May is here, and it’s time to vote for the best EUROPA stamp of the year!
This year’s EUROPA stamp competition is all about our feathered friends: kingfishers and storks, eagles and cranes, robins and swallows, they all have their place in the philatelic spotlight. Here’s a small selection:

Even if this is a topic that has been covered many times before, there are still some interesting illustrations and colorful sights in this year’s choices. A few of these stamps can even be scanned with an app, so that you can hear the birds chirping away!
Voting is open until September 9th, so go have a look at the all the pretty stamps and cast your vote!
PS – If your country is participating this year, what did you think did of your national bird stamps? And which one did you vote for? 🐦 Let us know in the comments below!
113 comments so far
I just voted for Czech Republic and considered Poland a good second choice.
I miss the German One.
Many nice stamps. I look forward to receiving some on postcards in the future. I voted for Andorra because I found it a beautiful rendition of a lovely bird. Portugal also had this bird and others and tie for my 2nd choice. I almost chose Spain because their bird is so interesting (not saying ugly) and a unique choice. Good luck to everyone and congratulations on being part of the contest!
Just like the previous year (bridges), the Belgian postal services chose to make their entry a "World 3" value (€ 4.86). Meaning the stamp must be used for non-standard shipments up to 100 g. Concretely this means it will never be found on a postcard sent from Belgium. Worse even, if a philatelist wants to buy it, he has to order it online and that can only be done for a sheet of 2 (€ 9.72) , and you pay € 2 extra for sending. So, if you want this stamp in your collection, it costs you € 11.72. Well done bpost. Or should I say greedyPost ?
There are some really lovely stamps but I have to say I did not like the one that France has designed at all. I voted for Serbia.
The Goldammer (Emberiza citrinella) is Germany's new EUROPA stamp on the subject of "domestic birds" and was published on 2 May 2019.
I use this postage stamp since that day and hope all postcrossing recipients of my postcards will like this stamp.
Why is this stamp not in the Voting ??????????
Only can vote 1 :( so many beautiful stamps. I voted for Lithuania
I vote for Austria! 😍 Greetings from Norway
I like all these postage stamps, but Finland was my favorite, so I voted for it. The blue and white color combination on the stamp caught my eye.
It is true that our Belgian minisheet is priced 8,40€ which is clearly stupid ( never to be seen on mail!) and indecent ! The Czech kingfisher is very cute and ...cheaper !!
My vote is for Jersey. ❤️
I voted for Andorra (Spain Version) but I also loved Armenia, Estonia, and Jersey!
Vote for Hungary!
What should I do for the stamp
Some incredible ones but I voted for Hungary. Almost voted for Armenia though, it's amazing.
Ukraine and Andorra
I voted for Switzerland, (Italy is missing), but I like Norway Malta, Jersey, Denmark and Armenia aswell.Beautiful stamps.
I finally voted for the armenian stamp and now I am still thinking if the one from the Czech Republic would have been nicer or the one from Jersey or Finland, Andorra(s).... so many beautiful stamps.
Surely I will use the German one for a lot of my cards for the next time.
I voted for Russia,because it features the Siberian crane, and it's where I come from. I've already ordered a bunch of these stamps, so they'll soon be on my postcards.
My vote is for Armenia.
I voted Bosnia Herzegovina because the blue tit is my favorite bird. But I have to admit I like them all. Birds are so beautiful! I like the seeadler and the kingfischer but also the falco and so many others. It's very interesting to read about all these birds ans see witch bird is the national bird of a country!
It was hard to choose. They were all beautiful. But in the end I voted for Slovenia.
I watched the "Goldammer" two weeks ago and the German stamp is really beautiful, so I voted for it.
I voted in Armenia, but several others are also very beautiful.
All stamps is very beautiful !!!
Seagulls of Croatia!
Next week another European competition with televoting:
Eurovision Song Contest!
voted for Ukraine! many others are very nice too.
Was choosing between Armenia and France since i love stylized pictures. I also felt so emotional about Ukraine stamp, as nightingale is such a sweet and romantic bird. :) Finally stayed with Armenian blue beauty. :)
So fun! Voted for Netherlands💖
"The striking Stonechat bird" from Isle of Man :-)
Impossible to decide which one is the most Beautiful. I love all of them, and hope for receiving many of them on postcards.
Funny to see which birds are being chosen. Eagles are by far the most popular, but even several storks, two robins and two kingsfisher stamps. :)
I love them all! To pick just one was hard, but I chose Ukraine :)
Ukraine :) Beautiful stamp.
Actually, Ukraine stamp is very atmospheric and related with my experience. Warm spring nights and nightingale's song. And design is great! My choice is obvious :)
I vote for Armenia and Ukraine 😻
Hard to choose but I thought Armenia's Barn Swallow stands out so that got my vote,
I voted for 🇲🇨 Monaco. Beautiful painting of peregrine falcon and its cliff side habitat. So many beautiful ones, it was a difficult choice! Good luck to all!
It's totally tough choices but I land my vote on Ukrainian Nightingale!
Armenia, because there's something old at this stamp, but still a modern image... Like a 1800s stamp, but modern.
I love bird stamps more than anything else. I love this EUROPA theme so much and already received several really nice ones. I love Belgium a lot, but voted for the Robin (Andorra).
I miss a little bit crows and ravens featured on the stamps.... but love to see vultures.
I personally don't like the German design so much, it is okay, but nothing special
difficult choice: but I voted for Bosnia Herzegovina with Armenia a good second. The Dutch however are also a good choice.
I cast my choice for Czech Republic. :D
unfortunately no stamp from italy :( and no owl :( i voted for ukraine, but i liked armenia too.
There are so many beautiful birds, I don't think I can make a choice.
One thing surprised me though. Next to the Dutch stamp, there was a tekst saying the other bird (not pictured) is a Bohemian waxwing. I never heard that name. Wonder why it didn't get his Dutch name. Maybe because in fact it has TWO names in Dutch? "Putter" and "Distelvink". The first one he got because of a trick he can do, the other because of his favourite food plant.
I loved the Armenian stamps immediately, it's so beautiful :)
About the French one, I find it nice but not really a good choice in a competition ^^
Of course Lithuania, because I am from there! 😁
The colourful bird in the middle is pretty nice as well
What a pity Italy has not issued its stamps yet :(
I miss them and have loved to swap them with stamps from other countries. So many of them are beautiful that it's hard to choose a favourite. At the end I voted for the super cute Parus from Bosnia and Herzegovina :)
I voted for Ukraine. I really liked the presentation and the colors used. And I am 1/2 Ukrainian, but no bias there. ;)
Why there is no Latvian national bird stamp on the vote!? It was issued on the 26th of April.
And yes, Lithuania are one of my favorites!
I think they are all beautiful, love stamps with animals on them. Voted for my own country"s stamp because I couldn't choose
My vote for Norway :)
I voted for Jersey. I also like the stamps issued by Aland Post, Lithuania, Slovakia, Spain and Liechtenstein.
Though I must admit that each stamp is beautiful in its own way. It was hard to decide on one.
Can't decide, it's too hard........... :/
I vote for Andorra ESP :)
Loved the swans from Denmark ❤
There are so many beautiful and adorable stamps! The Czech kingfisher, the blue tit from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Polish chaffinch are my faves. It may take a while to decide which one I'm eventually going to vote for.
I love the fact that Polish Post is really pro-postcrossing. Each EUROPA stamp has a value fitting for an international card postage. I love it.
Voted! Done!
Vote for Estonia!! Beautiful stamps :-D
The stamps are beautiful (drawing and engraving) but between Guernsey, Luxemburg, Bosnie-Herzégovine (Hrvatska pošta Mostar) and others, I choose Luxemburg
This morning i went to the post office and got the german ones.. but the armenian birds are my favourite.
It is completely impossible to chose, because there are so many über gorgeous stamps in there. Unbelievable, from a bird fanatic here. In the end I voted for the Dutch ones (only one displayed, while Portugal has 3 seperate ones diplayed?) because I really love them and that is pretty unique because the Dutch stamps are usually very very bad.
Voted for Switzerland, though all of that stamps from birds issue are awesome. Norway stamp is my second favourite, not just because of the picture, but also because of the opportunity to listen to bird's voices. It's a great idea!
Andorra - love the colors, also liked Eire
I voted for Moldova because I liked the picture the most. I also liked the Lithuania and Denmark issues.
The German Goldammer stamp is ok, I will use it when asked, but I don't like it thet much.
Italy has not issued the stamps yet, but Vatican city has. Why are those stamps missing? The list is not complete.
I voted for the Faroe Islands as it shows an uncommon bird, the black guillemot. I saw few of them in Norway, they were so nice ! :D
I'm also looking forward to receive as many stamps of this year as I can. The new feature (to hear the song of the birds) is a very nice idea !
It'd be fun to vote for your top 5 or something like that because there are so many wonderful stamps it's very hard to choose. :-) I voted for Ireland, but could just as well have chosen the stamps from Ukraine, Turkey, Germany, Croatia and Andorra as well. Would be wonderful to get all of these in the mail, though.
So many beautiful designs makes it difficult to choose! I voted for the Siberian Crane from Russian Federation. I hope to receive a card with this gorgeous bird!
Adorable 💕all
my vote is for Turkey:)
They were all awesome but I am a sucker for kingfishers and the one from Jersey is fantastic!
I think there are a lot of beautiful stamps this year. My vote is for the French stamp, just because it is so different from the others, and I like its sense of movement. But I would love to get any of them!
I voted for Ukraine. All the stamps are beautiful, but I liked this one the most.
I voted for Armenia, but liked Ireland (and many others), too.
I voted for the Danish one. Love the blue water background and the serene swans. A striking stamp image.
It is almost impossible to make a choice - all birds are awesome - the design is very different - many wonderful artistic solutions of the theme - in the end I voted for a wonderful songbird :) - for the Ukrainian stamp.
So many beautiful stamps, so hard to decide - I finallly gave my vote to Guernsey, but I could have voted for many more. I hope to see some of the stamps on the cards I receice. I already received some with the beautiful Russian stamp.
Very beautiful stamps.
My favourite is Armenia stamp.
+1 Armenia
Really hard to decide - many beautiful birds on beautiful stamps - finally I voted for Andorra because for me it was the most intense impression.
So beautiful ... not easy to make a choice ... I vote for the Andorra stamp.
What about PACIFIC stamp competition one day?
I voted for Ukraine one. Beautiful stamp!
Armenia got full points from me. Very nice stamp, and lovely bird. I chose it to number one.
I voted for Denmark's stamp ^^
Armenia gets my vote for the clean vector design! :)
That was the hardest choice to make ever, they are all so beautiful, voted for Belgium in the end, because the jay is one of my favourite birds that visit my garden regularly (as long as I leave peanuts on my bird feeder). I love birds and hope to receive many of these stamps on cards. I am already using the Dutch bird stamps, so post crossers look out for my cards.
all so beautiful stamps
i like the Austrian best. Bought already many pieces ;)
Ukraine is one stamp I would like to receive because along with the beautiful bird, it subtly includes flowers and what appears to be a scene (cottage) representative of the country. I also enjoyed reading the theme behind the stamp, itself. And I agree that there are too many choices to vote as the best. (I also liked Denmark, Lithuania and many others)
The spanish bird is nice, but I voted for Armenia.
Only now I realized that I have received the Russian Europa stamp on one of my postcards which I got today
Voted for our Czech stamp - Common Kingfisher. It's a shame that in the picture it is not shown, instead there is a picture of common kingfisher in a stamp shape (not Czech), instead of the actual Czech stamp. But nevermind :-) I am sure there was a reason for it. Thank you for your post. All the birds and all the stamps are beyond beautiful. Kudos to all the countries. EUROPA stamp project is a great thing!
My mistake! I can see now that the other Kingfisher stamp is from Jersey. It is very beautiful in any case! Apologies for my confusion :-)
Voted for Jersey. Nice topic, this years CEPT Europe st stamps.
I voted for Armenia !!!
I voted for Andorra but also like Germany, Moldava and the first 2 of Portugal
The Russian stamp has the AR effect on this bird stamp which you can see through "mARka" application. ( You see the crane flying, some of its habitat place and so on... It has a short story in Russian language about these birds as well.
I think it's a nice idea to put extra info into the stamps this way.
I vote for Ukraine a nice design on it
I voted for Finland <3
I voted for Bosnia and Herzegovina because Eurasian blue tit common in many pats of Europe. I think it unites our countries.. I also like Germany and Guernsey )
I voted for our Russian stamp with cranes(storks?😅)
I live near the field, and often see these birds there! (Only in summer) They build nests and take care of their сhicks. It's nice, it warms the soul..
Voted for Jersey :) loved it, but wanted to vote for so many others as well! !
Altho one person commented that she did not like the stamp from France, that is the one I loved most because it's so completely DIFFERENT from all the rest. I'm not a bird-watcher so all the others tended to blur together in my mind. I was attracted to the somewhat abstract artistic rendition from France.
Lots of great bird stamps and so difficult to choose one.
Next year's theme is Ancient Postal Routes so that is going to be very interesting.
I voted for Estonia. Congrats :) I also liked Lithuania, Poland and Hungary (Y)
Wow, really beautiful stamps. I have recently received a letter with a great bird stamp ... this brand is also available here. She got my vote: Yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella) DE.
I chose Isle of Man - very good shot: the whole bird, no unnecessary details (other birds, a nest...) and laconic stamps information
I chose Austria at first since they are always have the top quality at Philately. But I voted for Estonia finally .
The bird on this stamp touched my heart.
Well done!
I like kingfishers and so I've voted for Jersey. In german they are called Eisvögel (Icebirds) wich I also like.
I like the german stamp too, but it cannot compete with Eisvögeln.
I voted for the Portugal/Madeira stamp, the Atlantic canary! I love the colour of that bird so much! <3<3<3
It would be super to get those great stamps on beautiful cards. Flora and Fauna are my favourite kind of stamps. :-)
I voted for Ukraine 🕊🌸🤗
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