything is connected -> all of us are connected & I bet every day we make someone's day more beautiful, which makes us extremely happy, too ;) Keep up the good work!
a close friend was having a hard time and needed her house cleaned badly so I spent my weekend making it all sparkle. She was so happy so had tears in her eyes
On my way home I always have to wait in a very frequent train station of Vienna for my train. Many trains arrive from the airport. I helped many tourists and newcomers to make their very first steps in the city because I could often explain them which way to take to their hotel or their train :) It always makes me happy to help tourists visiting our beautiful city and it always puts a smile on their faces :)
My favorite thing to do to chear people up is baking cookies or cupcakes and bringing them over. If visiting them is not an option I send a card or letter with a little gift attached :)
For my partner (when I made this he wasn't yet very familiar to me) I sew a little stuffed animal (a bat) to guard him when he has to go to hospital. (Due to an eyeillness he has to go at least once a year for 1 week to hospital)
When I'm away from home I always sent some encouraging and soothing words by mail to make them feel better being parted from me.
I also have some special Postcard wishes on my profil for relatives and friends ~ like Dragonball, Coffee and Hobbit for my boyfriend, lighthouses and pigs for my mother... The are always really happy if such a card arrives.
I always try to cheer up one of my colleagues who is working in another town. The guys in her office aren't always nice to her, so I try my best to make her working hours better.
Recently a friend of mine who lives in another area of our country was in the vicinity for a seminar, and on the first evening he was feeling lonely and hungry in this strange city, so he called me up to rescue him. I had had a long and stressful day and wasn't in the mood for company at all, but of course I couldn't leave him sitting alone in his hotel room. I had him come over and fed him (his favourite pizza), and then I let him show me Roger Federer youtube clips for hours because he's such a big fan, and it really cheered him up to find someone who didn't make him stop after 3 clips, even if I couldn't appreciate them as much as he did. :D He stayed until after midnight and was so happy in the end that it was totally worth being tired all day next day.
I've enjoyed sending cards and postcards to my children's friends when they are away at college to fill their mailboxes with a little cheer!
I enjoy making handmade postcards. I've just sent my most recent handmade card as a surprise to a friend. It is taken the shaped of a sitting cat (from the back) made with AirMail labels. I'm so glad that my card make her day! It is a very pleasant time for me because I really enjoy making that card for her. XD XD
My favorite thing to do right now is to treat my mom to lunch. She lost her spouse recently. So this gets her out of the house, gives us time together and cheers her up for a while. Plus, since we all need to eat, she doesn't object to me spending money on her -- too much.
I went on a scavenger hunt around our city taking pictures of garbage trucks and garbage men for a total stranger (her garbage-man obsessed nephews birthday was coming up, and she was collecting pictures from around the country for him). It was really fun, and I met some great people who I might not have otherwise.
I love to donate money to those selling candy bars as fundraisers and give the candy bars to random little kids to make them smile! I also donate all of my gently used clothes to collections and I volunteer at an animal shelter! I just love to cheer people up and help out those less fortunate than me... it's addictive!
my husband and I do travel alot, take lots of flights, seeing all kind of airports and their way of dealing with customers....
one December time we had to fly from London/Stansted back home, early hours, everybody tired and anoid! Standing in line, waiting to get on to the plane I noticed a girl, running up and down the counters!
I stepped out of the line and asked her whats the matter! She started crying, sayin she can't find her gate! It turned out that she was totally lost! Wrong terminal, wrong gate, flight about to take off! She wanted to fly to Warsaw for x-mas holiday, being an Au-Pair in London! So I got on one of this phones near the gates and ased for assistance for her! Finally a member of the Airport arrived, and they took her to her flight on a special buggy! My husband has been waiting for me all the time, although we almost missed our flight back home!
But who cares, when you can be sure that someone lost is having a wonderful x-mas time with the family!
I do think those little things, when you just do step back a little to make the world a little brighter, those are the important things !
Just do give a little smile, and the world is smiling back on you!
and guess what, that is one of the meanings for postcrossing! You are about to give a smile to a random receiver of one of your postcards, sometimes you do add a little extra, like stamps,fridge magnets etc.
Yes we can make this world SMILE
Recently I've sent a few letters to friends who are studying abroad to help them feel less homesick. Also, I started making my own envelopes to send my letters in to my pen pals. I hope it makes their days a little brighter (and the postal workers') to get the home made envelopes instead of plain white envelopes.
I wrote a letter for my boyfriend for his birthday. I didn't mail it, I just gave it to him, but I always use stamps, stickers, cute stationery and write his address on the envie. He loved it! :-)
This afternoon I packed some presents into a shoe box for "Weihnachten im Schuhkarton" - "Christmas in a shoe box".
Hopefully this box will bring a smile on the face of a child living in poor conditions.
I've been there for a friend when she needed someone to talk to.
Our neighbour is an old lady, almost blind. In winter we always clear away the snow for her so she can get to the mailbox and the garbage bin safely.
I have not any charity work worth mentioning here,i always try to make a child walking on the road smile and giggle with my mimickers and gestures.
My grandmother-in-law has broken her leg and I sent her a little package with a letter, some sweets and a book to read. She has been very happy about it.
I like to pay for the order of the person behind me in line at the drive-through of McDonald's or Caribou Coffee. I can imagine the smile on their face and in their heart when they drive up and learn their treat has been paid for!
Rubbing the back of friends and familiy who are sad or in pain (or just because they like it), usually makes them smile :) so that's my tiny magic gesture for making the world a little happier!
I made a 'voucher' booklet for my friend who was having treatment for cancer in a nearby city and when she really needed some time out she would mail me one of the vouchers. They were simple things like a chocolate day or a trip to the movies or a coffee and cake afternoon or a day of smiles or a country-side drive. She had a gruelling 2 years of treatment and the vouchers made her so happy.
I threw a surprise birthday party for my friend when she didn't feel like celebrating it at all.
I've sent small gifts to my internet-friends (by now we've met in real life a couple of times) and letters to the exchange students when I've read in their blogs about having a homesick period.
I've randomly picked a bunch of phone numbers and sent a nice message.
It takes a little effort to do a good thing, but makes a big difference. Remember that :)
I like to send postcards to the ill kids via sendkidstheworld.com. I think they really appreciate the surprise in the mail.
I was sent a post card to Alina in Russia and as a return, she sent me a non-post crossing post card so this is one for her!
Thanks Alina!
On my cousins Weeding every guest gets a postcard with a date they have to send it and so the new wedded couple will get every week of their first year as husband and wife a postcard.
I surprised my Mom for her birthday with Postcards from New Orleans (the town of her dreams), with the help from many amazing Postcrossers.
When I am walking down the street I always smile at strangers and they often smile back at me :D I give cookies to the homless guy that sits near the church I pass every now and then and I like collecting postcards for my parents and give them to them on their birthdays :D
I just paid for a stranger's stamps at the post office. He was in line in front of me and didn't have enough change to buy the 2 stamps he needed. He was so happy that he could send his bill on time.
Have a birthday card ready at this moment to mail to Russia for a friend of another postcrosser. :~)
A friend of mine was feeling down for a while. So i filled a huge blue envelop with inspiring pictures,uplifting quotes,an article that read '100 things to do when you feel upset',a personal note and candy. Se said it was the best mail she ever got.
My Best friend and I Send each other Spontaneous post cards as We currently live over 500 miles away and although there is social media and phones to keep in touch, nothing beats opening the mail box to find a card or a letter.
Hi! :) last year I fell in love and now from time to time I write to my beloved love letters on paper with my perfume and seal in handmade envelopes with red sealing wax. He has already received seven letters (which became seven pleasant surprises) and they are for him more precious than any treasures. And these seven - it only the beginning ♥
I did send a lot RAS cards with my last 'guilder'stamps :)
Hi, I made Ana smile with a postcard of our cat Gaudi and Gaudi made Ana smile for being Gaudi. ;)
I have seen keri's book at the bookstore! They are very entertaining. I love her 'wreck this journal' books. Something I've done to make someone smile was writing a poem for a friend who just had her heart broken. I wrote about how special she is and how life goes on and great things await for her. It meant a lot to her.
i have recently donated blood in memory of a co-worker who died of cancer, and sent a card to his wife from the blood clinic that blood was donated in his memory.
My friend's daughter just join postcrossing. She is waiting for her postcard to arrive. So I decided to mail a postcard that I had bought in Italy to her. I then phone my niece, who started me in postcrossing, and asked her to also send this young girl a postcard.
I have sent a long letter with a small gift to a random person in USA. And today I surprised my sisters 7 years old girl with decorations for nails, she really loves to do her nails :)
Last Thursday, I was able to spend a couple of hours with my coworker since we were wanting to do so but our hours of work and school would always clash. That day, we drove around together as she had to do her errands and were able to catch up on things. At the end, we stayed at a Starbucks nearby and tried new drinks and talked even more. I feel this day was even more meaningful for me because I will be working elsewhere within the next couple weeks and that the small amount of time we had reassured us of our friendship outside of work.
I can't say I've done amazing things like the other postcrossers above but at the most I enjoy making people laugh so I try to be a stand up comic to others around me. Generally whoever I send a card to I want to make them happy by finding something that matches their preferences and hopefully bring a smile to their face.
I bake pies and I write stories and cute letters to cheer my friends :)
I started a Little Free Library in my front yard, to give away books to the neighbors. (If you don't know a Little Free Library is, check out www.littlefreelibrary.org.)
I leave quarters in candy machines....for the next person who comes along with a sweet tooth :)
I am currently preparing a great birthday gift for a dear friend of mine, with the help of other postcrossers (thank you guys!)
I had a lecturer who was leaving the school. She wasn't very popular among our peers as she was strict, however, my friend and I felt that she was a genuine and knowledgable person. We drew her a card and bought her favourite snack. The smile on her face really made my day :)
Someone liked a postcard set of mine on the computer, and I found their address, and sent them a set that I bought extra. They sent me an e-mail today saying how much of a surprise it was! I love doing things like this :D :D :D
Aloha! I've started randomly mailing out a postcard or two every week or so to my mom; my sister; a cousin and/or a friend. I usually just write on the card something like, "Dear ___, just a quick note to say hi and let you know I'm thinking about you today. Hope you are having a great day; etc., etc." I hope that it's just a nice surprise for them to open their mailbox one day; and find an unexpected funny or cute postcard with a nice message telling them someone is thinking about them!
I sent a letter to a restaurant manager telling him/her praising a particular employee who was cheerful and efficient.
I sent 70 card out to my dad for his 70th birthday......then, I had 70 of his friends send him 1 card each so he received another 70 cards.......
Plus I joined Postcrossing this year!
Now I keep track of my friend in other school by sending postcrad or letter.Also when I was travelling in other place,I will buy some post cards and send them,which is really meaningful.
I send postcards to sick kids through 'Give Kids the World'. It's such a little thing to me, but means alot to them to know a stranger somewhere is thinking of them. Now I'm gearing up to fill shoeboxes with some fun, some useful & some yummy things for under-priviledged kids around the globe through 'Samaritan's Purse". It gives me a real kick to be able to do stuff like this & give back a little.
My best friend has MS and is confined to her house. Her hair had grown thick and unruly after months of not getting it cut, so I stopped by TGF Haircutters and asked her favorite hair stylist if she would come to my friend's house to cut her hair. She was delighted to do it, and my friend is much happier with her new do! :-)
I usually buy breakfast for both me and the local blind homeless man once a week and we sit and chat while we eat, and I usually send a surprise letter in the mail to my best friend who lives her in town! nothing like getting a letter in the mail. And I also participate in a program that sends hundreds if not thousands of Christmas letters to inmates who don't receive any mail. Yes they have done some wrong but they are still people who have feelings ya know? Just a few things that I do.
I introduced my boss to Geocaching because I thought his young boys would be interested. I made sure that the first cache that they found had some good 'boy' stash. They loved it and can't wait to find more.
I'm a primary school teacher. I introduced some of my kids to postcrossing. I offered them free cards and stamps whenever they needed. I helped them when they had trouble understanding the notes on the cards. In return, they shared with me the smiles on their faces and the lovely cards from all around the world.
My Dad had a stroke in 2011, so my Mom and I created this Postcrossing account for him. He doesn't get out much these days, due to his limited mobility, but Postcrossing allows him to continue being connected to people around the globe. He absolutely loves each and every card he receives and they put a smile on his face. Thank you to everyone who has ever sent a card to my Dad. It's been greatly appreciated.
During my far-reaching travels I send my friend postcards of my favorite places. She puts them on her fridge and I know she gets a kick out of them.
I plant a vase with three succulent plants as a gift for my aunt. I went to a flower farm about an hour away to buy the plants and the nice vase. They are decorated nicely in the vase like a mini garden. So cute and adorable! My aunt like it so much! :D
My best friend and I have a practice of sending each other postcards "just because" regularly. This way even when our mailboxes might otherwise be empty, there is always a little love there. :)
Hi, Weather's here. Wish you were fine!!
Always wanted to send this to someone and did it in 2007 when I went on a patchwork and quilting holiday to the UK. My friend LOVED it.
I sent surprise card to a friend!
Received a can of 100plus for giving a high five but I am not a fan of 100plus so I gave it to a traffic control uncle(officer) who was hard at work. Random acts of kindness are random! xD
I randomly send postcards to my friend (who I see every week). Even though we see each other all the time, the postcards make her happy! (and she sends me postcards too!)
I made a few October cards and send them to friends. Late autumn is so drab, brown and often rainy.
When my roommate was having a hard time, I bought her a jar of Nutella and drew an otter and a sailboat on the lid (3 of her favorite things).
There was a terrible earthquake in Bohol, Philippines. Many people are homeless and hungry.. I donated some money to help to send clean water and food to them.. I hope that puts a smile on their faces..
My sister always kept asking me about a recipe for Tabouleh, something that I have never been cooking. While waiting for the bus yesterday, I saw a Tabouleh recipe postcard and bought it for her.
I love the Postcrossing Project in general; receiving cards from strangers is amazing! It always puts a smile on my face. It makes my happy to know that the same feeling is occurring to someone who is receiving my cards!
I made some pudding for my collage room-mate on her birthday, and put a birthday candle on it...she got really excited, actually started to cry!
I often give my friend a bar of chocolate when she's sad, becaus she loves chocolate. I also take her out for shopping so she can forget about the sad things.
I have a lot of friends who have migrated to the US. Once i sent all of them cards with Indian street views to remind them of the quirkiness of our country which we not only bear but also sometime enjoy in retrospect. This was a surprise for them all and they loved them.
Every year before Xmas I send a letter or couple of them to Santa Claus, on behalf of my friends or family members. They are very surprised and happy when they receive replies. This is how little Xmas wonders happen :)
it was yesterday.there was a blind man on the bus and the bus driver stopped at the bus station somewhere else than usually stops.the blind man was really confused and no one helped him. I did! he was so happy afterwards, he smiled and sad thank you many times... because if i dind't helped him..he would be there ,wondering about where he was, until today!
My boyfriend and I used to go through the phone book while we were talking to each other on the phone (17-year-olds can talk for hours about nothing), looking for names that we thought were funny, interesting or unusual. There was one that really stood out...every time we went anywhere we would send this complete stranger a postcard. Years later I found that my best friend's father worked with our phone-book-stranger-penpal: every card he received had him scratching his head, wondering why he could not remember who these people were who always remembered to send him postcards.
We decided to particepate "christmas-cards to lonely people" campaign. We love to make people smile :)
When my boyfriend had to stay in the hospital this week, I was with him all day and brought him all of his favourite candy. :) He was very happy about it.
My friend loves the Chinese culture. When I heard this,I asked a postcrossing member from China to send me some coins. My friend choosed one coin and that coins is always lucky for him.
I think I am connected to this project in some spiritual way. My motto is be kind to yourself & others :)
When I bake something, I often bring a piece of it to the neighbors. It's not good for us to eat too much cake and so easy for me to share the yummy food.
Also, when I win this postcard book, I will give it to my sister as she is a HUGE fan of Keri Smith, but she is a poor student who can't afford to buy these kinds of things.
I was walking with my dog through the forest when i saw something weird lying in the bushes...
i took a closer look and it was a mobility scooter... The old woman who rode it fell of off it and lay below her scooter...
I decided to help her and helped the old lady back on her feet but she couldn't stand on her zelf...
At that moment a modern hippie dressed like an indian came riding towards the sene on his horse... (i'm living in a city!!!)
So I asked him to put up the mobility scooter... He didn't want to help because he was on a horse... so i became angry...
The hippie stepped of his horse and i had to hold it.
There I was standing...holding an old lady, a horse and my dog (that was freaking out because of the horse...)
Together with the hippie i helped the old lady back on her scooter and we walked out of the forest....
I felt like SUPER Simone
Late it´s not always a bad thing. Today I´ve been, more or less, the last one in reading this blog and I´ve realize (reading the other persons posts) there are so many ways to make others happy...
I recalled reading about palindromes when I was a kid (sentences that can be read both forward and backward with the same result), and quoted one such Russian palindrome on an outgoing postcard. The receiver was so happy, she wrote me a few makeshift palindromes that she had come up with after receiving my card :)
Yesterday whilst on the train a young guy said he wanted everyone to pick up any rubbish on the floor to put in his garbage bag as he walked through and he'd sing a rap song for us. Most surprisingly we all obeyed and filled the bag and then were treated to an amazing rap song. As I was getting out at the next station I gave him some coins for encouraging us to join in his good deed (tidying up the train carriage) and entertaining us.
I'd love to win the postcards book and return many good favours of the wonderful postcrossers I've had the pleasure to correspond with. XXOO
I send special friendship postcards to my best friend regularly and I hope they bring a smile to her face although she is going through hard times right now...
I made chocolate cookies for my grandparents, they weren't expecting it as I'm a horrible cook! but fortunately they turned out to be very good and everyone enjoyed them :)
hm... i made some cute bows to my friends ^^
If something just for making people smile, - I draw smiles and wrote nice words on paper napkings when I was at the summer camp and it was last day there)
Something more serious,- when I was at the youth exchange someone had stolen all the money from one of the participants from POland and she had no money for buying a ticket home, so together with my friend I asked all the participants to give 5 Euro - such a small sum of money, but in totall it was even more, than the girl had before the theft. She was so happy and embarrased! She smiled really bright!
I'm making a 'postcrossing-starting-packet' for my friend. She said she wants to go postcrossing also. With this package I hope she enjoy postrossing as much as I do. I hope it makes her smile! :D
At the moment, I am looking for poeple to send motivation postcards to my boyfriend who is writing his Master's thesis. If you're iterested, contact me!! :)
Wow what an inspiring postcard book :)! A very simple one: I always greet a cashier, bus driver or someone else. It's so easy and in most cases you'll see that the person appreciate that. I see so often that people don't say a word....
While I was on a 2-week trip in Morocco, I engaged myself in a relief work of 1 week, which consisted in helping people from a small village in the Atlas mountains (called Imlil) building and restoring the school of the village to allow children to study in good conditions. Seeing the joy of these children and teenagers was the best reward :)
Thanks for this post, great book, not only for postcrossing addicts!
I believe that there is no need of bunch of money, time or effort to make someone else smile. Plenty of handy ways all the time. From giving a friendly smile to offer sincere support during hard times.
I like to send postcards to my friends in my own city, they like it because to them it's not common receiving postcards.
This book looks so great! :)
I love to cheer my friends with postcards, not only on birthdays or Christmas time but on some really normal day they don't know to wait anything nice in their mailbox. For some weeks we've had on Finland quite a big project "At least one day the most important person of the world" in which people send cards and letters to children who are bullied in school or lonely for some some other reason. The wish is they could feel that they are important and precious people.
I made gift bags for my mother, mother-in-law, and friends and when I visited them I gave it to them..in the gift bags were cosmetics and stuff that put a smile on their faces.
I try to write old-fashioned letters to my friends in different countries every couple of months..and I also send cute notecards to my friend to let them know I am thinking about them..
Hello Postcrossers,
as I read all the great comments and what people do to each other I think that our world is much better and a good place to live in than the news on TV or elsewhere like to tell us! I love the idea of the postcrossing team to collect all the good news! You need more than 2 postcard books :D But all people are winners! So thank you very much for this idea and I hope it is going on.....
A friend of mine was sitting at home with the baby, had to work at the same time and had almost no time for gerself and too little money to buy some extra nice things for herself. So I sent some money to a girl I knew from Belarus and asked her to buy a 500gr chocolate (they have very fine chocolate there in crafty packings, very suiting for gifts) and send it to me. Then I packed it, adding a limited edition postcard I knew she liked very much, two handpainted cups (I did them) http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/hinarien/view/289054?page=2
http://fotki.yandex.ru/users/hinarien/view/289050?page=2 and sent all the packedge to her one day. She was really glad to receive it all, she said, and she drinks from my cups wjen writing books (she is a bookwriter)
It is a great feeling - making a random things for people on their ordinary days, not just on birthdays or so.
my son was at my grandmother because i was on a vacation of 7 days. I really missed him and send him a postcard to let him know we missed him very much. He still have the card and walking around with it with a big smile.
This is such a cool project! Hmm, one random thing that I did was when I helped fixed my classmate's papers at school, and she was very grateful for it - relieving the stress that has been burdening her for years!
Thank you :D
I sent a birthday card to a girl suffering from cancer. Her dream was to get an enormous pile of cards. And so she did! It put a big smile upon her face.
To cheer my friends up I offer them a piece of chewing gum – it helps to keep them distracted. I talk about how chewing gum makes me think of all the good memories that I have had as a person. I make friends recollect their good memories even as they chew on the gum.
Laughter really is the best medicine and it especially works wonders for an aching heart or bruised feelings. To put a smile on my friends' faces I tell a joke to make them crack up. I smile broadly so that they know that I really do mean to bring a smile to their face.
Looks like such a fun set of postcards! :)
My middle school classroom is next door to a teacher new to our school, and she has a pretty rough assignment as far as what she's teaching and who she's teaching it to. She often doesn't leave until 6 or 7 and is always tired. She likes to wear flowers in her hair, so last week I saw a pretty pink one and bought it for her, just as a small pick-me-up. Gave it to her in the morning, and she was so happily surprised :)
I made a small happy-box for a friend with a depression. A wooden box that I decorated and filled with small things I knew she love, like a photo of her child, a small butterfly made from pink fabrik (she loves butterflies and the colour pink), a tiny angel for good luck, a bottle with courage (I blew courage into it...), and so on.
I like to put a smile in unknown people by smiling and saying hi.
Sometimes a cleaning lady that works in a metro station (subway) might see millions of different faces everyday, but none of them says hello to her.
Telling someone "hello, I see you standing there with your broom. Have a nice day" might be all the difference.
I was looking at postings on Freecycle.com and a lady in a nearby town was offering daffodil bulbs. I was so excited when she said I could come to her house to pick them up. When I arrived at her home we talked for a few minutes and I learned that she was giving the bulbs away because she had a shoulder injury and was unable to plant the bulbs herself. I offered to plant the bulbs in her yard for her. She countered that I could take half of them and plant the rest in her garden, and we could both enjoy them. So that is what I did. No big deal. But she was so grateful that she posted the nicest letter about the experience on the Freecycle website. When our daffodils were in bloom the following spring she emailed me to ask if I was enjoying the flowers. I was, very much so! In addition to the daffodils, I was enjoying a beautiful bonus Hyacinth.
I sent a surprise postcard from France (I was there as exchange student at that time) to my favorite high school teacher 2 years after my graduation to say thank you, and how important she is to me, later I heard how happy she was to receive it and she showed it to her current students. I miss her. :)
I'm organizing for my father a collection of postcards with flowers and their names (on the back). He loves flowers... So I hope he would love this surprise for his birthday :D
We in india are celebrating Diwali festival of lights and happiness like Christmas. We normally play with firecrackers and light coulourful lantertns. However now our family instead of spending money on firecrackers we buy sweets and distribute at nearby orphanage where poor underprivileged children enjoy Diwali with us. Naresh Tharyani
I have sent cards to friends or called just stay that I am thinking of them, that I am proud of them, that I am grateful for their presence in my life, etc.
I give presents to people just because. No reason at all. They are surprised.
Twice in one day I saw two people drop wads of cash and didn't realize it and continued walking. Both times I chased after the person to give it back. Both times they were overjoyed and said thank you very much!
I LOVE the works of Keri smith!
1-An ex co-worker used to bring 2-3 cans of red bull each day to drink at work. One day I crafted her wings. She cried!
2-someone in my old online forum lost their daughter shortly before christmas. I organized an "Army of Angels"...Angels for the christmas tree fro the remaining two daughters. It turned into much more than a small cheer...a mammuth-project became of it: over 150 People participated, almost 300 Angels found their way to me and later to the family....plus an Album, plus some money for the funeral costs. Most touching project I've been part of!
3-a little thing I do constantly is letting someone with a few items ahead of me at the checkout line, or giving someone I see walking a ride to their destination.
Nice giveaway!! Thanks!
I remembered my french French teacher liked a certain brand of coffee that you can't get in the UK so when I was living in France I got her some for my sister to take to her at school. It's been 3 years since I last saw her so I think she was surprised!
I drove over 750 miles to meet a fellow Postcrosser who was visiting the USA from Netherlands.
I was in line behind a young girl(possibly 10)at the craft store. She was so excited about buying something for a project she was doing. She was short a bit of money and the store clerk was not very helpful. I handed the girl my 40% off coupon. It made her day and made my day too. Random acts of kindness are AWESOME!!
I surprised my boyfriend with dinner after his promotion at work. (:
I send letters to my closest friends to tell them that I love them and that I'm happy that I know them. It makes them feel appreciated and it makes me happy too :)
I have donated many items that I no longer use to thrift stores so they can be sold at a much cheaper price to those in need, and the money the store makes is put into purchasing food for their food pantry.
2 travellers from Argentina were waiting on the trainstation and wanted to walk to there Hotel In the Netherlands.Only the Hotel was not near by.I was doing my groceries with my daughter and see them strogling to ask the way to people.So I walked to them and told hem to get in my car and i will bring them to the Hotel.They looked very strange because they have never done that before and did not know if they could trust me.But when they arrived at the hotel they were very happy.And I did a good job to someone else and it feld great.
I've been helping my friend take care of her sick child. It gives her a break and allows some time for herself.
I crocheted squares to go into blankets to raise money for Breast Cancer, Lung Cancer, Mental Health Awareness and CF. There will be many smiles when the blankets are made and auctioned off.
Hello :) I just bought a stuffed animal (a wombat) for a good friend who was leaving the town to study in another town. So she don't had to be alone, she has now a cute little wombat by her side. And she was very happy about that :)
Sometimes I bring 2 cups of coffee to my parents in the early morning :)
I like to bake things for my flatmates and leave them 'Good luck' notes when they have exams.
Thank God we can be postcrossers.
It gives us a chance every day to make someone smile.
I encouraged my children very early on to notice if someone needs help, if for example an elderly person drops something on the floor in a supermarket. I ask them to pick it up and give it back to them. The people were overjoyed.
My little daughter (no not so little anymore) loved old childrens films by Astrid Lindgren. She saw that little girls greeted adults with a little curtsy, so she did that too in the street, to the delight of elderly ladies.
I once caused quite a massive surprise to a colleague. I came across a humorous poem about the pecularity of the English language. I had a colleague who spoke English very well and loved the language. Somehow I felt this to be the perfect poem for him and sent it via mail.
He phoned me instantly saying that his late father had always quoted this quite long poem to him - but since he passed away and my colleague did not remember all of it and did not know the auther he thought the poem lost to him, and was sorry about losing this precious memory.
And then I came out of the blue with just that poem.
It certainly was not just a happy surprise for him, but for me too.
I am taking part in the project "More love letters" and sometimes write letters to complete strangers in order to make their day brighter. :)
I've made cookies (oh so special chocolate chip ones!) for my co-workers. I've also made Mexican tres leches cakes for my students - three cakes total! Oh yes...and then there's the postcards sent on a whim...
some tourist thought that my mail box was a box from the post office so I got a postcard mailed to an address on the USA, with a Portuguese stamp and a message that said something like "I know you love postcards so I send you one from my trip in Europe". Them I decided to write some postcards to this address from different places in my country and after 3/4 weeks I mailed her the original postcard from the friend and explained her what happened. I also got some postcards back from her :)
Last week found a dag with purse and mobile phone and returned them the sad man and his face became happy.
My son (2 1/2) had a cute idea today. Our neighbour is a lady aged 81. We tinkered a hand latern today and he wanted to give it to her, so she can put a candle in there and has also some feeling of St. Martin. It made me, our neighbour and my son smile.
My friend had a dog that went to doggy care with some people.. however they mistreated this poor puppy, so we said we'd be the "doggy care" 1 month later we decided to keep the puppy and i'm so happy with him.. such a cutie!!!
When my preacher turned 55 last year, I asked people at our church to mail him a birthday card with a dollar in it. He felt very appreciated when he received over 100 cards.
PS. These postcards are very cool!
In order to acquaint myself with my new surroundings, I went on LOTS of walks when I first moved to this city. I really missed my hometown, and I found myself really quite bummed out on these walks. One day, I found myself stopped in my tracks and smiling while staring at a garden. It wasn't a beautiful garden in the standard sense, but I still found it utterly wonderful. There were lots of home-made cheerful signs, old & warn garden gnomes, and simple potted plants scattered all around the tiny lawn. I found myself altering my route each day just so I could walk past this cheerful patch of lawn. A few times, I saw an elderly woman sitting on her porch and I would smile and wave, but being a little shy myself, I was never able to gather up the nerve to approach her porch and tell her how much I loved her happy garden. So, I decided to send her a postcard saying just that. Because it was a postcard, there was no return address on the card, but the next week, there was a small sign on the lawn that read "thank you". :)
For my mother's 60th birthday, I prepared a party, inviting all her childhood and student's years friends? She didn't know anything. When she arrived, she figured out it would be a little family gathering. But every 2 minutes, an old friend of hers arrived and she couldn't believe it! It's been a huge surprise with 15 nice old friends came from all over Europe!
I gave my friends surprise cards which I drew with either their smiling portraits or cute creatures (like dogs), and they all liked what they received!
I surprised my aunt, who was visiting today from out of town, with a wrapped birthday present - her birthday is in mid-December, and I know I can't make it to the party then. She seemed genuinely pleased that I thought to get this organised a month in advance!
i gave handmade gifts to close friends during my bday. the idea is for me to give gifts (handmade cos I want it to be personalized) instead of them giving me gifts. The gifts were appreciated. ^_^
I am working for the children´s hospice organisation. I accompany the sick children or their brothers and sisters during workshops. I help them to make art or craft projects.
That makes a smile on their face and on my face, too....
A friend of mine was hurt, not physical wound, more of an emotional one. To cheer him up, I made him an origami goldfish and placed a bandaid on the fish.
I believe every wound needs to be "dress up" beautifully! He got my message and smiled! : )
A friend of mine was having a really tough time, so I wrote her several surprise letters just to make her smile.
I once won a $1000 Sovil et Titus watch voucher from a competition. I printed the notification email then wrapped it up in a gift box and gave to my hubby as Christmas present. At first he doubted and thought it's a prank because the box is too light and felt like empty. But he was very happy when he finally opened up the gift.
I smile to make other people smile also.
I have a large garden with many flowers, so I cut flowers to make bunches and leave them on people's front steps as a nice colourful surprize!
I have a friend who has a bad mental illness and drug related problems. About six weeks ago I met her on the street when she'd just left from an appointment with her doctor. She was crying and about to give up treatment, wanted to use more drugs etc..
I took her with me in the car and we drove and talked about what she could do and we made a small plan about her treatment. Then I phoned her doctor to tell about our plan and if my friend could have another appointment soon to plan further.
I met my friend again yesterday. She is in treatment now and didn't use any drugs since the beginning of October. :)
Last weekend, I was on holidays with blind kids and I made one blind and autistic boy happy by teaching him how to count in Irish (Gaeilge). He had great interest in languages and this unique experience (I suppose not many people in the Czech Republic can speak Irish, he had never heard Irish before that) made him over the moon :-)
For my grandfather's 96th birthday, my mom and I surprised him with a visit, and we took him out to eat at his favorite little out-of-the-way independent (not a chain) restaurant. He had a good day. It ended up being his last birthday, and it felt good to be able to make his day.
I invited my sister and brother to the movies, so we can enjoy ourselves and have some quality-time together.
I recently went to the grocery store and bought a bag full of food and drinks and gave it to a homeless man nearby. He was so shocked and kept thanking me. It meant so much to him to have meals for the next couple of days.
Since school has started and it's the last year there is very little time for fun. So I organised a day out for me and my friends so we could take a break and relax.
Hello from Minsk, Belarus! My little son wasn't in very good mood today morning, so to cheer him up the two of us went to park to feed some ducks. He saw them first in his life, and the smile on his face was so amazing and priceless!
send some souvenir from a trip they didnt know I was on just to surprise them. and later after they receive the gift then we will talk about the journey i had.
i once gave my best friend a little gift. not a gift at all, it just some sentence written on a paper to cheers her up and to motivate her because of her insecurity. it maybe quite simple but looking at my friend's amaze look are just impressed me, seeing how my words can cheers her up.
A few days ago I bought a box of cookies with fortune telling papers in them and just gave them to random people I met walking down the street. ^_^
I send postcards to my fellow medical students who are forced to be away for clinical rotations. I also keep the student lounge stocked with per-addressed and stamped cards, making it easy for others to do the same. I hope it brightens their day to know that their classmates are thinking about them!
I sent postcards to my housebound-aunt and started a postcrossingaccount for her as well. I sent out and she receives cards.
In the shop I've seen the postcardbook that we can win (Everything is connected) and it is so very funny. I might just keep it for myself and not sent out any of the cards for the first weeks... if I win.
hey! i randomly baked a pie and shared it with my neighbours :) had wonderful time chatting together :)
Hi! :)
I sent a big envelope filled with goodies (balloons, plant seeds, cocoa, tea, keyrings, magnets, cards, cookies, etc) to a friend who had surgery on her feet and couldnt not move from her couch for three weeks to cheer her up.
I've sent extra postcards to a few postcrossers who have said they like a particular theme!
A big sweet hug is always useful!!
Hello! I think that all people should help other people and I do it. I send postcards for children who have Cancer. I can't help them, but I can send them postcards and make them smile.
I opened the door for an old lady today and she was really happy for the small help.
My best friend and I are both avid (read: obsessive) Postcrossers, and in real life we exchange postcards with each other several times a week. Whenever I am out and about, I am on the prowl for the *perfect* postcard to send her, and I love to surprise her with my findings. The best surprise so far was a card that had many of her favorite things -- dogs, coffee, umbrellas, our city -- all in one. It was as if the card was made for her, and I was so excited to give her a card that became an instant favorite! :)
There was a postcard campaign sale by a charity dealing with cancer patients and I purchased a whole stack of postcards from them for the benefit of the patients.
I have just filled four shoeboxes with toys for third world children for Christmas
By being a good listener to colleagues, friends and especially to my wife defintely made them relaxed, happy and comfortable.
We sell things that are no longer needed on the internet and from this money we buy food for cats and dogs. Today we have brought a large box full of food to a shelter.
My best friend moved very very far away ( to another country). I knew she was having a hard time adjusting & missing some comforts from home. I whipped her up a handmade card with a comic of Honey Boo Boo on it, and filled a big padded envelope full of things to give her a laugh ( stick on tattoos, candy, a colouring book, scalp massager...etc), then i just sent it to her as a surprise to let her know someone was out there thinking of her, even on her roughest day.
From time to time I leave little "I love you" notes for my husband somewhere among his things. This makes him feel good and happy for sure :-) I think it's necessary to keep the love alive and show it to each other regularly (although having been married for several years)...
When my son was very small (3 or 4 yrs old), we left anonymous surprises on a neighbor's doorstep who was going through chemotherapy. One time it might have been a vase of flowers to cheer her up, another time a picture my son had colored just for her, or even a batch of homemade cookies as a special treat. It was a small way of showing my son the joy and value in caring for someone when there was no way for them to thank him.
One of my closest friends spent a huge chunk of her childhood in Germany and misses many aspects of it. In a way, she's more German than American. Recently she was having some difficulties with her family which led to her dropping out of her post-grad studies. Around that time I came across a German Postcrosser who was willing to send a postcard and translate my message into German for me. I'm so grateful to him! She was a bit baffled but thrilled when she got it since it was unexpected, anonymous, and from a place with so many good memories. However, she quickly figured out that I was behind it. I'm just glad I could make her smile while being far away during a tough patch in her life.
Last friday i surprised my friend, by wisiting him at his work place. He lives and works in another city. He was happy to se me.
I made a little fairy out of beads for my uncle who was about the get surgery, to protect him and to tell him how much I love him and I support him. I mailed it and he was very touched when he received it. It was a very emotional moment for him and my aunt. Today, he feels better and the little fairy is hanging above his bed.
I try to cheer someone up every day, by simply giving little compliments.You would be surprised at how much some small FREE words could mean to someone else. The smile on their face is such a reward!
Every time I borrow a book from my university's library I like to put a small post-it surprise somewhere in it, giving tips about interesting things in the books, or just saying "have a nice day", or leaving a small cheerful drawing, or stating that the person who borrowed this book next is amazing, because the book he/she chose to borrow is absolutely amazing too!
P.S. no books were harmed during this. It's all on the easily removable post-its ;)
I love making little compliments in unexpected everyday moments... or tell crazy stories of my life with a big smile in my face:O)
little presenrts, best homemade!
My friend is having a hard time right now... Last week I had to mail her a few things and I included pictures of the artist she really loves with a cheer-up message :) She was really thankful because it's was unexpected for her.
hard work - or a coincidence, or our kids- to make myself smile... and that then produces other smiles, don't worry:O)!!
Often, when we travel, I take gently used clothing and shoes, and leave it at the front desk of the hotel for church charity or to staff at the hotel who show interest!
I just finished knitting a cowl that will be donated to the local women's haven to provide a warm Christmas present for someone who needs it. Have a few more I want to make up for that.
Also, as everyone likes receiving mail, I try to make it a point to send a postcard or some small care package to my daughter who recently moved all the way across the country from me. Yes, we can text or talk on the phone but mail is even better!
At the beginning of the year we decorate several large banana boxes with Christmas wrapping paper and then throughout the year we add small toys, games, electronics,coffee cards or whatever and then we deliver it to the Christmas Bureau for the children and teens. We have done this for several years now and it is now a tradition that my grown kids are doing with their kids.
I sent my sister a cute Norman Rockwell postcard because she was feeling very homesick at college. Also, I smiled at a random person because it looked like they needed cheering up
I pick up distressed and misplaced grown child...at odd hours...
I regularly send out postcards and notes to kids via sendkidstheworld.com and postpals.co.uk and I've have a great little angel named Hanna to whom I send postcards to in each and every trip I go on.
I like to leave inspirational quotes or even funny ones in random books when I go to bookstores. I don't write in them of course, I come prepared with a notepad.
How very inspiring to read people's comments, a lot of kind hearted people here :)
I give coins for the beggars, but now I will try many new "tricks" I learned here!
Hi guys:) Just yesterday I bought a rose from this old lady, who lives in Prague. I see her everyday on my way to school. She just stays at one place, holds one rose in her hand and there's a bag with other roses next to her. When you give her the money, sometimes she smiles at you. Yesterday was my day and she smiled at me:)
Hi everyone! Last Christmas I participated in radiogame and answered the questions correctly. I won a prize - 3 DVD movie and I was very happy. the most funny I think that using the record of my voice in the radio jingle and still rotate it.
I sang a song on the voicemail from my sister to make her smile.
I surprised a friend with a bottle of purple nailpolish, her favorite colour.
I sent cards and such a couple of times to "Post Pals" in the UK. I'm going to send Christmas cards this year too. :)
I brought my friend to a trade show and bought her a lot of stuff. It was a Birthday present but one so belated that she didn't actually expect it and was happy.)
I bought some snacks when I visited my friend, she told me that she was a bit down and the snacks is her favorite that made her cheer up. I'm glad :)
I love participating in Free Hugs! It really doesn't take much at all. Some arms, a warm heart, a bit of cardboard or paper for your sign and a marker and a little bit of your time. It's also really fun to get a group of people or friends together and pick a spot outside with lots of pedestrians walking by. Don't worry if your success rate isn't 100%. Even the people that don't take the hug usually smile, laugh or wave. We all need hugs.
Oops! I also forgot to say...great post! Thank you!
At University I would leave my house in the middle of the night, visit every house in my campus village, and leave a sweet and a poem on their door.
I have a friend who lives 1,000 miles away from me! I couldnt get to come to him for his birthday ! But at the last moment, I still dropped everything and went to him. I was traveling by train 12 hours later on a bus for 3 hours and here I am at his door ! I knock , opens his mom and says, " He's gone for two weeks in the mountains !" I left a gift for him ! And an hour later I was driving back home ! 3 hours on the bus and 12 hours on the train ! And, you know what I think ? I 'm sure it was worth it! Then when he came back - he was sooooooo surprised and happy ! This means that for the sake of your friends can go to any victim)
I randomly send family and friends either a thinking of you or a thank you card. Usually enclosing a poem or a photo or a newspaper clipping. I love sending snail mail andeveryone is thrilled to receive happy mail!
I often send thinking of you postcards to my daughter, her college friends and my coworkers too. They never know when something will show up in their mailbox.
The smallest thing I have done was treat someone to coffee, not the expensive one but the cheap one. I guess even cheap coffee can perk up a sad smile...
A small thing I did was to bring an old woman to take the lift when I saw her having difficulty climbing up the stairs.
sending a surprise postcard to friends while travel
Well, the simplest thing I have done to put a smile on people's faces is by smiling. Smile radiates happiness. :)
Cheering someone up is the best feeling! It makes me happy too!! What I like to do with my friends is surprise them during times maybe they aren't feeling their best... sending a card, a silly toy, or CHOCOLATE. :) (That always does the trick.) I have so many wonderful friends I've found here on postcrossing... I recently was in the hospital and was so touched that so many of my penpals sent me cheerful cards and gifts. It really made my day. :)
The other day I was at a flea market looking for old postcards to send to other postcrossers when i came across a booklet of old cards from Detroit, MI. A dear friend of mine who has been sad lately was born and raised there. He loves that city, but can never afford to go visit. I bought the pack of cards for him and gave them to him later that evening. He loved them. :)
Send an envelope full of images of Monster High to a friend who is a big fan, and of course, it was a surprise for her.
I Love to surprise my friends with homemade cards from scratch...I always have a feeling when a friend needs my 'art'work! Sometimes I just put a homemade brooch with it to...just because I love them so much!
It's an amazing feeling to know you've cheered someones day! Just yesterday I wrote down some funny moments from our math courses at school with a friend of mine. We had studied nearly three years maths with the same classmates and the same teacher. Now our math classes are over. And the paper with the best inside jokes and funny moments from our math classes was a suprise for our math teacher. We put to his inbox as a surpise!
Wow, great news. Love Keri Smith's adventuresome books! I send regular mail packages to my two twin nieces, who are in the freshman year and away from each other for the first time... little packages with a gift card here and there, a decoration of the paper kind for their dorm room, and notes!
Sometimes, as 70% of my friends are musicians, we play together and that cheers us up!
I gave an office buddy a pack of her favorite caramel candies on a random day. The look on her face was priceless!
Once I came back to my apartment building to see a down on her luck woman digging in the dumpster looking for bottles to exchange for the bottle deposit money, so I ran up to my apartment and grabbed every bottle I could find to give to her. :)
Occasionally my mail carrier, Shelly, will find a little happy note telling her I appreciate her awesomeness and wish her a lovely day. She writes me back! She enjoys seeing all the postcards come and go. :)
A friend was so sad when she discovered somebody had stolen all her decorations from the storage room. I heard she didn't have money to replace them & would simply skip her favourite holiday... Without a word, I prepared a box and by the time she'd come back from work, I put it at the door for her to find. She had a wonderful Christmas... and still doesn't know who's the mysterious Santa ;-)
Since my university had mid-terms recently and many of my peers and friends were very stressed, I put little pieces of motivational quotes and poetry on their doors for them to find.
Whenever one of my friends is sad, I ran over their house with some tea and cookies. It always helps.
I made a nature loving friend a "weathergram" that they could hang in a tree and watch as the season changes to winter. Weathergrams are short poems or haikus written in calligraphy on kraft paper. They are meant to weather and give their elements back to nature, only designed to last a season.
the other day i saw someone crying in the subway, i simply smiled to her.
I did a "pay it forward" for a old lady who was in the queue ahead of me at the shop and had picked up some groceries and then realised she got the wrong purse for her cash card, instead of her travelling home in the cold and all the way back again with the right purse - I asked the teller to add her shopping bill total onto my bill and let her take her shopping home. She was very happy and grateful, made her smile !
I participate in More Love Letters (sending packets of love letters to strangers who need them.) I like to knit scarves and shawls for people. Sometimes I don't know who I am knitting for until it comes off the needles and the situation just presents itself: trip to the ER, death of a loved one, birth of a baby, round of chemo, first snowfall.
Last year at my highschool, I made a bunch of posters saying that all all girls are beautiful no matter what they're physically like and that they all deserve happiness. I taped them up on the bathroom mirrors during class and watched as girls read them and a few got tears in their eyes. It made a lot of girls smile and have a better, positive body image for themselves.
Just recently, I helped a girl who is trying to get her business started. She was telling me she was about to give up and, I told her to not give up on her dreams.
Sent out a little email with a quote or cute photo. Its amazing how it brightens up a person's day.
I love sending things to people, so I decided to send a little package to my friend to France. I sent her hand made earrings, a bag that no one in France has:)and a card. When she got that, she wrote me that the day she received the package was a very bad day at work and she was down. But when she got her mail, it cheered her up:)
i love surprises , to get them and to give them.
So when i finaly got a car after my messy divorce i took my car and went to an eldery lady to take her shopping..
She smiled all the way to the mall and back and i felt soooooo good!!
Yesterday i went to dinner with a friend at her sister's place and did some REIKI on the 5 month old baby whom did not stop crying.. just got a mail from the mom that baby slept allllll night for first time..
i'm Feeling better by the minute and smiling a huge smile!!!
I do silly dances and rhymes to amuse my friends and coworkers.
how lovely, thank you so much :)
of course, I have sent many surprise postcards, who hasn´t?
Every now and then I surprise my family by baking something delicious.
Yesterday I gave a coffee coupon for a friend who was in need for a cup of coffee, she was became very happy (and me too ^^)
just filled a box with a teddybear, a yoyo, crayons, a doll + clothes for this doll and a mug. Tomorrow I will bring this box to our local bank. They participate at the projekt "Christmas in a cardbordbox". All the boxes will be brought to orfanhomes in eastern Europe. Hope that little girl that gets my box will be happy.
Last year I donated coats to a coat store chain. They were giving away $20 coupons to encourage buying new coats. I found a family in the store and gave them all of my coupons to use for their purchases.
I bought pizza for my friend and I. :)
I used to mimic of of the characters from the Madagascar movie to amuse my friends :)
my friend from thailand seemed a bit down lately, so i've sent her a letter with autumn pictures and fallen leaves. she said, that i was the only one realising she's depressed and that the help in the form of a letter had to travel from the very other part of the world to cheer her up. it really melted my heart ;___;
I took a walk with a 8 year old boy today to show him the animals at the school. He showed me where the flesh-eating monsters live, and I could assure him that he is not on their menu. He said it was the best day of his life. It made my day a good day!
It's lovely to read all the good, nice things people can do to cheer another human being! I am really inspired and this reinforces my faith in humanity! I send care packages to friends who live out of Mexico, sending goodies that will remind them of home. They love it and remember those little things later, when they come back. I am also sending magazines, cards and stamps to a young kid who's far from home, studying in a boarding school. He's now connected to the outer world!! Thank you all, for the inspiration!
I donated 50 of my photo cards with inspiring quotes to bravery bags for women who go through chemo.
I brought homemade soup to a sick friend.
Recently a friend found out he had celiac disease. He was rather down about it because he thought he was now stuck with only eating certain foods, an extremely limited and boring diet. So, I put together a care box for him and his family-- all delicious gluten-free foods and recipes-- because I wanted them to see that even though there might be some diet restrictions, they could still enjoy all sorts of delicious healthy food. :)
The two years before 2013 were hard on me and my family. I got a depression. The first step to a normal life was to find contact again. Which was hard. I started to write sick kids on postpals. Then I wrote storys for them, picked up little gifts, made photos etc. For me it was really important. These little cards gave me a purpose, something I was happy about. They gave me the feeling that I matter, that I could do good. It was the first step for me back to a "normal" life and I´m grateful for postpals. http://www.postpals.co.uk/
Every year I create my own christmas cards and present them to my family and friends. They are everytime more than touched and happy.
But one year was special.
There is a boy at a pizzashop. We didn't know eachother but whenever I walked along this shop, we always smiled at eachother without speaking any word.
However I felt, after this smile, my day was great.
So he became my smiling friend. Whenever we saw eachother we both shined from our souls.
And so one year I presented him a christmas card to thank him that he exists and that he made so many of my days really great.
He was really surprised and happy about it and hugged me for doing this.
That was really amazing and I will never forget it anymore.
I went shopping for groceries with a 94 year old woman, who has not been out of the house for 3 months.
I let some French travelers stay on my couch while they were visiting Los Angeles. :) Very friendly guests and we all had a great time!
I gave up an awesome chance of a superb job in the city just to stay with my parents and that kinda made them happy since!
I left a cute post-it with a get-well-soon note on the side of my hospitalized friend's bed where she could easily see it everyday.
Maybe this doesn't count as something small. But I still like to share this. For my birthday I was inspired by the birthday project. A day of spreading kindness. This day I gave out roses, children's toys and hid booksmarks in books in the library :) these bookmarks had inspirational and kindness quotes on them. I hope people will think about doing something nice for another person when they use them!
Such inspiring stories!
I'm just packing a surprise parcel for my mum and sister who live far away - I´m sending them some Christmas crafting materials, their favourite sweets from my country and a good read for long autumn evenings. I wish I could more regularly do small things to make other people's day!
Whenever I go to my local second-hand bookstore and exchange, I leave little "love letters" in my favorite books and my favorite aisles. I just love knowing that the next person that buys "Eat Pray Love" will have a little letter full of compliments waiting for them! It makes me feel good that I might have brightened someone's day!
This October my sister had a Birtday, so beforehand I asked some postcrossers to congratulate her. It was a good surprise for her to get warm words on beautiful postcards from unknown people. :-)
I usually like to bake goodies for friends whenever they're feeling down. I also like to send then mail if we're not geographically close. just the other week I sent a card to a friend who lives far away after finding out she wasn't feeling well :)
I send cards to my friend in The Netherlands (I live in France) whene I think of them just to say hello.
My stepdad does and cares a lot for me! To show my appreciation I baked him heartshaped cookies covered in chocolate and decorated with heart candies. I put a postcard with it telling him my thoughts. He loved it and ate all of them, alone :)
I have missed my husband month ago... He died from asthma at the age of 21. It is a very hard time for me, husbands mother and our friends. But we are trying to make next steps in our lives together. Yesterday I have shown a game club to mom (his mom is my mom too - we are one small but united family) and my friends and they found out Karkasson, Kragmorta, Seven Wonders, Eclipse and Bang very fun, new and interesting. I think they are better than computer games because you spend your time in real life with friends, see their smiles (:
And today we will preparing sushi together, and I'll bake an apple pie! (:
People all around the world, live each day as the last, tell people whom you love about your feelings again and again and again and be happy evenly if it's very hard.
Best wishes!
Have a nice day!
Once we decided to make a surprise for our teacher and bring tea and cookies to a class - so we had a nice educating picnic :)
My mom had a birthday recently. When I was ready to go visit her it was pretty late. I called to let her know that I'm coming over. She said that she'd really like some sushi, however the shops are closed. So a minute before leaving my house I ordered sushi to her address. Half an hour passed while I was at her home and the door bell rang. She was super surprised. :)
I think nothing I have done compares to the lovely actions I've been reading in the comments so if there is anything nice I can do is to wish them even more joy and happiness to spread :) And! thank them for some of the ideas I have found here :)))
I'm currently studying abroad for 4 months and I sent a little letter to my boyfriend at least once a week. In every letter there are a few pieces of a puzzle and he will receive the last ones when I'm back at home. He was very surprised when he received the first one and now he is very excited every time he looks for mail in our letter box :)
I actually was at the post office today morning so there is another letter on its way to him :)
I love to make people smile! Sometimes it is enough just to treat my friends sweet. But usually I propose them to do something crazy or childishly naive. It's very funny to do stupid things together and it brings us back to childhood! =)
I washed the feet of my mom on her birthday which is the very first time in my life. She felt be loved and I made her smile. I wanted to give the most valuable gift than any other expensive stuff for her: Love
A friend left their coat in my car, and I fixed some holes in the pockets (they mentioned it earlier that day) before I returned it to them. :)
At church, the ladies bring flowers every year for the Easter service. Once the Easter service is over, the flowers are supposed to be thrown away. Instead of throwing them away, I decided to take them home and attach a card to every single one with the stamp that read "blessings". My mom helped me put a flower in each of our neighbors' doorsteps. That way the flowers were used for another purpose instead of throwing them away plus it made someone's day when getting that flower on their doorstep.
Because i couldn't be there on my mothers birthday (i was away for a week) i gave my father 7 cards with a handwriting text on them from me to give to my mother 1 card each day. She was very surprised and moved. It put a smile on her face for 7 days.
A friend who moved to the US left some unused postcards in the office where I work in the UK. He told me I could keep them, as I am the only person he knows who loves postcards as much as he does. Instead of using them to send to strangers (postcrossing) or friends, I am sending them to him one by one, so that, in a few years time, he will have them all! When he received the first one, he said he was very surprised and that I made his day!
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