You have probably come across some of the popular UNESCO World Heritage Sites postcards. The UNESCO Sites are some of the best places to travel to in the entire world and receiving a postcards from one of these sites is just as neat. But what is UNESCO, and how are the sites picked? We’ll try to answer some of those questions in this post.

UNESCO stands for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. The UNESCO World Heritage program was born in 1952. It sought to identify and designate sites around the world that were significant in one of three areas: education, science or culture.
The reason UNESCO was founded was because of a need to safeguard ancient temples in Egypt in 1952. Egypt had decided to build the Aswan High Dam, but this was going to flood the ancient temples of Abu Simbel and Philae. The United Nations wanted to protect these sites and so the UNESCO World Heritage Sites program was started.
Many countries from the UN came to help out and protect the sites in Egypt, which led to other protection campaigns for various other sites throughout the world. In 1965, the United States championed a draft convention to start a World Heritage Trust, which would protect these scenic, natural and historic sites. This was eventually adopted by the UN in 1972.
Sites are chosen to become World Heritage Sites by nomination from the group of 180 countries, which are called the States Parties. Countries in the group nominate sites within their territory that they want included and then they are voted on based on various criteria. After meeting these criteria for cultural and historical significance, a site becomes an UNESCO World Heritage Site and is given resources for protection and preservation from the World Heritage Trust.
Today, there are more than 800 of these sites in many different countries all over the world. You can learn more about them on the UNESCO World Heritage Sites website.
Have you visited many UNESCO sites? Which one is your favourite? :)
78 comments so far
The only one I've ever been to is the Grand Canyon in the Southwestern US
I don't think I have been to one since I have not done much traveling but I'm sure in the future I will get to visit some amazing spots!
Actually now that I checked the list I have been to Yosemite and redwood national park in California!
I lived in Taumarunui which is alongside Tongariro National Park. It really is a beautiful spot there.
Wow I have been to more in Europe than in the US! Just scanning the list quickly I have been to nine in Spain Portugal and Great Britain while I have been to 3 in the US. I am not sure which are my favorites so Monastery at Batalha, Tower of Belem, Oporto, Toledo, Salamance, Dorset and Stonehenge are at the top of my list and most definitely beautiful places!
I have been to several UNESCO sites over the years; Great Barrier Reef, Greater Blue Mountains Area, Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens, Sydney Opera House, Australian Convict Sites, Australian Fossil Mammal Sites (Naracoorte), Historic Centre of Brugge, Palaces and Parks of Potsdam and Berlin and Mill Network at Kinderdijk-Elshout Netherlands
Thank you for the interesting information.
I live close to Newgrange which is an Unesco site. There is also Skellig Michael in Ireland and Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland. I have visited both in the past.
Thank you for the interesting information. I didn't think that I had seen many Unesco sites, but after checking the site, I saw that I've been to about 20 of them! Hard to choose a favourite. The Alhambra is magnificent, but the trulli of Alberobello also were a great surprise. And I had a wonderful vacation in Quito...
I have visited Borobudur Temple in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It was one of the 7 wonders.
I visited Los Glaciares in southern Argentina almost 9 years ago and it was amazing. Hiking the glaciers is probably one of the most memorable things I've ever done. I am brand new to Postcrossing but absolutely love this project! In fact, I blogged about you today at
Wow I just visited the Leshan Giant Buddha above last month!
I enjoyed Mesa Verde National Park in southwestern Colorado, USA.
I was surprised too how many I've seen (without knowing about their Unesco status) - but there are so many more to visit!
I have visited 73 UNESCO sites and have postcards from 642 sites (thanks to all postcrossers who have sent me these cards). I find also UNESCO tentative sites intresting: .
I live near the Waddensea, I've been there quite often. Other Unesco locations I have visited are the Great Barrier Reef, Uluru/Kata Tjuta, wet tropics of Queensland, Sydney Opera House, historic centre Vienna-Brugge-Prague-Telc-Ceske Krumlov-Kutna Hora, Kunta Kinteh Island (the Gambia), old quarters and fort in Luxembourg city, Schokland, and so on.. I love it!
I even live in an UNESCO Site - the old City of Bern :) And i've been to several sites too, mainly in France, Switzerland and Japan. Like many other Postcrossers i collect the cards - but aren't up to date which Sites i already have... :)
I get to live in one too! The historic center of Prague. I realize how lucky I am every day!
In the near of my hometown is the Speyer Cathedral. I sent so many postcards from this Unesco World Heritage Site...
I've visited many of them in Europe mainly, but everyday, I go to the old part of Lyon which is on the list too. So I am lucky to admire this UNESCO place everyday (even if it is to go to work !).
I visited...
(1) Taj Mahal India - which is one of the 7 Wonders of the World.. Taj Mahal is also a UNESCO WHS under the Category of Culture...
(2) The Group of Monuments of Mahabalipuram, India... These rock-cut architecture(s) were built during the 7th century and were UNESCO WHS under the category of Culture...
I already have cards of 675 of the 936 sites (and there will be appointed a few new ones in July) and I've been to 34 sites (all in Europe) - in two weeks there'll be two more since I'll be going to Lisbon and Sintra :D
My all-time favourite is Cologne Cathedral, an amazing building that I already loved as a child when I had no idea at all what a UNESCO side was. From those outside Germany I loved the Alhambra in Granada best so far
So nice, I have visited some of them. Borobudur Temple, Taj Mahal, Grand Canyon and several places.
I have visited a few: Alhambra, Suso & Yuso monasteries, Silk Exchange, Cave of Altamira, Antoni Gaudi's buildings... all of them in Spain. But the most important is I live in one Heritage Site! (if you can say it like that). Just across the street there is the Palmgrove of Elche and I see it everyday from my window when I get up.
I have the world heritage app on my iphone ;-)
I've been to Acropolis, Delphi, Medieval city of Rhodes island, old city of Corfu, Delos island, Site of Aigai (vergina), Paleochristian and Byzantine monuments of thessaloniki in Greece
Historic areas of Istanbul - Turkey
Notre Dame cathedral & Banks of Seine - France
I want to visit more and more... :)
Victoria Falls is awesome, Delphi is very romantic, but my local favorite is the Willandra Lakes, site of the oldest discovered ritual burial. It has rewritten Australian history and it is a good place to sit quietly out in the desert and contemplate the cycles of boom and bust.
I've visited old Amsterdam, Grand Place in Bryssels, Þingvellir in Iceland, Rome, Venice, Paphos, Le Havre, palace of Versailles, San Marino historic centre, Vatican, the Blue Mountains area, the Great Barrier Reef and Sydney Opera house. I really liked that place in Iceland, it was so lovely. And San Marino is an amazing place too.
And soon I've been in Salzburg too ;)
Also realized I am a lucky person, as I visited many places protected from danger, and so many others still to be...
In Brazil, being a UN heritage makes a difference.
Hi everyone! Wow! So many places! I am just 17 y.o. but have already happened to visit some of these sites. Still, my biggest dream (and hopefully aim) is to travel around the globe!
Well, so far I've been to....:
Historical Complex of Split with the Palace of Diocletian (Croatia)
Historic Centre of Prague (Czech Republic)
Historic Centre (Old Town) of Tallinn (Estonia)
Palace and Park of Versailles (France)
Paris, Banks of the Seine (France)
Budapest, including the Banks of the Danube, the Buda Castle Quarter and Andrássy Avenue (Hungary)
Historic Centre of Saint Petersburg and Related Groups of Monuments (Russia)
Kremlin and Red Square, Moscow (Russia)
Lake Baikal (Russia)
Western Caucasus (Russia)
Ensemble of the Novodevichy Convent (Russia)
Kiev: Saint-Sophia Cathedral and Related Monastic Buildings, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra (Ukraine)
Historic Centre of Vienna (Austria)
Museumsinsel (Museum Island), Berlin (Germany)
I might have possibly missed something out...
There is still so much to see and discover on this planet Earth!
I've visited Georgetown & Melaka in Malaysia and Borobudur & Prambanan Temple in Indonesia.
I have visited a lot of them because when I travel I choose as my main stgops this places and I have never regreted. All of them worth a visit makes a WOW day for me. I have seen many in Italy, France, Austria, Germany, Belgium, England, ROMANIA, Hungary, Czech Rep., Turkey and many more......... I will go in Slovakia and Poland next :D Only around Cracow are sooooooooooo many.
Danube Delta. One of the most beautiful UNESCO places in Europe is near my home town (around 150km).
I also live in one - Český ráj (Bohemian Paradise), great place, and some others are quite near as well, so for me it´s now hard to leave it (moving to China due to my husband´s job), but I hope I can explore the other side of the planet as well :-).
Georgetown in Penang
Melaka, Malaysia, I also believe some places in Singapore were also given the title, Some places in Indonesia, many places that i have yet to see than already see, As much as I would like to see The Borobudur and Angkor, I have yet to see..
but I will some day !
I live right between two of them: Glacier National Park and Yellowstone National Park-- so I get to enjoy them often. I have visited several others, all in the United States. Someday I hope to be able to travel and see many others all over the globe.
I also live in a city which is home to a UNESCO site (Kraków). From the Polish sites I have visited so far Wieliczka Salt Mine, church of peace in Świdnica, Park Mużakowski/Muskauer Park, historic centre of Warsaw, medieval town of Toruń and Kalwaria Zebrzydowska. A few abroad - Prague, for example, Wieskirche (Pilgrimage Church of Wies) in Germany, Trier, Paris, Luxembourg - hopefully I'll see more in the future.
Actually, I live in one of them - Zamosc, Poland:)
Until I read on swap groups I didn't realize how prized UNESCO postcards were. Thanks for the post. I learned some history.
Where can I get some UNESCO cards to send people? Are they just regular cards or does UNESCO have there own?
I'm one of those lunatics who plan trips abroad to visit Unesco sites. :) I've been in Unesco places in Portugal, Switzerland, Spain, France, Germany and Poland. And can't wait to visit more!
Congratulations on this blog entry, it's very cool! :)
@KathieS: see this thread of the Forum: :)
I live near Yosemite, CA. The UNESCO sites I've visited have all been amazing. Hope I get to see more of them throughout the years. Thanks for this post, it's interesting.
My favorite is Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump in Alberta, Canada. BEAUTIFUL scenery and interesting topic!
I've visit a lot Sites in Europe.
The last one was last week in Potsdam-Sansoucci and Holland viertel.
Favorite Norway-Bryggen.
In my country the Netherlands I went to Schokland and the Woudagemaal, but I have not yet seen Kinderdijk, de mills in the picture in this blog.
The Notre Dame and Canal du midi in France,
The Porta Nigra of Trier, Cologne Cathedral in Germany,
Giant’s Causeway, Stonehenge and Avebury, Tower of London, Hadrian’s wall, Heart of Neolithic Orkney, Blaenavon Industrial Landscape, all in Great Britain
I have seen more than 100 sites worldwide. There are many very beautiful ones and also some which You wonder why they are on the list.
I have one absolutely favourite: Los glaciares National Park in Argentina !
In Kingston, Ontario, where I live we have a UNESCO World Heritage Site - Fort Henry,,_Ontario
It was placed on the UNESCO World Heritage Site list in 2007, only 5 years ago. We are proud to live in a city with such history.
I've only been to 16 Unesco sites, three of them in Finland and all of them in Europe except for the archaeological site Carthage and the Medina of Tunis, in Tunisia. Soon I'll visit one more Unesco site: Naroyfjord in Norway.
I can't really name a favourite, all have been interesting places to visit, but I'd go back to Venice and Verona any time.
We live near Wartburg castle, an UNESCO WHS in Germany, so we've beent there several times. I usually sent postcards from there if there are requests on UNESCO WHS.
Um, did no one visit the Old City of Jerusalem, Masada, Acre, Haifa?
I've visited around 100 Unesco WHS in 33 countries on 6 continents and each one was different and special... Like so many other places that are not on the list... Travelling, meeting people from different cultures, seeing breathtaking scenery and what remain from the past is always great and Unesco tries to save bits and pieces of that for us and future generations...
I've visited several sites in Italy; Historic centre of Rome, historic centre of Florence, Piazza del Doumo (Piza), Venice and its lagoon, historic centre of Siena, the Dolomites
And not so many in other countries than Italy; Geirangerfjorden (west Norwegian fjords), Works of Antoni Gaudí (Barcelona)
Well, I should have visited the other sites in Norway too, but haven't got that far yet!
It's so hard to choose a favourite!! can't really pick one!
Haida Gwaii (formerly called the QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISALNDS) off the west coast of British columbia, Canada has a UNESCO world heritage site at SKa'ngwaa...(Ninstints). This is the prtected site of the last standing origianl totem poles built prior to the European encroachment, and small pox epidemic. I have been solemn and sacred... you can hear the spirits singing!
I live only 6 km away from the most recent Polish UNESCO site, the Centennial Hall in Wroclaw, Poland.In February Discover Centre was opened there and you may learn a lot about it.
I've already been there twice taking visitors to enjoy it.
And I have postcards of 701 sites out of 936. I have only visted 36 sites so I have 900 more to visit :)
Last Summer we vistited the Castle Wartburg in Eisenach in Thuringia, Germany. I have some postcards for exchange. If anyone is interested - please leave a message.
I live not far away from the Cologne Cathedral, which I like a lot. My favourite is the city of Valletta
I have been to all the 3 Unesco places in Denmark, Kronborg Castle, Roskilde Cathedral, and the Jelling stones, church etc. All 3 places are fantastic I think. But there might be most to see at Kronborg Castle and the Roskilde Cathedral.
Beside the Danish sites I've been to the Archeologicak site of Olympia and to Pythagoreion and Heraion of Samos Greece
After looking at the list I found out I've been to the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone National Park, Mesa Verde, and Carlsbad Caverns.
I've been to about 40 WH sites, and I have collected postcards for 600 or so. Like geminiscp, I plan vacations around traveling to the sites. Oddly, one of the few US sites I haven't been to is located in my own state ... only 300 miles away ... Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
I was lucky enough to get this postcross card from Romania of a Unesco site.
I've become interested in UNESCO sites since learning about them here at Postcrossing. A quick look at the list brings up 19 I've been to, mostly in Europe, some in the U.S. and Canada. Florence is my second favorite, the first might be whatever site I learn about next.
I live in a city that is the birthplace of the UN ;) and have spent a lot of time in the buildings where the UN Charter was developed in 1945, much much more time than I've spent at any of the UNESCO sites. :)
In doing some genealogy, I discovered that some ancestors came from an Italian hill town near, and similar to, the amazing Matera site. Others lived in Prague. The list shows that the Dresden Elbe Valley where some came from has been de-listed, interesting story!
I think none of us has to travel far to realize it is a beautiful world.
So fortunate that I just live about 2 hours away from the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park - a UNESCO Site and it has recently been proclaimed as 1 of the New 7 Wo nders of Nature!
One of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites I've visited is the amazing Batad Rice Terraces, photos I took are in the link...
I've been to a few, but am another person who lives in one - Saltaire in West Yorkshire, UK. Its a model village built by the victorian mill owner Titus Salt.
国外的话,美西的Great Canyon?还蛮喜欢的一个地方!主要是跟好朋友一起去的,所以很开心!
囧到了~名字都记错了·是Grand Canyon~*^_^*
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I live only 10 km far from the UNESCO site "Wachau" in Lower Austria and I love to send cards from there. I also collect other UNESCO sites and have been to most Austrian one's, but also to some in other European Countries.
I live in one of the UNESCO WHS in Budapest, our house is included in the territory of it. :) And I see another part of this UNESCO site every day, the Danube panorama view. This UNESCO WHS is called: Budapest, including the Banks of the Danube, the Buda Castle Quarter and Andrássy Avenue.
I have already visited all the 8 UNESCO WH Sites in Hungary.
And last year we visited several fortified churches in Transilvania, and I loved these places, too.
And I checked the list: I have been in 50 WH sites in Europe plus in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Tunesia!
I liked them all, but my favourite is my home, Budapest. :)
In South Africa I have been to Table Mountain and Robben Island
I live quite close to Prague, our most-known UNESCO sites in Czech, so I am there roughly 4-5 times a year. It loses romance for me, must say:)
But I visited more interesting UNESCO monuments in Czech, like Český Krumlov, Kutná hora and Litomyšl chateau. I also was in some Unesco monuments in Slovakia-mainly town Banská Štiavnica fascinated me. But I was in Spiš castle (biggest and oldest castle in central Europe), Vlkolínec (small village full of old houses)and others. Finally, Last year I visited Croatia and there I visited national park Plitvice and eopiscopal centre in Zadar.
So, that´s 10 visited Unesco monuments, if I remembered everything. I think that´s qute good enumeration, especially that I´m only seventeen :)
I do like the windmills. The Netherlands is amazing :)
I live about 2.5 km from one of them (Luis Barragán House and Studio) and 4 km from another (Historic Centre of Mexico City and Xochimilco). Four more in a hundred Km. radius. I've visited 10 more in Mexico and about 20 more in other countries.
My favorite ones are the pyramids in Teotihuacan, Uxmal and Chichen-Itza
windmills are just perfect..
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