Member Caroline (aka Luminarium) is a social worker from the USA. A few weeks ago, she brought to our attention that a postcrosser she was helping to send postcards found it funny that she was older than the age settings the website allowed. We were intrigued, as no one had ever complained about this bug before… but then again, we probably don’t have many postcrossers like Helen (aka Honney17) who celebrated her 101st birthday earlier this year! 🎉
We were so happily surprised, we decided to ask them a few questions!
- What are your first memories of writing?
I used to write a lot of letters to my friend I went to school with; We were in the same grade, but I was a year older than her because I got sick. I wrote my friend Virginia McCafferty. Her family was from England, and she lived beyond me. When we got out of school, we’d walk together home. She was my dear friend. Her family raised prize winning black angus cows. After school we’d walk down the hill and through a cow path in the field. We’d get to her fence and she would jump over and we’d walk to our own houses. You could get a postcard for a penny back then. I wrote to her till I got married. Galveston, IN (where Helen was born) had eight houses then. The house I was born in is still there. Our first cousins lived there too. I think I’m the only one left of this generation. My mother’s family was from Ireland. I used to love to write. They always used to call on me because I made up good stories. They wanted me to be on the high school newspaper. I only got one semester of my freshman year. I was 14 and didn’t have a home then, so I went to work in a dry goods store.
A framed painting of Helen’s family barn, painted by a friend from a photo.- How did you hear about Postcrossing?
I heard about Postcrossing in a place I used to live, but didn’t start participating till my helper introduced it to me.
- What do you do and what do you need help with to participate in Postcrossing?
I think up stuff, but I have trouble writing because my hand is clunky, so I need help writing. What you don’t use, you lose! I save the postcards I get for my helper to register them. She gets the addresses for me and I tell her what to write. I sign them all.
Helen, Caroline and some postcards they’ve received.- What are your first memories of getting mail? How has mail changed over the years?
Back in the beginning, a horse and buggy brought it to us in the country; then they got a car, a Ford. A rattling good car. Sometimes if you didn’t live in a city you had to go downtown to get mail because they wouldn’t deliver it. I had a cousin who delivered mail. We had a little mailbox along the dirt road and I mostly remember when the mail carrier had an old jalopy and would bring it to the box. It was a Ford, I think. They were the first cars anyone knew about. “Shake, Rattle, and Roll.” There was a box on the side to help fix a tire and you had to crank them! And, if you didn’t do it right, the crank would go backwards and break your arm. My brother used to push it (our Ford), to get it up and running, and then had to run and jump in.
- What do people think about you participating in PostCrossing?
People that work here notice I get mail; it doesn’t look like anybody here gets much mail. Maybe people have family here that don’t write. My son and daughter visit me. I lost my cousin and my friend so it’s nice to get mail.
Helen and her postcards.- What does Postcrossing mean to you?
It’s interesting because you get personal, and that’s big—to get mail. We all live in our little worlds, and you don’t have many activities to do, and this is a hobby you can be busy with. And the cards come, and people are living all over the world, and it’s interesting to read about their families and work and see the cards they send. I bet they wonder about America the way I wonder about the places they live. It’s almost like taking a trip—you get a picture in your mind. It’s like a little vacation. The postcards are something I look forward to. It really makes me think about places and people differently than I have before. Every postcard is something to look forward to.
- Do you have a Favorite post card?
DE-7117460. It looks like a dog I used to love that my grandson adopted when he was going through a hard time. He got that pup and it helped him out of his depression.
- What kind of post cards would you most like to receive?
Besides birds and dogs, it would be nice to have pictures of your country. Your buildings, and how they are built, and what the people look like.
Thank you so much to Helen and Caroline for this lovely interview!
As Helen mentions in the interview, people in her Senior Assisted Living community don’t get much mail nowadays… so how about we send them some? With the permission of her family and Activities Director Valarie, we’re publishing here the address of the place where she lives, so that if you want, you can send a postcard there and make a senior’s day a little bit brighter. 😊 Send iconic images of your town/country with a fact and greeting from where you live, and then Caroline and Valarie will organize them so that everyone can enjoy them! :)
Shall we fill their mailbox with postcards, and give Helen and her friends the opportunity to travel around the world through them?
This initiative is now finished, but here’s a quick update from Helen’s caretaker Caroline in February 2019:
“There’s nothing like a beautiful piece of mail to brighten a grey day. Helen has LOVED receiving all the mail you’ve sent. She’s hit a rough patch, but being the resilient woman she is she’s pushing through. Your postcards are a constant source of smiles, wonder and support. Helen frequently looks at them and says ”It’s just like a vacation!" or “Ah, Finland…I always wanted to go there.” or looking at a card from Indonesia “Can you believe that? From all that way?!” This rough patch (and rough weather) has stalled out our original bigger plan for sharing with other residents. Don’t worry though, your cards are getting a great deal of attention and will be shared with the wider community. Thank you for spreading your joy. At nearly 102 you’ve sincerely brightened Helen and her caregiver’s days. From Helen, her family and Caroline, her helper – Thank you."
177 comments so far
This is wonderful. In the same way that I love to see young kids getting involved with physically writing and participating in postcrossing, I think it's a great way for seniors to stay involved and connected in the wider world, too, just as Helen expressed in the interview.
Thanks for this profile! I will try to put together some cards for them!
I once wrote in my profile : Never forget that Postcrossing is about communicating to the world and being part of humanity. This touching story is such a beautiful example of that !!!
This is so wonderful! I loved reading about Helen and her friends. Cant wait to send a few cards to them. xx
What an amazing lady. So good to meet her. I am a mere 73 year old, so keep going, Helen, you inspire us all. Xx
This is the best article. Thank you for posting it.
Dear Helen, you have lots of friends out here! We love you!
Wonderful story, Helen is an amazing and unique person for her age, I was a social worker aswell and helped elderly people. I'll send some postcards to the community for sure.
Thanks for sharing ciao!
Das finde ich ganz toll!!
Meine Mutter ist 84 und ich denke es wäre auch für andere ältere Menschen sehr schön in der heutigen Digitalisierten Welt mehr Post zu bekommen, ich werde den Damen auf jeden Fall schreiben und Ihnen meine wunderschöne Stadt von Ihrer besten Seite zeigen
Thanks a lot for telling Helen's story! Great to meet her.
Keep Postcrossing, Helen, I'll write to you and your friends soon. :)
Brilliant story and what a lovely idea. I will certainly be writing some postcards to Helen's community. I would love to hear (in a few months time or so) what Helen's friends think of all the postcards they receive. It would be a wonderful follow up story. Many thanks for sharing.
I love this! Sending one to Helen and her friends today!
WOW!!!! I enjoyed reading this Post and will send a Post Card today!!! Thanks Post Crossing!!!
OH!!! I hope we do a follow up on this story too!!!!!!
Love this story! Just got done writing a postcard to them❤❤
What a great story and what a wonderful person Helen!!!! This is incredible!!! 😍Thank you so much for sharing it with us!! And postcard will be shared, no doubt!! 😉💞
Lovely lady with a great story to tell and my postcard will be in the postbox tomorrow which I hope brightens up someones day. 📬🇬🇬
I live in Kansas City! How amazing! Can’t wait to send postcards.
Postcard to Helen's friends in today's mail. What a great spotlight story. Thanks for sharing and thanks for writing, Helen!
So wonderful!
As I wrote in my profile "I hope Postcrossing can approach people, making the world a better place to live!", I also hope my card to 'Helen & Friends' will bring some joy to them all!
Love you dear Helen!
Helen's story touched me. I'll send you a postcard from Holland!
I joined postcrossing when I was 56, am 62 now, for this very reason. To keep connecting with others who were interested. I thought it would be a hobby I could continue with for the rest of my life. Good to see it works!
I just wrote down the address and will certainly send some cards from Sweden.
Beautiful interview to read, thanks!
This was just so awesome to read on this heavy rainy day in New England! The Postcrossing Forum's "Monthly RAS for Charity" group will send Helen and her friends cards in the upcoming months! :)
I would love to share this story and address with the school children.
Just think how exciting this would be for the young and young at heart!
What a lovely story! My German grandmother “Helene” was born in 1907 and we spent many hours speaking about her youth. A post card to Helen and friends is already in the mail! Dorothy. 🇺🇸🇩🇪🇫🇷
Happy birthday!
Hi Helen, my postcard to you and your friends is on it’s way from Sloatsburg, NY.
This makes me think of my 96 year old friend! I visit her once a week and I sometimes take postcards to share with her, especially ones that come from her home state. Mail is about reaching out and sharing. Wonderful blog! Happy Birthday to kind Helen ❤️
Great interview and thank you for publishing the adress (otherwise I would have asked for it, haha). My postcard will be on the way soon.
Ok, I litterally cried reading this, I will definitly write many postcards to them!!
This is so wonderful and touching! Thanks so much for sharing!
Wow, this story brought tears to my eyes! What an inspirational lady!
Wow what a wonderful interview! This is what Postcrossing is about: connecting people and bringing joy! ! Thanking for giving the address, I will send some cards to Helen and Friends. ♥
I just bought a wonderful postcard with Dutch mills on it. I'll send one to Helen and her friends!
What a wonderful story. It makes me want to help an older person participate in Postcrossing! I will send send Helen and her friends a card for sure.
This is wonderful! My mom is also in a senior living facility and turned 99 this year. I had all my Facebook friends send her birthday cards. But I love the idea of sending cards in general to the home for everyone. What a fantastic idea! I will definitely be sending some cards out. Gaye :)
What a wonderful interview! What a wonderful example for having good times. Thank you for sharing it, card is on there way.
Hoping for a second story about what happend :)
What a wonderful idea! I can't wait for follow up story on this one.
This is a very touching story! It's so nice when children and adults are engaged in writing postcards, although now more relevant e-mail. Helen-a wonderful woman, she lived to a significant date, and despite her age she is interested in the world, people. Although Helen is already difficult to write postcards herself, she was not tired of postcrossing. That's great. Such enthusiastic, purposeful people are not always found. I wish Helen happiness, health and many more years of life!
P.s. Well, when the old man thinks, " What haven't I done in my life? and some interesting hobby begins. For example, begins to engage in postcrossing! It seems to me that if a person has a hobby that interests him always and everywhere, the person will not fade away and will not cease to be interested in life.
thank you
What a wonderful story! I hope Helen inspires the other residents to get involved with postcrossing as well. Mail is such a treat in these homes.
This is such a heart warming story! Thank you for posting it!
Sending one right now. Hope you get it! :)
I work with seniors, my whole life, so this story touched my heart. I will send Helen a very nice card. Thank you for chairing your story.
I've just written a postcard to Helen, Caroline and friends - all the way from Dunedin, New Zealand! I hope she enjoys a small hello from a far place :)
What a wonderful story! My postcard from Holland Michigan is on the way to Helen and friends!
Another great interview! Thanks for so much diversity in the folks you write about.
Awesome story! I just finished my postcard to Helen and Friends! Happy Postcrossing everyone! :)
I love this! Thank you Postcrossing for a great interview. I'll be adding Helen to my next batch!
This is such an inspiring story. I hope that this will encourage many more of us to find ways to send postcards to those in nursing homes or assisted living. With the help of the activity director this would be such a blessing. Thank you for letting us know that age doesn't limit anyone who loves to send and receive postcards. It is the sharing and caring that makes each card so special.
Enjoyed reading this! I'm sending a postcard tomorrow :)
I love this story so much! Thank you to Caroline for helping Helen. It's so lovely to read inspiring stories and get snippets of people's lives. Sending cards from New Zealand :) xxxxx
What a heart-warming story! I'll send her a card this week.
I'll be sending a card. Great story.
What a lovely story! I will send a card to Helen and her friends and maybe I will keep sending a card now and than in the coming year.
I love the thought of the mail being delivered by horse and buggy although I'm not sure the postman would agree with me. A lovely dog postcard too. I'll definitely be sending a card.
I’ll be sending her a card of the place I was born, Nijmegen. My mother still lives there, she is 92 y.o. and she likes getting postcards too...
It is really a good story and a lovely grandma. I will send cards from China.
What a lovely story! Thank you for this interview.
This is such a beautiful story. So nice. My card started tomorrow😉🤗😍
What a lovely read... so interesting...will be posting a couple of cards on Monday I think your postbox will be full 😀💐
Dear Helen, I loved reading your story and I'm sending a card your way today! Best wishes, Laura
Two years ago a Postcrossing Blog appeared about our aunt Corrie (Corry1919). She was 97 years old then. In this blog also an appeal to fellow Postcrossers to send her postcards. She received over 900 postcards! Corrie died at the age of 99 two weeks ago. Of course I send Helen and her friends a card from the Netherlands. I wish her and her friends a lot of mail! Our aunt was always so happy with the postcards she received from fellow Postcrossers! I wish Helen good health and special thanks to Caroline for her help to Helen.
I do postcrossing since 3 years , and Helen gave me the motivation to do it again and again
What a great story. Helen, I have sent you a postcard from Australia. Best wishes, Tony
This story is all about what Postcrossing does, bringing people together who normally would not have met.
Great Helen, you keep on writing cards. Some Dutch cards will be on their way to all of you.
Thanks for the great story, will send a card (or 2).
Thank you for sharing. Best wishes from the Netherlands
Isn't it a nice idea for Postcrossing tot 'adopt' such a place?
In the Netherlands an organisation for the eldery organises a christmas card project at the end of the year. They distribute the received cards among the eldery.
Oh, THANK YOU for sharing this with us! It makes my Sunday brighter.
Best wishes from Finland/runokuono
Thanks for the story 😍. I will send a postcard too!
A very touching interview! Thanks for sharing.
Also a big thank you to Caroline and all poeole assisting! My card to Helen and friends is on it's way ...
What a wonderful story. Will definitely send some sunny wishes from Florida her way. :)
A wonderfull story. I send a postcard tomorrow to Helen and friends
Very touching story to read. Many warm wishes from Finland to you. I will send you postcards- Lovely idea to share postcards. We love to hear more of your stories.
This is lovely! There is nothing else to add! This is such a cute, awesome, gorgerous story! <3
This is wonderful! A postcard is now traveling to Helen & Friends!
Thanks for this story, it makes me cry) I will send some cards from Belarus)
So inspired by this story from Helen and Caroline. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Postcard going in the post tomorrow for Helen and friends.
What a wonderful story!! Cards will be going out!! 😃
What a lovely story/interview! I´ll send a card tomorrow. :)
We will send a card this week !
What a wonderful interview...I discovered Helen shares a March 3 birthday with my beloved dad (who would have been 99 this year). I'll send a card to KC MO this week (and plan to remember to send another card around March 3, 2019, also). Hope to see follow-up interviews and photos of all the cards Helen and Friends receive -- they might need to add an extra room. It would also be fun to see the local postmen/women who deliver all the cards. (How about sending The Little Mail Carriers to do the honors?)
She's such a lovely grandma, I wish her good health!
So nice to read!! My card of a mill in our village is going with the postmen to Helen and her friends.
What a wonderful profile! I will definitely send a postcard to Helen and her friends. P.S. Hope you fixed the software so our centenarian Postcrossers can put in their correct age!
Wow, what a lovely and touching Story!! As I'm 71 y/o Helen inspired me a Lot to keep on!!! Thx for the address as while Reading I had the same idea, to ask for and send a Card!! Again a reason to send big hugs for dear Paulo & lovely Ana for this outstanding Project!!!!! All the best for dear Helen und her helper!!!!!!
wow what a great idea. I am sending them a card today! maybe we can do more stories like this in the future....?
Such a lovely story. I hope I'll be able to send a postcard.
A brilliant story, thank you blog and Helen,I will send a postcard
Such a joy to read! Now sending Helen & Friends a postcard from every city I have traveled to.... and some I would like to travel too, as well.
What a beautiful story! Yesterday, we celebrated in our country 100 anniversaries of establishment the independent Czechoslovak Republic, and today I read this interesting interview with a lady who will celebrate her 101st birthday. Thank you for this opportunity! I'll send a card to helen and her friends, with a pleasure.
Such a sweet and inspiring story to read! I also hope to squeeze in a card for you Helen when Im sending next ones!
Will send a postcard to you !
Wow😯, 101 y.o. !
Wish you all the best !
Very interesting!
I shall certainly mail a card.
Thank you for this beautiful post! Another card from Michigan is on its way!
The story is so touching!
I am glad that more people joining this project!
Thank you for the story. My postcard is on the way....
Amazing! Will send a card today.
Thank you for sharing this story. Not sure why but it made me cry. I will send a postcard to the folks.
Love this, thank you for putting on her story.
I recently received a postcard from Helen :D So lovely to read a bit more about you, Helen! I loved your postcard <3
What a great story.
Cards are sent. All the best to Helen and Caroline.
Such a lovely blog! I work as an activity director myself in a nursing home. Im going to suggest to sent some cards! Im sure one of the 2 102 year old ladies would like to send a card around the world!
Thank you for giving me this opportunity. My Postcard is on its way! Embrace the joy!
What a wonderful read!
Nice choise for favourite card and reason.
What a nice story! My card will be on its way to these lovely people.
I also hope this story helps people be more positive when they receive messages that are typed or computer-printed. Not everyone can write well with their hands, but they can still send a message from the heart!
You are an inspiration to all of us. I loved your story. Thanks for sharing. June
This is the most delightful thing. Seriously, it made my whole week.
Excellent Story.I had actually three years back brought in a Postcrosser from another country to use my stationery and materials to send such cards and letters.Alas she turned out not to be genuine.I am doing this process of Sending cards and letters alone.
Anyone can contact me if they like to collaborate with me.
Here my two blogs.
Wonderful story, can imagine how much pleasure and entertainment will come with the arrival of many postcards from around the Postcrossing community.....please thank the mailman as we’re giving them some extra work. My postcard is on its way. Many warm wishes
I got you Helen :) Mine will go out with tomorrows mail. The story was awesome... thank you for sharing :)
Beautiful story and may your mailbox overflow with love!
I also sent an card to her and hope Helen & friends will enjoy each card.
Is a wonderfull ladie !!!
101 years old ! Is Beautiful !!!!
I wish to Helen a lot of fun in this long life !
Great Story! Happy Birthday Helen!
A card from Germany for you and your friends is just one the way!
I would love to send postcards to more senior facilities!
Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story. Miss Helen is so sweet to participate in Postcrossing. I am joining in and have just put a few postcards in the mail to her and her friends.
Great Miss Helen telling your story. I will send a card to your friends.
Wish you all the best from the Netherlands
This is a wonderful spotlight!!
This is such a sweet read, it really made my day. :) I will be sure to send a variety of cards. I am always buying too many, so this is a wonderful opportunity to bring some joy!
What a great story! Maybe one of the best that I have seen posted here on Postcrossing. It really opened up my view of life and how it should be enjoyed to the fullest every day. Seeing a 101 year old Postcrosser just proves that anything is possible and I have made it a goal of mine to keep doing what I enjoy by sending postcards all over the world. Thank you Helen for sharing bits of your life with us. It truly is inspirational. :)
What a wonderful story! I just finished writing my card to Helen & Friends! Will mail it today.
I loved all her stories!!!
Today I opened the newspaper and it was all bad news, horror and stories what people to to other people in a really bad way. But reading this amazing story gives me a big smile :). This world needs love, compassion and care to everybody: old, young, black white, and so on. How wonderful to do it with postcards, a simple but very effective way to spread some love and attention. Everybody: Keep up the good work!
Sent my cards to Helen and friends this morning! :)))))
Very Inspiring story - thank you for telling it. I hope I'm still Postcrossing at that age. Regards to all from New Zealand (the very best country in the World)
how many residents are living here with Helen?
I truly loved reading this. I have four postcards on the way for Helen and her friends :) Take care!
I loved reading Helen's story. What an inspiration she is. I will certainly be sending some cards to Helen and her friends. It would be lovely to read a follow-up story.
This is awesome! I would love to meet Helen and talk to her.
God bless Helen and her friends and helpers!
Postcard from my town is on its way to them...
Amazing story! I'm already signing the card and I'm going to send it to Helen! (Russia, Moscow).
Such a wonderful story! Sending one right now:)
I am a beginner into postcrossing and what a surprise it was for me when the system send me the account of Mrs. Helen.
The card has been sent before 2 weeks from Bulgaria...but without any delay it will be delivered to you after another 2 or 3 weeks...
It is such a privilege for me to send my card to you Madam, God bless you and all the best!
Helen, guapa! My postcard is comming...
I LOVE this! <3 Let's spread the love and kindness and brighten their day! Ours is on the way!
What a delightful read ... Postcard from New Zealand on the way!
My helper printed out this interview and your comments for me. I look forward to reading your messages and I like hearing about you and seeing your country. I like to see what country your cards come from. You aren’t strangers you are people just like we are. You have happy times and bad times. I think about how small the world is getting to be and I think that you are not so far away. That’s what I think about when I write and hear from you. Thank you, Helen
So cool to see our dachshund card on your table Helen!!! All the best for you again and we wish you best health and a lot of wonderful cards!
Wow it musy be an incredible experience through all the moments writing and receicing postcards for you~~~ hope you can stick to this beautiful habit and wish you all the best~~ Postcard from Taiwan is on the way~ :))
I write and send a postcard today
Great story! Today I will send a postcard!
Your story is fascinating! Another postcard from Belarus is on the way:)
Hi Helen and friends, I'm turning 50 in 3 weeks and I'm aiming for 140, I'll be happy should I make it to 101+. I'm Canadian but live in northern Ireland and I'd love to send photos of somewhere close to where your mother's family resided over here it is a beautiful country. I can't wait to send you a postcard. Be well. And hugs from the motherland xoxoxo
So wonderful!!😊💕
Helen looks like my grandma.
She is 92 years old ☺️
Wonderful to hear from Helen!
A card from Germany is on its way!
Loved this article, and Helen is an inspiration! I intend to send a few cards to Helen and her friends ~ thanks for publishing this!
Happy birthday! Let me know if you want me to send you a postcard!
@Misia76- She looks like my great gran who is the same age as your gran
That's an amazing story ☺. My postcard is on their way to you ✈
I so enjoy the articles that feature different Postcrossing members! This one is particularly inspiring. My postcard will be coming to you and your friends soon, Helen! :)
Absolutely amazing! All the best for you, Honney17 and your fellow seniors! Greetings from Vienna, Austria!
Sending them a few postcards right now!
Please do a follow up on this story
I'm going to send another postcard, just because I can. Happy Postcrossing, Helen and Friends. :)
What a beautiful story. So heartwarming and inspiring. You go Helen. I love writing besides belonging to the Postcrossing community. Although, a little inactive of late but have picked it up again. So pleased to have seen and read this amazing story. May we have more stories like this and yes I have written out a card for Helen to receive and read all the way from Australia. Enjoy Helen and Friends and may all your mailboxes we overflowing with heartfelt correspondence. G'day from Oz. 😃
I send 2 postcards from the island of Jersey where I was in holidays :) and one from France!
A card from Stockholm, Sweden is on the way!
What a great story!
I have just written a card and it will go out tomorrow
Hello Helen, Happy Birthday and all the best for you!🌻☘🌼My mother was 90 year old ,1. November ! Heidrun from Germany 😚
all the best from SWITZERLAND
This is great. I'll send one!
Heartwarming! I'm a mere 67 years old and I hope I am still doing Postcrossing when I'm 101! Sending a postcard from Florida to Helen and her fellow seniors.
A wonderful story! I am going to use Helen as an inspiration, & will go down to my local Seniors' Home to pass it on. I am sure there are plenty of lonely oldies out there, who would love to be involved in PostCrossing, even at a basic level, so that they still feel part of the world. Thank you.
A card from Breda, the Netherlands is on the way! 🇳🇱
Posted a card from Grevenbroich today. ;)
Amazing story, good luck Helen to you and everybody around, the postcard from Prague is on the way to you :-)
Wonderful hearing your story, Helen. Thank you for sharing it with the world. I'll be sending some colorful cards from the sunny State of Arizona to you and your friends.
What a wonderful interview !
I will send postcard from Taiwan for you .
A card from Malaysia is on the way!
just sent a post card!
Wow! Love your story!
Wow what a special lady,i loved reading her story.And what a nice idea,to send her friends a postcard too💌
I will absolutely do that!🤗
This story represents exactly what Postcrossing is ment to be: getting in contact with people, sharing thoughts and experiences, making the day a little brighter. It's always the little things that count.
I am very happy to be a member of this great community and of course I will send postcards to Helen & Friends.
I’m new to cross posting so just seeing this wonderful story. I’ll send a Christmas post card to Helen & Friends.
It would be lovely to hear, have you got a lot of postcards?
I would also like to hear the outcome of this story. I sent a postcard in November also. A follow up on this story would be great.
I have written an article bout Helen and her postcrossing hobby in a KANNADA language weekly magazine "SUDHA". I have sent her the magazine with a postcard ...
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