December starts this coming weekend and if you’ve been around Postcrossing for a few years you should know what that means… It’s time to announce our yearly partnership with Deutsche Post on the Cards for Literacy campaign! 🎉 So without further ado:
So if you’re in Germany, all you have to do is to send postcards! If your December postcards are registered before the end of February 2020, you will be contributing to this cause and entering a draw to win some neat prizes! Seven lucky postcrossers (residents in Germany only) will be randomly selected to receive one of these:

- One voucher for the Marke Individuell Online Shop worth 100€.
- Three vouchers for the Marke Individuell Online Shop worth 40€ each.
- Three post-themed messenger bags from Deutsche Post.
So by sending postcards from Germany in December, you’re not only helping a good cause, but can also win some customizable stamps or maybe a messenger bag. Hurray! The more postcards you send, the more chances you have to win one of the prizes.
And although only postcards sent from Germany count, there’s always a receiver in every postcard exchange — so each time a card from Germany is registered, the recipient will be indirectly contributing to this donation too. So don’t forget to register your postcards promptly, so that more can be sent, ok?
As usual, Paulo will run his random number generator in March next year, and we’ll reveal the total amount of postcards sent (and money raised to Stiftung Lesen) here in the blog. Last year, a total of 8,977.70€ was raised for this good cause, which was a huge achievement and only a few postcards shy of the big 9K… will we be able to do even better this year? 🤔

Stiftung Lesen is a German non-profit organization, working to increase literacy in the population, especially among children and adolescents. Their activities include reading clubs, media literacy projects and initiatives to promote the learning of German language by refugee families in the country.
We hope you’re as excited as we are for this 7th edition of the Cards for Literacy campaign. If you’re in Germany, gather your stamps and postcards and get ready for sending lots of postcards in December to make them count for this good cause! Everyone else, keep an eye on your mailbox for those postcards!
P.S. – As always, we respect your personal information and will not share it with any company without your explicit permission. The full details of this campaign can be read here (German only).
40 comments so far
enjoy Germany Postcrosser. .......
We will receive more Germany Postcards
love this cause
wait for a flurry of postcards from Germany.
A brilliant idea. Why can't other countries do something similar. How can we start something ?
Great cause. I hope the €9,000.00 target is smashed 🙂. Great prizes for the lucky winners too 👏. Good luck to all. 👌
Last year I had 98 cards, hope I can send 150 this year. Stamps are ready, cards are waiting for the pen and adresses.
I already stopped writing cards and will start again on 1 Dec.... ;)
:) can't wait to participate again in this great cause. it makes sending out postcards even better. and we can even win a prize... yeah, let's go for it. And to all those postcrossers out there: you are just as important, registering all those special postcards sent from German postcrossers in December! together we can truly change the world!
Yes!!!! :-) I hoped it will take place again. Thank you for letting us know. :-)
ready for sending as every year! Hope we'll make the 9000 € this time!
Awesome organization! Thank you for the let-know and good luck to all the DE Postcrossers! Make some money for the rest of us. :)
I've drawn lastly addresses nearly 6 weeks ago. Now all my 59 slots are free and, as I do it the last years, I would like to send as much cards I can manage. Hope too that we make 9000 € this time .
Ana, starts it again on midnight with the date of 30 Nov till 1am?
Here is our thread in the german forum
Maybe you come to visit us.
Great initiative!
All can participate with very fast registering,-)
Wouldn't it be great if we could get to 9K this year? I currently have 73 free slots and will start sending again on December 2 (there's too much else going on for me on Sunday) - I'll try to max out my 100 slots at least once. :)
Go, Germany, go!
Hope to receive even more beautiful German postcards than usual.
Congratulations to Germany! This is a great start.
I'm already collecting free slots... 😊 How nice that the 1st December is the 1st Advent too. 🎄
Waiting for December 1st to send send send... 😅
@-Bille- It starts at midnight on December 1st, German time.
Although the time in the Traveling Postcards page is shown in UTC (one hour behind), any postcards sent after your midnight on December 1st will be counted. :)
Here we go again... saved up a bunch of slots to send a bunch od postcards for the cause! :)
The German Post at its best, as always!! Congratulations!!! And thank you to everyone that will send cards in December in Germany! :)
Postcrossers in Germany. I hope Stiftung Lesen will get a huge Donation. And I hope you will get very much Nice Cards in return.
I hope to get a lot of postcards from Germany!
finally something what the last postage rise is good for...
Although I am not sure how to get enough free time to write the postcards, I saved all my slots, because I have not written for 6 weeks - I really love this project and hope so much, that we reach the 9000,- €!
Let's go for it!
I saved up my slots as well and I want to say a big THANK YOU to Deutsche Post for making our cool hobby even more important during this time of the year again! Does it sound wrong if I hope you have to open your purse wider than last year? ;-) Let´s crack 9K this year!
That's a fantastic campaign, I hope a lot of my still travelling postcards will be registered, so I can send a lot of postcards during December. I like reading and it's great that the donations will got to Stiftung Lesen.
So, it starts. Hopefully we will make the 9000.
if you are in regions where you can send with Citipost, I recommend sending your national cards with them, to support independent Post companies, and in some cities they're still as cheap as Deutsche Post has been 4 years ago. So you could also save a bit.
Our Citipost standard letter for example is actually cheaper as sending a postcard on Deutsche Post, but that's bound to the city where the letter is posted from.
I will start writing now...
So no time to write more here;) just thanks for the great counter for the German postcard
Thank you, Paulo + Meiadeleite, for the new statistic-tool which shows how many german december-numbers are on their way. Thank you, Bille, for the forumpostcrossing-link: I like to be a part of it + feel we all want to do our best.
"Al I want for Christmas is a Postcard from Germany". I will sing this every day when I open my mailbox....
Hello over there,
I was just going to write some new postcards before I received this good informations!! In Geman we call that `Zufall´.
I don`t know this word in English. Does it exist?
Ok, must come in the move now and start writing!!
Have a good time all together, enjoy Christmas!!
Juergen from Loy (PJP as Blogger)
Thank you Paulo, Meiadeleite and all your helpers. I love the new statistic tool. I even loved it more when I saw that one of my postcards was the first to be registered. :-) I love to see how many cards are on their way and how many reached their new home. One think I like to know. Do Postcrosser from other countries also see this great statistic and if so do they see how many of those cards they registered? Because I think that might admire them to register faster. :-) Anyway, thank you all and Merry merry Christmas to you all.
@MerlinM No unfortunately I can't see the stats, I would love to ! :D
I heard about the new feature in the German forum !
(or maybe I didn't search in the right place, that's also possible)
@thibcabe That is sad. It is right sided to the recent blog news. And looks like this:
You Everyone
Traveling 28 13,437
Registered 4 230
Donation (so far): 23.00 €
That's such a great idea!
refresh the start page some times to see the stats where usually some side informations are shown...
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