The writing prompts invite postcrossers to write about a different topic on their postcards’ messages every month. These are just suggestions though — if you already know what you want to write about, or the recipient gives you some pointers, that’s great too!
Board games and card games can be a great way to spend some time with family and friends, and perhaps even get away from screens for a while (though some can be played remotely using software like Tabletop Simulator!). A lot of my fondest memories as a child are of playing Snap tournaments with my grandad—though we started playing Rummy when I was a bit older—and playing board games with my paternal grandmother. I’ve got back into playing this sort of game lately with my wife and my sister, and we’re starting to amass a little collection of games.
When it’s just me and my wife, we usually reach for Virus. It’s a simple and quick game, and we had a long-running tournament running into hundreds of games… until we lost track of who’d won how many times.

When we’re hanging out with my sister as well, we tend to go for Unstable Unicorns. The art on the cards is ridiculously cute, we got all the expansions, and both of them take far too much delight in beating me just as I’m about to fill up my “stable”. We’ve also got Uno when we want something more traditional; I’ve even played a tournament or two of Uno with my wife’s grandparents.
What about you? What card games or board games do you remember from your childhood? What games do your play now? We’d love to hear about that in the comments here, or on your postcards this month, and there’s even a board games topic in the forums!
62 comments so far
My favorite board game is Wingspan. :-)
Oh, that's a nice idea for a little story for everyone! :)
I used to go to large meetings which my friend organised and hosted - and we could play several board games all the night long and went to homes early in the morning only. I can't recall all the titles of the games I tried - one about digging tunnels as dwarfs, another about towers and few other nice games - however, my top favourite is always Arkham Horror, based on motives of books by Lovecraft. It takes hours to finish the game sometimes, but it's never boring and makes players unite against a monster and put everyone's efforts together. I like howpeople team up in this game, no need to compete with anyone.
Lovecraft stories have their impact of course, combining dark fantasy and horror, but all those scary spots and creatures turn the game into a really thrilling adventure.
My go-to game is Triominos. Works for all ages and quick to learn!
very easy : ❤️ Scrabble & Rummikub
Do Jigsaw puzzles count? Besides Ravensburger, I love HEYE , Schmidt , Eeboo , Galison and Gibson.
Cards Against Humanity is always one that gets people laughing!
Risk. (Irish comedians Foil Arms & Hogg have a funny video about it.)
I love games! My current top favourites are:
My favourite card game is euchre.
When I was little I played Monopoly and Cluedo a lot and the one I liked the most was Trivial Pursuit, it was very good, I remember in the summer playing at my uncle's chalet with my cousins and knowing the answers to very difficult questions. Other games that he also played were Parcheesi and Goose.
With my children we play a lot of Uno, a card game, and Sussed? , a question and answer game and the one who knows the most about the other players wins.
I have been to board game days in my city, there are many, for all ages, I love going to these events and seeing how families and friends get together to play.
When a friend of my children comes over we play a board game, young people don't usually play these types of games anymore.
Scrabble is my all time favorite board game. Been playing 65 years.
I play with my best friend of 32 years. We play for hours. I even bring it to restaurants when we get together.
I love board games! ❤ My collection of board games has over 60 pieces (plus extras). UNO, DOS, UNO Flip, Bang, Machi Koro (街コロ), Hive, Catan, Loonacy, Ticket to Ride, Dungeons and Dragons, Cluedo etc.
Days of Wonder : Les aventuriers du rail: Europe, England, France!
Hours of fun!
I love Tickets To Ride :)
Wizard, Smash Up, Everdell and Dixit are my favorites!
Criibbage. It was a rite of passage to learn the game in our family.
My favorite is Munchkin Game
Mahjong!!! UNO is also good.
My kids and I love playing Terraforming Mars here. With all the expansions...except Turnoil. I'm not a fan of that one. But all the others (Venus Next, Prelude, Colonies...great!).
When we takes all day. We have to take breaks to get up and go for a walk! It doesn't need to take that long...but we like it to go on and on 🤣!
Een kaartspel "duizenden" of Rummikub , beverbenden
I love board games,most favourite are
Scrabble, UNO,Monopoly, Life and Chess. 🙂
I did and don't like cardboard games at all. I play Uno, memory and domino with my granddaughters but it is because they want to play. I do everything for them:) So this topic is nothing for me.
Our favorite now is the "Exit the Game" puzzle series - see
I am a fan and collector of board games, +500 games fill my shelves, find a favorite... difficult!
Here is a trio that I like very much:
Ark Nova, Wingspan, Bitoku.
Scrabble, Monopoly, Clue, Trivial Pursuit. The only one I still play is Scrabble.
My favorite board game is Monopoly but it is hard to find people to play with. I like playing any kind of card game also. Twice a month we have game night at my church so I am always there for that.
Milles Borne is always a good time with people who get competitive.
I like UNO and Mahjong.
UNO was played until 2am when I was travelling with friends.
Mahjong is enjoyed by my grandmother, grandchildren and the whole family. My grandmother is very strong!
I like to play with DIXIT
Catan and Ticket to ride Europe are my favorites.
Card games: Rage and SkipBo.
We also have over 60 board games.
Lately my husband and I have been playing a lot of card games: Marrying Mr. Darcy, Monty Python Fluxx, Bears vs. Babies, and Trash Pandas.
My dream is to find a way to combine at least two of them into one surreal mega-game: perhaps Marrying the Knights Who Say Ni, with the MMD Undead expansion to add a zombie factor!
Hi, always love to play games. We did a lot of Risk, memories, de school is uit, ticket to ride, name it and we probable have played it.
The only thing we don t like are number games.
I enjoy a game of Taboo or an old fashioned card game such as crazy 8 or spades.
the whole family plays Bingo with money :))) BINGO !
Uno Cards !
I enjoy playing Hand & Foot card game with my family (two teams of two). I equally enjoy playing “Bunko” on a girls night out. It a dice game moving from table to table 12 players with three tables.Fun, Fun, Fun!
Magic the gathering
A long time we loved to play "Catan", but since "Wingspan" was published that's our new favorite! Hopefully there will be an Africa-expansion soon, too!
I love playing board and card games! I like to host board game nights with friends. My current favorite games are Azul, Carcassone, Coup (with expansion pack) Monopoly Go, cribbage, and Durak (Russian card game).
My fav. card game is UNO & Yu-gi-oh. fav. board game is Risk, Lido & Monopoly
Used to do a nine mile journey to school by train. We'd wake ourselves up playing whist, even dealing a hand on the viaduct in the approach to the terminus, which we would play hastily before the train halted. By contrast, also enjoyed patience. Playing cards - the most portable joy, unless one gambles for profit/money.
Cribbage, definitely Cribbage for card games. Mahjong would be next. I play every Monday night with my girlfriends. Its fast, clever and keeps my brain working.
Oh, the joys of board and card games!!!
There is a French card game called belote I used to play with my grandparents. It is a game of suits with the Jack and the Nine being the most powerful cards in the trump suit. You play in pairs, two against two. A delight!
I used to play monopoly a lot with my brother and cousins. And then came Catan, introduced to my brother by Venezuelan friends. Catan is like monopoly on steroids. Once you have played it, you ain't going back to monopoly. 🤣😂
My brother's Colombian friends introduced him, and he me, to Liar's dice. Check out the liar's dice scene in Pirates of the Caribbean on YouTube. This game is so addictive. Believe me, the shaking of the dice in the cup will have anyone hooked and salivating when you hear that sound...
Rumny and Mahjong are awesome too.
Finally, the Werewolves of Miller's Hollow, is an excellent game to bring several generations together. You can play with up to 18 or 28. The wolves have to eliminate all the villagers and vice versa. A fascinating game that brings everyone together. Nobody will check their phones during this game it is so good!
Winspan, ticket to ride and rummikub🩷
Ticket to Ride, Splendor, Love Letter, Cascadia, Pandemic, Carcassonne, Citadel (Machiavelli), Raiders of the North Sea, King of Tokyo, Letters from Whitechapel, Blood on the clocktower...
I love board games and always pester my family to play them with me (even though I rarely win any!). I love Clue because we played it a lot in my house when I was a kid. Now I like Catan, Munchkin, or some of the 'Pyramids' games by Looney Labs. With young kids - The Cats Pajamas is great, and Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza!
Thanks everyone for sharing - lots I want to try!
My daughter and I enjoy Kings Corner very much.
I love board and card games !!!!
My favourites board games are: Civilization, Munchkin,Dixit and Kaleidos
I want to play D&D!!!!!
My favourite cart games are: Tichou, uno and Face10!!!!!!!
my collection includes around 30,000 board games. And I can't name a favorite game. That depends on the group and the mood :) But at the moment "So Kleever" really inspires enthusiasm in almost all groups.
My favorite board game is Mensch argere Dich nicht (man don't fret or get aggravated). It was a game my grandmother played in Germany, and she brought it with her to America. My sister, cousins, and I grew up playing the game, and my grandmother had one sent for me from Germany. My sons and I played the game when they were little. I am currently making a large round version of the game to play when we are camping.
I'm surprised no one seems to have mentioned Sushi Go yet — it's pretty neat!
I'm always kinda jealous about people who love to play board games. It is not my thing, fortunately.
Five Tribes, Seven Wonders, Wingspan, Saint Petersburg, Carcassonne, The Crew, Tichu, Hanabi, Red Cathedral, Bunny Kingdom, Ticket To Ride, Patchwork, Friday, Just One, Marrakech, Stone Age, Canvas, Love Letter, Can't Stop, Forest Shuffle, Backgammon, Alhambra, Thurn and Taxis, Incan Gold, Red 7, On Tour
Love playing Unstable Unicorns with my sister and her family, and our friends! It's always a sure bet that the unlikeliest of allies forms against others and the betrayals are real! LOL Rummy is one of go to's but poker is where the action is at! Family poker gets intense and the money gets crazy. Cards Against Humanity and Cribbage are close seconds for as far as favorites go. For some reason, feelings are always hurt playing Uno and Monopoly so we only play those when one of us is in the mood to create havoc! Ha! Good times.
I play a lot of board games with my daughters, now all grown up. We used to play a lot when they were kids and we still enjoy it. I like Ticket to Ride (Europe and London versions), 7 Wonders (I always suck in building armies), Catan, Scrabble, Touche and Alias (a word explaining game). Wingspan is great, too. Last Christmas one of my daughters got Dinner in Paris and it's nice, too.
I love card games and board games! With my husband i play Scrabble and Räuberrommé (this is like Rummikub but with cards). And i love Thudgame – a game invented by Terry Pratchett, but it is difficult to find other players ... For me it is not important to win a game. I only love to play :-)
I love games in general. Growing up we had game night at my uncle's house. He was so very competitive and if you were going to be on his team you had better bring your A game. It was worse when his daughter visited from Maryland. We played Scattegories, Taboo, Skipbo, Yahtzhee, Mancala and Chinese checkers. My parents played Backgammon. My youth pastor taught me to play spades, but he was a midwesterner and his version differed greatly from my family's version so I no longer remember how to play. My niece and I play a lot of UNO and Sequence. We also play Monopoly Cheater's Edition which is so much fun. I love Scrabble, all logic puzzle games and Suduko and Kukuro. I'm learning Chess with my oldest nephew. I'm amazed at the number of games I've never heard of in these comments. Thank you everyone for sharing.
I love Sen, a card game we bought in Poland. It’s beautifully illustrated. And monopoly I loved to play in hospital.
I love board and card games !!!!
My favourites board games are:Cluedo,Emojito, Munchkin,Dixit and Catan!!!!
I like Uno and Face10!!!!!!!
I also like Backgammon !
I love board games
My gavourite are :
Face 10
The king of tokio
and more..........................
I love piay the board games with my family and my best friend!!!!!!!!!!
i love play those games in the winter , when it shnowing outside
near the fireplace !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or with my best friend every time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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