Some time ago, we stumbled on katilemur's profile and were intrigued by a request which read “draw, please, the Dachshund – is a short-legged, long-bodied dog. It’s easy for drawing, really!”.
We wondered… did she receive a lot of drawn dachshunds on her postcards? Turns out… yes, she did!

From the top-left corner (with permission), drawings by zheka-french, Anja71, flooranna, Lord5005, cami21901, katkarapusalaatti, Bookorama, Ella_Grape and julykachanova.
A lot of drawers seem a bit reserved about their drawing skills, but they still gave it a go! How cool is that? :D
We were curious so we asked Ekaterina… why dachshunds?
“Once I wanted to get something more interesting than just ”greetings from… happy postcrossing". I thought how to encourage people to do little more than they used to. And I’ve decide the simple drawing is what I need. So remained only to choose a theme. It had to be something simple, have the typical features and everyone should know it and the result must be funny… I guess it’s very easy to draw the dachshund for anyone, even if you don’t know how to draw: long body with short legs! I’ve got the dachshund and I like this breed. So my choice was predetermined =)"

Drawing by BenjaminYuxin.
Great work, everyone! :) You can see more lovely dachshunds on katilemur's collection here.
40 comments so far
Love it!It makes the cards interesting to have the extra personalisation with the drawing!
How funny! I hope I'll have to send her a postcard one day :)
that is just so awesome!
This is adorable. I hope to get to send her a postcard.
How cool is that?! I love how creative people are, even if its not a complex drawing, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts! I also love how people have drawn it in pencil first before using means they've really made an effort.
In my turn I ask senders to draw a whale on the card and receive very nice pictures from time to time) What the interesting thing, the artists often forget about whale's fins (:
Hahaha, it's cool!
I have received PC's with handrawn dachshunds...they are my FAVORITE. I have two fur-babies that are of course dachshunds - we rescued them from backyard breeders. We love them !!
I ask the same to my senders , but i ask them to draw me a dinosaur instead
What a cool idea! I love the huge loving community we have on Postcrossing! Gives you hope that the whole world really can have peace if we all try a bit.
I love this! Great idea
Love it! :-D
Its funny because I also have one daschund :-D
Amazing! I have to try it out :P
Great idea, recently I've had an request for an autumn tree and a house, it makes it more fun:)
I recently got the address of someone who requested drawings of cats, so I sent a postcard of a drawing I did of my cat sleeping next to me as I wrote out her card. She was delighted! I love requests like that. So much more fun and personal than the typical tourist card.
What a great idea - especially if someone don't know what to write on a postcard ... so just draw something !! I love it :-)
Lovely idea!
What a charming idea! Thanks for featuring this story.
O-ho-ho, I remembered you wrote about this Dachshund's request in LJ comments some time ago!
Great collection :)
A funny idea....
I wrote to someone lately who requested Postcrossers to draw a giraffe on the card. That was fun, though maybe I am the most untalented giraffe-painter in the whole wide world...
Drawing is a talent I wish I had. User BenjaminYuxin's drawing is great!
great idea to make drawing on it, so i do too and i like them at all¡¡¡
I'd love to get a request for a drawing! Hopefully one day I will :)
such a great idea!!
A wonderfull idea
I've also received amazing drawings in my cards. :D Thanks for sharing this amazing story!!!! :)
That's a fantastic idea!
And dachshunds are the best :)
This is really cool!
I especially like the hot dog dachshund!
nice i also have daschund dog name MOCCA, hes always be my naughty baby with those pity eyes. i also collect daschund dog postcard.cuddle cuddle..nice idea then!
I too love daschunds and used to have one as a pet when i was a child. This is one collection i must see someday.
What a fun idea! Thanks for sharing!
Wonderful pictures. Dachshunds are so beautiful and cute dogs. And a great idea.
If I ever draw your profile Ekaterina, I'll draw a Dachshund for you, too. :D
awesome idea
I'd play...
I sign my card with a little kitty blowing kisses. I wonder how they would look all together :)
I love Dachshunds. And I´m impressed how great the drawers did their job. It´s so cute and so creative. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Awesome idea!
Love this idea!
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