Remember the Sister Cities of Düsseldorf call for postcards we did a few months ago? The day of Düsseldorf, Haifa, Chemnitz and Reading’s jubilee finally arrived last weekend, and with it the opening of the fantastic exhibition created with all your postcards!
Sonja (aka Sonne89) from the Mayor’s office reported that it was a perfect sunny day when Düsseldorf’s mayor and delegations from the other sister cities opened the exhibition, and the atmosphere was happy, with lots of enthusiastic visitors. She sent us some nice pictures that their intern Claire took, so that we could share them with you! Without further ado…


In total, they received almost 500 postcards from 79 different countries, all with messages of joy and celebration. They even took a few quotes from the postcards and printed them on the walls, with the postcards hanging from the ceiling!

Doesn’t that look amazing? All those postcards within easy reach, the quotes, the wall of postcards they built… they even set up a little mailbox, so that visitors could send a postcard on the opening weekend, and over 60 people took the opportunity to write to their beloved ones! :)
I confess I’m getting a little teary eyed looking at all these photos… Isn’t this amazing? We brought a world of kind wishes to Düsseldorf! 😊 And if you’d like to experience it yourself, there’s still time to see it: the Sister Cities exhibition will be shown on Café Europa (Marktplatz 6A) for the next 3 weeks. If you’re in the area, don’t miss it!
Our huge thank you to Sonja, Claire and Vera of Düsseldorf’s Mayor’s office for this wonderful experience. On top of putting all of it together, they’ve generously written over 100 postcards back to postcrossers who included their email addresses on the postcards. Thank you! ❤️

All photos by Claire Brantley
36 comments so far
Hi everyone in Dusseldorf, great job! Love the article and everything you did!
Wonderful idea - living only 30 min. away I'll visit the exhibition next time.
Love this! It looks excellent. I think I can see the postcard I sent!
I see my postcard up on the first picture you posted AND I got a postcard from them thanking me for sending it!
Wonderful and magical. I wish I'd thought of giving my address when I sent a card. I'd love to be able to see the exhibition for real but reading about it and seeing the lovely photos is the next best thing. Well done to all concerned.
First there was a postcard from my (neighbour)-hometown to the Duesseldorf SisterCities Jubilee. Then I went to the event (30th of June), admired "our" postcards from all over the world and took some postcard-motives that I sent to postcrosser in USA, Netherlands & Germany. I love events like this one.
This is fantastic!
I can't believe my eyes! The walls full of postcards are amazing!
Congrats Dusseldorf! :)
It's amazing! I happily sent cards for exhibition! And even see your card in the photo!!!! Hurray! Thank you postcrossing for the great ideas that he gives to all postcrossers.
Well done that made such a holiday. Postcrosser generally fun and interesting people.
So cool, thanks for the update! :D
this just looks great! I wish I could see the exhibition for real, but it will take more than 5 weeks for me to go visiting my hometown Düsseldorf again.
...But I found my card - or a card with the same design :)
A good work !! Congratulations to Sonja, Claire and Vera from Düsseldorf !!
This looks fantastic! Good job to all the volunteers. Wish I had been there.
So creative! What an amazing display of art and culture! Thank You!
I missed the opening because there was an official Postcrossing Meetup in Cologne on the same day, but I plan to go see the exhibition tomorrow!
Looks wonderful , Gratuliere !!!
Amazing well done Düsseldorf congratulation from South Tyrol.
Fabulous! I can see (what i believe is) the corner of the backside of my postcard. And a quote from my card is on the wall as well. I wish i could see this exhibit and read all the cards. Thanks for letting me participate. :)
Simply Stunning!!!! Gorgeous!!!
That would have been lovely to see in person!
That's wonderful when we see how the projects are being finally presented. Congrats ladies for allowing us to join your exhibition both sending postcards and now watching results!
I saw my postcard 😍, can’t wait to go there in person!
Beautiful event!!!
How beautiful! I mailed a postcard but did not spotted it among the many there. Wish I could go see it.
Hurray! So glad to see all the postcards and the joyful exhibition! I just received the nicest “Danke” postcard from Claire, et al. I’m grateful to be able to participate in this wonderful project.
Yes congratulations to Dusseldorf and their Sister Cities exhibition. I was also lucky to receive a lovely Danke card from all of the team, including the fact that my postcard that I had sent from Christchurch, New Zealand had travelled the longest distance.
Well done to everybody, including Sonja who wrote my card.
Congrats for the exhibition! I could see my postcard in the photos, but hope it arrived anyway :)
Hello Düsseldorf, I wish I could visiti this exhibition. Congratulations!.I have already received such a thank-you card - so thank you very much for it, I was so happy to receive one. And I can see my postcard on their homepage.:)
So happy I was able to send a postcard to be included for this exhibition!! Looks like it was really great! Congrats!!
I also sent a postcard to this exhibition and was thrilled to get a postcard back from Sonja. Great idea, lovely people! Thank you so very much!
What a joy to have participated in your event and to have received a forever-cherished postcard back. My heart is full and I thank you so much.
I also received my postcard from Sonja! Thank you so much, love your card and love that I had participate too. Happy of your success. :D
WOW Wie Schön!!!
Amazing walls <3 Glückwünsche!
Thank you, DANKE for the postcard!
So "Live close feel free!"
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