
is a country in the continent of Asia with a population of 16,944,826 habitants. The capital of Cambodia is Phnom Penh.
Members: 17 (Browse all)
Sent: 1,811 postcards
Received: 1,355 postcards
Ranking: 113th (by sent postcards)

Postcards from Cambodia

Most active members

1. polkadotte, Cambodia polkadotte
144 postcards sent
2. Yinhpheng, Cambodia Yinhpheng
141 postcards sent
3. WINGCHAU, Cambodia Postcrossing Supporter WINGCHAU
101 postcards sent
4. Sreisaat, Cambodia Sreisaat
97 postcards sent
5. stampedpetals, Cambodia stampedpetals
66 postcards sent
6. Meta-rana, Cambodia Meta-rana
62 postcards sent
7. Annonymous, Cambodia Annonymous
60 postcards sent
8. Mad-Milk, Cambodia Mad-Milk
57 postcards sent
9. sherrylea, Cambodia sherrylea
15 postcards sent
10. _miya_965, Cambodia _miya_965
8 postcards sent

Random members

WINGCHAU, Cambodia Yinhpheng, Cambodia galinaojo, Cambodia Sreisaat, Cambodia _miya_965, Cambodia
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