Yes, you read that right! On October 14th, PostNL will launch a real stamp, featuring Postcrossing! How awesome is that?
For us, it’s a huge honour that the project was deemed worthy of being featured in a stamp, and we’re very grateful to PostNL (the Dutch postal service) for making this dream come true. We’d also like to thank postcrosser Raymond68 – the Postcrossing stamp exists because of his efforts and persistence.
The stamp was designed by Garech and Declan Stone, and features all kinds of traditional postcards strewn about, as if scattered on your doormat. Here is what the stamp sheet looks like:

Neat, right? There are several different stamps, both for Europe and the rest of the world, featuring the traditional postcard motives.
The first stamps will be delivered to Paulo on October 15th, during the Postex event in Apeldoorn. Postex is an annual event for philatelic collectors, featuring celebrating associations, youth philately, traders from home and abroad, foreign postal administration(s), Day of the Stamp, exhibitions and much more.
If you’re in the area, come and say hi! There will be plenty of stamps for sale, and we’ll have a small presentation about Postcrossing around 10:30am.
We’ll be back on the weekend with more information about the stamp, and also to give away a few sheets! :)
253 comments so far
Wow, that´s cool! Good job! Guess the post officers will now have busy time to sell these :-) Hope I can get one on a postcard from Netherlands one day ...
yey! :D
I found out about these through the Dutch forum, it's very cool that these are being published :) I also really wish for one of these stamps on my cards :D
Can this be ordered in any Dutch stamp shop? Or would one of the Dutch users send me a card?:)
Really cool idea :) Now we can send our cards AND add a real dutch post crossing stamp to it.
A-MA-ZING!!! Finally it happened!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS. Now I don't care much for stamps, but I would love to get a postcard with a postcrossing stamp. THIS IS AWESOME.
Thanks to Raymond68. Well done!!!
Cool! I'm going to buy them for all my postcrossing postcards.
I want one! I hope all Dutch participants will use them!! (at least until I get one....)
It's great because Postcrossing is so popular in the Netherlands, soon enough most postcrossers will receive a card with a stamp like this! :) 12% of my postcards so far came from there.
oh, i'm in Vietnam, i'd never be able to get one [cry cry cry]
I would also like to buy that sheet!
Completely amazing !!! Unfortunately European stamps are not yet usable in other European countries, unless I surely exclusively use theses stamps ! Like everyone, I would so appreciate to get cards with such stamps. Hope much more posts over the world will launch similars !
Great job guys..I wish i could receive one too.
I bought them!! :-) Going to send them soon :-)
I ordered mine a while ago already, can't wait to find them in my mailbox and send them onwards! :D
Wow! That's cool!
Will be ordering them as soon as I can :)
I love these!! I'd love to use these and hope to get one from The Netherlands soon.
Already ordered mine, hope to find them in the mail soon. Will try to use them on most cards. Hope other countries will follow. Just great!!!
Wow that's fantastic! I hope my next click on postcrossing brings me a swap partner from Holland I really want one of these! :-)
Congratulations Paolo and the postcrossing team, you really deserve it
Great! Would like to have it :)
Guess what I am going to buy this weekend.... =D
That is just cool! :-D
wonderful! :)
Wow, great stamps! I hope to add them to my collection :)
Absolutely wonderful and good job Raymond68 :):):)
I want to receive this stamp too!! :)
If you'd like an extra chance to receive one of these stamps, find me on the forum and join my lottery :D
I can't wait here! i just Want to Receive those stamps! Any body...! please!
sounds fabulous to have a postcrossing card with a postcrossing stamp!
I pre ordered a lot of them, so after 15 oktober I have them on my Postcross cards !!!!!
Awesome! I want that set of the cool!!!
How great !! Unbelievable ! Yeeeepeeee ! So proud to belong to that project !
Definitely the coolest stamps for postcrossers!!! /(^0^)/
Awesome... Really proud to be member of such a wonderful group...
That's amazing!! Congratulations, Postcrossing! I think you'll get many more users thanks to those stamps!
Oh, and I think I should contact with a nice Dutch member who can get one of those stamps for me..! :)
Congrats! ;)
Awesome news... Would love to get atleast one sheet for my collection and one used on postcard :)
If anyone can offer then it will be great for me :)
Certainly, one of the happiest news for all of us in the Postcrossing family! XD Many thanks to Raymond68 for his huge effort in making this come true! I'd love to received a card with this awesome Postcrossing stamp (especially the one featured the Petronas Twin Towers :P :P )
I'm looking forward to more news during the stamp presentation to Paulo, Ana and Raymond68!^w^)/
This is EXTREMELY impressive !!! I can't imagine the U.S. post office EVER doing something like this. Wow !!! Congratulations to all involved ! I'm looking forward to receiving the Wereld 1 stamp from Postcrossers in The Netherlands ! :)
I hope you can get this at the postoffice too, since there are "only" 313.000 sheets made. so we dutchies need to post a lot of cards to everyone to get one of those stams.. I think I am going to buy a lot of sheets just for postcrossing... each sheet has 10 stamps 5 for Europe and 5 for worldwide :). it would be fun if everyone getting a postcrossing stamp would tell us. I think the first one send out can expect those stamps like a max of 5 days after release :) :)
This is really cool, it will make the cards we receive from The Netherlands even more special.
I have also pre-ordered them, 10 sheets to start with! From 15 October onwards all my cards to be sent will have a Postcrossing stamp. So, Europe, World, watch your mailbox!
I'm going to buy something like 20 sheets of these if I can get them, I think all postcrossers will be dying to get their hands on a postcard with one of these stamps.
I've sent the first cards with these postcrossing-stamps!! So nice
it's soo cool
Very neat idea!
This is so awesome! Congratulations!!! :D
I wish the US had such cool stamps like this :(
This is wonderful news! I'm hoping other countries will follow in the Netherlands footsteps. I can't wait to get a card from the Netherlands with one of these new stamps. :)
Congratulations!!! And bravo to the Postcrosser who started it all
I hope I can receive this stamps:))
WOW fantastic...
That's really neat. I hope I receive a card with one of the stamps on it. I'll treasure it.
Great idea, I hope there will be German stamps on postcrossing too someday...
Fantastic idea!!!! I would love a sheet of stamps, or two, plus cards with them on so anyone who can buy these stamps and is sending me a card please, please put one on it. My husband is an avid stamp collector so will greet one with open arms. I promise he will treaure it as he does all his stamps, this one will be extra special though.
If you'd like to get a card with a stamp, try your luck in my lottery:
I will send the cards out on friday the 14th :D
I knew it...I am not srprised at all...Postcrossing deserves it. It will be a very ppulaar stamp, and I hope to receive one on a great postcard. Congrats to the Netherlands, and allthe crew on Postcrossing!
Is this stamp in the shops from oktober 15?
In this case I will use it on my next postcard!!
So awesome! I want some!!!
I`m looking forward to get one or more! They are beautiful!
Finally a nice stamp to send on a card. Postcrossing earned the stamp and attention. I've ordered 4 sheets, hope to get them soon.
That's awesome!
Wow! I hope I can get hold of one of those stamps- perhaps a kind Dutch Postcrosser will send me one on a card :-D
I already bought some, but I get them later.
Wow great!!! :-D
Awesome! I would love to buy some! How can I buy some?
This is great news! :) I hope I get a card from Netherlands with this stamp on it..
Oh wow, I'm sooo going to buy these!
Absolutely fabulous!! I'm definitely going to buy them! :)
I´ve ordered 2 sets so they will be on the postcrossing cards soon...
Just bought new stamps but I will surely be using those as soon as I can buy them :D
This is really cool ! And the postcards featured are very nice and colourful, too. I hope I get a postcard with one of those stamps someday !
That is great!! I am not a stamp collector, but I can say that I hope to get a postcard with one of these stamps on someday :)
Congratulations for the great idea!I Hope to add them in my collection...
Posted by ReginaC on 12 Oct 2011
Congratulations for the great idea! I hope to add them to my collection.I'll like so much!
Posted by ReginaC on 12 Oct 2011
That's really good news! I figure this stamp featuring this amazing project is ideal to replace some of the trivial bike stamps ... :)
Super gaaf! I hope i can find/buy them and use them, I guess they will be spread over the world soon :-)
How cool is that!?! I so look forward to (hopefully) receiving such a fantastic stamp :D , congrats on achieving that a Postcrossing stamp can "happen" :D :)
Yes, I've pre-ordered some sheets! Very excited :)
wow fantastic if only australia post would get some interesting international stamps I am not a golf fan and that is the current stamp
i want to get a postcard with this stamp! please send it to me somebody^^
So cool ! :)
Very exciting news! And thank you to Raymond68 for all his efforts in making it happen! Doesn't look like PostNL ships postage internationally, otherwise I'd buy a sheet or two and use them on my US postcards as embellishment :-)
That is so cool that Postcrossing is being recognized like that - what an honor!
This is extremely exciting news. Well done Postcrossing to be recognised in this way.
Like everyone I'd love to get a postcard or three with these stamps!!! Fingers and toes crossed . . . . . . . .
Sensational news. What a spine-tingling moment.
I'm proud to be part of something being featured in a stamp.
Can't wait to have them!!!! :D
cool! if Canada has one, I'll buy them :)
Congratulations for all those who contributed for this great project! Can't wait to receive some cards with those stamps!:)
WOW :D Congratulations!
Any chance I could buy some from Australia?
great stamp~~~~would love to recieve one of them~~
That's pretty cool, I'm thinking of receiving some of them from now on!
I really hope PCer in Holland could use these series stamps more, rather than that green heart...
What a wonderful compliment to Postcrossing. Can't wait to receive one (or two) way down here in NZ.
This stamps are amazing.
wow ! amazing :) netherlands is great ! i hope all dutch postcrossers who can will get those stamps and use on the cards they send ...they´ll be sold out fast i imagine ^^
very cool! Please Dutchies use these stamps on any postcards you send me!
Wow, this sounds incredible! Way to go!
It is so cool! I have ordered some sheets and can't wait to receive them so I can send them to you!
Great stamps, maybe one day a card from the Neatherland will arrive at my postbox with one of these stamps, how great this wwould be :) :-D
Tomorrow I will go to the shop and buy loads of them! They are so great!! :D
You can pay in different ways, anybody can buy them. Go and shop! Like I did.
I'm so excited, can hardly wait !! I ordered some sheets but haven't received yet !
Visited also some shops yesterday, but nothing :( Perhaps today, but sure tomorrow :D :D !!!
Wow, great news! Congratulations! Postcrossing is a fantastic idea and the best award is this news. All post from worldwide could design a special year stamp to celebrate.
AMAZING! wish I have the stamp on my card soon. ^_^
I have ordered 20 sheets.
Wat hoeveel?
Congratulations to Paulo and the team. This is a great advertisement for Postcrossing (as if it needed it!!) and is a little bit of recognition for all of the work that the Postcrossing team put into the site. I hope other Postal Services (hello Royal Mail!!) take notice and do something similar. Well done Raymond68 for organising this.
So awesome! I hope I get a postcard with one of the stamps.
Very cool!
So wonderful!
I hope this sheet with stamps is pretty soon available at the postoffice of my small village, so I can use these stamps for my postcrossing-cards :-)
Yay! Congrats, Postcrossing! This definitely brings more attention to this wonderful exchange program. I hope I get one of these stamps in the mail!
Cool! I will definitely buy these stamps and send out many many cards to the rest of the world ;)
Awesome! You can be sure this Dutchie will rush to the store the 15th and right away buy a whole stack of these, to send with all my officials, swaps and RR's.
So cool :) I already ordered some sheets online, and maybe I will buy more in the shop :P
I am so gonna buy many sheets of these stamps. Thank you PostNL!!
Jee! Super cool! :D
Hope I can get one on a postcard from Netherlands one day ...
Wonderful. Hope I will get written postcards using all these Postcrossing stamps... one day. Wishes come through in postcrossing, LOL.
Fantastic achievement!!! I hope i can get one one day!
thanks Raymond68 and design team...Great Job!!! really makes members excited especially for those who have joined since years ago!
And I hope PC gets more and more well-known and attracts more and more interesting guys!
Best wishes!
That's great! Long live to Royal Dutch Post! I want one of this awesome stamps. Maybe my postcard sent is hidden among all this beauty.
awesome! i hope i'll get one card with these stamps on!
This is great! I'm hoping like everyone else that we get one of these stamps on a card from the would be nice to buy a sheet too.
I already ordered them on line (10 sheets) and will be using them on all my postcrossing mail!!! Proud of our little Dutch post system, that has changed so much lately.
Keep an eye on the mailbox, it is coming your way.
Ordered 4 sheets some weeks ago and hope they will arrive today! Have spend my whole week looking for them in the shops, but no luck so far!
I ordered 3 they will be on their way soon! They look awesome!
Beautiful! Hope to find one on my postcard one day! ;)
That's great news. I ordered them yesterday. Hope to have them soon to put on my Postcrossing-cards!
I sent the first cards out with these stamps yesterday & today :D
I'm really envious of the Dutch user, they can get so wonderful stamps matching their postcards. Really great!
The Germans on the forum already think about how we can ask Deutsche Post to do the same???
Cool !!! :)
Several Dutch people are trading cards with stamps! Have a look here:
I just bought 3 sets :D. They look lovely! :D
Amazing!!!! I'd love to have those stamps!!!
wow~that's sooooooooo cool!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Dutch postcrossers:
I also love collecting stamps a lot,and really want to collect a sheet of the postcrossing stamps~so is it possible to arrange a private swap for you?Maybe I can swap them with stamps & banknotes from North. Korea!!!
Thank you!
Totally awesome achievement!! I'm proud to be a postcrosser! I hope other countries will follow :-)
So great!
Hope one day we'll get some postcrossing stamps in France too :)
Why are stamps from Netherlands always so ugly?
Finally the Dutch postoffice is doing something nice!!!! :-)
I'll try to get some.....and maybe you are the one who's getting it through postcrossing.
Regards and happy Postcrossings.
Priscilla aka Vijfertje
An article about these stamps in September made me curious, and it has started me postcrossing. Until now ... I am happy to have found postcrossing. I'll certainly go and buy a few sheets of these stamps!
Wow congrats to Postcrossing! Well deserved recognition!!! Hope other countries get on board with this awesome idea!
Wow, I love the stamps and the Idea of putting traditional postcard-pictures on them. Really want to get them, hope I'll find a possibility to buy some sheets from switzerland...
see the above link you can order them online.
how cool! I hope to receive some! :-)))
I hope to get those stampsheets quikly so I can send them all over the world.
Just bought 20 stamps, so I can make my new addressees happy :-)
I wanna get them :)
Thank you Raymond68
Geweldig! Die ga ik zoeken! Die ga ik zeker gebruiken, het is alleen zo jammer dat de meeste postkantoren zo'n beperkt bestand aan postzegels hebben. Supergaaf dat hij er is!
Is there any way to get one sheet of these or at least one?
Yes. Today I'm going to buy them..So people watch your mailbox..
Paulo was here during the Postex event?? That's just around the corner! If we only knew then we'd definitely went to say hi!
I have ordered 3 sheets! :) Hope the other postcrossers will like it! :)
You can read about the Stamp release on the forum, and there was also an item about Postcrossing on the Dutch TV about 1,5 hours ago.
Bought them today and already put 3 of them on postcards.
This is really great :)
I just ordered them! So if your receiving a card from me, you'll get the stamp! ;-)
I ordered mine at Postnl. I first went to our small postoffice and asked for the stamps. The woman looked at me as if I ordered the Mona Lisa itself. She had never heard about those stamps and never about Postcrossing! Well, luckily there's internet and online-shopping. Soon, al my cards will have a postcrossing stamp on them!
Totally gonna buy these! \o/
Today I sent a postcard to the US with my very first postcrossing stamp on it!
Aaawwww too bad I've read this a couple of days too late... This sort of stuff makes me happy. The Netherlands may be a small country, but if we like things, we'll do anything for it! Greetings from Haarlem :-)
So incredible cool! :-D
I hope I some day could get one on a card. ♥
Haha JantineH, that happened to me too.. The eyes of the woman when I asked for the postcrossing stamps.... haha. And I thought she would understand I'm a postrcrosser, because I buy there stamps for the world en europe almost every week. That is not wat a 'normal' person does... So I ordered them too. :)
The way the rate is printed (Europa and Wereld) has me confused... are these actual postage? Is the 1 for 1 Euro?
I absolutely love those stamps! I wish the German Post would do some stamps like those...
@nells250, the 1's on the stamp mean 1 for Europe (equal to 79 eurocent) up to 20 grams and 1 for World (equal to 95 eurocent) up to 20 grams.
I just bought the stamps at a Bruna together with some postcards. The lady behind the counter didn't understand what I was asking for. but after a few minutes and times ten asking she gave me those stamps.. Will send out some cards with the "most wanted stamps" tommorrow.
My cards have been sent with the Postcrossing stamps, hopefully the receivers will enjoy them too
If you still have stamps with 1 for NL and 1 for Europe you of 2010 or 2011 you may still use them without having to add more stamps to come to the 50ct, 85ct or 99ct.
Belgium is more expensive than NL btw. There it's 61cts, 93cts and 110cts. The difference with NL is, these are prices for mail up to 50 grams whereas in NL it's up to 20 grams. For us postcrossers its cheaper sending from NL!
Woohooo, I got a card with a Postcrossing stamp today!!! It's the wonderful stamp showing the Taj Mahal, I adore it! Thank you to my dear friend Jetske!
Thanks for the reply. Is "1" a class of mail, then? I tried to find the stamps on the post office website, but it wasn't in English. Maybe I can find a dealer selling them.
My next card I'll sent with a postcrossing stamp on it!
Hi! Have bought the 'most wanted stamps'
Will send them out this weekend. Who will be the lucky person to recieve the first one ?
Wunderful stamps!
they are beautiful: i bought them and sent already 19 for europe and 16 for al over the world. i've got really nice comments on the stamps ;-)
Can we buy them yet?
oh DROOL! I want a sheet of those for framing! I still have a picture of me in front of the postcard rack from a vacation 25 years ago where I started collecting postcards, in a frame above my postcard cabinet.....these stamps sure would be a nice partner frame LOL
I bought 5 sets this week and the first poestcards with the postcrossing stamp have been sent!
Congratulations! I love postcrossing. It's like having numerous penpals, without any of the obligation.
As a collector of postcards, loved having a Postcrossing postcard with stamp.
I just bought them last week!! Very nice that we have a special stamp for it! I will Paste it on the cards!!
i'm out of that can i get it???it really nice!!!
i hope somebody can send this stamps put on my postcards
What a thrill it must have been and a privelege to be chosen for this honor
Just got one today on a postcard from the Netherlands..amazing! I must admit I was not aware of them before ..but love them ;-)
I just bought them, on my way sending cards with these stamps!! :)
I just bought a LOT of these stamps. :-)
If you don't live in NL, you can buy them here:
The website is in Dutch, though.
Just received one postcard from the Netherlands with this stamp! Amazing! :)
My first card with Postcrossing stamps arrived and this is what the user said about it:
Hi Diana, first I want to thank you for the beautiful lighthouse :))) I really like it, but now... many thanks for the postcrossing stamp, I read about it, and this morning again I have thinking: with the chance I have in my live, I surely never get one of these stamps. You make my day ;-)
They are very nice, and you could be very proud!
Got one from the Netherlands with the postcrossing stamp. I love it!!
I am glad that now i can send cards,
with a nice stamp on it.
The next cards i send, will have a postcrossing stamp.
I'm from the Netherlands and the stamps are really beautiful. I'm very happy and proud with the first postcrossing stamp, made in my country.
You can order the stamps on:
I just my second postcard with the beautiful postcrossing stamps.. thanks ....
I bought a few sheets. So i can sent some nice stamps the upcomming cards
congrads postcrossing :)
keep it up!
Just mailed a few cards with the postcrossing stamps. They look great!!!
Today I received one of the postcrossing stamps and I love them.. This is my third one and I am happy about that..
That is great! go to buy them tomorrow!
Indeed very cool that the postalservice of my country has issued real PostCrossing stamp. That same postalservice has also another very special thing calles personalized stamps and you can have your own stamps made with the pictures you want. The only small problem is that you can only get stamps for use within the Netherlands (1 Nederland) while you also have 1 Europe & 1 World as seen in the PostCrossing stamp. and 1 set of 10 stamps cost 9 Euro's.
And you have to put 2 stamps on the postcard. As some Postcrossers have had cards with these type of stamps on their cards from me.
I allready used them on my first cards. I did'nt realised me that it is a hot item but now i will use them allways on my cards.
I like to receive these stamps in the postcard send to me.
nice! I hope i can buy some here soon!
Wow, how nice is that! With this kind of things I'm proud to be a "dutchy" ;-)*runs quick to the postoffice to buy some!*
Dreams do come true!! A big thank you to Peggy Bongers for sending me a sheet of Postcrossing stamps for my husband. I have since had them on letters and cards, each one is greeted with a big smile. Well done Postcrossing, you are worth your weight in gold!!
YEEYY I'm from the Netherlands. I'm very glad to read this news! I'm going to the post office now and get some of these stamps! If you are very lucky, you receive one of my cards :D
I just order some of the postrossing stamps of PostNL.
So when your lucky... you get one of me :-)
I just bought a sheet today :D
I still have a couple of 'standard' stamps though... Maybe I can make some private swaps with people for the postcrossing stamps until I run out of the old stamps :P
I have it!!! :D
Have already used the stamps on my cards and when you are lucky you'll receive one card someday..
If you are not lucky I can send a sheet of Postcrossing stamps anyway...just as a gift from a HAPPY POSTCROSSER to another..
Edujohan from the Netherlands
I bought the stamps and postal crossing'm using it now. anyone who gets a card from me such a beautiful stamp
runs to the shop (bruna) and buy a lot of stamps for the rest of the world
I'm happy to report that I have received a card today with a Postcrossing stamp! Yay!
I'm from The netherlands, WHO wants a SPECIAL STAMP?!?!?!?!
Great idea! Just bought 30 postcrossingstamps, so watch your mailbox!
The special postcrossing stamps were very hard to find. I ordered them at postnl and got several sheets of stamps. Also I now have the special stamps with our late queen Wilhemmina. Very nice....
!!哈哈 幸运的收到一张呢~
i‘m soooo lucky to receive one from NL~O(∩_∩)O here’s the stamp picture:
Oh, I hope, like everyone else, to get a card with one of these stamps. Now, I'd like the United States Postal Service to make a Postcrossing stamp!
Very godd, very nice, I love the stanps !
I've just received a card with one of these stamps, I love it! :D
Awesome!! Congratulations Paulo and PostNL. Hope this extends to lots more countries..
Ik heb er al 30 verstuurd over europ en de wereld
Hooray! Yesterday I´ve got a postcard from NL with postcrossing stamp! I´ve shown it on my blog
Wow,I received a card with the postcrossing stamp.It's really a special card!!
i HAVE ONE :))))
verry interisting! i like it
There is a Stamp Election in the Netherlands now and you can also vote for the Postcrossing Stamp!
This is the link:
You only have to enter your emailadress and vote for the stamp. Then you get a confrmation mail in which you have to active your vote.
I've just received a card with one of these stamps! :)
I am proud to be dutch. I'll buy them.
Wow I would love to get one card with that stamp!
I I will talk with Ukrainian postal officials soon and will inspire them to create Ukrainian PostCrossing stamp as well))
YEA!!!!! I received one! It looks very cool!
Already sending them around!
I´m a lucky postcrosser!!
I received a "" stamp from Har (Henriette) = NL 886.099 in a amazing orchid card...
I received a Postcrossing stamp on my card from Albert NL-899702. Yippee!
I will send out all my post cards with this Dutch Postcrossing stamps! Thing
wow actually i got a card with this stamp recently, i really liked the stamp, but i just found out WHAT KIND OF STAMP is that =)
great idea!!
i'm happy i have one =)
Haha I have this one !
Hope I receive a postcard from Netherlands!!
Ik heb gestemd, hoor, Raymond! De Postcrossing-zegel gaat glansrijk aan kop in de tussenstand! :-)
I sent some 20 of these stamps now and marked all cards with an arrow pointing to the stamp with 'special Postcrossing stamp', but most receivers don't seem to notice or at least they don't mention it after receiving the card. :-s
So: If you receive a card with this stamp and you're happy, let us, senders, know!
Is it possible to get the stamp now?I really want some!
I received a card with this stamp yesterday! I feel very lucky! na na na! :)
Today I wanted to buy a sheet Postcrossing stamps again. But they can't be sold anymore.
Luckily I got a piece of it.
wou vandaag weer een velletje postcrossing postzegels kopen. Maar ze mogen momenteel niet meer verkocht worden. Gelukkig kreeg ik nog een velletje mee.
Today I wanted to buy a sheet Postcrossing stamps again. But they can't be sold anymore.
Luckily I got a piece of it.
wou vandaag weer een velletje postcrossing postzegels kopen. Maar ze mogen momenteel niet meer verkocht worden. Gelukkig kreeg ik nog een velletje mee.
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