We’re fast approaching the highly anticipated milestone of 30 million postcards, and so it’s time to launch the traditional guessing contest! Hurray!

If you’re new to the game, it goes like this:
Every member has a chance to submit a bet for the day and time on which they think the postcard number 30 million will be registered. The bets need to be submitted on the contest page.
And of course, there are prizes for the best guesses, sponsored by MOO!
The postcrosser who guesses the exact minute when postcard number 30 million is registered wins a pack of 40 MOO postcards (20 original, 20 luxe) and a surprise set of 100 postcards from us.

But if you’re not the lucky one, don’t panic — we have more prizes! The 4 next best guesses (before or after the registering time) will also win a pack of 20 postcards from MOO.
Some rules: each time slot can only be chosen by one person, so the first person to pick that slot gets to keep it. You can change it at a later stage, if you want, but only from the available time slots left. We will close the bets when there are 1000 postcards left to postcard 30,000,000. Check the contest page for more details.
So… what are you waiting for? Fire up your spreadsheet or check your horoscope… but be quick to pick a time slot before we run out of them!
PS – If you’d like to order your postcards from MOO, don’t forget to follow the link to their special page for postcrossers, to get a 15% discount on your purchase! A small percentage of every purchase you make on MOO through that page is given back to Postcrossing – so with each pack of postcards you buy, you’re also helping the project. Win-win! :)
38 comments so far
i just bet on my birthdate!
Yay, Postcrossing! I've placed my bet!
I'm going to enjoy watching this countdown. . . . It is always fun. Best of luck to everyone who places a guess - but I do hope I win ;-)
I love these contests and love even much more postcrossing!
I'm in!
I m so into PostCrossing!!!! This is one of the greatest creation besides Facebook............Kudos to the founder n team.........just keep going....Cheers!!
Oh, that's fun! I want to win this event:-)
Happy postcrossing!
It sounds interesting.
Woot woot!
Another contest... That´s great!
spero di vincere questa scommessa......
great :) time to party postcrossing :)
Have placed bet for son's birthday - as good a choice as anything!
25/May/2015 at 14:59 (UTC timezone)
trust me, I'm an engineer :)
17 May 2015.
1,000 cards before the end is quiet close ... it's not so hard to do the math then.
but as a frequent guesser in the forum i will lay my bet of course ...
What an achievement! And the guessing when the card will be registered is so much fun. Thanks to all Postcrossers for 30 million cards - 30 million smiles, 30 million moments of happiness.
So many postcards!!!Amazing!!May be on today afternoon:-)
05 June 2015
27 may 2015 at 11:00
@GretchenWu @Nadio: guesses need to be submitted on the contest page — blog comments will not be entered! :)
17 June 16 pm :)
I have absolutely no idea, but placed my bet anyway. It looks like a wonderful price to win!
I picked May 28 at 2:54 because that is the exact day and time of my birth.
I chose my sons' birthday and time. Maybe that's a lucky time for this here, too :-)
It is to say that I have visited the PlayMobile fabric at Malta! They had very large postal carriers there, at least 1,20 meter. *IF* the carriers ever visit Malta, the fabric should be on their list to visit (by apointment only)! No postcards in the shop, but they have a nice greeting card. I did not manage to get PalyMobile cardbaordboxes to sent out as postcard that time.
6 june 8:00 am
Wow - 30 Million Postcards! And over half a million members! Time to celebrate Big Time (and, for some, to think about becoming Postcrossing Supporters).
I have been in postcrossing since feb 15 and I feel it is not random as I have all except 2 of my sent cards and all of my traveling cards going to Russia and it takes more than a month for the russians to register my cards
@donrene PM sent
03rd of June 8:30 (Eastern europe time)
02rd of June 2:22 (Eastern europe time)
Well, my guessed time has passed. No joy for me, unless of course, it is one of my sent cards is the one to be registered as the 30,000,000th send postcard.
i got 56 minutes left on my bet!658 cards left, and they are posting cards at 550 every hour! OMG
how cute is it that both the sender/ receiver also get a prize :) ♥
congratulations to 30 millions..a m a z i n g
I'm proud, to be a member.
So many nice people has made this possible !!!
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