Meet Amit Gupta. He’s the founder of Jelly and Photojojo, with whom Postcrossing had a long lasting partnership. Amit found out some weeks ago that he had acute leukemia, a very serious condition. He needs a bone marrow transplant by the end of the month.
The problem is, Amit is South Asian, and this ethnic group is severely under-represented in the bone marrow pool. He has little time left to find a donor.
So, as a personal plea, we wanted to ask you to please join a marrow registry today. It takes 2 minutes to sign up, and the test is really simple: you receive a q-tip, swab your cheek and mail it back. Furthermore, modern marrow donations are painless (like giving blood), and you might be the one to save a life.
If you’re in the USA, you can do it here. In Germany, register here. If you’re in The Netherlands, go here. Elsewhere, please see this post, or leave a comment below with instructions for the people of your country.
If you are already on a bone marrow registry, share this post with your friends and encourage them to register! But please do it fast, because time is running out for Amit, and others out there!
PS – If you need further incentive to join the marrow registry, some friends of Amit are offering a lot of money to the first match to enter the registry and donate his or her marrow to Amit.
67 comments so far
In Finland: http://www.veripalvelu.fi/www/luuytimenluovutus
For the UK:
Good luck and best wishes to Amit.
I am registered for years at the DKMS. It's really easy with this cotton swab. And if you can't become a stem cell donor, donate some money for the costs of analyzing. I wish Amit all the best!
Do you have to be South Asian to be able to donate bone marrow to him?
I really hope you will find a bone marrow this month!!! I'll pray for you.
@Tonnie90: Being South Asian increases the chances of you being a match to Amit. But even if you are not South Asian, you should still register because there could be someone else, somewhere, waiting for your marrow.
My heart goes out to Amit I wish I could be a donor but sadly my age is against me, I also have an autoimmune illness. Thankfully there is another way to help, that is by a financial donation. Don't let your health problems stop you helping Amit and others like him.
Good luck and God bless, Amit.
I tried to sign up in the US, but homosexuals are barred from donating blood or being bone marrow donors. I knew about the blood, but didn't know about the bone marrow. I'm very disappointed.
I cross my fingers for Amit. I believe he will find a bone marrow! I'm registered at the DKMS as well.
@CraigBC: That's so stupid that homosexuals are barred from donating blood!! If I need help then I would'nt care from whom the blood is. I can understand that you are disapppointed. You are will to help other people and it's not allowed... Stupid rule!!!
I am active blood donor and tried to register "Finnish marrow donating system" last year. There is age limit 18-40 years so I was too old. Sorry can't help but I can ask people I know to join.
I wish this blog text helps Amit and many others who need marrow. Hope he will find a match donor soon.
Look at that face! What a sweetie. Of course I'll try to help...
Crossing my fingers for Amit.
I am already registered at the DKMS. :) We had a discussion here on the forum a few years ago and nane85 made me do it. It was easy with a cotton swab, no blood.
Although I like the idea of re-use and recycle I am not a donor. Yet.
But what if it was me in front of an orange curtain, wearing a happy t-shirt and smiling from cheek to cheek?
@HM Then I hope your friends and the people you've inspired would rally in your support, like they're doing with Amit. In the end, it really doesn't matter who you're registering for: the people registering today for Amit could end up saving someone else's life (perhaps even yours) in 20 years time. And that's the whole point.
Oh, Amit -- I am way too old, and of a German heritage...I wish I could donate! Linda
There are age retrictions, and where I live, they dont even do blood services donations for years now...but \i have good feelign that you willhave a match soon. We are rooting for you.
I'm already inscribed as a donor. Good luck!
My heart and prayer goes to Amit. Don't loose hope, I have faith you'll find match donor very soon :)
I wish I could... they wont take me as I have sleep apnea and Fibromyalgia. My thoughts and support goes out to you dear Amit. I will pass on the info in the hopes that it will help you or someone in need.
Best Wishes
My country isn't even on the list...
I'm already registered and I really hope you will find a match very soon.
My thoughts are with you. Keep your head up! :)
I'm already registered in the DKMS (for Germany), the main quarter is also located next to my university, so it reminds me every day. The registration is very easy, and if you don't have to money for registration, you still can register. It's so important! I wish Amit all the best and that there is a sponsor out there for him!!!
I am happy to be a member of postcrossing.com
I wish INDIA can come up with help .... since i am myself trying to find more information on this issue for my friend who is almost 32 years.. and needs help.
Maybe i can get help from this post. Thanks a lot for all the links.
how much does it cost for the checkup....
some useful site
@indianfriendzone: the checkup is free in most countries. in india, you can see how you can request your kit here: http://amitguptaneedsyou.tumblr.com/india
please share that link, and all the best to your friend as well!
Okay, so I'm not South Asian but this post and Amits story gave me the buttkick I needed to finally register. I've been meaning to do so for years, but was somehow always afraid.
Best of luck to Amit. I'm crossing my fingers for him.
Not everybody is able to help him with bone marrow. Maybe it's also possible to send him a postcard instead to help him with our morral support?
My Husband is Nepali, I am going to get this kit for him and myself who is Italian heritage so we can both mabey help someone now or in the future.
I put a link to this on my blog, which is also linked to Wellsphere, a community of health blogs. Hope that helps
Best of luck to you Amit
They won't take me because I'm too fat! I don't see what that has to do with anything!
Österreich hier!
I have been registered for years. :)
I really do hope you get help soon. I wish I could help you. I've been in Finnish bone marrow donor system many years. I'm also blood donor because I've rare blood type.
I am on the bone marrow register in Australia and donate blood, it doesn't hurt and may save a life. If more people did wouldn't it be great!
I live in Finland, but cannot donate bone marrow because of my weight. =( I donate blood regularly though.
I hope he'll find the match!
i live in india but cant donate as i am underage :(
hope he finds a match ,i 'll pray for u
I do wish you get help soon!!! I'm sure you will!!
I'm registered yet, but people from Brazil who are not, take a look where you can do it:
Although I am not a photographer, it was visiting Photojojo that I learned of Postcrossing! If Amit hadn't founded Photojojo, I would have never discovered the wonderful Postcrossing community.
Upon reading this post, I have signed up for the National Marrow Donor Program and I made a small contribution to help with the registry fee. I might not get the cotton swabs in time to meet the deadline to qualify to help Amit, but hopefully my marrow can help another person in the future!
Good luck Amit. I worked with a man who's wife ended up with the same condition. My boyfriend has been waiting for a second kidney transplant for a very long time. So I have a rough idea what you are going through. We can't offer money to potential donors in the USA (it is illegal), so we are at the mercy of people's goodwill... and there isn't much of that in Massachusetts... I hope you find a donor, and again, GOOD LUCK!! :-) :-)
I can´t register, because I have a medical condition. I wanted to do it years ago, so the docs said I can´t.
I think you should mention it, that some people (when they take special meds) can´t register. Every register cost money, so it only makes sense to register if you can really donate. So ask your doc first if it makes sense.
But I wish Amit all the luck in the world!
All the best for Amit, I wish him to find a donor soon.
I am registred for few years :)
I am too old. PHOOEY!!! But I can pray.
Father-God, You know Amit's need. Please provide a donor who is a perfect match. And while he waits, would You please touch his body with Your healing touch and bring him healing. I ask in Jesus' name ... Amen.
I am too old also :( but I am sending hope to Amit, I love his website, and I wish for a matched donor to be found very soon.
My heart goes out to Amit
I will pray for him
I tried to register, but because I was in the UK and Denmark in the last 3 months, they said I wasn't allowed to.. apparently, you have to wait at least 6 months before you're allowed to donate blood or bone marrow once you've visited the UK if you live in Australia.
I wanna help but i cant find information for my country (venezuela)
signed up for a kit
Have registered and now they want me to come and drain some of my blood.. What are they? Frickin' vampires? Why can't I do it with a cotton swap?? *cry* I really don't like needles, but I'm doing it for the team..
Best of luck Amit!
Sadly, I'm too old to donate but that doesn't mean I can't help in other ways. I send my healing thoughts for you, Amit.
I just registered, I should get my kit in two weeks!
For Estonia:
I registered and they are sending my kit. I hope I can help someone in the future!
I'm too young to donate... :(
But good luck to Amit!
Best of luck to Amit! I'm a blood donor and in the bone marrow donor registry here in Finland. I hope his match will be found soon.
I already wanted to register years ago and this post reminded me again how badly I wish I could ... but sadly I'm not allowed because of my asthma, which could be transmitted to the recipient of my bone marrow :(
I hope they'll find someone for Amit!
I pray that he finds a match!!
I got my kit today. I hope one day I can save someone's life.
I wish I can register here in the Philippines.
I just got my kit, and I'm going to send in the blood tomorrow. I don't think I'll be a match for Amit (as I'm Dutch) but maybe for somebody else someday.
Got my kit today... Will be mailing it back on Monday...
Norway: https://www.giblod.no/forside.asp?level=7348
In Norway, you have to be a blood donator to register as a bone marrow donator.
I don't think I'll be a match for Amit either (my ancestry is northern European), but I signed up to receive a kit. Maybe I'll be able to help someone else.
I'm already on the bone marrow register but my best wishes to Amit. He sounds like a wonderful guy and I hope the right person steps up for him x
If anyone from MUMBAI want to register themself as 'Voluntary Donor' then you can contact me.
I recent got myself registered for it...
BLOOD STEM CELL DONATION will help someone...
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