Oh là là! We couldn’t believe our eyes when we received the latest missive from the Little Mail Carriers… they were in Paris! :D Their host, PetitPilote did a fantastic job of showing them around the City of Light… read all about it below!

Summer is finally settled in Europe: temperatures are very pleasant and the sun shines every day! Many greetings from France!
We arrived at the beginning of July in Survilliers, a small village located 30 km north of Paris. We were really excited because it was our first trip to France! Our host didn’t waste time and organized a mini meeting with nearby French postcrossers.
We all met at Montmartre on a lovely Monday morning and the visit started with some souvenirs shops. We couldn’t miss the local macaroon stand too! The sales lady was kind enough to let us pose into the display case. There were tons of aromas and the pink one raspberry flavored seemed to be really delicious!
Then, following our touristic upward walk on Steinkerque Street, we saw the white dome of the Sacré-Cœur Basilica, sitting at the highest point of the city. This is a beautiful Roman Church built between 1875 and 1914 and this is Montmartre’s most recognizable landmark.
And after the effort, relaxation! We found a table just in front of the Sacré-Cœur, perfect to enjoy the view and finally taste the colorful and yummy macaroons! We wrote a few meet-up cards and then made some pictures with Lauliz, Glumuke and her son Antoine by the monument.
We couldn’t leave the area without wandering the streets to discover the attractive village atmosphere of Montmartre. We took this opportunity to make a quick snapshot in front of Abbesses underground station and its old style entrance from 1900. Also along with the local yellow mailbox!
Our visit of Paris then led us to the Eiffel Tower! Located on the Champ de Mars, the tower was created by Gustave Eiffel for the 1889 Paris Universal Exposition. 324 meters tall, the tower has three levels for visitors easy to reach by lift or stairs.
No tickets needed for us, we found an effortless way to climb up “the Iron Lady”! See for yourself!
Not far from the tower, on the other side of the Seine River to the north, the Arc de Triomphe was waiting for us for a last souvenir picture. Standing in the center of the Place de l’Etoile, this majestic 50 meters tall monument was built between 1806 and 1836 under the authority of Napoleon. And it wasn’t the last time we would see the Arc…
Let’s jump to July, 14th! This is Bastille Day in France, the national day! The day begins with the Military parade with French and invited troops as well as aircrafts flying above the Arc. Other celebrations are organized like popular balls, concerts and everywhere at night, impressive fireworks are displayed!
Survilliers also had its own! We could attend the firework and celebrate, at the same time, Postcrossing 8th birthday!
The following days were devoted to discover our host’s job. She is an air hostess on long haul flights and she decided to take us travelling with her… how exciting!! Want to find out where we’ve been? Check back in a couple of days for the rest of our travelling adventures! :)
39 comments so far
It's wonderful report!
I feel like they are my old little firends (:
Great story, now I want to go to Paris and see it all for myself!!
woooooooow, such a great story and fantastic pics!!! paris, ma belle!!!!!!!!!!!! btw I had my honeymoon in paris!!! 44 years agooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe!!
Happy Little Mail Carriers ! Bon voyage :-)
I was really happy to take part to this journey with the Mail Carrier. It was a really wonderful day.
For myself, I was so happy to receive the card written by the Little Mail Carriers. :-)
They're so lucky! I want to visit Paris :-D
This is just wonderful. I love the Little Mail Carrier adventures!
Petite Pilot is a wonderful host for our Little Mail Carriers
Merveilleux! I really enjoyed your report
A wonderful journey to Paris....
fancinating!!!i really wanna travel to Paris someday.the pics r really beautiful!赞一个!
C'est magnifque! Ha ha...I look forward to part 2!
Nice to read ! Happy that both the little mail carriers and the host had fun !
These pictures and descriptions just make me want to see Paris even more....
Fantastic report, thanks a lot! The pictures are really great. I'm looking forward to reading more about their adventures. :)
They had a great tour guide!!! What a fun trip!
How exciting!! Delighted to hear the Little Mail Carriers had just as good a time in Paris as they did in Ireland with me recently. How lucky they are to be able to travel like this. I am so looking forward to their next adventure and the next and the next . . . . .
Love it! :)
Fun story! Loved the pictures!
Fantastic story - love to read about their adventures :)
loved everything, particularly the last pic with wishes flag, wowo! great!
great! can't wait for the next adventure of them. :)
Wonderful Pictures and a very interesting story!!!
Thank you for sharing these moments with us! It reminds me of my trip to Paris in 1987...
Love, love, love! J'aime beaucoup! :)
Wonderful trip~
I ever been to France too!
Very nice tour of Paris of our little mail carriers. But they sadly missed a real Paris-highlight for postcrossers: The philatelic counter of Paris postal museum ("L'Adresse Musee de la Poste"), with all the beautiful stamps of France and it's Overseas Territories available there at face value :0) Not to forget the special postmarks for their cards sent ! Well, maybe next time ?
It's so fantastic trip ! I wanna go to Paris near future ^ ^
I was in Paris*
It is a romantic city....
Great promo for Paris! Always nice to read the blog of the Little Mail Carriers. Sometimes there is a lot of time between their travel, but now they already visited USA as well.
I have not been to Paris, except for a underground ride & an 1 hour stopover between two gare's / stations. The photo of the aircrafts above the Arc coloring the sky into the French flag is great, chapeaux!
It was so funny! What a nice day we had!
Wow! Wish to go to Paris! :P
What a wonderful report. It brought back happy memories of my visit to Paris 20 years ago!
PetitPilot you are a lovely host!
Wonderful photos!
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