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Blog > Postcards from Maude

Maude Hart

Over one hundred years ago, in February 1913, Maude Hart and her husband embarked on a journey across the world. Postcards were at the height of their popularity back then, and Maude wrote back to their family often during their 9 month trip, especially to her sister Myrtle (who she calls Toots) and her mother “Mussey”.

Family mementos like postcards and their stories have a way of getting lost when people move or families unite and separate… but somehow, Maude’s postcards survived 100 years until Patricia Eacobacci (Maude’s great grandniece) discovered them in her mother’s things and put the story together. She scanned, deciphered and uploaded every card with a lot of care, and set up a blog to share her Postcards from Maude.

The first time we laid eyes on this collection we were quite speechless. Postcards are often seen as a one-off thing, but Maude’s postcards (as well as her photos and letters) tell the tales of a epic adventure from another era, one that took place over the course of 9 months. The trip, organized by Thomas Cook & Son, started in San Francisco, and went on to Hawaii, Japan, Philippines, China, Singapore, India, Egypt, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Ireland and then back to the US. Here are some snippets:

Postcard from Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan April 5
Hello Toots
We are doing Tokyo – a wonderful City. 3 millions natives living here. Only 50 Americans. Just think of it.
Postcard from Egypt
Port Said, Egypt. May 22.
My Dear Mama, We are now going through the Suez Canal in Egypt. Can only go 4 miles an hour. It is very narrow. Tomorrow we get off & go through Egypt for 14 days. This is a most interesting country. Will take 18 hours to pass through Canal.
Much Love,
Postcard from The Netherlands
Amsterdam, Holland – Sunday night Sept 7.
My Dear Mama.
Hello Mussey dear, how are you? Here is a view of a wooden wind mill. You see hundreds of them here & the people are dressed just like this. We leave here tomorrow. Hope I hear from home when I reach Brussels.
Tons of love,

Towards the end, you can feel Maude’s homesickness and her eagerness to return to her dear family. On October 22nd 1913, she boarded the SS Majestic bound to the United States on the final stretch of her trip, and wrote again on October 31st, delighted to see New York once more.

These postcards (and the story within them) are a real treat. Thank you Patricia, for all the work and research, and for sharing them with the world! You can see all of Maude’s postcards and follow her voyage in the Postcards from Maude blog.

40 comments so far

lagesag, Poland

Incredible collection with a story behind it! I love this beautiful handwriting on the old cards. Today me and my parents were looking at some old journey postcards, too.

Leongziwei, Malaysia

This hand writing very nice

edo, Spain

So interesting!!a

HopeWillGoPlaces, Philippines


klausdiemaus, Germany

I love such old stuff - it tells a lot of history...

jjmedusa, United States of America

What an amazing treasure trove! How different the world is now. Makes me nostalgic & want to see the world that Maude saw.

trofish, Taiwan

Wow! So great!!

jaenelle, United States of America

This is really wonderful! Various members of my family have quite a few postcards that my great-grandmother and her sisters sent to each other and I've been lucky enough to see some of them, though to my knowledge no one has ever put them truly in order. It's a wonderful treasure to have these, isn't it?

DianeM, United States of America

What a great "grand tour"! Thank you, Patricia!

Frohnatur, Germany

Amazing - and it makes one wonder, how much of our conversations will remain in future generations, because I'm not sure whether Facebook messages or What's App, SMS or even e-mails will remain and be saved over a time of 100 years (but then there are so many lost postcards, I suppose it is quite the same)

graugans, Germany

What a treasure! Thanks for sharing this fabulous story. My great-grandparents did not travel the world, but they used to send postcards with family pictures to relatives during the same era (1900-1910).

keldar5, Canada

It's always wonderful to find treasures from the past. I've got a great-aunt who has some postcards from family members in her home. She knows that I have an interest and will search for the treasured postcards.

Jetske, Netherlands

I love this, so beautiful and precious!

H1ldeke, Belgium

What a lovely story !! I enjoy reading it !

Luziaceleste, Brazil

reasons and reasons and reasons to keep sending postcards!

lillydale1, Australia

What an amazing collection of postcards from Maude's travels. There are many beautiful and interesting postcards from that time before the WWI. You are so fortunate to have such history and scenery and culture of that era. A treasure to keep always, thank you for sharing a little of your family tree and history. I have love reading and viewing all the collection.

fisherman, Ireland

I particularly love the old Irish postcards and social history on the blog page

moonlessnite, Canada

So special!

YiliLoh, Malaysia

Thanx for sharing the special story! :) I like it! :)

rosenbusch, Germany

Interesting story! Thank you....

akviinas, Latvia

That's so great - Patricia has done a really great work with taking care of these postcards and sharing them with others. I believe this story will inspire others to do something similar - to send a lot of postcards of their travels or to take care of this kind of documents!

mapa, Belgium

Waw, this is awesome! Love this story!
Thanks a lot for sharing it.

iphoto, Australia

I feel I've been transported back in time and travelled with Maude and her husband :D Have thoroughly enjoyed this story and the postcards ... thanks for sharing with us Patricia! :D

limeIike, Philippines

AMAZING. Amazing enough to make me cry.

Loli-ts, Spain

Speechless too. She must have been an intelligent woman with a great sense of humour.

bornokyo, Philippines

Interesting on how she described Manila's temperature.

riazkhan4880, India

A journey back in time. Memories speak a lot. I am thrilled to read what's written and gives good perspective of people then. The good thing is it has been so wonderfully preserved. Thanks a lot for sharing this wonderful journey and experience.

:) :)

Sunneva12, Norway

good post, I realy enjoyed reading this :-)

Telenn, Netherlands

Really interesting to read! I love the old postcards of Zeeland aswell, nice to see a bit of history from my area this way!

kamikm, United States of America

What a wonderful story!! The postcards are awesome!!
Thanks for sharing...

teesa, Portugal

This is so fantastic ! I'm so grateful when I am aware of this story's of real life.
Thanks for cheering.

ipuenktchen, Germany

oh, what a treasure!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank you for sharing!!
hopefully one day I can open the blog, too!!!
I'm excitedly waiting for!! :-)))

Nnennaya, Nigeria

Lovely heritage of postcards!

MiamMioum, Belgium

An amazing family treasure, thank you for sharing it! You must be so proud of it!

nugget, United States of America

Fabulous story. I'm afraid that no one will be able to read my handwriting if they see one of my postcards in 100 years!

hasgreen122, United States of America

When my best friend took a tour of Europe (oh, many years ago now), she did something similar for me. It really is a special treasure to receive such a gift. Thank you for sharing this with us!

genny2012, United States of America

This is wonderful! I love Maude's writing, frank as it may be at times! What really stands out for me is how she managed to communicate her love for her family in just a handful words...and how similar some of those messages are to what I might write myself, today. Thanks so much for sharing this with all of us!

Rhazlin, Malaysia

Beautiful story indeed;') As if I was there at that time, and love looking at stamps and postmarks too...epic! Thanks for sharing;')

CliffClaven, Luxembourg

I started travelling in 1962 and became a permanent expat in 1970. When sorting through my late parents' belongings, I found all the postcards I had sent to them, hundreds of postcards over the years since 1962.

Jana1, United States of America

This is why I love Postcrossing. I 100 years will all of our postcards be as treasured as Maude's?


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