Hi! We’re the Little Mail Carriers, Little Paulo and Little Ana! In the last months, we’ve been busy cruising the world in the hands of postcrossers, but we’ve recently came back to the office for an impromptu visit… You see, we’ve heard rumours that there was going to be a huge Postcrossing meeting in Germany, and we didn’t want to miss out!
We’ve been to a few meetings before, but nothing compared to this one! There were almost 60 people in attendance from a dozen different countries (including Australia!), all staying in the same house… we knew it was going to be a blast! :)
Let us show you what we did there:
On Friday, we took a day trip to Münster, the “bicycle capital of Germany”. We did the tourist tour through all the main sites with a big group of postcrossers and visited a few Christmas markets. We loved the gingerbread hearts, and the giant nutcracker!
Postcard shopping was, of course, an important part of the trip. This little shop was crowded with all the postcrossers ooh’ing and aaaah’ing over the cute postcards!
While we were waiting for everyone to finish their postcard shopping, we spotted a postman on his bike! We asked him if we could take a ride, which he graciously allowed!
Back at the Einschlingen Guest house, there was much to be done! Have you ever received a postcard from a meetup? They’re usually filled with signatures from all the participants. In a meeting this big, it takes a long time to sign all the cards… We chose a few, and made sure that Paulo didn’t miss a card. Then, we gave it a go as well!
All the postcrossers seemed to have brought something sweet from their country, and the tables were piled up with deliciousness!
And oh! There was a huge pile of presents for the Christmas lottery! Everyone’s names were entered on a bowl, and norbaer helped people draw out names and presents! In the end, all postcrossers had received something cute or funny :)
On Saturday morning, there was an article on the local newspaper about the meeting! We didn’t understand all the words, but it sure looked good.
On Saturday, we also wandered on the streets of Bielefeld. We visited a famous postcard shop, met a few local postcrossers, saw the Christmas market … and a crepes stand which had soooo much Nutella! :)
We were almost the last ones to leave on Sunday afternoon, and we were quite sad to go… We loved meeting so many people that share in common a passion for postcards and Postcrossing. Old and new, from near or far… we had a lot of fun in the days we spent together! Perhaps we’ll see you there next year?
PS – Can you guess how many postcards were signed on this meetup? Answer on the forum in this thread for a chance to win some prizes! :)
Postcrossing Blog
Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world
Blog > The Little Mail Carriers at the Bielefeld meeting!
posted by meiadeleite

tags: bielefeld, germany, little-mail-carriers, meetup
71 comments so far
It looks like you had a LOT of fun!!! I hope to be there next year :D Better yet, I WILL be there next year!
I don't how many postcards they signed but I've recieved a postcard from that meeting with lot of signatures which is great! :)
Very nice pictures! :)
Love the Nutella picture!!! I'm guessing around 350 postcards... :D
Yaaay, you have been to Münster! :) Nice report :)
Wow, great article!! I'm guessing 417 postcards;D
Maybe I can get invited to the next one, as I would love to get back to see the town where I was born almost 64 years ago! Maybe I'll get one of the postcards that were sent!!
Wow ! :D I say ; 813 !!!! :D
Me I received one of these cards… thank you!
Great article - I guess 831
Splendid!!! :D It's nice to see all those lovely photos and read your interesting trip there!! Thanks for sharing!!
I guess 311 postcards!
GREAT! how about 903? ;)
289 - don't know, wish I'd been at that postcard shop - wonder if they're on the internet, ha...
Great, I guess 613.
Great event, wish I had been there!
My guess: 311
I'm guessing you guys sent atleast one card, because I've got it!! Thank you so much :-) But I'm gonna go for 1000 sent postcards.
Interesting informations, beautiful photos and a lot of fun...
Great event. I feel to go next year to Bielefeld. Nordbear, I am coming....
great article,great meeting (hope I will take a part one day on it) and great card shop!!!
Hi! I think you must send about 600 cards!!! Nice photos,it´s so exciting to see a new postcard meeting ,as always!! Hugs!
I just received a card from that meeting sended by masito. Thank you everyone who signed....;D
I guess 550 cards!
Thanks for putting a smile back on my face ;o) This meeting was wonderful, and the pictures are great. Thanks for sharing it ♥
Great pictures!! ;-) Very creative of the person who made it! And what much fun you must have over there. So it is possible I will receive a card from there?! That would be nice! Guessing.. 294 cards?!
Little Mail Carriers raised their hands so often in the pictures. It shows that they are simply happy. :")
Wow, I think they sent 300 postcards.
This is an awesome report! And my guess is 219 postcards :)
Great pictures !! Haven't read the article yet but the pictures speaks for them selves :D Really awesome and so funny !!
Number of signed cards 995 :D
Some day I will join your meeting. Thank you, kilona, oldieoma, isa and all the others who signed and sent a postcard from this meetup to me. I was very happy.
I guess they wrote and sent 297 postcards....
I am guessing 960 postcards!
Interesting meeting. I would love to join :) Maybe you have sent 200 postcards or maybe 1000 :D
Just to remind that if you want your guess to count, you should put it on the forum thread - not here! :)
It was a great meeting with a lot of fun!!
This meeting seemed to be very funny! Thanks for the nice reporting! I think it could have been about 413 cards... :-)
Thanks all who sighned a postcard that I received from this meeting! I hope very much to be there the next time! :)
Awesome pictures, great memories!!! :)
Oh sweet. I'd love to attend one of those meetings if I could. Wouldn't mind one of the postcards either! (:
What a great presentation, and fotos of smiling faces. I guess 1555 postcards were signed.
Thank you Ana for making such lovely report from this great meetup. It was so much fun!
I got a postcard from the meeting, thanks to Anja who I met at the first postcrossing meeting in Stockholm this summer
The little mail carriers had so much fun with us!! :-) Bielefeld meeting was super!!
1000 postcards?
let it be 570 cards:)
I had a lot of fun and it was great meeting up with Little Ana and Paulo again at Bielefeld. They sure have had a lot of adventures since they left me in Australia earlier this year.
247 cards?
I enjoyed my time with you guys at small meeting in Bielefeld city - I guess that "evil" postcard shop in Niedernstraße will remember to order more postcard books for you guys next year! :)
Ooh, I guess about 1319!? It's as good a number as any!!
My guess is 1450 - sounds like great fun. I got a lovely postcard from that meeting - thank you chrissybaby.
I'll guess 342.
Wow, what a great postcard shop. I'm always hoping to find a nice one. And my guess is 480!
252, You look to have had a great time. Would love to have been there!
Oh Ana, that is a really cute report. I really enjoyed this week-end in Bielefeld so much. It was really great. Thanks to everybody - especially Nordbaer of course :)
I received 5 cards from Bielefeld... That's so fantastic.
And I guess they wrote about 1410 cards there. :)
Wonderful story! I hope I can join the next meeting...
Thank you for my card! you made me feel very special!
Received postcard from meeting with so many signatures :) Love it!
awesomeness....it didn't like my hearts the first post ;0)
i think 345 cards
I was shown one at work(I am a postal worker) with all the signatures on it.I was a touch envious of the recipient.I am sure everyone had a good time .
Münster, so lovely town, and when I was a student , I had a bike to go to University. And I would have been glad to receive a card from Münster !!
I really enjoyed the pictures and comments! My guess is 730.
New material about Postcrossing in December issue of "Refine"
Sorry, in Russian:
pages 36-37
I will guess 555 postcards, cause I like the number 5.
I guess 1225,lol.Cause Dem 12th is Chrismas.Love these numbers.
my guess is 631 :)
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