Postcrossing Blog

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Blog > Inge Löök's old ladies


Inge Löök (real name Ingeborg Lievonen) is a Finnish artist born in Helsinki in 1951. She was once a professional gardener, but today she is most famous for her Granny postcards which so many postcrossers love and collect.


When she was a child, Inge lived with her family in a 7-storey building in Helsinki. In the same building lived two older women, Alli and Fifi, who later became the inspiration for the characters in her postcards. She says the women look nearly the same as their real-life models… but they have a lot more fun!

FI-986282 FI-993426

Inge’s look on life is one of optimism and happiness, and it shows on the pictures she draws. The grannies are always happy and having fun, and their motto is “Time is not money and spending it isn’t a sin”.

She has drawn over 300 postcards on different topics, and has also illustrated several stamps and children’s books. Today she lives in Pernå, a village east of Helsinki.

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41 comments so far

DivotedDiva, Finland

I really like these two ladies, Alli and Fifi. They are having so much fun..., and really enjoying life. :) So thank you Inge for all these great postcards. And it's always a pleisure to send them out to postcrossers who collect them!

ned44440, Ireland

I love these postcards and I so look forward to the day when I receive my first one (and of course my second, third, fourth . . . . . . .)

zhan, China

I like these popular postcards--colorful,beautiful,& interesting!and I have always dreamed of receiving these one day:)

Zmrzlina, United States of America

I have amassed a lovely collection of Inge Löök's Granny postcards over the years and when I'm blue, I pull them out to remind me that life is fun and we should kick up our heels and enjoy it.

pefawm, Norway

I love these old ladies. I just got another card this week from someone.

islander61, Bahamas

Nice to read the story behind these lovely, spirited cards. Hope to receive one one day.

San-san, Germany

I just love the motto. Sooo true. Happy weekend everyone.

Blogger, United States of America

I LOVE Inge Look postcards! Thanks to someone special on this site, I now have several that are autographed by her too :)

Here is some more information that Kilona helped me with for my postcard blog ...

marlepowe, United States of America

I love these grannies too. I have received only one so far, but am looking forward to a second. I appropriately received the one where they are looking at the mail coming thru the door slot, like they were looking for postcards from postcrosing.

Blogger, United States of America

@ Marlepowe: I wish these messages had a 'LIKE' button, I would click it for your comment :D

phuleshouse, Canada

I love these ladies and wish to be feisty and have a love for life when I reach they age. Thank-you for Inge for sharing with us you are never to old.

ipie, Netherlands

I love the two old ladies and hope to become just like them when I'm old....

janemm, New Zealand

Like everyone else on here, I love the spirit of fun and lives well lived that come from these cards. They are such a gift to the world and a good reminder that simple pleasures can be very enriching. I have 3 so far...thanks to generous people on postcrossing.

adriennegarry, New Zealand

I love them too - I keep collecting them and always want more! The ladies remind me of my two sisters - aged 88 and 81 who are very like these two!!

everdina, Netherlands

All the cards from the two ladys are Great, i collect them and they make me smile everytime i recieve one in the mailbox.

MarcusL, Australia

I have only belonged to Postcrossing for 4 weeks and I am still waiting to receive my first official Postcrossing postcard. I have already fallen in love with the grannies and other images by Inge Löök. I hope I receive some of her postcards soon.

cathlud, Australia

The above message from MarcusL was actually written by me (his mother). I did not realise that I was logged into his account instead of my own. Marcus has one Inge Löök postcard after 18 months on Postcrossing and I am still waiting to recieve my first one.

Hotaru, Norway

Wonderful postcards and amazing artist!!! I got one of her postcard and I'm totally in love with her style!! ^^

bertiebo, Netherlands

Inge and her granny's are just great!!!!

elos, Netherlands

Someone must be the first: Sorry, I don't like these postcards.
They are too childish to me. When you see one, you think: "well that's original!". Seeing the second one you think:" Oh, another one". Seeing the whole series, you just think: " Oh, it's (nothing more than) a (commercial) trick".

moonlessnite, Canada

Thank you for clarifying the theme...i like that motto: "Time is not money and spending it is not a sin"...
I wasnt aware of this artists unit i joined postcrossing, and a FINNISH member maile dme one....the one of the woemen walking with the noredic poles. I think i may start collecting them...though there are none around here for sale.

sebastiaandespin, Canada

Does anyone know of a website where you can order postcards (or perhaps a calendar) of these delightful Grannies [Sorry, Elos! :-)]? I've tried to "Google", but haven't had much luck because of the language barrier...

ipuenktchen, Iran

hi, great theme - the grannies alli * fifi - I like them up from this moment when I saw the first card!!! and much more when I got my first card!! and imagine, I met her in person, when I took part in HML-PCmeetup at postcard-exhibition in sept 2009 and I got her autograph, too.
step by step I reach the age of them.. and hope to be like them one day..........
thx for the infos!!

doug94550, United States of America

Inge Look Rocks !!!

Geminiscp, Portugal

I have 2 cards and love them! :D

dollart, Finland

i have also met Inge Löök in Hämeenlinna postcard exhibition and in also in Turku postcard event. She is also really nice in person. I have her cards signed and ad cards of her picture from Hämeenlinna postcard exhibition.

Nightowl, Finland

To sebastiaandespin: you can try ordering these cards from It is a very nice online shop selling all kinds of postcards, also Grannies. :)

dinny_rst, Indonesia

I am a newbie and hoping to receive some of these sometime.

Thanks Nightowl for the link.
I envy Finnish postcrossers who have a huge range of postcards to choose from. Unlike here in Indonesia :(

Startinka, Russia

these postcards can always make me smile! i've already have 7 of them and i still want more and nore :D

BOOGIE_PIPPIN, United Kingdom

Where is the best place to buy Inge Look postcards? I've only seen pictures on my computer but am already a big fan and would love to have some, some to keep and some to send to postcrossers.



Saffron55, Canada

I love these cards!

speedbird_059, South Africa

Hi There

I too adore the old girls. Like Boogie_Pippin I would love to know where one can buy these cards?


denarose, Australia

They are gorgeous...would be nice to receive one someday!!~~

dorsz, France

I got 6 of Inge Look postcards thanks to fellow Finnish postcrossers (thank you again!) and they are hung on my bedroom wall :)

Flocke2010, Germany

Those cards are lovely - would love to receive them :)

tupaismum, Australia

I love these cards too - reinforces that we need to enjoy life and get out there despite our age. Just looking at them makes me smile :-)

vincent-, France

I like this card I receveid one :

Trekkie_Gal, United States of America

My 11th received card back in 2007 was one of Inge Löök's cards. I had no idea that there were so many!

kojanarr, Estonia

I like these two ladies - Alli and Fifi!
I love Inge Löök postcards!
Thanks, Inge ;))!

kojanarr, Estonia

Pärnus on villa Artises 28.augustini Inge Lööki postkaardi näitus! Alli ja Fifi on võrratud! suured tänud autorile!
See kosutab hinge!

m4ars, Ukraine

they are great. like these two grannies... hope someday i recieve one of their card... :)))


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