The World Postcard Day postcard design contest is underway, and with a week to go, it’s time to meet the judges! They are the ones who are going to be looking at this year’s designs for the 2023's official postcard and have the hard task of choosing the best one!

First of all, we have Dietrich Wolf Fenner from the Berlin Museum of Communications, where last year we celebrated the launch of the German Postcrossing stamp. Dietrich is the head of the museum’s public relations department and has undoubtedly seen many stamps and postcards during office hours!

Wally Koval is the co-founder of the Accidentally Wes Anderson community, which brings together over a million adventurers, all sharing an appreciation for inspiring designs and architecture. Last year, AWA launched a popular book of postcards, spotlighting 26 special places around the globe.

Alison Hitchcock and Brian Greenley co-founded “From Me To You”, a charity that encourages people to write letters to friends and family suffering from cancer, keeping them connected at a time when they feel most disconnected.

Pauline Chrétien (aka paulinectart) was last year’s winner of the World Postcard Day design contest, so we thought it would be brilliant to invite her to take part this year, but as a judge! Pauline is an animation student in France.

And last but (hopefully) not least, me (Ana) and Paulo! Besides organizing the contest, we’ll also have a vote, and we promise to use all our postcard knowledge to vote wisely.
So there you have it — this year’s dream team is ready for voting duties when the contest closes a week from now. If you were planning on submitting a design, this is the time to do it — go! go! go! 💪