Some of the most observant postcrossers might have noticed we’re getting really close to the remarkable milestone of 50 million postcards received. With less than 250 thousand postcards to go, it’s time to start guessing when postcard number 50,000,000 will be registered.

Our guessing game is really simple:
Every member has a chance to submit a bet for the day and time on which they think the postcard number 50 million will be registered. The bets need to be submitted on the contest page.
Whether you’re proficient in maths or divination, your bet need to be accurate to the minute… so run the numbers on a spreadsheet or ask your lucky stars, but don’t forget to place your bet soon! Pro tip: December is a usually a slower month in Postcrossing, so you might want to check our postcard statistics page to make a more accurate prediction.
What’s in it for you, you may ask? Well… see all those postcards sets behind the Little Mail Carriers? One of them could be yours if your calculations are correct and you pick the right time slot! There’s lots of them and something for everyone’s taste, from botany to bicycles, photography to Star Wars and beyond!
The postcrosser whose bet is the closest to the exact minute when postcard number 50 million is registered will win a box set of 100 postcards, and the 14 next best hunches (before or after the registering time) will receive a pack of 20–30 postcards each. It’s a postcard extravaganza up for grabs! 🎉
Some rules: each time slot can only be chosen by one single person, so the first person to pick that slot gets to keep it. You can change it at a later stage if you’d like, but only from the available time slots left. We will close the bets when there are 1000 postcards left to postcard 50,000,000. Check the contest page for more details.
So, give it your best shot… but be quick about it as the good slots usually run out quickly. Keep sending postcards, and good luck everyone!
106 comments so far
Yuppie!!!! Congrats for this amazing project. What a figure!
Wow. Just placed my bet. That is fun. I was already longing for the bet contest. :-)
I remember doing this for 40 M Postcards!! In no time it will be 50 M. Congrats!!
What a big amount of cards making people all over the world glad! I made my bet!
I don't know when, but my guess is that it'll be a card from Russia to Netherlands.
The mail will be a bit slower because of the is hard to guess, but I think it will be 2019. ;) I am so excited haha
Okay I was feeling lucky so I made my guess. :-)
The Postcrossing project just keeps getting better!
I made my bet! I am with deniputuje......I think this will happen in 2019 :).
More and more people are joining this wonderful organization! Congratulations!🎉🎉
Wow! This is great! Congratulations To You!
Congratulation to all of you 50 Mil. wow great projekt. I made my bet!!
on 10 Dec, 2018
I know! 25 DEC,2018! Christmas! Wont that be a amazing!
Wow congratulations
Is amazing know that so many postcards will make many people in the world happy 💌
I tried to bet:)
Good luck for everyone 💕
9 Dec, 2018?
50 million smiles all over the world CONGRATS!!! a few tips from the post sortingmachine; if cards in envelopes glue close them properly, do not put anything thicker (and bendable!) then 4 mm in the envelope or on the card, anything ridgid will break, no coins, no jewelry, no cards too small, no round cards nor strange shaped (10×15 is best) no cards bigger than A4, no plastic and always put a stamp and the address on the card realy!!! Happy Postcrossing !
It's amazing !!! Congrats !!! ☺
Wow! 50 million! Congratulations. I placed my bet. I bet it will be a card from Holland to somewhere, some place in the world!
Wow! I can't wait for the 50 millionth postcard to be sent! I just registered right after 40 million, so this is my first time. I bet it will be from Canada to somewhere in western Europe.
Wow! This is great! Congratulations!
Congratulations! It is soooooooo nice!
I congratulate and send happiness to all the world for all people on Earth ...
50 million postcards send by happy people to more happy people. My best shot, i think somewhere in january. Congratulations to everyone who made this happen
Woo hoo! I'm so glad I joined this wonderful project.
Woooooow!!!! Good LUCK!
WOW! what a milestone, congrats.January 6th my Great grandsons 2nd Birthday.
My guess is March 15, 2019. I look forward to this milestone. Postcrossing has been fun for me for many years.
Enjoy the day!
50 milion! WOW! :o
What an amount of postcards. Thanks to all of you for being part in it and thanks to the organization team who founded this great project!
Wow! So proud of being part of this amazing project. A friend of mine told me about this page and I couldn't resist joining you all. Someday we will make it to Meanwhile, let's keep on making each other smile with our postcards. Happy postcrossing, everyone!
Oh what fun it is to bet on a winning spot tonight! I remember being the recipient of the 12 millionth card! Good luck to everyone participating.!!!!!!
@ezredax unless the website collapses 😅 or people stop sending postcards, it should be much sooner than that! march isn't even on the options available on the contest page — you'll need to choose from those.
Congratulations to all for this great celebration and happy to be among them. Thanks to my daughter for signing up and I am very happy that she did it since I have received postcards from places that I would love to meet. Thanks again for this great idea and health, love and peace for all with affection from Reus.
i am SO happy- 50 m. Mubarak from Iraq-
I never win but I will place a bet anyway. :) Congrats on this marvellous amount of cards!
Excuse me, but which time zone shall I use?..
My bet is that Postcrossing will reach 100 million in a short time, also...I have been a happy Postcrosser for 9 years and I think it was around 10 million then...Ya'll (we all) have come a long way! Thanks to Paulo and Anna for sending/receiving PT-1. Who woulda guessed the fun and smiles we've shared. Here's to many more!
@CatharinaG3 I've heard that sentence so many times before — usually in response to an email from us that starts "Congratulations! You've won..." 😊
@KoPPaH__XoPH All times are in UTC.
That's awesome! Good luck to everyone participating! And congratulations :]
Super 🎉💫 24 Dec 2018
nice 21 dec 00 00 u
Maybe on 1 Jun 2019 o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o
I will probably not win but I will guess anyway.
wow..50m.....i just joined end of october and im amazed by the number of people and countries too...congratulations...btw..i am yet to receive my first postcard and patiently waiting with happy feelings hihihi
WOW... its amazing..
Thx for keeping hobby live in this internet world. Bringing smiles to many every day. Congrats on the achievement of the project.
Feel like that 40 million postcards just came yesterday...
What a nice contest so on the "end" of this year. I hope my guess is the right one or the closest, than I win maybe a nice Christmas or New Year postcard surprise. I cross my fingers, Yes!
-Happy Christmas everyone-
Great:-) Congratulations!!!
a big thumb up!!!! so amazing to see this organization becoming more and more popular :)
Prizes are pretty good, It is not bad to get some of them after big efforts every day sending and sending postcards (with love & care). The problem is for the moment to believe when. I think it is still too early to guess that special day. Let's wait with hope.!!
That is wonderfull!
Wow! 50 Million! Congratulations, Everyone!
Ooh I think December 31st at 13.05 UTC
Hei from small villages. Its coming 22.12.2018 15.12 afternoon .... KILPIS WISH TO EVERYBODY WONDERFULL CHRISTMAS TIME ....
I think January 15 . Half month after new year !
Wow, I'm so excited, I think it'll be send on New Years
.... :)
January 3rd
Wooohooo!! Congratulations Postcrossing! :D <3 This is the only form of betting I approve of!
its adding up fast hehehe.. nice
Hurray! :-)
I think the card will come 24 Dec. Holy evening !
Congrats everyone!!
on 1Jan,2018
who can tell me what the activity?
What a joy! I would like to know how many postcards arrive per day.
This is unbelievable! What a number! - I guess we are a movement, aren't we?!
It would be a great present if the 50 millionth card arrives on Christmas Eve!
50 million is an amazing number.
I really need more of these 50 millon postcards! Feel free...
Congratulations!!!!!!50 million is an amazing number!!!
December 28 and it's received in Germany
Congratulations to PostCrossing, and to everyone who has ever sent and received some happiness via this site! It would be amazing to be the recipient of this historic postcard!
it is an ambitious project uniting all the countries! thanks to all people!
спасибо за этот грандиозный проект, объединяющий людей всех стран!
trop bien !
I`m curious what will happen the moment it is registered. Will there be fire works or something for sender and receiver?
I would love to be the ONE!
Congratulations! :-)
maybe on Christmas!😃
I am getting quite curious when this will happen. Numbers to go getting down, but slowly this time. Maybe on my birthday, the 29th. Nice of you to make a game out of this event. Good luck to all.
Hi everybody!
Happy Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
maybe on Dec 27, 11pm PST (Dec 28 7am GMT)
Congrats on 50 millions cards!
Its getting close 😸😸😸
Today is the day...
Less then 4000 left to go, so today is the day. I guess around 18:15 CET. (On the competition page all time slots for today are full).
Congratulation for someone who win the prize!
I will be very far off... ALL TIME SLOTS ARE FULL!!! I can't believe 50 million!!
So exciting! Congratulations to the correct guessers!
At 17:50 I'm off by 472 cards (which is approx.half an hour) - still I think I came very close. Congratulations to the winner(s) and Postcrossing project! Funny, that 50,000,000 cards should arrive so close to the New 2019 Year!
Wow!!! 50 Million Postcards :)
Aaaah it happened!
50,000,000 !!!!! Congratulations.
Almost there!!
Congratulations on this amazing number of postcards around the world.
I think it is the best New Year present to this project and all postcrossers
wow congrats to all of us!
Wow! 50 Million Postcards!!! Awesome 🙋🏻♀️ CONGRATULATIONS!
Congratulations to all of us !
The analog comunication is still alive !
1st November 2019 we´ll celebrate 150 y POSTCARD !
Maybe also 60 mil POSTCROSSING cards.. !
They are sooo beautiful! I hope I'll be lucky enough to get one one day :D
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