Postcards go hand in hand with stamps, so it’s no surprise that many postcrossers are also stamp lovers.
A postcrosser (who wishes to remain anonymous) used to collect stamps throughout childhood and still keeps a great appreciation for many of the beautiful images on them. So they decided to create some postcards with the most beautiful stamps available in their collection!

The result is a selection of beautiful cards, featuring detailed stamps from days gone. From Monaco to Sweden, Chad to Ivory Coast, these stamp-postcards will surprise and delight you.

This member generously offered us a couple of packs of stamp-postcards, which we’re giving away today.
To win one of them, leave a comment below telling us about your favourite stamp (leave a link to the image, if you can find it!). Why is it special to you, or what attracts you in it?
In a week, we’ll close the comments and draw two winners, who’ll each win a pack of 14 different stamp-postcards. Good luck!
325 comments so far
My favourite stamp is this one: Why? Because I took part in the WYD (JMJ in Spanish) last summer in Madrid. I really had fun and, since that stamp has the logo of that event, I love it :D
I'm not a real stamp collector but I love stamps that show maps and/or UNESCO sites. My favourite is actually a minisheet of two stamps, this Swedish one about "Struves meridianbåge" (Struve geodetic arc, a UNESCO site throughout 10 European countries):
i love the Bahrain Grand Prix Stamps 2004... it was the first year in Bahrain for the Grand Prix. and it is the most looked forward to event of the year.. :)
i love working with kids and kids r so important. thats why i like this stamp!
Great prize!
Well, my favourite stamp is the Alexander Rybak stamp from Norway (from the Melodi Grand Prix collection)
I absolutely love the Eurovision Song Contest, and Alexander Rybak is one of my favourite winners. I got the stamp on a card from a friend who lived in Trondheim for a couple of months. When she was in Trondheim, I was in Sweden, and she surprised me with that amazing stamp. Every time I see that card and stamp it reminds me of our friendship and the time I spent in Sweden. So, for me, a very special stamp:)
p.s. This is the card it was on:
A winter landscape, very beautiful!
My favourite stamp is one of the band silverchair. I'm a huge fan of them (unfortunately they've split up) and was surprised they have their own Australian stamp! As I live in Holland I never thought I could get one, but someone I met online went to the Aussie post office and got one for me, and I still treasure it :)
My favourite stamp... When I was a child, I tried to collect stamps like my father (but potcards were more interesting and I finished it quite quickly). Back then, one of the most popular series of stamps were stamps showing the zodiac. For a long time I had all zodiac stamps except a stamp with my zodiac sign - I couldn't get it! So I think it was my favourite stamp ever when I finally got it, though it's very simple: :-)
My favorite stamp is this one:
I actually love every fox-related stuff, since I once dreamed about beeing a fox myself.
And if anybody sends me a postcard, not showing a fox but instead a beautiful picture of where he/ she comes from, with a foxy stamp, I were really happy. (Fortunately this already happned ;) )
I love these stamps, especially the tiger one. Tigers are my favourite animals and I collect on them though I'm not a stamp collector.
I do love to receive my postcards with beautiful stamps on them anyway and I'm happy that most postcrossers use real stamps to send their cards.
I like stamps representing country or region they are sending from. For example:,r:12,s:0
(quite long link ;D ) They show different Lithuania's national costumes.
I like these:
Very good idea!
Telling my favourite stamp is an impossible mission, but I enjoyed a LOT the stamp of my first card I received from postcrossing! It was an image of sky and was the ones that moving, changes the image!
From Portugal, I like the Fado stamps and I'm sending only them now! :D
I appreciate very much the effort that very postcrossers do to match the stamps with the card or my preferences! I Thank them a lot cause I have already stamps really really beautiful! :D
Good luck with the giveaway!!/photo.php?fbid=10150598849329941&set=a.10150212162364941.335501.614374940&type=3&theater
I liked this stamp so much, I gave it it's own little frame.
I'm looking foward to these stamps from Bpost. They celebrate 'day of the postage stamp', the text says 'schrijf elkaar!' (write each other)!
My favorite stamp would be my Thai Silk Stamp, which is part of a 4 stamps series issued by Thailand Post in August 2010. The stamp is a combination of paper and actual silk cloth and features a peacock design which was approved by Her Majesty, Queen Sirikit. It is my favorite for so many reasons, but the main ones are its connection to the Royal Family, it features a peacock (which is a symbol of pride), and it has a piece of something very traditional and almost sacred to the Thai people. It is not only a stamp that stimulates your vision, but it also enables you to involve your sense of touch. It makes this far away country seem so much closer and lets me experience a true piece of Thai culture without ever having to leave my house! Here is a link to some pictures:
I love the stamps because a long time ago(about 40 years), my husband was ship-engineer all over the world and he sent me lots of mail with all the differend stamps on it. But after moving from one to many other places I lost all the stamps and now cann't look back at it anymore.
I like the Roald Dahl stamps from the Royal Mail. My favourite is the one with Matilda, because when I was a little girl, I recognised myself in her - a girl who couldn't stop reading.
Every stamp is my favourite stamp. You want to know why? Because every stamp tells a story about where it and the card came from. It travelled many kilometers and if it finally reaches your doorstep and you see and touch the stamp, you think: Wow, how is this possible? so many stamps in the world, and this one has come to me :)
Ah, this question is easy for me to answer. My favourite stamps are the ones I have had made by PostNL, for my son Ruben:¤t=rubenzegels.jpg
I love these Ruben-stamps so much!
Definitely the Postcrossing stamps released in the Netherlands. They make me feel so proud of participating in this project :D
I love all the stamps that have to do with the Olymmpics, like these:
I love sports and I particularly love judo and gymnastics, which I practice, and also the athletics stamps. I wish I could have all those stamps in my collection!
And thanks for this opportunity, it looks like a wonderful prize!
I'm a fan of audrey hepburn (and breakfats at tiffanys), so this is my favourite stamp:
(I found it by coincidence at:)
simpsons stamps are pretty awesome :)
I love all kinds of stamps. Every one has something beautiful about it. But I most adore the ones with landscape because they show country in the smallest picture :>
I love Alphonse Mucha stamps they are so beautiful!And also Year of Dragon stamps are great,I am collecting them from every country.
for me every stamp is unique in conveying its message.
but the stamps which i admire most is :
Although airborne mail transport had occurred during the nineteenth century, the first Official Airmail was flown in India in 1911.On February 18, 1911, French pilot Henri Pequet (1888-1974) carried the official airmail; a sack with about 6,000 cards and letters on his Humber biplane. The plane flew a distance of five miles, from an Allahabad polo field, over the Yamuna River, to Naini. All mails were marked with a large magenta cachet showing a plane within a double lined circle, inscribed “First Aerial Post – 1911-U.P.Exhibition Allahabad”.
this stamps exhibits Heritage,conveys adventure and shows human efforts for better communication.
My favorite stamp is the red '97 Pacific International Stamp Exhibition 32-cent commemorative. I like it because it is a triangle! In the middle it shows a U.S. Mail stagecoach from days gone by. Who says stamps are always square or rectangular?! LOL
(Look about half-way down the page)
My favorite stamp is this one: I was 9 years old when I got it, and it was my first stamp in collection - that's how my addiction to stamps and postcards started ;)
I love all Finnish stamps, they're so original, the drawings made by finnish artists are wonderful and the special formats are a plus too. I specially loved the Alpine Skiing stamps with 3-D motion.
I love the stamps from Japan. Especially when they are showing an old picture or flowers.
Like this one:
But I never got this stamp on a card or letter.
As a hard core fantasy fun my favourites are the Royal Mail Magical Realms stamps ( )
I have this stamp in it's own little frame !
my oh my... my favorite stamp is already depicted in the title picture - the 1954 Canada 50c stamp featuring the schooner 'Bluenose'. I am mad at this stamp since I saw it in the movie 'Tommy Tricker and the Stamp Traveler'
It is the one stamp I wish to add in my collection, and still in my want list.
In fact, my main topic of stamp collection is the watercrafts, ships, boats, submarines, navy, maritime, etc., etc.
I really wish to win that at least in postcard.
my blog showing some of my 'ships on stamps' -
Thank you in advance for the give away offer.
There's one stamp that immediately comes to my mind: the one with Anne Frank. A visit to the "Achterhuis" in Amsterdam made such impression on me... But she is one of the faces we remember of WWII and why racism is so evil. She one of my sheroes!
I love this beautiful countryside on this stamp
That was the first stamp I ever collected back when I was 7 years old. Even though it's nothing stellar in design, it just reminds me of starting my collection, walking down to the post office and having the postmistress showing me the newest stamps.
As I am now a history teacher, I appreciate Frances Perkins, the subject of the stamp, even more. She was inspired to fight for women's labour issues after being a witness to the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire and would later become the first woman appointed to a cabinet position, the Secretary of Labor, by Franklin Roosevelt. :)
Mine is of Brandenburg Gate from 1948. Being a history teacher, I really appreciate how symbolic and iconic it is of the period and what it represents.
I also have a great love for Germany and Berlin. (I'm Australian.)
These stamps are from Sweden. 1,5 year ago I lived there for four months and I always used these when sending letters & cards to my love ones in the Netherlands. So despite from them being beautiful it gives me also a good feeling of thinking back of those good times.
At this moment I really like this stamp, about our famous "elfstedentocht" ( (a skating marathon passing eleven countries in Friesland, Holland))
Colorful and funny stamps are my favourite!
I found two two cent stamps from the Americana series in my drawer at work. The were the "Freedom to Speak Out" stamps. I love them. I used them on one postcard that went to Russia and the other went to Washington State.
I love these special postcrossing stamps from The Netherlands, very nice to put on a postcrossing postcard!
We lova all kind of stamps, especially in different shapes like triangular.
My grandfather used to collect stamps, and during his life he made several different collections. Unfortunately he died when I was 4, but as I was his eldest grandchild, he left me his 'Children's stamp collection'. Every year here in the Netherlands we have a series of children's stamp and part of the income of these stamps go to charity.
So my favourite stamp comes from this collection, the children's stamps of 1963.
They can be found here, if you select the year 1963:
I also love the ones from the year 1998!
Besides the fact that I find them very beautiful, the fact that it's one of the few things I still have from my grandfather makes them extra special!
Sometimes I wish he'd be still alive, so I could share with him all the beautiful stamps I receive via Postcrossing!
I can't find a picture of it, but a Finnish second class stamp where there is a bear sitting. =DD
My favorite stamp is this one This is Maria Tănase, a popular Romanian singer of Roamian traditional folk of the 20th century. I love her songs, they are strong and impressive.
wanted to say Romanian traditional folk :)
One of my favourite stamps is this one
a choice between the stamp of Pink Floyd's album, The Division Bell, (I'm a Pink Floyd fan!), and The Lest We Forget stamp issue from Nov 2008 featuring three stamps of poppies
From Royal Mail.
So many stamps! The first one that comes to mind, however, are the Alphonse Mucha stamps from the Czech Republic:
My favorites are the Industrial Design stamps:
It sounds very dull, but they're pictures of things like telephones, lamps, pitchers---all of which are art as well as useful.
Beautiful idea!! And thanks for sharing :D
One of my favourite Italian stamp is this one
It shows a well-known brand of Italian biscuits, which remind me of my childhood ^_^
I love to collect stamps. Some months ago, I discovered fragrant stamps from Germany. They show strawberries, blackberries, lemons and apples. When you rub on the stamps you can smell the fruits:) I love it!!!
I love these stamps, because I really care about Lithuania's nature reserves and national parks as I care about the nature generally :)
I am not a stamp collector, but I think we should all value the "penny black," the first adhesive postage stamp issued by a public postal system--1840 in Great Britain. (Please don't flame me if this tidbit its wrong . . . as I stated, I'm not a collector.)
Every year the post office has a new Chinese New Year far, this years (2012) has been my most favorite. It's so colorful and detailed.
My favorite is an old stamp German stamp from 1970. It shows Baron Münchhausen, the famous recounter of tall tales, who was born in my hometown.
I liked the 1997 "Globi stamp". Globi was the hero of all Swiss children (or still is? I believe, I hope!). He has traveled to everywhere and worked in almost all vocations, also as a postman. It's still unknown if he really is a bird, and if he's also blue underneath his red-and-black trousers.
Hello! Really lovely cards! Me too i am not a serious stamp collector, but during the time in PC, I have started to check the stamps more carefully. My recent favourite is a butterfly stamp from Ukraina: Zerynthia polyxena, 2010.
Greetings snowy Espoo!
I am not a collector so I don't remember all those great stamps that I have received. But Moomin stamp that was released 9.8.2004 is special: it was printed on a special paper, feels like soft fabric (like made out of felt.)
I love great stamps on my postcards :D My favorite country for stamps is Finland (even thought I am from the USA). They have so many different shapes and sizes, ones that have stickers and everything!! And the first one that popped into my head is the Finland 3-D Skiing stamp .... It is on my blog with a few Kaj Stenvall cards.... -
Thank you to the person who donated these great stamp postcards! Very nice!!!!
I wrote a post about my favorite stamps some weeks ago:
I love thoses stamps because they have a great design and beautiful colour. The friends stamp is a beautiful memory of my childhood :)
My favorite stamp changes almost every time I go to the mailbox and find new postcrossing cards. The most recent is this amazing Czech stamp
Olá! My favorite stamp ever was one sent by a lovely Finish postcrosser about fashion. I really crazy about it, and it was so kind! The stamp was almost that big as the card! :) I was amused by it. See it here: .
Finnish national park stamp. Just amazing picture that looks like it could be taken somewhere in Africa!
My favorite changes frequently. But this one I found recently, and really like it. It is called Wisdom.
Royal Mail postcards are always great, but my favourite sports the album cover of a great classic rock band - Pink Floyd.
I like the Mary Cassat Stamps
My favorite is the space theme stamps, like Outer Space, Universe, Nasa, Hubble, Galaxies, Planets, Solar System, Black Holes, Milky Way Galaxie, Eagle Nebula, Constellations, and so on.
I think they are miraculous
and very beautiful.For example:
I have a stamp from France (an old one) that shows a stained glass window from the cathedral at Strasbourg. Lovely - I wish it were on a postcard.
I love the japanese ones with mandarin ducks. gorgeous colours :)
I love this one
I know it's actually nothing special, but those were always on the letters of my longterm penpal from the Philippines and I was always sooo excited to see a letter with them in my letter box!
I love stamps and started collecting them when I realize how wonderful they were after I started postcrossing. I do love stamps from most countries, but I particularly like the Christmas stamps from Finland. My favorites are of course from my own country of Canada. They are stamps representing daphne odjig beautiful native art. Here's a link
I recently received an envelop from Thailand featuring two really large stamps of their king and queen. I loved them so much. See them here:
I'm not a collector, but I enjoy every single stamp I get from postcrossers. I realise that stamps are very different in the different countries. And I must say that Spanish stamps aren't the most beautiful... :(
I like especially stamps with lighthouses. And there is a stamp I love specially, and it was my former avatar in the postcrossing site. The subject is "letters". You can see it there:
The text on the stamp is a letter from 19th century.
I ordered some postcards from the postcardlocker the other day and when I received them the package was covered in fantastic stamps one of them was Kate and Will on their wedding day Almost every country has a stamp representing them, but I just loved Guyana's
I really like these stamps, because I already sent a lot of cards with them and always I made the receiver happy and especially the kids of the receiver loved them.
But all in all I like all stamps that make the person I send it to smile =)
Oh there are so many beautiful stamps! I especially love animal stamps and as I'm a big bird fan I really adrore bird stamps (especially East Asian Countries have so beautyful bird stamps *-*). Magpies then are one of my most favourite birds, so any of these could possibly my most favourite stamp ~ ~ however any stamp from that website probably would make my day ;)
For my most favourite stamp I however choose this one:
The first time I saw this stamp on a package my brother got from Hongkong ordering a torchlight. I imediately loved it. :)
Everytime when I receive a new postcard via Postcrossing I look at the stamps, because the most are very beautiful. But my favs at the moment are the Postcrossing stamps from the Netherlands
I think my favorite stamp is of Calvin and Hobbes(the comic strip) from the usa. it just makes you smile.
in germany we have these special smelling stamps
i already used the strawberries for Postcrossing cards
you need to rub first, and then you can smell the flavour of the specific stamp
My favorite stamp by far is one that I got on a letter from a pen pal. The stamp, issued in December of last year from the Netherlands, features a little squirrel on a red background eating an acorn. The writer sent it to me because the squirrel is the mascot of my college sorority and the red background is one of the organizations colors. Not to mention, the little guy is just adorable! I actually framed it and put it on the wall between some of my favorie postcards and some sorority memoribillia! :)
I like stamps from the very remote Pitcairn Islands (British Overseas Territory in the Pacific) and especially this set ´´Green turtles of Henderson´´
It's always exciting to see stamps from other countries, but I'm going to choose this fox stamp from Russia. I like the restrained colours and design and of course I love foxes.
cause I am in love with elephants and I was one in previous life!
I love bright colourful stamps - cartoon, birds, some of the stamps I've received from China are beautiful. I can't pick just one favourite stamp.
I don't have just one particular favourite, there are too many beautiful stamps issued in the world every year.
I really like these Lord of the Rings stamps from 2004:
My favourite stamp, now obtainable as a postcard, is the UK stamp portraying King George VI and value of 2.1/2 pence commonly referred to as the tuppeny hapenny stamp. This was the stamp used for general delivery for years. And was in use until the queen ascended the throne exactly 60 years ago
I like the Penny Black - the reason being is because that is where it all started. Its the world's first adhesive postage stamp used in a public postal system. It was issued in Britain on 1 May 1840,r:0,s:0&tx=36&ty=83
My favorite stamps are se-tenants that form nice pictures. For instance the new Cherry Blossom Festival that the US stamp program is issuing this year. Any stamps that join together to make beautiful scenes!
My favourite stamp is the oldest one in my collection. My grandmother gave me some of her old postcards because she new I like the stamps. On one of the cards I found a very old one. The poststamp date is from 1936 and that makes it for me very special.
My favourite stamp is the Dutch one dedicated to postcrossing. I love it because it introduced me to postcrossing some months ago. Now i aam an enthousiastic postcrosser!
I can't say I have a favorite stamp. My mother used to get a selection of the latest commemorative stamps that came out each month or so, and save some. She had quite a collection by the time she died in 1980. I still have all those stamps she collected and have often been tempted to use them in my correspondence because they are so interesting, but I'm not ready to part with them yet. It must be genetic, because every time I go to post office for more stamps, I always ask to see the latest commemoratives. I get such delight out of matching the right stamp either to my writing paper or to the recipient.
My favourite stamp is: , beacuse it was first in my collection and it's also adorable! :)
I love the Pioneers of American Design stamps, for the same reason I collect vintage cameras and fountain pens: it reminds me of a time when companies took pride in the things they produced, instead of their "image". When things were built to last. I have cameras from the '40s and '50s that still take beautiful photos.
My favorite stamp is one placed on a card I received from Latvia.
Great idea! My favourite is one like this that I received on a card from a postcrosser in Finland- I love handbags and so this stamp was perfect for me, but I hadn't mentioned that on my profile so it was just a lucky coincidence!
These are beautiful stamp-cards! My personal favourites are Jugendstil stamps. Espacially Mucha stamps.
My favorite stamps to use so far have been the Pixar stamps issued by the USPS. As a Disney/Pixar lover they just make me happy! And good news... the USPS is releasing another set this year!! :)
My favorite stamp *right now* is this lovely semi-postal that the USPS has out. It's a first class stamp that costs a little bit more than a normal first class stamp, which is why it has the plus in the corner (this one costs 55 cents instead of the 45 cents of a normal first class stamp). The extra cost of the stamp is put toward a good cause, in this case various conservation funds for the endangered animals depicted. There are a number of them in this set, with different endangered animals, but I have the tiger. A cute stamp with a great cause!
Hello! Wow, this is a great giveaway! Today (12 Feb. 2012 is my birthday) so it makes it even more special! My favorite stamps are these 15 cent owl stamps from the U.S.A. ( Picture is here: ) I LOVE THEM because I LOVE all birds because they are such precious creatures! I used to have a bird that died in 2007 & ever since then, birds mean even more to me than they did before. The artwork on these stamps is very lifelike & simply wonderful!
My favorite stamps right now are the Pixar stamps by the US Postal Service.
I really like old russian stamps, they are fun to collect, and back in USSR they made perfect sense, pronouncing the slogans every soviet man should have known :) This one is great, it's my favorite, so cold and really reflects that time
It may not be the most colorful stamp but a nice postcrosser from Malaysia sent me a card with this stamp attached on the bottom of the card! I was very surprised and I loved it! I love putting an extra used or old stamp on some cards I send out from time to time so this was so nice of her to read on my profile I love Indian classical music and she totally surprised me. Not to mention I love stamps from India in general!
My favourite stamp if teh Taj Mahal stamp from India. Here's the link to it:
This is because of this stamp has maintained the beauty of this monument!!! A chance to spread love with the monument built for love!!!!!!
Great idea and loved by many postcrossers!
My favourite stamp I would love to see on a postcard is one of the block "Letters mingle souls" (USA 1974) !
This stamp is very beautiful and has really deep meaning to me and to my country ^^
My favourite stamp was issued by Canada Post in 2010 to commemorate the Year of the Tiger. The international issue was especially beautiful. Here is a link to a photo of it:
I like this one, because of its size and also because it shows an artwork of one of my favourite lithuanian artist!
My favorite stamp is heart-shaped.
It is very special to me, espacially close to Valentine's day.
It is always very pleasant to get a letter stamped with this kind of stamps: either heart-shaped or the the picture of a rose on it.
Happy Valentine's day everyone!
There is no special stamp that is my favourite, I enjoy nice stamps in general, and the more look at different stamps the more stamps I love. Last Thursday, February 9, I went to the post office to buy the new stamps that were edited that day, like a stamp with a moose and a stamp for the Biathlon World Championship in Ruhpolding/Germany in the end of this month. Stamps are little pieces of art, and they make a postcard or a letter even better!
My favorite stamps were the ones they announced for Roald Dahle. I haven't seen them, but I want to collect some very badly. They are amazing (especially the Fantastic Mr. Fox.)
It is so awesome to whatch all of your favorite stamps :)
I love stamps with beautiful scenary. I am very happy than cards arrive with stamp which shows its country nature.
My favorite Estonian stamp is also my avatar I love sea and ships :)
Among the many, many stamps that I've liked since I started postcrossing, two Europa stamps are my favorite so far: This one for its design, that struck me as elegant and artful. This one because it has a most peculiar feature, being a scratch-and-smell stamp, with a forest aroma.
I have the first three of these stamps and I love them because I think they are beautiful and they were the first stamps that I've collected.
One of my favorite stamps is the 64 cent US stamp with the monarch butterfly on it. It's quite beautiful and I have always loved butterflies.
My favorite stamps are the 1934 US National Parks stamps. ( about half way down the page). They are now reproduced as postcards and whenever I visit one of the parks shown, I buy a handful of the postcards... then mail them with the current version of that parks stamp on them. Glacier National Park is my favorite (and only 3 hours away!). Last year the overseas postage stamp depicted Glacier National Park again so I mailed many "Old version" stamp postcards with the new version stamp for postage.
My favourite stamp is this one:
and the new Valentine's Day one:
I like the first one because I love animals, and the second one because it's shaped like a heart :)
My favorite stamp this far are from the UK and looks like this:,r:18,s:0&biw=1366&bih=646
I received one of them a few weeks ago and I fell in love, I think its because theres something "magical" over royalties and the crown jewels across the world.
I have very common choice , stamp of Mr. M . K. Gandhi , released by any nation at any time .. let's, talk about peaceful world .!
He is not only Indian , he is for every one .
Hope you agree with me
My favourite stamp is the world-famous Blue Penny because I find it so impressive how expensive a tiny piece of paper can be :) and I was so lucky to see one if all Blue Pennys in Mauritius :)
there are so many beautiful stamps.... spontaneously, i d say one of my all-time-fave is one with a bee on a flower that is very popular in germany. it's a really beautiful photograph of a bee on a pink flower and it really pims up every piece of mail - it's gorgeous. :)
I'm in love and my favourite is a new Valentine's Day stamp from Croatia :)
I love the stamps from Finland. They are always bright and colorful and different shapes.
My favourite stamps ever are those from the series "Italia al lavoro/Italy on job" issued in 1950. Each of them represents the allegory of an italian region according to the main agricultural, industrial or hand-crafted job of that place. They're also the symbol of the so called "italian miracle", a moment of cultural and economic improvement of the postwar Italy (La dolce vita).
I'd say in this moment we'd need a new "Italy on job" series...
My favourite one is:
It describes Finnish nature and I have always loved nature and the maps. :)
My favorite stamp is the red toy car seen in this series:
At the time these came out, I was still in boarding school, thousands of miles away from home. I have a brother with Down's Syndrome, and he absolutely loves toy cars. When he was little, he would always want a Hot Wheels car. So when I was away, that stamp would remind me of him.
I think these ones are so awesome:
These stamps are especially made for our province, Friesland. The stamps represent three activities that our wonderfull province is known for: sailing (skûtsjesilen), ice skating (for example, the Elfstedentocht) and 'fierljeppen'. After this, all the other provinces in the Netherlands will get stamps which show some specific activities from that area too. How cool is that!
I love this one:
It´s from 1994 and it was Finland´s first triangle-shaped stamp. I used to collect stamps when I was a little girl, and of this one I was very proud of, because of it´s shape and cuteness! :)
My favourite stamp is the stag beetle stamp of Austria. I love insects and especially the beetles. Because of this special stamp I'm collecting stamps and so it it also a reason why I joined Postcrossing.
My favorourite stamp and the one of many others is the special Postcrossing stamp from PostNL, Netherlands. When someone askes for it, i always put one on.
Love this sheet of stamps! I work in microbiology so it is kinda cool to have stamps about my work!
As a little girl I found some stamp-albums of my father, and my favourites wete the biggest, most colorful and oddly-shaped stamps I could find :-). The stamps from my country seemed really "boring" compared to these. However now with Postcrossing I was able to find their charm again, as they show little pieces of our country, of our arts, crafts and history. So I order many different stamps from Postfilia and am happy to send them to other Postcrossers. And lately I have found one, that shows the landscape around my birthplace, and I really like it:
Although I do not collect stamps I do appreciate pretty or meaningful ones. One of my favorite is reproduction of the first Ukrainian post stamp. Feels like in that time: I'm sending the postcard and feel the excitement from the opportunity to connect with the person through long distance!
Hmm. Just one favorite stamp? I don't believe that is possible. Especially considering in the USA we can order self-designed postage stamps, and I am not familiar with many non-USA stamps. Generally, I would say any of the Love stamps, my most recent favorite being the intertwined King and Queen of Hearts. I really like how the side of each stamp continues onto the neighboring stamp. (pair) (sheet)
I love stamps with unusual shape.. like triangle, round, hexagonal.. etc. Thank you for your generousity..:D
Britain's Royal Mail has been issuing some really amazing stamps in the past few years. But since I'm a librarian, my favorite stamps will always be those that depict libraries, librarians or books: its my favourite block of stams- its very bright , funny and I try toput the stamp from theis block to the cards:)
My favorite stamps are from Nambia, and I have to say stamps, plural. A friend sent me a booklet from there about 10 years ago and the envelope had 43 stamps on it! 35 have yellow flowers, 2 have red flowers, 4 have lions, and there are two others. And the best part -- all of the stamps are postmarked from Oranjemund, a diamond mine in southern Nambia. The stamps are gorgeous, and I had the whole front of the envelope framed, archival quality, with the security code from the mine. The stamps are amazing!
My name is Joasia. I collect stamps. I like horses very much and my favourite stamps are the ones with horses. Here are some stamps with beautiful Polish Arabian horses
Well..I'm not a stamp-collector and I saw not many stamps during my life, but one day I've received letter from my Granny with this stamp on it:
and this one is definitely my favourite*)
I love space and stars)
A few weeks ago i received a card with a round stamp, we have never seen that shape of stamps so we couldn't believe it was a real stamp. Here is the link for it:
Its a very beatiful thing all the different stamps in the world, i wish we had more choice in stamps over here in the netherlands.
I just recently started postcrossing, but my favourite stamp I've received so far was one from Finland with the aurora borealis-
Also, someday I hope to receive one of the Postcrossing stamps from the Netherlands :)
I like the new Pixar stamps in the US, they are very cute.
I love this set of British stamps!!
I like them because they are characters of three of my favourite books. They are wonderful, specially the Dumbledore's stamp, I wish I could find them! :)
It's hard to choose a favorite, but one of mine is this 1996 British cartoon stamp because it reminds me of myself... I hate to get up in the morning! :)
Naturally, I would say the stamps of Great Britain as they have our monarch on however I really thought the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt II stamps were excellent. Now they have the Roald Dahl stamps. The Post Office (in GB) do really excellent stamps... a stamp collector's dream. :)
I love these Alfred Hitchcock stamps! My dad bought me a sheet of them when I was a kid even though I didn't collect stamps or postcards at the time. I've held on to them all these years.
I really like the US parcel post stamps. US history is awesome! I just started collecting stamps and I would so love these to use as postcards and also in my card making.
I can't even find it, its lost in my box of postcards...but I can remember clearly my favorite stamp. It was a winter themed one vibrant in color with a sparkling gloss on the white snow atop the tree the stamp featured. (:
My favorite stamp is due out in April 2012, to celebrate Louisiana's Bicentennial. It depicts a sunset on Flat Lake, taken by our local photographer - CC Lockwood
I love the page of Star Wars stamps issued by the U.S. Post Office. I wish I'd bought more of them when they were still available.
The American Architecture Stamps ( are my favorites. I started my stamp collection by buying these in my local post office when I was 13.
I like this stamp very much:
It shows some historic motorsports cars and in the back an old castle.
I loved these Jamestown stamps when they came out:
They were the first triangle shaped stamps I'd ever seen and I really like odd shaped stamps.
I like the current US air mail stamps- showing Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
The farm is so pretty, and I love the little Amish buggy!
Thanks for the giveaway, the postcards are really cool!
Hello everyone!
I’m new to post crossing and just received my first card. What a delight!
I am going to be honest… I love sending/receiving mail but I never really take note of the postage. That being said, I don’t particularly have a favourite. After looking at all of your comments and links, however, I am floored by the unique designs and stories that each stamp has to tell.
I have just spent the last hour looking at Canadian stamps, especially ones depicting aboriginal life/art. Wow! I have to thank you for holding this contest (and for all of you who have responded) it has brought to my attention the incredible wonder that is in a postage stamp -- as well as a postcard!
Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch!! You can't get any better than that! My family and friends had to talk me out of naming my first daughter Scout :)
I'm a Lighthouse Philatelist. The structure, color and location of any Lighthouse in itself will fascinate not only me but everybody...
My favorite stamp is Lighthouses of Srilanka Miniature Sheet released in 22-Jan-1996... I like all the Lighthouse stamp(s) and this stamp is my special...
Please visit my Lighthouse blog
K Sridhar, Mangalore, India....
I received some finnish fairy stamps from a post crosser.The bonus was it was a maxi card so I get the beautiful card and the stamps on the same side.I keep it on my filing cabinet It even had a butterfly postmark onit.
I love the color red and simplicity. This image takes care of that directly. I actually came across this US stamp while visiting shops on Etsy. The art is clean and simple and it encompasses mail, travel and transportation. It is my absolute fave!
This is the collection of my favourite stamps by one Ukrainian painter, Gapchinskaya. They are very unusual :) And very sweet!
If I have to pick just one stamp I like, it would be the Postcrossing stamp made by the Holland Postal Services. I received it along with a postcard and I totally liked it!
It's gotta be the "Animal Rescue: Adopt a Shelter Pet"
stamps from USPS in 2010...a book of 10 stamps, featuring 5 cats and 5 dogs, each on a different stamp...
I love collecting stamps of all kinds. but my fave ones pictures of people and those that are rare or vintage ones. I'm hoping to get one :)
One of my favorite stamp is this:
Wow! Another good idea that this is a great giveaway! I used to be a stamp collector when I was young. I collected the stamps I do appreciate pretty or meaningful ones. However, I love stamps with unusual shapes eg. Heart-shape, triangle, round, hexagonal.. etc. I think it is unique. Morevoer, I also like the stamps in winter landscape and or in gold hot stampings. I like miniature stamps too. Thanx for your generousity!
The first ever Belarusan stamp, issued after gaining independence, depicts Belarusan national relics of the XII ct. - Cross of Saint Euphrosyne.
Made of Cupressus tree, incrusted with gold, gemstones, icons of saints, silver, contained pieces of the Holy Cross and relics of saints inside.
Unfortunately, disappeared during World War II. Copy was reproduced in 1997 by belarusan artist Mikalay Kuzmich. More on Wikipedia :)
my fav stamp is Roald Dahl's stamp. But until now i still didnt get it :(
maybe someone from UK would do a private swap and send me this stamp? :)
This is a wonderful idea - I have received so many beautiful stamps already! It's like a bonus that comes with a great postcard!
One of my favorite stamps is from a Postcrosser from the Netherlands. She sent me a card with a stamp of Vincent Van Gogh's self-portrait. One of my favorite stamps is the "King and Queen of Hearts" issued by the US Postal Services seen here:
Hard to pin down a favorite stamp, there are so many great ones! The current Lunar New Year stamp of the US with a dragon on it is really nice. The gold edges on two sides esp. compliments it.
CARRRRS!! My favorite stamp set :
Absolute favorite is the blue one in right corner. Would be nice to have it in garage on only on stamp,huh? ;)
The Kangaroo and Map
It is a plain stamp from 1913 but it tells of the beginnings of Australia breaking from the British Colonial past. The past is still with us (would you believe we still have the English Queen as our Head of State) but this was the first stamp to be issued by the national government of Australia, and created controversy in not featuring the English Monarch.
Love alot of stamps and it depends from time to time and from my mood which stamp I prefure. But as a child I found the USA stamp with Philip Mazzei special. I had the same last name and besides my Italian side of the family knew no-one else with that name so dreamt of him being related to me (and secretly hoped that he was rich and left me lost of money :)).
One of my favourite stamps is a stamp of Canada Post from 2009, on the occasion of Chinese Year of the Ox:
I love the simple, yet beautiful design!
Collecting of stamps is very special for me. I have never see my grandfather coz he died before I was born but I have heard about him very much stories - he was brave and nice man. And once I've find his collection of stamps - he was great collector. From that time I became stamps-ill person=) I fill strong link with my ancestors with help of stamps.
I have big collection of stamps, but my favorite are icelandic stamps, I think the best is
I love this minisheet with UK aerial post which I have received from my penpal recently:,6,cat110,con,cat111,cat158,arielpost
I love vintage photos, cards and stamps, so this minisheet is just perfect for me .)
My favorite stamp is the one of The Netherlands which has a light bulb created with words. It's simple but really funny.
I love the stamp TNT made in honor of the 30ty anniversary of the Dutch Filmfestival in 2010.
It's the smallest, shortest film in the world made by Anton Corbijn with actress Carice van Houten, who bites the finger that comes into frame. When you move the stamp the images of 30 frames form the "moving picture".
Only trouble is that I will never use this stamp because I think it's a shame; it's really a collectible.
This is a still of the stamp:
This is the actual movie that Corbijn shot:
Due to postcrossing I fell in love with this stamp
It's very small - in the same seize Russia issued a stamp picturing the same animal.
To receive a card with this stamp makes my day!
I dream of a card made from only hare-stamps.
My mother was in the US during the late 70s and she sent mail to my grandparents. One of the stamps was this
I have been in awe of this species every since I saw the stamp for the the very first time. I can understand why people would want to worship these trees. Long may they live.
My mother used to collect art stamps. One of the most beautiful is this one:
the blue mauritius for sure! :-)
i collect stamps,my father also used to collect it. unfortunately i saw his collection after he passed away.after that i started collecting stamps,my father's collection guided & encouraged me.while collecting stamps i remembers him..& feels so good that i have the same hobby which he had & also feels sad at the same time coz m not able to share my collection with him.
i like all stamps,no perticular choice....
this "weekend giveaway" is really a good wishes :))
My favorite stamps are/were the US stamps of the Disney characters.
There are so many great stamps out there, I can't pick a favorite. I do love cute, colorful ones :)
Moomin stamps =]
i got 1 myself from finland. i trade a card with a woman who sended me a hedghog card, the one's im trying to collect. she also offert a moomin card but i wanted the hedghog card even more... but when i recieved the hedghog card... THERE WAS A MOOMIN STAMP ON IT. i was soooo happy to recieve it. so thats my fav stamp =]
My favorite stamp is actually a set of two stamps. When placed next to each other they form a panoramic image of the tidal basin in Washington DC. These stamps commemorate the gift of cherry trees from Japan to the US in 1912. This year is the centennial celebration! I really like these stamps because I visited Japan in 2008 and fell in love with the country and its people.
In Brazil there are plenty of nice stamps, as a second country in the world of printting stamps (!) there is a long term tradition....
What droves my attention is the ability to surprise with new elements (holographic draws for instance).
My choice goes for the romatic stamp!
the very first came with scent of burned wood and was a stamp over national Parks protection.
I consider it a big step in promoting a better worls for everyone.
My favorite stamp is one of Tintin, sold some time ago in the Netherlands. I love it because I have always been a big fan of Tintin:
We love stamps picturing flower, because we think it would be great to see a beautiful "garden" on our stamp album. one of stamp we love is here:
My favorite stamp is Bluenose Canada
The Bluenose is the nickname for a 50-cent definitive postage stamp issued by the Canadian Post Office on 8 January 1929 as part of the King George V "Scroll Issue”. Scott number is 158 with a perforation of 12. The stamp depicts the fishing schooner Bluenose and the design, by the Canadian Bank Note Company, Ottawa, is a montage of two different images of the vessel, racing off Halifax Harbour. The stamp is considered a classic even though it was issued after 1900 and some people consider it to be the most beautiful stamp in the world, but certainly it is the favourite Canadian stamp.
here is a link to the image of the stamp ---->
I like these new Finnish poststamps because they are quite different and in unusual shape. Pictures tell about Sami culture, marks from shaman drums for example.
I love the stamp with Café Hawelka, one of the most famous coffe houses in Vienna -
I collect Gone With The Wind so my all time favorite must be this 25-cent stamp that was issued March 23, 1990 in Hollywood, California as part of a set of four stamps commemorating classic films (the others being The Wizard of Oz, Beau Geste, and Stagecoach) released in 1939 and winners or nominees of Academy Awards in 1940.
My favorite stamps are the so called " kinderpostzegels" or " childstamps." Every year children in the age of 11, 12 years old are passing door by door to sell the stamps in order to contribute to safety and developmental possibilities of vulnerable children. As this is the mission of the organisation. The stamps are always beautiful and I keep good memories of selling the stamps. It was quite a competition!,0,0,0,0/
I used to collect stamps as a child and spent many happy hours soaking the stamps off envelopes, drying them and then sticking each stamp where they belonged with those special stamp sticker thingamabobbies. I was obsessed with having at least one stamp from every country on the planet! While, now I'm obsessed with having a postcard from every country :-) I love stamps from Hungary - Magyar Posta justs sounds so exotic!
I like the Finnish Christmas stamps. New sets every year.
I like USA and Finland stamps. One of my favorite
Greeting to all post-crossers.
First of all I would like to say that only thanks to post-crossing I began to realize that each and every country has its own approach to making stamps. What I enjoy in a stamp is when I see something significant to sender's country. (while choosing stamps sometimes the value is also important, the closest to the necessary 45 or 50 santimes :) ).
This year I have two favorites:
The stamp shows you Latvian characteristic type of wood - Spruce forest. With its native inhabitant - wolf.
This spring I was enjoying my weekend in the most Latvian city of Latvia - Smiltene, when I saw a family of deers playing at the edge of the forest. This stamp - a snowy birch grow with a baby deer in it - gives you a glimpse of what I experienced and felt.
Hi, since the Finnish "Furry Moomin stamp" is mentioned here already, I pick another stamp. It is a red rose stamp with rose scent:
Thanks for this giveaway!
I am not a stampcollector, but my favourite stamp is one that shows the Dutch queens that reigned. Emma, Wilhelmina, Juliana and Beatrix. Such a powerful and strong image of women who are important to my country. Stamps of the Dutch royal family will continue to be made and modernised.
I like the ones of Canadian Post
Used to collect stamps in childhood. Especially like stams with scientists', cosmonauts' and writers' portraits. They were similar to these,1248686313,3/stock-photo-vintage-sovet-post-stamp-general-designer-of-space-vehicles-sergey-korolyov-34300918.jpg and
This is a stamp you probably never receive...
My favorite stamp so far is this lion stamp from South Africa (Stamp on the right)
I just love how it is drawn and how the lion looks while it is roaring. And though it may sound a bit reminds me of The Lion King movie!
I also especially enjoyed the scratch and sniff flower stamps from Germany that came out a year or two ago.
Hi, I like this stamp. It shows the First tunnel under the river Elbe, which is built 100 years ago in Hamburg. As i am from Hamburg, I like everything related to the city.
My favorite stamps are the carousel horse stamps from the United States.,%2B1905.%2BCarousel%2BHorses%2BIssue%2B1995/&docid=GSP7J5KX5rSXJM&imgurl=,r:16,s:16
I love these old US stamps: but I could never pick a favorite!
My favorite stamps are anything Disney! I have a large collection and a lot of the best ones are from Antigua, Maldives, and Barbados.
My favorite stamp is the Thai silk stamp! My pen pal sent these to me and I was amazed! :)
My favorite stamps are these ones:
The Finnish stamp with the Olympic Hockey on it:
The US Pixar stamps, just because I love Disney Pixar!:
That's a very nice idea!!! This is my favourite stamp: also because its value is 35000 $ !!!!!! Unfortunately I haven't it!!!
My favorite stamp is a butterfly stamp from China.
My favorite stamp received through postcrossing is the stamp commemorating the 100th anniversary of the death of Henry Dunant and Gustave Moynier. They have the best mustaches!
In the U.S. they used to have stamps yearly to commemorate love. I collected everyone produced and used the ones from 2002 to mail my wedding invitations.
I am a teacher of special needs kids and I have a blind little boy in my class. I was thrilled to receive a stamp from Finland that was imprinted in Braille! (unfortunately, I don't have a link to show you). I agree with so many others here that it is really difficult to narrow it down to just one favourite. I love animals and nature and so many countries have such beautiful and creative stamps honouring those themes. Also, like many others have also mentioned, although I am not an official collector, my dad was and he was responsible for getting me interested in stamps from the time I was a little girl.
This is a great giveaway and a great topic of conversation, too! Thanks!
my favorite stamp was one by Estonian artist Eduard Wiiralt. I had never heard of him, and after receiving this card I became intrigued with Estonian art.
my favorite stamp was one by Estonian artist Eduard Wiiralt. I had never heard of him, and after receiving this card I became intrigued with Estonian art.
The thai silk stamps are amazing. I also however love the current Japan stamps of flowers. They have a certain charm to them that makes me happy to put on posts. They sell them in big sheets too.
My favorite stamps are the USA "love" stamp collection. When I was young my grandparents would send mail to me with these stamps on it.
My favorite stamp is the XVIII OLYMPIAD TOKYO 1984 SHOOTING and was also written MAGYAR POSTA on it
I love all butterfly stamps!
My favourite stamp was published on 9th February by German Post. You can see a painting "Blue Horse" by Franz Marc on it. Wenn I learnt that this stamp was coming out soon I just fell in love with it. And I was very surprised when I received postcard with same painting from Franz Marc! :) As you can see I didn't mention in my wishlist that I would like to receive postcards with paintings. So it's amazing how my thoughts of new stamp from Deutsche Post materialized postcards with the same picture before the stamp was even published ;)
Great idea - there are so many beautiful stamps in the world!
One of my favourites is this: - it shows an old advertising for a German Post's steam ship; colourful and with many details to be discovered.
My favorite stamp:native American culture-USA 29- (Scott2869E)
I used to collect every kind of stamp, but since this one I decided that if I bought new ones, they had to be disney. This one is one of the few that was actually in use instead of just for collectors.
I love stamps of National Parks, Olympic games, buffalo, trees and Antarctica. I hope to receive a stamp from Antarctica on a postcard someday, but any reference to it will do. Hard to pick a favorite, but I currently and rather fond of Poland's 2011 Europe stamp - buffalo and trees together :).
I love stamps of plants and animals.Because this kind of stamp let me know more about natural.And I also love this kind of stamp,too.
Thank you very much! :)
Happy valentine's day!
we love the four swiss stamps with cows in the four different seasons- have a look:
this one remembers old times and how post travelled- a story of its own, therefore i want to put it here:,r:11,s:35
happy day!!
Hi I'm not a collector stamps, but once I saw them and they liked I am very, especially the lower part with young children. I love these stamps.
es muy interesante estas tarjetas postales , me parecio muy hermosos
is very interesting these postcards, I found very beautiful
I love collecting stamps. My favorite stamp would be the Japan 2012 Dragon stamps :$%28KGrHqRHJBYE7%29z8-ukgBO8z72cpK!~~60_3.JPG
It was nice,I get one of this from postcrossing friend. =)
As a cat lover, I have to say I love cat stamps.
I really like cats, so for example these stamps are very beautiful.
my favourite stamp is a round stamp from Japan and it shows a scene from the "Hasenschule" (childrens book from Germany), funny, isn't it!*sculpture
I like japanese stamps of cartoon and Santa Claus stamps are awesome
What a great idea to make postcards of old stamps!!! ^_^
I LOVE the Hello Kitty stamps from Japan and elsewhere. There are so many and they are all so nice it is hard to choose, here are 2 from China.
I really like the "Pixar" Stamps from the USA!
In 1992 the US postal Service introduced the ELVIS stamps and they had a contest where customers chose their favorite. Here is a blog I found online that had a poster of the Postal Services contest. =)
I love stamps with view tower.
I collect stamps from I was a child. I like many kind of themes, cars (Ferrari!! my favorite),WWF, Europa CEPT... but If I have to choose one stamps would be this:
This stamp celebrates World Cup where won Spain!!
I don't have one favorite stamp, but I was really, really, really, really, really happy and surprised when I received a card with a Kim Clijsters stamp on it, which you can see here:
My favorite stamp is from my country: I think it is wonderful fairy tail!
My brother and I used to collect stamps when we were little and my grandfather gave us his small collection. My favourite stamps were the ones from Uruguay - because it sounded so incredibly exotic! I had to look it up in our atlas to know where this country was located. Most of our stamps came from our European neighbouring countries, but turns out my grandfather had a relative who had moved to Uruguay. At the time I thought it was so cool to get mail from such a far away place - now I get mail like that myself thanks to postcrossing, and I still think it's cool :)
Yesterday I received a beautiful Angel Card with the Aurora Borealis stamp from Finland. It's just a great stamp from a great phenomenon. I found an example online;
I simply adore this stamp, because it has a wolf on it.
For me a wolf symbolizes my childhood, my heritage, my freedom and my home.
For strength and for a witty mind! A wolf will always guide me trough life.
We have not these stamps, but they are so cool! We are big fans of animes, espiecially One Piece, so these stamps are in our opinion the best!!!
I have two current favourites - the first will always be the Penny Black.. my grandfather still has an original one on a a letter from his grandmother! He was also an avid stamp collector in his day:
The second one is the current celebration stamp in Denmark for the 40th Jubilee of Queen Margrethe II. I was lucky enough to go and see her make her public appearances on the 14th and 15th January this year, and for the whole year, the Danish Post Service is making this extra-large stamp (in Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands):
My mistake in my post above - it's my grandfather's great-grandmother, writing to her sister in Faulkland, Somerset. He still keeps the letter in the envelope with the stamp attached and has the date 27th November 1840 alongside his stamp collection.
What a choice to make!! One of my favourites would be this, , drawn by John Tenniel. I live near to the town where the "real" Alice used to visit, and Lewis Carrol supposedly based his heroine on her. I love the loose style of drawing and it takes me back to being a little girl!!
I just love stamps, though I have never collected them seriously. I love to receive postcards with wonderful stamps and the most favourite are Europa stamps. They are very beautiful in most countries!
Thank you for the lottery, it is such a great idea:)
Stamps of the old age before the internet came into our live were used for either paying taxes or saving. I'm sorry you could also use them for sending a postcard or a letter.. So for this reason a lot of attention was paid on the details of the stamps. In these days there was not fluorisite coatings or other chemicals to prevent false stamps. So they'd just a few technics: printing on plate with plate numbers etc or lithography. This is the reason that stamps till approximately 1950s are still admired as pieces of art. Simply they were art! In these old stamps are all features not visible with the blind eye but under a microscope a new world can start. Eg one of the people on this blog mentioned penny black..This special stamp has so much influenced nowadays developers of stamps that traces of the old stamps is still visible...Penny Black has influenced the stamps of the Definitives in the UK with Queen Elizabeth. But also the stamps eg in the Netherlands with Queen Wilhelmina. The stamps on the postcards above are also influential in nowadays stamps. The artists of these days were simply guiding into our days. Nowadays you see a photograph but in their days it all started with a drawing, and then into plate graphing..
Love the stamps and the postcards show that the old way of making stamps is still not old.
Great Lottery!
Regards, Andre
my favourite! :D,name,182897405,auction_id,auction_details&docid=uvxWJTZNrmB19M&itg=1&imgurl=,r:9,s:20
My favorite stamps are any that depict tigers. I was born in the Year of the Tiger (1974) and I have always been drawn to tigers even before I knew I was born in their year. They are beautiful, majestic cats.
My favorite stamps are a set of 32 cent stamps recently issued that show Hawaiian Shirts.
I like stamps with a different shape and especially from the Maldives. A friend of mine recently sent me a postcard from there. It didn't have this stamp on it but it did have abeautiful one and a lovely postmark. This is my favourite stamp:
My favorite stamp right now is the Tiger stamp in the "Save the vanishing species" collection for the United States Postal Service. How great an idea to use some of the proceeds to help our world's endangered species. An even bigger plus for me is that tigers are my favorite animal! The number one thing to do on my bucket list is to pet a baby tiger! And when visiting the zoo I just want to sit in front of them all day and watch... So for someone obsessed with tigers like myself, there couldn't be a better stamp with a better cause.
My favorite stamp os one I saw as a child. It shows an Inuit art print, and was my first exposure to that type of art.
My favorite stamp os one I saw as a child. It shows an Inuit art print, and was my first exposure to that type of art.
My favorite postage stamp is a 2 cent US Postage stamp of the Panama Canal. In addition to being a beautiful work of engraving, it is the stamp used by my grandfather to send the first of many wonderful letters to my grandmother.
There are far too many of the older stamps that I like. One of my recent faves though is the 2011 Fiji Pomegranate issues :)
and the question would be are these Hand made or proper postcards.I would be happy receving something like that in the post unlike some post crossers who state they don't want hand made cards.
I love colorful and creative stamps, for example the ones designed by Hundertwasser:
I love stamps with sense of humor - it is so rare in governmental companies...
I love this one!
It is kinda joke about Ukrainian traditional house: any house has to have all those things: wife and husband with mustage, pig and cow, dog and cat... and ofcouse some birds in nest.
I also like this one: It won some prises in Japan in 2011. I never even new we have so many butiful lighthouses!
My favorite stamps now are the joint issue between egypt and singapore in 2011:
simply because it's like a long mini postcard showing both countries in a lovely illustration style, plus it's unique and looooong. XDD
I come from holland and holland is famous because of the windmills,
my family name is Hollander, and I have this stamp in my own collection.
and it's "Een Zeldzame Postzegel" a rear one.!!
A single favorite postage stamp? Impossible! I'll pick one that holds a special memory: The 22 cent LOVE dog stamp from the US. The was a popular stamp during the time that I started stamp collecting. For a bake sale, I remember my family decorated a cake with the image.
My favourite stamp is one of Australia's pre decimal stamps. Its one of a kookaburra (aussie bird). I love these birds so much, we get them in our backyard, and even hand feed them small bits of meat. One day we had 11 of them lined up along the rail on our deck.
I love bear, because my favorite cartoon since I was a kid is Winnie The Pooh and this polar bear is cute.
feel happy to get it from Russia.
Favourite stamp? Yeah right! I started collecting stamps when I was about 5... unfortunately I lost that collection over the years, but I started again a couple years ago and now my collection has GROWN. I love stamps! The doubles that I receive (and there are MANY) I donate them to my church (somehow they receive money for them - for free!) Here is a photo of a fraction of my collection:
it`s my favourite stamp, I have it in my collection at home. I really like it, because I love football, despide the I`m a girl I play football. This stamp shows me how football is colorful and means a lot not only for me. It is very optimistic and hopefull. I hope you will like it as much as me :),1,16551,18,18,35
Regards !
Ala from Poland
I like the American Indian stamp of the image of Hollow Horn Bear. I have a particular affection for blue!
For me it's the big big stamp I found on a letter from Vetlanka (username), which shows Vaalam Island, lake Ladoga with monastery church Vaalam on it.
Beautiful!! Thanks again Vetlanka !!
Regards from Germany
One favourite stamp? Ah...
It's so hard to say, but, maybe, I'll choose Rincewind one from Royal Mail:
My favourite so far has got to be the stamps from China, which I received from user maroussia. They have very intricate designs and really show some of the greatest sights in China.
Here's a shot of the stamps:
My favourite stamp is of course the personal stamp I had made when my first and only granddaughter Ilse was born in 2004!
You can find it here:
I love the recent Canadian Year of the Dragon stamp, as I am born in the year of the dragon ( I also love the fox stamps, as I'm a vulpis vulpis lover!! (
I love the cartoon stamps that the US came out with a year ago. My favorite wsa the Calvin and Hobbes.
I collect stamps for many years. My favourite are Christmas and New year:šv.kaledos%20ir%20naujieji%20metai
Olimpic games:
Canadian Year of the Dragon stamps are amazing!
The Finnish stamps for Valentine's Day 2009 are probably my favourites. Their desingn is called "Onnen pisarat" ("The Drops Of Happiness", they are shaped like rain drops and are printed on this kind of a glossy silver paper. This picture really doesn't do them justice, but I wasn't able to find any better ones:
The newly issued DragonBall stamps from Japan Post is my favourite! XD
I grew up reading DragonBall manga and I still keep them fresh in my heart. It is one of the joy that I couldn't forget even up to this day. :)
My favourite stamp is
of the german reunion
because it shows what people can reach if they fight for their rights stand together as a unity..
I like this one, because I am a fan of Middle Ages, and this stamp feaures a great event of our history))
I collect stamps depicting Mahatma Gandhi. He is the second highest personality to be depicted in stamps worldwide (the first being the Queen of England). My favorite stamp is one of a set issued in 1948 in India mourning his assassination.
Hope i win this giveaway...
I have been collecting stamps since childhood. I love this mail meets postcrossing released and peaks of happiness. I would love to win.
There used to be some comic stamps in the US a long time ago, my grandpa had one of it in his stamp collection. unfortunately it has been destroyed by water damage after the cellar of there house has been flooded...
I used to collect stamps with a lot of passion between the ages 8 and 16. Since that time I usually keep all interesting stamps in a box - but rarely sort them into my old albums.
One of my favourite stamps is
It shows a drawing by Otto Pankok, an artist I really like and I a am a volunteer at a museum that exhibits his art. Pankok could express much more in a coal-drawing than other can by using a whole lot of colours. He also was a fascinating person.
I never took much notice to stamps until I became a Postcrossing user, now I love to admire them along with my many received postcards! A favourite set that comes to mind are the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Mascots. I love how they embody the spirit of Canada and sport, plus they were adorably designed by one of my favourite art duos: Meomi
O selo que mais gosto é o do Rei do Futebol: Pelé, porque registra de um lado o milésimo gol de sua carreia e por outro não me deixa esquecer uma triste época do Brasil em que as liberdades individuais eram suprimidas e a paixão nacional era usada como ferramenta de propaganda do Regime Militar.
Vejam na minha página:
Very nice of Anonymous! :)
I can't say I collect stamps, not all of them, but I enjoy seeing and having the ones I like. I've been like that since my childhood and now, thanks to Postcrossing, I enjoy stamps even more.
My favourites are definitely heart-shaped stamps, released in my country since 2003. Every year a different stamp, for Valentine's day.
First stamp released back in 2003:
This year's stamp, released on 27.01.2012:
I love these stamps! :)
hello all I was looking on the internet of wonderful Italian stamps and I must say there are many landscapes etched with artwork artists scientists and celebrities
but my eyes stopped on one in particular I could not look away
is a stamp that portrays the Italian flag created in 2006 during the World Cup and I came back to mind all feelings of happiness and emotion tested in those moments when all the cultural religious and political divisions have disappeared when it feels very country where it really feels Italian
This is the stamp in question succeeded in the task move me to make me feel really Italian
Stamp postcards are a great idea!
My favorite stamp(s) are the 2011 Go-Green-US Postal Stamps. It gives people helpful tips and I really like the illustrations.
My favorite stamp is the special postcrossingstamp!
I love the pictures en the colors!
thanks for this great chance!
My favorite Ukrainian stamp is
it is related to AIDs problem - I think it is very big tragedy in the world.And the stamp is really great!
My favorite stamp is the Breast Cancer Awareness Stamp issued by the USPS. My mom was a survivor of breast cancer but unfortunately passed away from a different cancer. Breast cancer has affected many of my friends and family members and it is a stamp I am proud to use knowing it is for a great cause.
HELLO KITTY STAMPS ARE REALLY BEAUTIFUL These U.S. stamps show cherry trees in Washington D.C., which were a gift from Japan 100 years ago. There are two stamps that together create a pink panoramic scene,so they will look wonderful on the international postcards I send!
The one piece stamps issued by Japanes Post are my favourite! I already recived some by some dear Japanese Postcrossers ~ Thank you sooo~ much =)
my favourite is Ace, as he's my fave character from the series... sooo~ saaaaaad T.T
I Hope I'll recive his stamp one day too. :)
I like the Pixar stamps from USPS.
I love stamps with the portuguese monuments :) but I don't have the link for any of them :(
Great cards! :)
My new favourite German stamp is the 1,45€ stamp with "the blue horse" from Franz Marc! LOVELY! :)
edit: it is not the blue horse but the blue rider. ;)
I love getting international stamps of special things. Something unique to that country or fun. Like 'Thomas' the train from the UK.
I loved the Harry Potter stamps of 2007, even if I couldn't collect all of them!
I like the chocolate stamps from France:
my favorite stamp is a gold and red dragon stamp frm Canada. it was sent on a direct swap frm Linda Bradbury. i love it!!
It's definetely a really cool idea.
Thumbs up! :D
This is my favourite one. I don't have it because it is older than me but it means a lot. I am from Elche too, like this lady. :)
Finnish first class stamps with a motive of northern lights. Despite I live in Finland for over a year, I did not get so far up north yet to see it myself, so using them is a little consolation to me.
I bought this set of stamps from a bookstore in Malaysia on a whim a few years ago, and only now do I realise how special these stamps are - from North Korea! I found the propaganda images interesting. I'm not sure if they still sell these...
my little travelling gnome stamp - a gift from a postcrosser - is hands-down my ultimate favourite! :) his red hat, cheeky grin, the way he's posing in front of what i imagine to be a campervan (and who doesn't love campervans!) -- everything about him is charming and cute!
i take him everywhere - he goes with me in my wallet wherever i go, and so far he's been to quite a few countries in southeast asia!
gotta love my little gnome pal!
My (recent) favourite stamp is a block of children's book illustration stamps which was the Hungarian winner of Best EUROPA stamp in 2010.
"The stamps feature a few of the storybook illustrations of the Hungarian Kossuth Prize winning graphic designer Károly Reich (1922-88). The design capture incidents from the story of a little bear much loved by Hungarian readers, Vackor. (All the drawings appeared as illustrations in the children’s book by István Kormos, The Tales of Vackor.)"
I love the illustrations of Károly Reich. And I had this book as a child. :)
I love this stamp with Maria Skłodowska-Curie! I already have it in my collection ^^
Presently, my most favourite stamp is the Dutch Postcrossing stamp. I got one Postcrossing card with the stamp on it and there was never any mail where the stamp as a formal requisite so much matched the content of the mail. I think this makes the Postcrossing stamp a truly magic stamp.
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