Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > Postcrossing Spotlight: anagahan from Macedonia


Ana (also known as anagahan) is a member from Macedonia, a small country in the Balkans. She loves trains and all kinds of animals, and wishes she could adopt all stray cats and dogs in the world… don’t we all? :) Here’s what she had to say:

How did you come across Postcrossing? What got you hooked?

Well, it was sort of at random. One day, I totally accidentally spotted a blog link about postcard exchange, and all excited immediately clicked on it. By the time then my mailbox had been really neglected so this was like rekindling the old passion. I asked the blog owner if we could maybe trade postcards to which he kindly agreed, and I was full of joy. Then I anxiously started searching for more postcard blogs and on several ones I noticed people posting the question “Are you from postcrossing?” I got curious, looked it up and found it…didn’t register immediately, but once I did, you know the story, you get hooked in the blink of an eye :)

Oh, btw, the blog I mentioned above belongs to Rafal in Germany, another devoted postcrosser. So it is all his “fault” in a way ;-)

Do you have any other interesting hobbies?

Anything that’s mail related, so I am into philately and also I’ve been into penpalling since the early 90's. (I am a lousy penpal unfortunately).

I enjoy reading, esp. unusual books. I love finding new bookstores, where apart from books I always put my radar on for postcards, without success usually. I love going to the theater or to interesting photography exhibitions. I admire all those moments people are able to capture through their lenses.

I love music, traveling, watching tennis matches, being outside in the sun and the quiet, playing with my two cats, my neighbor’s cats and dogs, trying out new kinds of coffee and chocolate…you know, those very small things which make life really beautiful. And another thing that relaxes me and I truly enjoy is updating my postcards blog:

My cats love my postcards too, esp. ones with cats…here, my older one really enjoyed them and even picked his favourite buddy…


and while he wasn’t looking, my younger cat came, and just as he steals away his food, he took all the other cat postcards too, saying “they are mine, period!”


Cats are tough to deal with! :P

Show us your mailbox, your mailman/mailwoman, your postoffice or the place where you post or keep your postcards!

Well this is my dear mailbox, which when full, is one of the rare things that can make me happy on a bad day…


Unfortunately in Macedonia the street mailboxes are not really operational so I post all my mail directly at the PO. There are around 10 Post Offices which I go to more or less, depending where in town I am, but this is the one I go to most often, being in my neighborhood.


Ok, now when it comes to 'organization’ I am really awful at that! I have both sorted and unsorted postcards. Here are the sorted ones by countries

ana mac1

And the unsorted ones…

ana mac2

huh, ouch…quite a lot. And DON’T ask me where I manage to keep all my letters and stamps too…I love calling my room a 'creative chaos’ :)

Show and tell us about your favorite received postcard to date, and what makes it special.

Maybe this sounds like a cliché, but I love all my postcards, and each of them has something which makes it special.

Pick any, and I’ll give you a reason why I love it.

ana mac3

Coz the postcard for me is not only the image itself, but much more the message on the back, the thoughtfulness, the kind heart-warming words and stories people who don’t really know you, want to share with you, the lengths they have gone to just to make you smile.

What are you passionate about?

Does the passion for trains count? It is a fascination I have inherited from my dad and I still remember my childhood days when he would set up these model trains all around the living room during the New Year holidays.

I LOVE Norway and the entire Northern Europe in general, and I am a huge animal lover and if I could I would probably adopt all the stray cats and dogs in the world. I just wish more to be done regarding animal rights and animal welfare.

Have you met any other members in real life?

Two actually, on separate occasions: Anasty from Russia and BraveJ from Serbia. The three of us still need to find a place to eat cheesecake together :)

43 comments so far

nicoleG, South Africa

Nice profile Ana! Macedonia sounds like such an exotic country - I hope to receive a postcard from there one day. Your cats are lovely by the way!

dardo, Spain

Mmmmhhh cheesecake... slurp.

ichabodhides, United Kingdom

How nice to see a dear person here! It's really interesting to see your mailbox and post office, too - and your cats are adorable! ^_^

lucymonty, United Kingdom

Lovely to read about a fellow animal lover :-D Your cats are beautiful, I have a ginger one too! It's great that you've got a blog for your postcards, I'd like to do that some day... Hope to swap card with you some time :-)

tristia, Australia

Hi Ana :) Nice to see you as a featured Postcrosser :)

dongxiaole, China

Those cats the most lovely, and I like cats.

Christa, Germany

Nice to see you here Ana !

elta, Greece

There is no such country officially recognized as "Macedonia" but "FYROM". I am Macedonian from the Region of Macedonia in Greece and I speak Greek. Please respect my sense of identity and also international law.

honeybee, Austria

Hi Ana, it is so nice to see you here in the spotlight. I am one of the happy ones that got a Macedonian postcard (and yes, there stands the name Macedonia on the card).

katts70, Estonia

YAY Ana :) Kimi and Foxy too :)

phuleshouse, Canada

Hi Ana, lovely profile..maybe someday we will exchange cards

BraveJ, Serbia

It's so great to see a dear friend here! :))) I love the profile and the photos!
Анчи, хоће ли и твоји мачори да отворе профиле на сајту? :))

hmassese, Australia

Oh yay, you got lucky thing! I love when people I know get profiled!!

Pebbles84, Netherlands

Ana!! It's so nice to read about you here!! :)

Marcie08, Austria

Hi, my train stamp swap partner :-) Lovely to see you here!

Earney, Austria

hi Anna lovely to see you here! good luck with you collection!.

vagirl, United States of America

Hi Ana, it's awesome to see you here in the spotlight and your cute fur balls. I love it! Hugs to you!!!!!

volvomom, United States of America

So happy to see you and your kitties here! :)

Spanishliz, Canada

Your kitties are beautiful! So was the card I received from you :)

zachary, Canada

Hi Ana,
Congratulations. Really great to see you highlighted here.
And yes, like honeybee, my cards from you all say Macedonia, the stamps say Macedonia and even the world map on my wall says Macedonia. So it's Macedonia for me. I really don't know why some people have to bring politics into something as great as Postcrossing. Here's hoping for more Macadonia cards. Take care.

KaiKitten, United States of America

Hello Ana,

It's very nice to meet you and I really enjoyed reading your story. Your cats are beautiful! It seems like you love life and I thank you for sharing that. Take care, Kai

tinkara, Slovenia

Hi Ana!
Nice to see you here. Very interesting.

carolinechia, Malaysia

woooaah Ana dear!! you deserved to be here:) congrats and its so nice to see you on spotlight! all the best ya!:)

lilmonster, Montenegro

Ana, this is great!
Супер интервју! :)

Rafal, Germany

Dear Ana!

It is so nice to read your postcard history and I am really honoured to be a positive character on your own "postcard adventure":)

Pawzwir, Poland

I was honored to send a postcard to the train you! ;)
This postcard

ulpa, Poland

yay ana, great to see you here ;D

ulpa, Poland

yay ana, great to see you here ;D

vanessa85, Switzerland

Ana.... Good to see you here :) Nice to read your story! I love your Macedonian postcards a lot. And hello to Rafal, too ;) I sent him some postcards on the forum already...
Till a next time............... ^_^

soilian, Finland

Ana, I love your cats. :D Nice to see you here. :)

fire_maggie, United States of America

Nice to see you in the spotlight Ana! You were the inspiration for me to start my own blog, and it's always great to swap with you. :)

Aletta, Netherlands

Ooooh, cheesecake, yummie! Can I join? ;-)

anagahan, North Macedonia

First of all, thanks to the ones for choosing me for the spotlight and to postcrossing for publishing it here!
It is really sooo great to see so many dear people in the comments...thank you ALL for the kind words and for the support and for all the times you've made me and my mailbox soo happy :) I must say my life has changed indeed since I've started postcrossing, in a very very positive way!
Im glad to see ive been an inspiration as well and to know that the cards ive sent you have brought a smile on your face, even for a little bit :)
My cats say a big 'meaow' as well...I think they've gotten really vain, now that they've become "popular" :P

hugs to all of you and thank you so much again for all the lovely words and all the happy moments you've brought to me!

scrutiny, Hong Kong

Yay! I'm so happy to finally see this here. Thank you for that interesting read! Hugs hugs! xx

carolisha, Switzerland

it's great to see that one of my friends has been interview here =) have fun on all your further trades!! Hugs!!

Bluma, United States of America

Great to learn more about you Ana and to see your meow babies :) Hugs!!

Mabo63, Switzerland

nice to meet you here and i see you have two beautiful cats! :-)
all the best wishes and maybe one day i will receive a postcard from your country

Geminiscp, Portugal

Lovely Postcrossing cats! :D And the cards look awesome too, that last photo is amazing. :)

emotis, United States of America

Hi Ana! So nice to see you featured here. :)

ipuenktchen, Germany

hi, ana, it seems I still didn't let you a message since you had been here announced as a spotlight!! we traded before and I was thrilled to see you here!! all the best for you in the future!!
bye, ipuenktchen

raluk68, Romania

Oh, what a nice surprise!! :)
Ana is a special virtual friend for me because she is a passionate postcrosser; she always has the courage to speak her mind :D

anagahan, North Macedonia

ha ha, have quite an experience with me :D
Thank you for the nice comments Iris, Caroline, Lori, Paula, Erin and Ingrid....and for the lovely things I had received from you! never random or on purpose :)))

Btw, if anyone is in the mood for some cheesecake, you know whom to turn to...just today I had a piece of a delicious one!

owlfan57, Jersey

Loved reading your blog. Seems your filing system is more advanced than mine, but I'm working on it!. We also have a ginger and a tabby cat (another coincidence) and I have enjoyed penpalling since I was at school - thats a long time!. If you want to be my "lousy penpal" I'd be very happy. Thanks for sharing your adventure. Best wishes, Martin


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