Writing is great – but why not take advantage of postcards to express yourself in more creative ways? Sometimes a bit of colour or a funny sticker can really make a postcard stand out and bring a smile to the recipient’s face!
Here are some decorating tips that will take your postcard-making experience to the next level:
- The way you write out the words can create a striking effect. Try writing in a spiral, starting from the inner point and circling your sentences around each other… or just arrange the words in a recognisable form, shaped poetry style!
- Draw something on the postcard! Maybe try your hand at a portrait of yourself, the postbox where you’ll post your card or perhaps match it to the image on the front – even if you’re not a great artist, it will at least make for a good laugh!
- Pens, tapes or glue glitter also help make a colorful statement!
- Customize a rubber stamp that is unique to you, and use the cool design to sign off with instead of your name. Or choose from a variety of pre-made rubber stamps to add a bit of quirkiness to your message.
- Stickers! Stickers are fun, especially shiny, fuzzy, and smelly ones! Add a couple to your postcard for a pop of color, or turn your message into a deciphering exercise by using picture stickers to symbolize words instead of writing them out!
- And last but not least, choose the stamps carefully, since they’re an important element of your card! You can try to match them to the card, or just give them a bit of context, like the funny example below:

Got any more fun decorating tips? Do share them in the comments below!
Postcard photos by PostMuse, stamp photo by Donovan Beeson.
73 comments so far
Great idea! Wish there was more room on postcard. Hard to fit stamps sometimes but I lobe the idea.
Thank you, Postcrossing! I love, love, love the tornado doodle on Donovan's card.
Oh, and the two postcards that link to my blog were adopted by postcrosser Chicago Cindy :) http://www.postcrossing.com/user/Chicago_Cindy
It's so cute~!I will decorate my postcards with some sticks and rubber stamps.HAHA:D
I always put stickers since I am really bad at drawing or doodles.
Great ideas! I use a lot of colorful pens/markers and add as many stickers as I can fit. I just have to be sure to add the "important stuff" (stamps, address, ID#) FIRST before I get going, because there is no room left at the end! :D
I will use paper tapes, stickers,decoration tape!
Also full of my words on the postcard: )
An interesting story is most important. And a good handwriting, because I want read the message. Stickers or little drawings can be nice. I use stickers....
I use paper tapes too, also draw something on postcard, like show where I live...etc.
I use stickers, color markers and if I have extra room I draw the current weather :-P
I have started making specialized postcards for the people here. I get blank cards - no pictures or anything on them. Then I read a person's profile, and if I can, I make a card by drawing a picture on the blank card just for them. It then matches what they like. I also will add a quote if possible. Sometimes I don't have time to do all this or the person specifically doesn't want home made cards, so then I'll send a regular card.
Hey ! I also make my own postcards. I read the profile of the persons, write down what they like ( what kind of postcard they want ) and then I search for the photo on the internet or I draw it. For the postcards I use Hard paper and usually I also put some quotes on. I don't like sickers :D
I am not very good at drawing myself, but I would love to get one of this special drawn for me cards! As getting a postcard from a random person somewhere on this planet is special, but to get an extra one especially made for me, is this Easter-Christmas-Birthday feeling on one card! Thank you to all the postcrossing members! ;-)
I often draw on a postcard instead of writing as I never know what to say a person I don't acquainted with. But they seem to be happy with that more then with anything :) https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.456238327789222.1073741829.434457603300628&type=1&l=21d8c6b54c
I'm always writing with 2 or more pencolour, and often put stickers on the postcard!
I mostly create a self made postcard http://processary.blogspot.com/2012/04/postcrossing.html
for those who like envelopes I often make envelopes and add a label. These can even be made from recycled calendars.
please do not use stickers that are not acid free/archive safe - they will ruin the postcard
Cool tips!
I love to add stickers to my postcards, and I try to write the address and message in different Sharpie colours. I'm also trying to get into making my own envelopes.
And I am equally happy when I find stickers and fun additions to the postcards I receive! :)
Greetings from Ohio, USA!
~ Marica
I LOVE DRAWINGS OVERALL, especially if they melt content and postcard together...
I sometimes add "washi-tape", or "masking-tape" to decorate postcards. Here are some examples of "washi-tape". http://masking-tape.jp/en/
OMG, Dorothy.... come out from that stamp! :D :D
Nice to get ideas, but postcrossing is always so strict about not uploading the backsides of postcards, and here they are for all to see. I saw some on facebook now as well. Are you sure all the senders gave permission for this?
@Pebbles84: for the ones featured here, yes, since they're part of of Postmuse's Orphaned Postcards project. You can check it out here: http://postmuse.blogspot.com
I make cards with 3D effect. Only if ppl don't want a handmade card I send them a normal one. I did receive one handmade card and envelope back. I really love the ones of nastroeniya, I wish I could draw pictures like that.
I usually put stickers and do a lot of writing. I write my postcards in the free time, so I like to concentrate and make the receiver happy :)))
I am looking for swaps so fell free to email me :)
... there are great ideas :-) Interesting to read about things, I usually use (drawings, stickers, glittered and coloured pens, different ways of writing (spiral,...) - I LOVE to decorate my postcards!!! I also sometimes draw the flag of the country near the address to where I sent the card. Thanks a lot for this article!!!
I bought a custom stamp from a seller on Folksy which is a map of my country with a heart over the location of my hometown, I've just ordered a second one for my home in Germany!
Great ideas, usually I use stickers and sometimes quotes and upon profiles sometimes maybe a little extra in an envelope IE: stamps, scrape booking supplies etc.
I (almost) aways use stickers, drawings, colored pens and trying to find cool, rare, old stamps :-)
and also scarpbook supplies, stickytape stickyribbons ...
I once sent a postcard to a girl my age who adored the ocean and anything to do with it. Instead of writing a message, I drew a light house over looking the ocean, and signed my name. Unfortunately it never arrived, but it was a neat idea.
I use a stamp pad to put my thumb print on the card sometimes.... If I do, I'll turn it into something, like a mouse or an astronaut.
Great & helpful ideas. Thank you!
I always start with the card, then choose the stamps (matching the card and the profile), the fill the date&place& 2x ID...then add decorative stickers or draw something and then address and the last one is the text. Sometimes it has to fit in a small place :) I love making cards with old stamps or partly using old "useless" cards to make them to live again.
If somebody tells NOT to send anything self made, fine I´ve got plenty of "normal" cards. And if someone only has an address as a profile, then I just pick one of the tourist view cards, and go to the post office, where the post master knows what I mean by the "boring" stamps (1,10 one sticker). Wish people would concentrate on their profiles a bit more...
But on the other hand...SO many nice inspiring profiles, that I´m always thrilled to see what is next ♥ Love this!!!
I always try to choose stamps that the sender would like. I draw the weather and put the temperature and time and date on the card. I haven't used a lot of colored pens but I like the idea!
I sometimes do a small drawing - when I feel like it and there is some space left. I only use a normal pen and I am not very talented. I do those weather-symbols too, but not on each card, either. It's a mood thing with me.
I love all the effort others put in the cards to me!
Some wrote so much on it, that the adress was hard to make out. I love that. But I am always wary, that some of the cards who were so filled, might not be transported.
Keep the adress area visible. Mail will thank you by transporting the card.
I have colored ink pads and I rub the color LIGHTLY over the card to make a colorful "tie dye" effect. It turned out very pretty along with washi tape and fun stickers and colored sharpees.
I love using stickers but nice stamps from the UK are a different matter. Royal Mail just doesn't do them. I order 'smilers' of photographs I have taken but can only buy them for Europe. I'm useless at drawing but can manage a cat and a flower.
Great ideas! Sometimes i am using stickers on the card or put some beautiful stamps from my country!
I like making cards, it's a pity many people write on their profile they don't like handmade cards... They don't know what they miss!!! I always decorate the cards at the back with drawings and washitape. It has to be colourfull so you get happy by seeing it!
I love stickers and such. I am not very good at drawing, my solution is: custom-made stickers for postcrossing by Vistaprint to brighten my postcards. Have a look! http://happypostcrossing.corsmit.nu/
wonderul ideas,the sticker on it,its really nice¡¡
I just love to draw, and I always draw a small picture on every card I send!.. Except those postcards only which have a picture printed on its back.
That's so pleasant, when people who receive my cards thank me for these pictures :3 . You can see some of them here:
By the way, my sister is also keen on drawing, and, looking at me, she got used to draw on postcards too!
One time I rec'd a post card w/ a small bus ticket glued to the back. I thought it was a really cool way to show something from a "day in the life". It may take up some space but that helps if you don't know what to say. :-)
Great idea! I would have never thought of that. It is also fun to try and get a cool unique postcard or something that the receiver does not already have. That is when the Postcard Wall is helpful.
I am a Stickeraholic!!! Just love em!! Drawings are really great too!! Hopefully when I retire I will have more time to start drawing on postcards!! I have been a doodler all my life and it is wonderful to see any drawings on cards!! It's all art to me!!! Even the spot that is picked for the sticker can be significant and taps into ones creativeness!! SUCH FUN!!!!!
I sometimes use decotape and then write my cards first. If I have any space left, I use some tiny stickers to cheer the postcards up. :)
Thank you all soooo much!!!! You all have inspired me to make more homemade cards and to decorate more. I really didn't think anyone would like a handmade cards, it is nice to see so many that do. I like gettng handmade cards. I like the fact that someone put some time and thought into making "my" card. :)
I really like to doodle things that are important to me and I also love putting tape on my postcards, put they don't sell Japanese paper tape in America.
really great ideas!
Sometimes I print a small photograph and stick it to the back of the card. Recently it has been a small photo of me being happy in my new snowboots. Before that I used a photo of my cats. Now I'm thinking of what to do next :)
I always make a little drawing showing the weather conditions at my location when writing the card. Little clouds or sunshine, and a thermometer with the temperature in both Celsius and Fahrenheit.
Too many people specify thst the DO NOT want Home Made cards.
People complain about home made cards.
Decorate is not handmade or that I think although both cases must be value cause we are not making a purchase we are given a gift . Me sometimes would like to do handmade, another times would like decorate but usually never has enough time to do it, so Always try to send the better fits to the profile and the better I have in my hand. By the way I would never believe how care people put to send a card to an unknown person, just for this reason THANK YOU to all the GOOD POSTCROSSER.
I see, that writing a card can be much fun as well! will try some of your tips soon :) though I am really untalented in drawing! haha ;P
Thank you for sharing these tips that sometimes are not really observed and admired but they improve cards a lot! Some cards are true pieces of art! :) And what to say about stamps? I use to say "a stamp is a postcard's best friend". ;)
Long live Postcrossing! :)
I really love the drawings of nastroeniya!
But I hardly have enough space to write all I want about the card or give a link where the receiver can find more info, photo's or You Tube films about the theme of the card.
So I seldom use little stickers or drawings, only when I get a blank profile and don't know what to send or to write.
And also when it's a young person whom I think will like it, I'll try to fit in a little sticker.
I always buy special stamps, but unfortunately I can't always find matching ones or use more than two different ones, because of lack of space.
Most of the time I use the special Postcrossing stamps we have in the Netherlands.
But I wonder if they're very popular, because only a few people have mentioned them in their Hurray's.
I do not want to beg, but I make it clear in my Profile that I especially welcome hand-made postcards. I believe that genre of card is absolutely one-of-a-kind unique. While my artistic skills equal those of a four year old, at times I produce a specially designed card, often placed on cut-out cardboard from a packaging box or a paperback cover embellished with amateurish sketch, stickers, and interesting stamps. Believe me, it is a special effort.
What gorgeous decorations! I ( would) love to receive cards so nicely decorated! Special stamps ALWAYS make a card (letter) special! I use special stamps whenever I can, even while on holiday, and I decorate my cards with rubberstamps most of the time and stickers sometimes (mostly when I send off cards from holidays).
For the longest time I sent out my cards with first-day postmarks, but few users noticed or if they did, they did not mention it, so I no longer bother. :-/
Those cupcake stickers (?) are totally „delicious“!
I'm a CALLIGRAPHER and write sometimes the name of the member who I send a card on the frontside in a calligraphic style. Also the adress is most a little artwork, but I take care, that it's good readable for the postman. My text is sometimes written in a comic style with baloons. Members who don't like handmade are getting boring cards :) :(
I wish all Postcards were normally larger. This would be easier to accomodate all the bits of trivia and answers to what the receiver would like to know. Then I would feel freer to add all the stamps and stickers I have bought just for decorating. I got a card from a lovely young lady in Japan with minute, detailed drawings of her traditional wedding dress. I LOVE that card! I don't like to draw, so I try to cram alot of information in, everyone has thanked me for "talking" openly to them. It's a balance of pleasing in one's own talented way. That's what makes Postcrossing so unusual and fun, every card is unique.
Very fun to see how folks offer up bits of themselves with the postcards they send out
Lots of inspiring ideas. Thanks!
Yes, postcards are way too small! Most of my postcards travel by envelope. Boring? No! I make them out of old books, maps or whatever paper is beautifull. So I have more room to write & DRAW. Pencils in all colors, stickers and stamps. I like to include some typical Dutch stuff: teabag, trainticket, little cards, used stamps etc. Envelope not big enough? I use small boxes: cereal, tea, chocolate. Box too fat? Cut it in two, put it in each other and tape it as a whole again.
And don't forget to use beautifull stamps :-)
I love receiving postcards from Ray of Sunshine because she bedecks her cards with wonderful stickers: puffy, glittery, cool, funny, cute, sweet, you name it. It brightens my day when I receive a card from her! I try to add stickers to my cards, but most of the time, I have so much I want to say that I have no room for stickers. I do try to make up for it with great stamps!
it was interesting to read here!! I really like to get interesting home made cards, but as not only a few ppl wasting smth worthless carton or what else making ppl upset, I mentioned in my profile, mostly I don't like home mades!!
but not when I'm although getting one, it's normally a beautiful one!!!!! and I have a special album for!!! and it makes me happy!!
and here is my handmade-album and you can find out yourself...
and here are my own handmades, only a few untill now....
Every postcard gets a heart sticker!
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