Nothing melts our hearts like the happy combination of children and postcards. They might be young, but they can already appreciate the magic and awe behind these little pieces of paper!
When Audrey was born, her dad opened her an account on Postcrossing, so that she could receive postcards from all around the world. This was two years ago, and though she is still too young to read her postcards, she’s been enjoying Postcrossing in other, simpler ways.
Alan Yung (Audrey’s dad) shared these lovely photos with us:

Doesn’t she look sweet? Alan says Audrey is excited to pick up her postcards from their post box and can even recognize the origin of a few of the cards she receives by the stamps she’s familiar with! Many nice people send her cards with all sorts of cute characters and animals, and often cover the back with stickers and drawings.
Audrey also helps with the sending part of the process sometimes, by helping her dad drop the postcards in mailboxes all around town, which she learned to recognize! :)

Although Audrey doesn’t always understand the messages, Alan says that sometimes during bed time, she’ll ask for her pile of cards to go through the pictures again. Awwww… I must confess, I quite like the idea that all these postcrossers are helping put Audrey to sleep every night! :)
What about you? Did you ever share your postcards with your children or grandchildren? Leave a comment below – we’d love to hear about it!
66 comments so far
I don't have children, and not all children I sent cards to, really loved theirs (though I really try to find cards that are age appropriate and get in line with their wishes) - maybe that has something to do with each other.
Yes! Besides cards for myself, people can send cards for my twinboys. They love the cool cards for tough boys very much. And when one son broke his arm, I asked for get well cards. He even took them to school (he's in kindergarten) to show the cards to his classmates. He was very proud of it :-)
Absolutely adorable!!!
Just goes to prove you are never too young . . . . .
Never too old, either!!
Gooosh, this is toooooo cute!!! I will do this for my future daughter/son too, it's a really good idea!
i enjoyed reading this blog post. I think it's awesome that Audrey's dad set up a postcrossing account for her. It's a fun way for her to learn about different parts of the world! My son Lansen enjoys checking the mailbox and seeing all of the wonderful postcards that i receive in the mail
So precious! This is another reason Postcrossing is so great!
Very cute little girl. And a great idea. Unfortunately I've got no children.
Alan, that photo of Audrey sitting looking at the postcard would make a fantastic postcard!
Wow! Cutie little girl!
Cute story...
My twinboys Jesse&Jami are 3 years old and they pick up the post every day. When there is a postcard,they fighting for that. Jami love the ducks and someday there was a duck card! What a wonderful day for him! I'm thinking that I do own postcrossing profile for them. They love postcards!
Very nice photo's! As it is a special treat for children to receive mail, I want to point at the RAS for charity jsmbala is now doing at the forum. Often the address of the month is children, like this month!
Very cute and nice idea! ;o)
I share my postcards with all my visitors (family & friends) and some even with my colleagues at work.
Lovely! It will be brilliant for her to read through all the messages she's received when she is old enough :-)
@lucymonty I believe that's the plan! :)
we have a saying in the netherlands "jong geleerd, oud gedaan", which means what you learn at a young age, you take with you the rest of your life, well, Audrey's story says it all. Well done and wonderful to see.
Oh, that's so adorable. :)
So sweet, wished mine would pay a little more attention they are already complaining about "so many cards, mom!"
Audrey is learning so much from a simple piece of paper, awesome!
This is the reason I signed up for postcrossing! My almost 2 year old loves looking at the pictures and I've put them all in a photo album so she can look at them!
Yesterday, we get her address! The photos are really beautiful. Lovely girl.
So Audrey, another card is coming!
I don't have kids but I'll share my cards (outgoing and incoming) with the special es students I work with. They enjoy the cards and finding the different places on the map, and a couple of them have helped me register my cards.
I have four grandchildren (and a fifth due in March 2015). All of them have their own Postcrossing accounts (except Mystery Man #5 ... he will get one next year sometime). My daughters tell me that sometimes the kids sleep with their favorite postcards under their pillows! The eldest grandchild is 7 and the youngest is 2. They are still a bit too young to write the cards, so I do that, but the 7 year old is just about ready. She is practicing writing in small spaces :)
She's so cute!!
Lovely story, lovely girl. Like it a lot!!
I have opened an own account for my little boy when he has been two years old. He has loved to look after my cards first and then wanted his own account.
It's so wonderful to see the joy in his face when he receives a card and he has received so many lovely cards yet.
our girls love to draw on empty postcards- they now know that the right side has to be 'clean' for the address:O), and they have so much fun! i admit i'm keeping some few 'best' cards, sorry...
actually the kids' account is the most active one in our family! one day they will take half of our collection with them... :OOOOOOOOO
dear little audrey- so good to see you fishing, we've sent you a postcard this may:)
The card is a picture of the german "Sandmännchen", he tells the children bedtime stories on television. The "Sandman" delighted children since 1959!!
she is so sweet. :) Lovely story.
My boys are not interested at all but they like the postcrossing visitors. ;)
Our little girl Livia is 18 months now, and many friendly postcrossers have sent her greetings for her 1st birthday from all over the world (thanks again for that!). By now, she also looks at every card we receive, and she especially likes those with pictures of things she recognizes already. Her favorite is the hamster orchestra from Zhuzha-22 (RU-2709835). Because of this card, Livia learned to say "hamster" well before she knew the names of other animals.
Very nice to see the girl who I've sent a postcard to a few weeks ago. :) My daughter also is very excited when a card comes with the post. I read it to her and show her where the country is on the map. Also when we send a card to someone.
How cute! I hope I may send het a card one dsy... :-)
My great-nephew is five years old and his mom created an own account for him, because he always was very sad by looking at the postcards his mom received :) Now he gets his own postcards and he´s very happy :))) Postcrossing is such a nice hobby for people of any age!!!
I sent her a postcard once :D
So cute!I want to send a Japanese postcard to Audrey.
That's a great idea of Audreys dad. Never too young for postcrossing. Postcrossing makes people happy.
My children have no interest in postcards. It's just their personality. As long as they accept me writing and receiving cards, that's fine. I am still happy like a child with every card I get!
sooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!! :D
I would love to do this once I have kids!
Kids are great... and if they get more interested in the world because of postcrossing it's so much better. Young kids want to discover the world anyway... so postcrossing is a fun way to keep that interest.
However, I'm only 21 and not planning to have kids yet x'D
Such a lovely story with cute pictures. (^-^)
I've already enjoyed the privilege of sending Audrey a card this year and it was so much fun to do.
Happy Postcrossing, Audrey!
Audrey, you're so sweet and cute. I will always love you!
Hi Audrey, you are sweet and a nice girl. I want to send her a postcard, let me know her adress. Audrey you will ba a happy girl with the cards. Smile NAla
Audrey will receive a postcard from Brazil! I picked her address yesterday!
This Audrey is such a little sweetheart.
In the beginnig little kids are just interested in the colourful pictures. But bit by bit theiy take an interest in the person behind the card, the country that person comes from.
Both my kids (9 and 15) are quite active users (not as mad as their mummy) and we all have learnt so much about this world - and about people's friendliness and generosity.
Postcrossing is one of the best way for that experience!!!
My daughter does not have a postcrossing account, but that´s no problem, I am:) With almost three years old she thinks that all the postcards that we received in our mail box are just for her:)And she´s not wrong... Every day (even on weekends), when we got home the very first thing she will do is look for the interior of the mailbox to search for new postcards:) Also she loves to put the stamps and to send away the postcards. Postcrossing is really an amazing idea because I think that, besides she is yet so litle, she already has a notion that the world is so big and with so different people in it. Thanks for that too:)
What a nice girl!
She looks very lovely.
In our RAS for Charity we feature children causes. This month is for children in Poland and next month is for children in Kenya.
Feel free to participate for as little as 1 postcard a month :)
My son Stepan is 10 and he's doing postcrossing for over a year. He's really enjoying it but he is learning English for 2 years at school, anyway I hope his recipients like his messages. Thanks guys for the opportunity.
My daughters Clara (just 4) and Nora (almost 8) are Postcrossers too.
They love the moment of clicking on the "Send a postcard" and see the country and the person where the card will go on. Then they choose themselves the card that they want to send.
They are always happy to get a card and see who is sending it, and tell me what to say to the sender when we register the postcard.
As an anecdote, when Clara was still 3 years old we were walking on the street and she told me: "Mum, when back to home, I want to send a card to Ukraine". I guess they will learn a lot about geography and the world where we live throught Postcrossing, and be open to people from abroad!!
I just finished writing out my postcard to little Audrey. What a bright young lady she is!
Audrey's Dad had a fantatsic idea - she can have fun and learn about the world from an early age =) It is great to see the real excitment on her face when she's taking the postcard out of the mailbox and examining it :D Hopefully, this feeling will stay with her and she will know that having friends all over the world and learning from them is an awesome thing :)
Over a year ago I encouraged my 9-year-old half-sister (now she's 10) to create her own Postcrossing account. Maybe she's not as crazy about postcards as I am ;) but I can see that she does enjoy the whole process. Also, now she knows a lot more about geography and has learnt many useful English words and phrases. I'm sure she would be able to create a nice message without my help now but it's a kind of our ritual we like doing together =) Our younger sister (8 y.o.) sometimes helps us a bit too, she puts stamps or stickers on the cards. And today she brought an artificial globe and asked me to show her the country where our last postcard had gone =) Maybe she will start sending her own postcards too? =D And when they were on holidays, the older sister wrote ALL the postcards to family and friends! Her parents only put their signatures on them =)
Hello,Audrey! Nice to see you again!:))
I've sent my Hello Kitty 3D card to you before:))
Your Dad has a really nice idea for you.
You're sooo cute;))) So lovely!:))
Big hugs, Junko from Japan
Sweet story! My daughter (who is all grown up now!)found Postcrossing then got me hooked on it.
my granddaughter anita_2004 started at an age of 5 to be a postcrosser!! I managed her account and we wrote cards when we met each other. later she moved to DE and we even took part in meetings in muenster and hannover and kiel during our holidays!! later she changed her nickname in Princess_04.. we will see when I'll come next time for holidays she is still interested in postcards?????????????????????!!?!?!
This is so cute! By old age she will have about a million postcards. The main thing that-be, and she was glad she liked Postcrossing.
My daughter doesn't have her own account, but she enjoys examining the cards that arrive here. She also loves to help me put stamps on the cards that I send, and sometimes adds a little drawing.
If she still has interest when she is older (she's only 3 now) I will happily sign her up for her own account.
She is just so cute! My son, now 12 years old, had his own account a few years ago, but he wasn't responsible enough about registering cards, so he inactivated it until he's ready to try again. But he likes looking at some of the ones I receive, especially if they're related to Dr. Who or Star Wars.
Once I involved his whole class at school. They were fifth-graders (about 10 years old). I cut back on the number of cards I sent for a few months. Then I asked for 25 addresses all at once, chose cards. addressed and stamped them. I wrote a note at the top of each, saying I was having students write the cards. Then I brought the cards and profiles to school. I did a presentation for the class about Postcrossing and then let each student pick a person to send a card to, based on common interests or just a card they liked. They wrote the cards, I mailed them, and I shared with the class every time I received a response. I've seldom seen a classroom full of kids so engaged and excited!
My grandson took an interest in my postcards when he was 4. Then one day he asked me if he could receive postcards with stamps on them as well. So he now has a postcrossing account also, and now he is 6. He likes to carry around his favourites. He's still learning to read and write, and enjoys me reading them to him.
Aw, she's so cute, holding her postcards! I love the idea. I do believe she'll want to learn her alphabet sooner just to read all these cards she's been receiving, lol. :)
Hello Audrey!
Great interview; great photos! It also recalls me the similar interview about 2 years ago. My elder daughter was 4 years old then. Now she's 6 and still enjoys Postcrossing together with me. My little daughter is also the same age as Audrey. She's also into postcards as her sister. Kids and I are trying to discover the world through worldwide postcards. We really appreciate and enjoy the project of Postcrossing.
Greetings from Taiwan!
Awww, a heart-melting story! And although I am still new to postcrossing, my older children (8 and 4 years old) love to get postcards (so far this were two) and push the "send a postcard"-button. After this they always want to know where the country is. My older daughter asks me all the time if she can write the postcard. So far I was keen on doing it myself, but who knows...
I'm a new hobbyist this month and am so glad I learned where this blog section was early on. T thought the postcrossers were so cute until i saw Audrey who wins the Academy Award. Thanks, Dad. I'm telling everyone I know to check out this adorable entry.
Check out Audrey action at post office
I shared postcrossing with my little sister and my grandma. My grandma is now a great postcrosser! ))
I have a little bit different situation/ All my cards are picked up my granny/
she is 77 y.o. but unfortunately not as energetic as she used to be before
oh then she calls me and tells how many cards are waiting for me at home
she is as happy as a kid
and she enjoys stamps
sometimes I give away cards to her if she really loves them
I am so happy
that I can make her smile
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