"In 1947 a young Czechoslovakian girl called Jitka Samkova painted a colourful picture of children dancing around a maypole in the sunshine. She sent it as a thank you to a newly-created organisation called UNICEF which had provided milk and medicine to the children of her war-ravaged village.
UNICEF – or the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund as it was originally known – was set up after World War II to help children such as Jitka in countries across Europe and the Middle East, and in China. Many children were suffering from hunger and extreme hardship following the war, particularly in the harsh winter of 1946–7. Then, as today, UNICEF supplied these vulnerable children with life-saving supplies of food, blankets and medicine.
Jitka’s cheerful painting was to become famous. In 1949, it was reproduced on the first official UNICEF greeting card. A controversial idea at the time, it was to prove a huge success."
(from the UNICEF site)
Sixty years have passed since their first card was made, and on this “Cards Full of Life” anniversary, UNICEF Poland has launched a campaign to spread 1000 cards around the world – and track their progress as they hop from destination to destination, spreading the word about this wonderful initiative.
And you can be part of it too! There are still 100 cards left to be released, and UNICEF has decided to partner with Postcrossing to get these cards traveling around the world!
Think you can send these postcards on a looooong journey? Leave a comment below! We’ll collect the addresses of the first 100 commenters on this post (only one comment per address please), and send them to UNICEF, who will then mail you your UNICEF card. Remember, these cards have a journey of awareness to fulfill, and you will be responsible for sending them onwards on their trip. Where to? Your choice! Keep them moving, spread the word! :)
PS – Not one of the lucky 100? Don’t worry! You can track any UNICEF card you buy at UNICEF’s shop on their site, and start your own chain!
155 comments so far
i go first then, sign me up! :)
Thank you!
I'm the second?? Wow! I will love to receive one!
It's a folding card in envelope, so we can resend it, isn't it? Or we'd buy a new card to send?
Anyway, count me in. I always love Unicef cards.
Yes please, I'd love to take part!
UNICEF is doing such important work, let's buy Unicef-cards!
Me, me, me! :))))))
I would love to be part of this! Thanks :)
I would like to take part :) Thank you
i'd be happy to be a part of this! :D Thanks a lot!
Whoa! Wanna be a part of this, too! =)
UNICEF deserves to be supported, what they do makes a difference for so many people in the world. I would love to be part of their postcard project!
Please sign me up too.
It will be a pleasure to be part of this project:-)
I would love to take part as well.
I would like to be a part of this too
I would like to part on this awsome project, too !
One more participant - here! Great idea. :)
I would love to take part in this project :D
I would like to :))
This is a great idea! I'm in too :)
here I am !!
ohhhhhhhhhh me me me! :D
Im in. Lovely idea.
count me in please!!!!!!!
I would like to take part of this too ! thank you !
I would love to be part of that project :) Thanks !!
I would like to be part of this, too! ^__^
Sign me up! :D That is too appreciative if I could participate it!
Czechoslovakian girl? I am from Czech Republic. Count with me :-) Thanks!
I would like to take part too! Thankyou.
Please, count me in!
We are ready to be part of it!
Me too :)
I would love to take part in this. :)
Me too! :)
Please, count me in as well!
I am in. :-)
Sign me up as well, please.
I'm in too for Unicef!
I'm in too. I'll be glad to be a part of this.
Me too !!!! :))
Ooohh...me too!
I think it's a great project. I'll be glad to be counted in!
Count me in!
OMG! I want to be part of this too!!
What a great project, I buy every year cards and items from UNICEF catalog. Best regards.
I'd love to be a part of this.
Why hello. Hook me up.
Awesome, I would love to take part!
I will!
count me in please :) it's a meaningful project~!
I would love to participate!
Great! :-)
I'm in.
Please count me in. I'd love to participate.
Count us in!
I'd like to participate!
Sounds like a wonderful idea - and I am definitely in and would love to receive one :)
I'd love to participate please :)
Boa Tarde!
I would love to take part on it!
Count me in!:)
I'd like to participate!
I´d love to join it ;)
I'd love to be one of the participants!!!
Sounds like fun! :)
I´m in!
Thanks for the opportunity :)
Count me in! ;-)
Joining !
I'd like to play, too!
I'm in, that's a great idea!
Thank you - I like to be in...
Hi, I'd like to be included in this meaningful activity!
Okorn charan!
thank youu
i would like to be in too :) great idea :)
I'd like to participate. thank you
I'd love to take part in this project!
Thank you.
I'd love to participate too.
If there's still room, I would love to participate. =)
I'm in!
I hope have a chance too...
Me too
Am I too late? Lovely idea! :)
I would love to take part in this project :D
me too.. i think i'm late.. :(
I want to join, too :) If it's still possible :)
I think i'm late, but i'd love to take part, too
I guess it's a bit after 100, but I would love to join! And I'm from Poland :)
A little too late, I think, but I'd love to participate.
I would like to join, hope I'm not too late!
I would love to send a card
yes please (: I'd like to be the one!
thanks a lot :D
Wow this means i qualify... thank you postcrossing...
I annually donate a part of my pocket money to UNICEF through some events held by the Ramakrishna Mission...
thank you so much.....I love to do it
i would love to join to but u've reached 100 already
I'd be pleased to get one on it's way!
I also want to do it!
If you still have cards...I would love to participate!
I'd like to be part of this also. I think Postcrossing is the best way to go about this. We are all so dedicated to sending postcards
i would like to participate but it is seem like i was a little too late~ =(
As a member from China. I would want a UNICEF postcard please!
Ok. If you have some more postcards, I would be happy to participate.
If there's still any space then I would love to join in :)
I'd love to be one of the participants!!!
I hope I still have a chance :D
Great idea! I'd love to be in this postcrossing/UNICEF challenge.
wow, peole here are really fast! guess i'm too late, but if there's still chance to participate, i'd love to:)
hurry hurry.... Am I still in time ?
Well, as I can see, it's already a 100 o eople who wanted,
buuut this doesn't make my wish to get a UNICEF card smaller. So, I'd love to receive such one. ;}
oh no it seems that I'm too late! D: but I love the idea!
Is It too late? anyway, I'd like to join these campaign :)
Is It too late? Can I have one, please?
i'm in too .
Yes please~!> Count me in~! (From Hong Kong)~!
And me ??
I'm in too!
:)too late, but I have already sent many unicef cards :)
I always buy Unicefpostcards. I'm also a volunteer for Unicef in The Netherlands.
Great to sent postcards this way.
count me in too!! :) if possible :)
Am I late? :'(((
please count me in
great idea. why not 200 or 500 or 1000? :'(
I guess it's way to late but I would have been interested.
oh it's late. Schade!!!!
well is late for us, but it was a great idea!!!!
I think all of us wanted to join it ;-)
*sigh* Next time the 2nd 100 will be included??? I hope so - in the mean time I have sent UNICEF cards for christmas this year.
Good luck and fast journey to all of those cards :))
What a wonderful idea! :D
how amazing! I hope the cards enjoy their journey!
Am I still counted? I'd love to take part on this! Count me in!
I would love to be a part of this!
Great idea, but I´m too late, I guess! I would like to participate though, if it is possible in any way. Let me know.:)
Well I'm too late to sign up, But I just wanted to say that this is a great way to raise awareness of worldwide matters. UNICEF is doing a great job!
I'd like to take part, for sure!
If there's a second 100, please sign me up! Thanks!
Sounded like fun - looks like it's too late though.
Thanks for thinking of us.
I'd like to play but maybe I'm too late =(
Thanks too!! XD
ahhhh why I was sleeping so long...
What An amazing idea I would love to help :)
i would like to be counted as one to change the world to a better place.Very glad to be part of this.
What a great participation! Thank you all for being so enthusiastic!
We have already well over 100 comments, but we only have 100 postcards to give away. If you were one of the first 100, congratulations, a UNICEF card will be heading your way very soon! :)
If, however, you weren't one of the first 100, do not worry: you can participate in this project with any UNICEF card! You can buy them everywhere and also in their online shop and register them on the UNICEF system so that it can be tracked as well while it travels the world! And while doing this, you will be helping children around the world through the hands of UNICEF (and your own!).
Thank you all for supporting such a great cause!
reallt cool idea
I am interested too! It is a nice ideea! Good luck :)
Sounds cool!
I got mine today and I just registered it, I will send it to someone else, and I hope that someone can register it here - so we can see it trawel (;
I forgot to say thanks for a lovely Christmas - card,
and: Gleðileg jól, farsælt komandi ár
Heidrun Hlin from Iceland
I would be very happy to participate ... I liked the idea. Congratulations!
I recieved mine today, it shall be registered and sent on soon. Thank you! :)
I received mine today too. It's been registered and will be on its way, as soon as I get an address from the postcrosser I'm planning to forward it to :)
I received my card yesterday. Wonderful! Registered it and have now no idea where or whom to send.
You didn't take part in this project yet ? But want to take part ? No problem - drop me a line ! First come - first serve
Happy christmas !
I also got my card (number 627) :-) Is there anybody who wants to have it next? I'd really like to send it to someone who will register it too and send it to a next postcrosser :-)
Send me a message if you'd like to receive card 627 and to take part in its chain.
The card I received is also looking for the next person who will continue the journey! :) If that's you, send me your address! :))))
Let me know if you have a postcard and are looking for a place to forward it! I'd be glad to help :)
If you got your card and still need someone to forward it to, I'd be glad to help as well.
I was told I got one today. Sad to say I'm out of the country 'til next month. :-(
So this received card needs to be registered and then sent again? I'll try to see if they can scan it at home so I'll know the details and ask them to send it to someone else for me...
I think my post is within 100, but I still did not receive it....hope it won't get lost... :(
Is anyone still looking for the next person to forward the card ? :)
Ok. I've just registered the card I received. Who'd like to receive the same card? :)
I registered my card! I really liked it.
Someone here wants to receive it from me??
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