The Indonesian Postcrossing stamp was issued last week, and a few meetups took place around the country to celebrate both their new stamps and Postcrossing’s birthday. We have pictures to share with you!
Here are the local postcrossers in Bandung…

…in Jakarta…

…in Semarang…

…in Surabaya…

… and in Yogyakarta!

Looks like a great day was had by all, and there was even geplak and gethuk, some typical Indonesian treats! 😍 Pretty stamps, postcards and “cake”… sounds like the recipe for a perfect birthday celebration!
35 comments so far
Seems like you had a lot of fun, all of you!
Lovely pictures and great to see you all!
Thanks and im happy can be a part of this project. Greetings from Yogyakarta
Yay, thanks for posting our meet up pics thru Postcrossing blog! Always happy to be part of this community :)
How cool!
Wow, so many Indonesian Postcrossers, so many nice pictures ! I hope that I will receive one of these postcards !!
By the way, I will travel to Indonesia next year (March 2018) and I can not wait for visiting the country BUT also buying cards and stamps there !! ;-)
Can I join Postcrosser Indonesia Regional Bandung ?
Fantastic pictures, it seems you had a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing. All the best wishes from Italy.
:) ................ <3 ............... :) ....... great !! ... with love from Belgium !!
Thanks for putting a smile on my face today.
Thank you for the warm smiles from across the world - WOW what a great meet-up. Thanks for sharing:)
Excellent!!! Greetings from Perú!!!
Thank you for the lovely pictures. Postcrossing is the best community ever.
Many greetings from Germany.
Looks like a lot of fun, hope to get a card with a postcrossing stamp soon.
Thanks for sharing Greetings from the Netherlands
congrats! would like to receive one if I have the luck~wish you all the best!
Great to see all those happy faces. I hope I am lucky enough to receive one of your new stamps soon !
can't wait to see one of your cards in my mailbox soon ;-) It looks like you had loads of fun writing all those!
Congratulations with the post-stamp and meet up. I hope to find one of those cards with the stamp, someday in my mailbox. Thanks.
great pics!! hope someone will send me that stamp soon in one of my cards!!
Wow! So many cheerful smiles to match the awesome stamps!=) My congratulations to all Indonesian postcrossers! From Russia with love!=)
Great! Wating impatiently for a postcard from Indonesia :)
It's just wonderful to see how postcards and stamps can unite all of us and get us to sit down and write to one another. So happy.
Thank you Restu Amalia for the PostCrossing cards n complete Postcrossing Stamps. I got both cards today n the 1st Asian PostCrossing Stamps........ribuan terima kasih......The cards n stamps were very well designed.
Indonesian in Scotland here, just know that there's Indonesian Postcrossing communities. So cool. Selamaat ulang tahun :)
I can't wait to have a meet up in Columbus, Ohio, USA. I am shooting for September...It looks like everyone had an amazing time! Wish I could have joined them! Happy postcrossing, everyone!!!
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. It so looks everyone had a spectacular time. I wish I could have been a part of it.
Looks like you all had such a good time! I'm happy to see so many Postcrossers there in Indonesia, all smiling and enjoying each other's company.
Congratulations on the new stamp. I look forward to seeing one on one of my cards from Indonesia.
Greetings from Spain.
I love seeing everybody's happy smiling faces at the different Indonesian meet-ups! The new Indonesian Postcrossing stamps are gorgeous! Happy Postcrossing to everyone!!
Wow, Everyone looks so happy! Congratulations!!
Today I found a meeting card in my mailbox - I am so happy!!!Thank you!!!
Our congrats to the Indonesian Postcrossers with their PC stamps!
pasti seruuu !
selamat ya postcrossing indonesia !
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