Postcrossing Blog

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Blog > The Postcrossing Book Club at Reuver's Library


Today we have another great story of members using Postcrossing in an unusual way – with inspiring results!

The librarians, employees and volunteers of De Bibliotheek Reuver (The Library of Reuver), in the Netherlands, started a Postcrossing-inspired book club! Here’s how it works: they’ve asked every postcrosser that sent them a card to name the title(s) of their favourite book(s). When they receive the card, they search the suggested books and put in a special bookshelf, on top of which the received postcards are also displayed.

They’ve also set up a large map on the wall, where they put a copy of the postcards received, and a small profile of the sender. The postcards are connected to the countries by strings, to help children find out where they are! It looks great!

De Bibliotheek Reuver's Postcrossing wall De Bibliotheek Reuver's Postcrossing wall

As visitors of the library walk by, they’re free to choose a book from this shelf and read it, effectively picking up reading tips from all over the world! :)

Ellis (aka TheBusyLibrarian) tells us “Our readers like the book club as it gives them new or at least unexpected titles. They also like the idea that somebody took the time to name their favorite and recommend a really good/interesting book. (..) Old and new titles appear on these favorite lists. Most we have in our collection.”

De Bibliotheek Reuver's Postcrossing wall

The Reuver’s Library Postcrossing book club has recently been featured on the De Limburger newspaper – you can read the article (in Dutch) here. They’re also planning to organise a meetup soon, to introduce visitors to Postcrossing, and help them get started. If you’re the area, and would like to help or just get together with other postcrossers, get in touch with TheBusyLibrarian for more details.

Well done Ellis, and everyone at the the Reuver’s Library team! Big thumbs up for this initiative! :)

49 comments so far

rosenbusch, Germany

An interesting project. Thank you for sharing this information....

DorotheeB, Germany

Isn't it amazing with what ideas Postcrossers are coming up? I enjoyed reading the article and and looking at the photos. Great idea, thank you for sharing this with us!!!

Tesske, Netherlands

Great ! I live near by Reuver. Me and my daughter are Postcrossers since a few month. I will surely visit this library ! Very creative! :D

Andreahexe, Germany

It's just great !!! I think that such project will connect postcrossers AND people who likes reading books ... wonderful :-)

Biepmiep, Netherlands

What a great idea!
As a Dutch librarian and an addicted postcrosser I wonder why I didn't think of it myself. It is a perfect combination of my two passions of reading and postcrossing.
Too bad Reuver is a long way from where I live.

paenq, Finland

Awesome! I can see my card on the wall!! The whole idea was brilliant; I felt privileged to receive this particular address & join their project. Good luck my friends in Reuver! :o)

Bestgirl, Austria


leugim, United Kingdom

awesome! :D

Geminiscp, Portugal

"like"! :D What an awesome idea! And nice pictures too. :)

hevans, United Kingdom

I love this! Great idea!

riledup, United States of America

Oh this is awesome!!! I love it!

GoCindy, United States of America

This is a wonderful idea!! I want to go there now!

crossingoceans, Germany

I have a list for myself since I started with postcrossing, I have received more than 200 book recommendations until today and read several books!!

mrssmith, United States of America

This is a fantastic idea! I love it! :)

carolreader, United States of America

I love this too!!

Antosie, United States of America

This is a great idea/ I love to read about different places and would be so interesting.

YITICH, Taiwan

Is really great idea!
Hope one day I can on it : )
And see there too~

Ring-Woo, China

Awesome idea! Enjoy all the wonderful ideas Postcrossers come up with! Thank you for sharing this with us!

YiliLoh, Malaysia

Thanx for sharing!!! :)

TheBusyLibrarian, Netherlands

Thank you to everyone who is so kind as to leave such uplifting and stimulating comments. You make our day! If you would like to make a contribution to our Bookclub than send us a card with the titles of your favorite book(s). Send us a mail requesting our adres through the Postcrossing message-service on our profile "The Busy Librarian". Thanks to all who have contributed already, without your help we could not have started our Postcrossing Bookclub. Have a wonderful day!
The Busy Librarian, Ellis

Pebbles84, Netherlands

Wow! This is only a 20-minute drive from where I live, I should really go have a look :D Sounds like a great project!

NanaMuffinLady, Germany

this is so awesome!

Monika49, Austria

What a wonderful combination! Writing and reading are so similar..
Best wishes for your work!

rosna, Belarus

Well done, a great idea and realization!

harpseal, Norway

How nice !
I have known for a long time that Dutch librarians are something else :-)

Gemini17, Netherlands

Wat een goed idee! Wat is jullie Postcrosnaam? Ik zou graag jullie profiel lezen...., groetjes van een postcrosser en bieb-boeken-lezer uit Waalwijk. Ik lees nu alle boeken van Charlotte Link....

LaGelatina, United States of America

As a trained librarian (and avid postcrosser, of course), I'm so inspired by your efforts. Well done!

hobartally, Australia

Awesome idea...and brilliantly it!!!

Ni-Hao, Taiwan

really nice idea !

TwoBigOneLittle, Netherlands

so cool !!!!!!!!!

tinkx, United Kingdom

What an amazing idea! Our class would love to recommend a book! (they are all 6 and 7 years old!) Thanks for sharing this with us xxx

Ssabalongo, Uganda

Awesome !

pefawm, Norway

Is het nog steeds mogelijk om een kaart te sturen. Kan een kaart uit Noorwegen aanbieden met noorse schrijvers als tip.

TheBusyLibrarian, Netherlands

Feel free to make a contribution to our Postcrossing Wall and Postcrossing Bookclub. If you like you can send us a card with the titles of your favorite book(s). Your card will be add to the Postcrossing Wall and your book(s) to the Booklist. If we have a dutch translation we will put it on display. We can't wait to see your cards and we are extremely curious for your favorite books. Many, many thanks to everybody!

Have a wonderful day!
The Busy Librarian, Ellis

De Bibliotheek Reuver /The Busy Librarian
C/O Ellis van Megen
Postbus 4614
5953 ZG Reuver

ankehelene, Germany


squino, Italy

What a great idea! I like this project: I wish I could have this wall at home. I send you my best wishes for your activities at the Library.

islander61, Bahamas

I can see my country's flag on the top row of the map poster. I'm going to send a postcard! :)

Frogglin, Australia

Oh I would have loved to do this in my Library days - how wonderful! Popping a card in the post :)

nugget, United States of America

Fabulous idea! Thanks for sharing with us.

Ninja_Neko, Belgium

Very nicely done, it looks really great!

linku, Germany

I think you have already reached your aim, great job!!!!

sabescan, Malaysia

It is a very interesting way to share the enjoyment of postcrossing

mashruf, Bangladesh

very nice idea! i just asked my little sister to have a look and we both are delighted. Also contacted the busy librarian which wasn't necessary. Already they have the address here. Will get a postcard from Bangladesh soon :)

Heineken, Netherlands

Really a great initiative! :)

lucymonty, United Kingdom

Brilliant idea! I'd like to be part of that book club :-D

alejka, United Kingdom

The display is really beautiful and it is a great work to encourage both adults and children to read books in such a creative way.

annabanna, United States of America

What a great idea!

LacrimadiLuna, Italy

this is really lovely!

limoda, Italy

it's a very interesting project ; I'll send you a card from Turin


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