Jeffrey Brown is a New York Times best-selling cartoonist based in Chicago. He’s written books for all ages, including the Star Wars Adventures book and postcard series that includes Darth Vader and Son, Vader’s Little Princess, and Rey and Pals. So it seemed only natural that we invite him for an interview.
Jeff was kind enough to take time out of his busy schedule to answer some questions from Clarisse (aka CStar9) via email.

- Before we get started, what music should people listen to as they read this interview?
My first thought was the “Imperial March” from Star Wars, but I don’t think this interview will be quite so ominous and intimidating, so maybe I’ll say “Make a Picture” from the latest Andrew Bird album, Inside Problems.
- Your process starts with a lot of brainstorming. For Rey and Pals, you began with almost 200 initial ideas! How do you know you’re ready to move on to step 2?
The ideas stage of any project is a 24/7 kind of thing. I bring my project brainstorming sketchbook with me everywhere and try to constantly be thinking of ideas and observing the world for anything that might click with a project.
I also dedicate a few hours a day just trying to come up with ideas, which includes reading and watching source material for inspiration.
I know I’m done when I really hit a wall, usually when I have a decent number of ideas – enough to see them making the cut for the final project. I give it a few days and if I don’t come up with more, then I’m ready for the next stage.
Of course, more ideas can still come all the way up until the final art is drawn.
- Your work covers a tremendous range of content for all ages, including film. What are some of the elements that define your work across projects? In 5 words or less, what do you hope people take away?
In five words, I hope people take away: feeling and laughing is okay.
I think my work leans toward a slightly expressionist cartooning style. It’s definitely not realistic – I like to draw things that don’t line up quite the way they do in life.
I also always try to have heart and humor, so there’s a warmth, whether it’s autobiographical comics, Star Wars, or middle grade kids’ comics.
- Tell us about your studio. What are some of the inspirational elements there?
I have a plush Catbus from My Neighbor Totoro that is always hanging out somewhere. There are lots of Red Wings hockey cards and pucks, a Star Wars card with an Ewoks cartoon animation cell, some fossils and a Neanderthal stone knife, the Dune pop-up book from 1984 (opened to the sandworm scene, of course), my Eisner awards, a Warhammer 40K Space Marine figure…
But the biggest thing is original art. I have pages from favorite artists like Julie Doucet, Geneviève Castree, Moebius, Dave Cooper – and of course some favorite drawings by my two sons. There’s also a drawing my wife made for me for Father’s Day years ago, of my son Oscar… riding the Catbus.
- Is there an art medium that you’ve never learned but wish you could?
I like pen and paper the most, and I’ve always liked to work small, so I’m pretty satisfied with my process. Which isn’t to say I’m opposed to trying other materials, but I’m not going to force myself to work differently just because I feel like I should. The right idea would need to come along.
I used to think I’d like to make music, but my family can tell you that I cannot sing.
I once spent a couple months starting to learn how to play bass guitar, and that was enough to show me I should stick to drawing.
- What is your relationship to paper broadly, and specifically to postal mail?
I still make all my art with physical materials – pen and paper. I like drawing in sketchbooks, I like the feel of the pen on paper. I use digital sparingly – mostly just for scanning images and maybe correcting minor text mistakes.
I still like getting mail, and I try to write back to everyone who sends me physical mail. Getting mail from kids is the best, because their letters and postcards are like mind collages: beautiful little messes.
- When can we expect your next postcard set?
I’m working on a Mandalorian and Grogu book currently, so, fingers crossed that Disney might want a postcard set for that. We’ll see!
- You’ve wanted to be a comic book artist since you were in preschool. Who have been your main influencers in comic art? How would you say your work differs from theirs?
There have been so many, from Garfield to Mark Alan Stamaty to John Romita, Jr., to Eddie Campbell, Chris Ware, Joann Sfar, Kate Beaton, John Porcellino.
I think my work tends to be a bit more naive than a lot of the work I like, and it may be hard to see the influence.
Maybe it’s more that I draw on the storytelling qualities of the artists more than any superficial stylistic identifier.
- Star Wars was the first movie you ever saw in a cinema, and you’ve remained a big fan of the films. Now you’re also a dad. How do these experiences merge in your Star Wars projects?
Even when I’m working with made-up worlds full of aliens and robots, I always start from a grounded place, something personal and real. Sometimes it’s a specific thing that happened or was said, sometimes it’s capturing the feeling behind what happened. I may write something down right after, but I try to live in the moment and not get ahead of myself thinking about how I might use it later.
But people around me have definitely made comments that I should put something in my books.
One unexpected thing about my Star Wars books was thinking I was writing for adults, only to have kids enjoy them just as much, if not more.
- What’s something you are proud of, outside of your art?
I’m proud of my kids, although I read somewhere that parents aren’t supposed to tell their kids they’re proud of them because it ties their sense of self accomplishment to parent approval or something. But I think they’re both great!
- What’s next for you?
I’m working on a sequel to my middle grade DC superhero book, Batman and Robin and Howard, and also the Star Wars book I mentioned before – The Mandalorian and Child.
After that, I have a ton of projects I’d like to do. I’m most excited to work on my fantasy adventure epic graphic novel, The Fierce Knight.
To learn more about Jeff and his work, check out his website and Instagram page. Jeff has given a number of interviews, where he talks about being a dad, answers questions from a 5 year old, gives tips for up-and-coming artists, talks about the origins of Rey and Pals, or about his comic memoirs (for grown-ups), about screenwriting… or even gives a live art demo! 😍
And now, for the last giveaway of 2023: Clarisse is going to send 4 postcards by Jeff Brown to 4 randomly picked postcrossers! 🎉 To participate, leave a comment below sharing a Star Wars memory or your favorite character. Come back this time next week to check out the winners!
56 comments so far
What lovely interview! I'm doing an internship at a bookstore right now, and I keep being delighted by any of the books, comics, and wonderful Star Wars merchandise I find. And a cool little coincidence: just a few days ago, I happened upon a customer's order of a Vader and Son book. Made my day! :)
What a great interview! I've been a fan of Jeff's work for some time now, and I love the mashup between the fantasy of Star Wars and the reality of life (especially with kids).
Star Wars was the first "real" movie I got to see in the theater (sorry Pete's Dragon!). What a great and thoughtful interview!
Love the interview. A Star Wars moment? Choose only one?....
"May the Force be with you .... & me. I can't choose. 😀)
This was a great interview, and I loved hearing how his ideas are constantly evolving. What a fabulous art line. As far as a Star Wars character? Still love R2D2. :)
I want an Ewok!
I can remember staying up to midnight to see the release of _Episode 1: The Phantom Menace_ in theaters with my college roommates in 1999. We were so excited to have another Star Wars film to see after 14 years of rewatching the old ones.
Although I have never watched Star Wars, I googled the characters and found that Yoda is more likeable, full of strength and wisdom.
What a great interview. My favorite character is R2D2.
I really love Yoda.. I really loved this interview. So talented!
I knew the cat cards. Those are great
The starwasr cards are that nice that even me as a non starwars lover likes them ;)
Back in high school I saw the very first Star Wars movie 5 times and thought that was a bit extreme. Back then I had a huge crush on Luke Skywalker whilst one of my friends saw the movie 22 times and she had a crush on Han Solo. Neither of us understood our other friend whom saw the movie once and said it was 'ok'.
Many thanks for this is a great interview. I found the Rey and Friends postcards some time back and send one when I read in a profile that someone likes Star Wars. Now I'll be looking for the other sets!
Your art is unexpected fun. It is still good to be silly and smile in your heart. Thank you for making the world a better place! I root for the characters who choose to self sacrifice to make the universe a better place for people they do not know. Grogu is funny and my current favorite. May the Force be with You!
I gave my son Darth Vader and Son postcards several years ago. He didn't want to post them but keeps them by his bed and every now and again we look at them and have a giggle. I felt like Super Mum the day his childminder gifted him a Millennium Falcon and he ran to the door to show me and was in awe when I say 'Wow! A Millennium Falcon!' He said, 'Mum, how do you know?' and so, our Star Wars journey began.....not in a galaxy far, far away...but little old Northern Ireland.
Thank you for the giveaway! I am excited to enter, and I was happy to read this interview too. My favorite Star Wars characters are the Ewoks! I just love them so much! They are so cute and they look like cuddly teddy bears. I also have a soft spot for Yoda! I love the way he talks. :)
Glad to know Catbus from My Neighbour Totoro also helps to inspire.....great.
Yoda fighting Count Dooku!
Observations from everyday life, interviews with persons of all ages n cartoons from all other sources help to inspire........n great Star Wars Adventures are born.....inspirational.
Can't wait for those Grogu postcards! 🤞 C-3PO has to be my favorite, I just love his humor!
This interview is great and allows everyone to get to know the creator better.
p.s I like Yoda~
Princess Leia
Saw Star Wars IV my freshman year of high school. A couple weeks ago at FanExpo in San Francisco I met Mark Hamill! My life is complete :)
Saw Jeff this year at SDCC. He was doing cute Thor and Loki art! Such a friendly and gracious guy!
I saw Empire Strikes Back 11 times when it first came out. 🤩
"Hello there" :) Nice story!
Thanks for sharing and "May the Force Be With You" - @CStar9
Greetings & Happy Holidays from a FAN of Star Wars!
"I Am One With the Force; the Force is With Me."
great article. Who didnt love getting a voice changer for christmas and pretending you were darth vader.
Yoda of course, always a wise old man gets my attention, but Hans and Leia were also favs. the best character was perhaps the force.
Lovely interview, I didn't know much about those postcards but saw them online. They are so cute.
Star Wars is epic. I like all the characters. Yet, Chewbacca is a fun one. He is ready and willing to support!
Wonderful interview! I've seen the postcards online and wondered about the artist. Now we all know a bit more!
So cute! I love his art.
All my friends seems to be Star Wars fan, I think Yoda is a great character.
I love Star Wars. Can't wait for the new Bad Batch episodes. One of my favorite characters is Obi Wan Kenobi.
Love these fun cards! My favourite character has always been Leia...the Warrior Princess!
Cool postcards! My favorite character is probably Ashoka, but it's so hard to choose!
Great interview!! Star Wars was also the first film I saw in the theaters while living overseas in Germany. The line to get in the theater was wrapped around the building and through the parking lot. My favorite character has always been C-3PO but I am a closeted fan of the StormTroopers.
His postcards are so fun!! And I like that he still does almost everything with pen and paper. When I was still writing papers I always wrote the first draft by hand and then I would type it up later.
Awesome, i absolutely love Jeff's card and drawings and this vader and son cards are awesome!! Who would have thought fierce dark lord of universe has soft spot for kids and he enjoys playing with them, another side of Vader and star wars, thank you so much for expanding my favourite universe with my favourite hobby of postcrossing 🥰 it's like combo!! And wow, we are getting mando and grogu cards in future, that's so sweet!!
My personal suggestion for Jeff, please do something with ahsoka- vader, and obi wan and vader or luke/leia. That will be great..
Ny favourite character from star wars is Princess Leia and Ahsoka, ahsoka is the best jedi and her life is well documented in clone wars animation if you had watched animation shows:) also, my favourite dark side character is darth maul, his life is filled with so much pain and grief but he rise up and follow his master:)
ps. Thank you so much Clarisse for awesome interview, you're the best, take care 😊
I really like Jeff's work! I once received a card with Luke and Vader!
Now my favorite Star Wars character is Kylo Ren :)
Sooo cool to get to know the author of these funny but meaningful masterpiece - Star Wars Adventures postcards via this interview!!
My favourite SW character is Darth Vader, so powerful to change the world but such a tragic figure.
My favourite SW theme song is “Duel of the Fates” in Episode I, got goosebumps every time I listen to.
My favourite SW memory is the time I spent in cinema or in front of TV watching the Episodes!!
May the Force be with every SW postcrossers. 😎😎
Great interview! We're all huge Star Wars fans in my family. General Leia is my hero. But I think my wirehaired dachshund looks like Chewbacca. Although his name is Mr. Binks, I often call him Little Wookie. So Chewie has to be my favourite!
I love the postcards and opportunity to laugh when seeing the cards. Thanks for blogging about your interview. I love getting to "meet" the artist! My favorite character is Princess Leia, although it should be Luke Skywalker since I got to meet him before the movies were made when I was eleven years old.
My favorite star wars memory is that when I watched episode V (at age 10), I went in genuinely not knowing the twist about Vader being Luke's father, and I refused to believe it. I thought he was lying to trick him. I only believed it once I watched episode VI.
I love the story, thanks. I have been called often Hanaken because it sounds close to Anneke, if you pronounce Anneke well....
I'm in love with Grogu, I can't help it.
Not only do I own these postcards and enjoy sending them to friends and family, I have many of his books in the elementary school library I work at. They are a big kid with the kids.
I watch Star Wars episode IV on TV many, many years after it was released in cinema. I think I was 5 or 6 years old and I remembered I was so immersed in the movie that I didn't move around much at the age when a child can't sit quietly for five minutes. My mom said I was very focus in the movie. It just proved that the movie is very well worth to watch. I like the moment when Darth Vader appeared and strutting with his cool black cloak. It's like a big BOSS is coming to bring an end to the future of the entire world! Ok, I was 5. And I find Luke Skywalker is so handsome. Oh gosh, I have a crush on Luke at 5yo! HA HA HA HA HA ! ! ! XD XD XD
I once swapped postcards with someone. I sent her something. Then she sent me a Star Wars postcard featuring Luke Skywalker, Leia, Hans Solo, and Chewie.
Good luck on your endeavors
Great interview. I love the insight into your work. My favorite character is Leia. She remained true to herself no matter what situation she was in.
My favorite character is yoda. He is wise and powerful Jedi Master, Yoda is a favorite for his sage advice and his unique way of speaking. He's a mentor to Luke Skywalker in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.
Great interview. Thanks Jeff! I liked the Detroit Red Wings plug. One of my favorite Star Wars scenes is when Obi-Wan does his jedi mind trick on the stormtroopers. “These are not the droids you’re looking for.”
My favorite, without a doubt, is Baby Yoda/Grogu. I will become a first-time grandma in February 2024. My grandson's baby Yoda nursery is ready and waiting for him. My second place Star Wars character choice would be Chewbacca. My older granddog, a mini goldendoodle, is aptly named Chewie because of her rusty color.
I like the Robot 🤖 character and Yoda.
Thank you for the great interview with a cool cartoonist. Being a person born in the early 70's, Star Wars was always part of my life. My favourite quote is the one from Anakin in Episode 2:
"I don’t like sand. It’s coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.”
Everybody who visited a beach for more than 2 minutes understands (or even feels) his words ... but imaging future super-villain scratching himself under the black coat. :-)
I got to meet Jeff at a convention right after he first published Darth Vader and Son. He was super nice and even signed my copy of the book!
My favorite Star Wars character is Darth Vader. My wedding band is Darth Vader's lightsaber and I even have an entire leg tattoo of him. The being said, my favorite real life Star Wars experience was being able to meet Carrie Fisher. I somehow managed to scrape enough money up to buy a ticket to meet her and get an autograph. She laughed at my shirt and knighted me right then and there as well. She had something nice to say to every single person in the line.
I love Star Wars. My dog is even named R2! My favorite Star Wars moment is when my mom, my dad, and I all got to go see The Empire Strikes back accompanied by the National Symphony Orchestra at Wolf Trap for my birthday. It was one of my favorite nights ever. I've always loved the stories and personal growth each character goes through.
Binge watching Star Wars is always on the holiday to do list in my house! Love Princess Leia and C-3PO.
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