Postcrossing Blog

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Blog > Postcrossing Spotlight: Hexentrio from Germany


Simone (or Hexentrio) is a 42 years old mother from Germany. Postcrossing has collaborated with her in the past with the organization of the LupusCrossing – Butterflies are crossing the World event. Read more to know more about her.

How did you come across Postcrossing? What got you hooked?

My best friend told me about this lovely idea to send and receive postcards from all over the world. She got hooked herself by a German friend living in Long Beach, CA.

It took me some time to sign up, as I regularly forgot the name of the website… Was it *mailcross*, *crosspost* or *cardscross*? Finally, on my birthday she wrote the right name down. Two days later I signed up and here I am *gg*.

I’ve ever been collecting cards from everywhere, but rather spontaneously. Once having discovered Postcrossing, I keep on being amazed day after day… I love the cards I receive, the intimacy on Postcrossing and all these amazing people I’ve met. They all are so caring about making other people happy, often without knowing them in real – Postcrossing is pure affection, family and home.

Do you have any other interesting hobbies?

Besides of being mom of two girls (6 and 9 yrs) who keep me on my toes, I spend most of my spare time for working voluntarily for lupus patients. I was diagnosed with lupus 22 years ago. Since then, I try my best to help other patients here in my region, as board member to the German Lupus Association, patients’ representative to the Lupus Foundation Germany and as advisor to the European umbrella organisation.

Maybe you do remember the great initiative the German Lupus group had with Postcrossing for World Lupus Day 2009? Have a look at this and this links to learn more. This had been a very touching common project – thank you, Paulo and all postcrosses who sent a butterfly card.

I spend the few remaining minutes of my spare time with reading, photography, meeting friends and going to the movies.

Show us your mailbox, your mailman/mailwoman, your postoffice or the place where you post or keep your postcards!

My mailbox:

hexentrio mailbox
(Do you see my broom?)

My postcards to send:

hexentrio postcards to send

Once I scan the postcards I receive, I put them in albums where I can store them easily:

hexentrio albums
Have you been surprised by any place that you have received a postcard from or sent a postcard to?

I haven’t realised how beautiful, breathtaking and awe-inspiring the world is until I’ve started Postcrossing. I even have overcome my fear of flying (at least almost ;-) ) because I want to see all these amazing places in real.

Show and tell us about your favorite received postcard to date, and what makes it special.

Each postcard is precious to me, is a gift – so it’s impossible to decide, but I want to show you two unique cards.

These little peace-keepers touch my heart. Every state leader should have this card on their desk.

The biggest card I’ve ever received: 30 × 21 cm – amazing!

33 comments so far

dollart, Finland

Great interview. I hope to meet you one day in person. I love the way you have organised your cards :)

Jodie05, Australia

Hello Simone! Great to meet you!

I love the postcard you shared of the two young boys. It is so moving and heart-touching. Thank you!

FemkeDorien, Netherlands

cool butterfly postcard

kugusch, Germany

Hallo Simi!
Schoen, ueber Dich zu lesen und Dich zu sehen! Wenn Du grosse Karten magst, melde Dich bei mir fuer eine in A4!

The peace keepers card is just gorgeous, I think EVRERYONE (not just politicians) should have this image around to remind them of how things *should* be....

Ninocas, Portugal

Hi witchie :)

I love the way you have your cards. Some I sent are there too :D

Big hugs from Portugal

ipuenktchen, Iran

oh, was sehen meine mueden augen hier??? hexi als spotlight!!!?!?! great to find you as a spotlight, too!! to see *old friends* here, shows that postcrossing is a large family, isn't it??? and so we take care of each other and like to send what they like!! it's very simple - ey, could life be the same!!!

michigirl, Germany

Hallo Simi!
Schön das es dich gibt;)
Viele Grüsse

volvomom, United States of America

It's so great to see you here, Simone! :)

lucymonty, United Kingdom

I love the very organised 'cards to send'! The LupusCrossing is a lovely idea- maybe you could do that again? I'd love to take part :-)

nowaglas, United States of America

It's wonderful to see you in the spotlight! I enjoy our conversations and trades. You are a great person and postcrosser!

Indoraptor, Germany

Daumen hoch meine Liebe :D

rawtil4, Germany

Tolle Idee mit den Schmetterlingskarten! :) Und toll, wie viele Karten du zum versenden hast!

Nice greets from Germany :D

Dees, Netherlands

Great to see you in the spotlight, I was a while ago also, doesnt it make you feel special ?!!! :)
Enjoy the energy! Hugs

Lisajane51, United States of America

I love the idea of putting the postcards in photo albums. Thanks. I know now what I can do with all mine. Right now I put them on a bulletin board in my bedroom and on the bulletin board in my home office. I love postcrossings and have met some nice people through this project. A great blog post. Cheers!

danikbates, United Kingdom

Great Blog. Loved it. Happy Postcrossing

scrutiny, Hong Kong

Simone! Great to read this spotlight on you and learn more about you. I love your commitment to volunteering. Hugs! :)

elbe, Germany

*winkewink* :)

Mausbaer47, Germany

Super Bericht! Ich hoffe dich bald mal wieder persönlich zu sehen. Alles Liebe & Gute!

dogma7911, Germany

Yeah - Glückwunsch meine Liebe :)

Misslondon, France

Nice to meet you!Love the peace-keepers card!

Mama-Bear, United States of America

Great profile and cards! Thank you!

isagv, Germany

Hi dear Hex!
Great interview! I like the peace keepers card also very much. :)
I keep my cards to send simular like you. ;) (Also way to many. ;))
Hugs from GV!

FloridaGirl, United States of America

Hello Simone, I haven't had the pleasuer of meeting you before but I enjoyed your interview and pictures. Maybe will meet on the forum some time. Best Wishes, Yvonne

mdam22, Australia

Great to meet you through this interview and photos Simone. Lovely to see the Seven Apostles of Victoria shown in one shot! And how wonderful that you are supporting others - so beaut!!

barbizon, Netherlands

hello Simone,

nice to see you in the spotlight ;-)
What a great card with the little peacekeepers, it touched my heart.

And all that cards that you have.....

fisherman, Ireland

Hello Simone
I think I should mention your popular Postcrossing Meetup Round Robin that you run on the Forum. If anyone wants to join it is here :
RR Moderator

jp40, Brazil

Hi Simone, Its me, João Paulo from Brazil, congratulations for interview...............A big kiss


Hexentrio, Germany

Hi everybody,
I'm so touched by your comments and messages I received.
Not the cards I get make me smile, it's you!
Thank you for your affection and friendship - I love you!
Hugs, Simone

yashasmom, Iran

hi, simi, mir wurde gesagt, ich solle hier mal gucken!!!
tu ich doch gerne!!! gratuliere zum spotlight - und gruess den cola-museumsdirektor von mir!!! und nicht zu vergessen die beiden suessen! yasha

carolbeth, United States of America

Dear Simone,
I really enjoyed reading about you and your life in and out of postcrossing. I especially liked how you said "I keep on being amazed day after day... love the cards I receive, the intimacy on Postcrossing and all these amazing people I've met. They all are so caring about making other people happy, often without knowing them in real - Postcrossing is pure affection, family and home."

That puts the whole experience so succinctly. I agree with you completely and maybe one day will have the opportunity to send you a card.
Best wishes to you,
Carol Beth

Geminiscp, Portugal

Those boxes look like Heaven on Earth!!! :D

k_girl883, Canada

Hi Simone,

Can I still send you a butterfly postcard? Or have you stopped collecting them?
cheers from Canada,

Hexentrio, Germany

I am overwhelmed: these days, I received wonderful butterflies for our LupusCrossing project:
from Finnland: Thank you Torsti, Rütta and Tarita,
from Spain: Thank you Mabel,
from the Netherlands: Thank you A., Kirsten and Neetje (3x),
from the States: Thank you Rhonda, Chicago, Jenny and ?,
from Australia: Thank you Janet

We have now passed 300 cards - and have exactly 303 amazing examples how easily we can raise awareness for lupus patients.
Again, I am so touched by your support.
Thank you so much - keep on LupusCrossing :-)


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