“Baia Mare is small town northwestern Romania, surrounded by mountains.” – This is how achimandreea usually starts her postcards.
Earlier this month, she got together with adriananpop, steligrigore, Canda and Andreea (all postcrossers and volunteers with local NGOs), to organise an event to spread the word about Postcrossing in their city – and simultaneously, to spread the word about Baia Mare in the world. And what better place to do this than at a post office?
After receiving permission, they showcased their private collections by hanging a total of 400 postcards on strings on the town’s main post office. They also designed a poster, set up a couple of computers to display the website, and even made special bracelets for the visitors – so they’d remember the name of the website when they got home. How thoughtful is that? Here are some photos from the event:

The response was very positive – and now Baia Mare has quite a few more postcrossers! Well done everyone, we’re very proud of your achievement! :)
55 comments so far
nice :)
W like wonderful!:)
Emotions looking behind, hope looking ahead. I hope that Baia Mare Postcrossers will bring joy to the world through their postcards.
It's great the Romanian postcrossers are doing their best in attracting more participants from their country. I've been in the project since October 2011 but, unfortunately, didn't receive any postcards from Romania.
I like the idea with bracelets!
What a cool initiative. Good job done of the Romanian postcrossers.
Very neat project! I love to hear about people spreading the news of Postcrossing!
a very good project - interesting informations and perfect photos....
What a great event! Wish I were there! :D
That's really great! :-) I, too, wish I could have been there! :-)
Inovative! the bracelet with the postcrossing logo is clever!
What an awesome idea!!! Great job everyone!!
Fantatic idea! Thanks for sharing this event, I love it.
Great to see the attention postcrossing gets this way. Bring the Romanian cards on;-))
Wonderful. :)
Clever idea!
Great! Thumbs up.
Fantastic and great job!!! I just love this!!!
Really a great idea, and a good job. I would have loved to be there too.
Great job!
I would love to have a bracelet with the postcrossing logo. :)
Great idea!
fantastic.I tell people postcrossing- saving jobs worldwide one card at a time.
this is so nicely done, i love it!
What a great event!
And very amazing photos :)
interesting. Quite a different of gathering, along with their cards :)
Congrats Romanian postcrossers!
Is really amazing~
super! great photos and idea!!
wonderful! makes me want to show this to my local post office!
What a nice idea! I hope one day I will be able to organise something like this!
Great idea and fantastic implementation! I'm impressed!
a great idea with for sure a good result!! congrats, dear romanian postcrossers!!!!
wow!! how nice!!
Very clever idea and well done! It must have been so impressive to see all those cards!
Great to know we still have those enthusiastic fellows in the world...BRAVO
What a wonderful idea! I certainly must have been something to see. After recently receiving a card from one of the Romanian postcrossers mentioned above, I was happy that I knew a little about Baia Mare.
I have been trying to think of a way to display my cards at the school where I work. I really like the "washing line" idea :) Good job!!
Bravo si felicitari, oameni buni! Ma bucur tare pentru initiativa voastra! As vrea sa nu fiu singura dintr-o librarie care cumpara vederi si lumea sa se uite la mine ca la o ciudata. As vrea sa intalnesc postcrosseri atat romani cat si straini! Incerc si eu pe cat posibil sa promovez Romania, in special Bucovina, regiunea mea! Va pup!
What a great event! I´ve received a card from Baia Mare. I´m so glad :-). Best wishes from Germany to Romania :-)
This is wonderful! I really like anything that promotes understanding and communication between countries.
Keep up the good work !!
Marvellous idea and a great presentation!
Great idea, great work!
Great idea to attrack people to become postcrossers! If I had a bracelet like that, I would never take it off!
What a great idea to hang postcards on strings! everyone can see. And the bracelets! I will remember these ideas for our meetups :)))
so cool and the bracelets are super cute! and the new logo looks great as decoration. Congratulations! :)
Wow! :)
Wow! This is a great initiative. Way to go. : )
And by the way, if anyone's interested I just found this amazing site which sells postcards of the National Parks in the US. (I bought a pack of them when I visited Yellowstone last year but they're available online, too.) They are vintage inspired.
Greetings from Canada!
Great idea and lovely done ! Congratulations !
nice event - congratulations!
I was impressed by the 2nd photo of the event: these young men surely thought "WOW! This is cool!" according to their face expression!
Job well done! Congratulations!
Congratulation! nice idea.
I hope my cards will be shared there one day
Brilliant idea! I really love it and wish to join you too. :)
I received a postcard from Baia Mare last week! I wonder if it was from one of the newer Postcrossers?!
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