Postcrossing Blog

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Blog > Postcrossing stamp launch + PostNL contest


On the last post, we mentioned the new stamp from the Dutch postal service featuring Postcrossing, which was launched this past Saturday on the Postex event.

Paulo gave a short presentation about the project, and received the first sheet of stamps from the hands of Berend Dorgelo, from PostNL.

Paulo receiving the first stamp sheet

Designer Garech Stone, from the Stone Twins, also gave the audience some insights about the design process, and shared some “easter eggs” hidden in the stamps! For instance, can you find the suited monkey with a gun? :)

As part of the stamp launch, PostNL is organising a contest where Dutch postcrossers can win a travel voucher of 500 euros, if they use the stamps on their Postcrossing cards. To participate, have a look at the contest page.

Once again, our heartfelt thank you to PostNL, Raymond68 and all the people who were involved in the process of making this dream come true!

This was a big step in our postcard revolution, and we look forward to collaborating with other postal services in the future! :)

87 comments so far

ned44440, Ireland

Well done to all concerned and good luck to all Dutch Postcrossers with their great competition.

little1, Netherlands

So, is there an increase of Dutch people registering??? I love these kind of things! Greetings from Haarlem!

krismast, United States of America

Right now, I am in process of writing a letter to the USPS to propose a Postcrossing stamp for us. :)

purpleferret, Canada

and I sent a note to Canada Post!

krismast, United States of America


adriennegarry, New Zealand

Congratulations - can't wait to receive the first card with one of those stamps on!

otoko, United States of America

This is really wonderful news. Congratulations Paulo and everyone on PC! Otoko

Mundoo, Australia

Well done everyone. I can't wait to get my stamps when I am in the Netherlands next month. Will look for the suited monkey for sure!

jjmedusa, United States of America

Good luck to all those who enter the contest? I wonder how many people will enter, and who will win?! :)

BOOGIE_PIPPIN, United Kingdom

Well done Paulo and crew for the lovely Postcrossing stamps. If you hear a cheer from Devon you will know I have received my first one!! My main job today is to write to Royal Mail to propose they do Postcrossing stamps for us.

Katja_Gartung, Belarus

Waiting for the postcards with such stamps from Holland

Stephany, Netherlands

I love to be a Dutchie and I love Postcrossing. Now I'm waiting for the stamps.....(like every Dutchie)

Seraphinne, Netherlands

Time to buy some stamps and to send some cards out! :-)

ecprmb, Portugal

Congratulations! ;)

fisherman, Ireland

Good luck to all in Netherlands for helping to spread the word about Postcrossing around the world.

meiadeleite, Portugal

To all the people who said they're going to write to their local post service and ask for a stamp: please do!! :)

The Dutch stamp was born out of the determination and efforts of one postcrosser (Raymond), so it is a feasible task, and every person counts! :)

dandilion, Netherlands

Great to read about this and... Paulo, handsome as always

Blogger, United States of America

Great picture! I'm so very happy for you guys!!!! :D

toucans, United Kingdom

This is a fantastic achievement. Congratulations to everyone connected with it! And let's hope Postcrossing stamps spread worldwide!

For the benefit of non-Dutch speakers, the contest referred to involves sending a photocopy of the message side of a Postcrossing postcard bearing a Postcrossing stamp to a certain address. This means that recipients' addresses are being passed on outside Postcrossing.

tiira, Finland

Well done! I'm waiting to receive one of each stamp. The Finnish post should do the same!

Komet83, Germany

Well done! I wish that the German Post would also do some amazing stamps like these...

Marjon, Netherlands

Finally we have nice stamps - I always thought that our normal stamps were a bit 'boring' comparing to other countries (so I used the very old stamps with guilders).

I will be looking forward to send cards with these stamps to you all!

EvansCrew, United States of America

What a wonderful recognition of a great project!!

roxsm, United States of America

The USPS (United States Postal Service) is having trouble right now in this economy. Thanks Krismast for writing that proposal letter to the USPS... perhaps an increase of U.S. Postcrossing just might help the post offices here! :]

raluk68, Romania

Wow! :) What an achievement!
I would love to see that stamp in my mail box! :)

yiphinwai, Malaysia

A memorial moment for postcrossing.

ichabodhides, United Kingdom

This is fantastic! I've already received two postcards with these stamps and they look great it "real life" as well :)

I'm a bit concerned about the privacy issues stated above as well, though, I do hope PostNL will sort that out. I'm pretty sure having addresses visible like that would be illegal over here...

daniquetoen, Netherlands

I sent out postcards with these stamps to USA, Japan, Belgium and Ukraine today!

wwwera, Israel

I thought that Finns issue the first PC stamp but no, it's the Netherlands!

Goatish, United States of America

Very cool indeed! Congratulations.

Sigii, Netherlands

Very nice stamps!
About the privacy, since they are the post the've already seen the adres, otherwise they can't deliver the mail.

ThePOSTCARDPerfect, United States of America

Well done,Paulo and for the rest of PC Team!!! I'm so proud to be a part of Postcrossing.

betslets, United States of America

The U.S. has some lovely stamps, but since they are designated as "Forever" they cannot be sent overseas (from what I understand). I also heard US postal rates are increasing again in January.
I often have a line of people waiting behind me when I purchase stamps as I choose the best ones I can to place on my postcards. I remind my local post office personnel how Postcrossers contribute to their business success, and now I can enlighten them on the creativity of PostNL.
Way to go Netherlands, Paulo and all involved.

Fieke21, Netherlands

I just ordered these stamps. So within a few days I can make a few people very happy when I send some postcards!

Ninja_Neko, Belgium

Oh that is so cool! I hope the Belgian post will get inspired by our neighbours - our international & european stamps are so boring.

Elleke, Netherlands

Just sent out about 10 cards all over the world with the postcrossing-stamps, they're so great! :-)

ellyclaessen, Netherlands

Can you tell me where i can buy these stamps?

Telenn, Netherlands

You can order them here or you can ask in a Bruna store if they sell them :)

Laura_999, Netherlands

I received my Postcrossing stamps today (hurray!) and already used one on a card. Hope you like it!

Hetjuffie, Netherlands

I've sent a few cards already and tomorrow I send the next 6 with postcrossing-stamp. It's nice to hear from the postcrossers who received the stamps! I'm going to buy more stamps tomorrow!

NataliaSm1985, Russia

Very cool all invented! I am delighted and congratulate all of the event) I look forward to a card with a stamp. If not difficult, a link to the store where you can buy such a young my collection) Thank you all! good luck!

icspi, Netherlands

I got my first postcrossing card with the official postcrossing stamp on it today!!!!! And the best part is that the postcard is also one of those represented on the stamp!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.......

Patagonia, Chile

Congratulations friends!!

fizgig, Netherlands

The monkey with the gun is on 2 of the stamps, but why is it an Easter egg?

infernova, China

congrats PCNL & hope to receive a card with the stamp!

nehalennia, Netherlands

@ fizgig: it might be called an "Easter egg" because in some countries/regions there is a habit of hiding the Easter eggs at Easter so that the children can go and find them.
I wonder what other items are hidden in the stamps?
For those who have to wait too long for their delivery of PC-stamps: your local Bruna-shop might have them as well!

tttammy, Netherlands

Love the stamps!! They are very beautiful!! Good job of Postnl and Raymond68

donediddo, Netherlands

:) Received my postcrossing stamps today. Can't wait to start using them.

donediddo, Netherlands

Just checked out the details on the contest and won't be joining in because of the privacy issues, so don't worry about your privacy if I sent you a card with postcrossing stamp.

MikoMuha, China

Really good news, congrats! Huge step haha

dollart, Finland

fantastic. I am so happy for Paulo and postcrossing getting great attention :) Congratulation.

Manon91, Netherlands

These Postcrossing stamps are great! I work in a bookstore in The Netherlands, where we sell these stamps :) And I can tell you, that they are beautiful! Soon someone will receive a postcard from me with a Postcrossing stamp on!

Christa, Germany

Congratulations! Nice to see postcrossing stamps ....esp. when you collect both stamps and postcards :)

dollart, Finland

i received my first card with these great stamps :)

nastasia_rus, Russia

Anyone from Holland want to swap with me???? I want these stamps!!!!!

aguayo, United States of America

Awesome! Just got one of these too!

ankeslim, Netherlands

Great, what a good idea, I bought some stamps. And watch out, they will come, maybe to you?

Ennas, Netherlands

This is SO cool! I'm going to buy a LOT of these stamps right now! :-)

sunny76, Germany

Wonderful idea! :) I hope all Dutch postcrossr will only use that stamp for postcrossing cards! :D

phuleshouse, Canada

I am wondering if there has ever been a stamp designed that illustrates a website...maybe this is the first!

chankljp, United Kingdom

This is amazing! As a stamp collector, I will really like to add this to my collection. And it will be great if someone from the Netherlands can send me a postcard with this stamp.

Mareno, Netherlands

I received yesterday the new postcrossing stamps! :D
Offcourse i will send this stamp to everyone, maybe it's you!!!

Mundoo, Australia

I received my first postcard with one of these GREAT stamps. Wonderful!

icecubeted, United States of America

WAAAH, I want one too. I will trade an equal amount of OLD unused US stamps from the 40's for a sheet of these.

livemylife, Netherlands

Love them! I already bought a sheet too, but I have so many "boring" stamps left, I have to use them up first. I just couldn't resist myself not to buy these stamps. They're unique! :) Happy postcrossing to all! May many Dutch people register on Postcrossing too! :)

Fiete, Germany

Last week I received a card with one of these great stamps from Willy. :)

blu1984, Germany

Got one :)

wilma2209, Netherlands

It would be nice if there will be a special DutchPC stamp!
There are a lots of Netherlands sending cards to .... Netherlands!

Then whe have also original stamps with a datestamp.
I hope there will be one soon.:

Gorira, Belarus

Thanks to postcrosser (and my very good friend) ELOS from Purmerend, Netherlands I got one too! (:

Rapalje, Netherlands

I just send 10 cards with those stamps. I hope you will like it.

Tux, Germany

Yeah, I'm proud ownwer of a sheet PC stamps! Just bought during my trip to NL!
Thanks for that special feature :)

beijltje, Netherlands

Just sent my first cards with the new stamps out today!!! So watch your mailbox :-)

pixii, Hungary

i received a card with one of these stamps. it is so lovely. wish i had moooree. i want it ALLLL

phuleshouse, Canada

I am starting to receive these special stamps. Special cards in my collection.

Kobus56, Netherlands

Got my stamps today (2 sheets) and the first 3 postcards with this collectors item are on their way!

HM, Netherlands

for everyone who likes to have it in her/his favourite wall:

Burialsheer, Estonia

I WANT these stamps!!!!!

sarahthepixie17, United Kingdom

can I get these stamps? I am in England, UK. Please help.

Raymond68, Netherlands

There is a Stamp Election in the Netherlands now and you can also vote for the Postcrossing Stamp!

This is the link:

You only have to enter your emailadress and vote for the stamp. Then you get a confrmation mail in which you have to active your vote.

gypsyqueen, United States of America

I received one of these stamps on a postcard last week!

balijive, Singapore

I received one too!!!! I am so happy that Toon from Netherlands sent me. So thoughtful and sweet.

Botrytis, Austria

Heyhey, I also received one of these nice stamps last week! That´s so great!

Flocke2010, Germany

Got yesterday a beautiful card with a postcrossing stamp :)

Ching6767, China

That's amazing!! It is glad to hear that. ;)

Hstamp94, Netherlands

For all people who want to know a bit more about these wonderful stamps here a link with the sketches of the postcrossing stamps:
It's in dutch but you can drag the picture and zoom in on it.

Ikun, Spain

The postcrossing stamp is a great idea, but I feel deeply hurt and offended that a picture of bullfighting has been chosen for one of the stamps. Really, is that what the creators think that is a symbol of Spain? For Lord's sake, we do have beautiful things in Spain. Couldn't the stamp feature a building by Gaudi (Holy Family Church, Güell Park), a picture by Picasso(Gernika, Peace Dove), Dali (The Persistence of Memory) or Velazquez (Las Meninas), or just our most famous fictional character, Don Quixote? No, bullfighting had to be chosen as a symbol of Spain, though most Spaniards find it repulsive, has been forbidden in Catalonia by popular demand, and many animal rights organization fight so it gets forbidden in the rest of Spain. Bullfighting is cruel to animals (not only the bulls, but the horses that frequently get DISEMBOWELED by the bull's desperate attacks), cruel to children (who are exposed to torture and violence for fun, and told it's OK) and a shame for most Spanish people. And still it is chosen to appear as a symbol of Spain in the Postcrossing stamp, which only will help to promote the idea that we Spanish people love to torture animals. So shameful that the author of the stamp didn't get informed first that there are more Spanish people fighting to bring this "tradition" to an end, that people actually going to enjoy bullfightings.
Sorry about the long post, but I've just received a postcard from the Netherlands with that particular stamp, and even the sender felt bad that such a picture had to be chosen.

skissman, United States of America

I got one from the Netherlands!!! I love it! :) :)


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