Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > The Little Mail Carriers in Guernsey!


After their stay in London, the Little Mail Carriers did a detour to the beautiful island of Guernsey, to have a rest from the hustle and bustle of the city. Denise (aka Tranchile) was their host for the stay, and had fun showing them around, despite the windy days that coincided with their visit.

Hello from Guernsey! 👋 We’re so glad to be here with our host Denise, who promised to give us the tour of the island where she lives. Shall we get started?

Little Chapel in Guernsey

One of highlights of Guernsey is this tiny chapel (appropriately called “Little Chapel”), built by Brother Déodat in July 1914. It is meant to be a miniature version of the grotto and basilica in Lourdes, France and is covered in pebbles, shells and broken colorful china. Now and then, volunteers repair the damage done by the weather over the years… Denise even remembers donating a broken cereal bowl of hers for repairs, when she was a child!

Cobo Beach

This is Cobo Beach, one of twenty eight beaches in Guernsey! There’s is a chip shop by the sea wall, and we saw some locals eating fish and chips from a bag there while watching the waves. Denise tells us that a film screen is put on the beach at low tide during summer, and the hotel opposite has a balcony and there is a big rocks concert played from there whilst people sit on the beach and listen to it… Sounds wonderful!

Looking at the Bailiwick's islands

We were hoping to visit one of the other Islands that come under the Bailiwick of Guernsey, but during our stay it was unusually windy and the ferries were cancelled. :( We had to hold onto each other whilst looking over the QE11 Marina at three of the islands instead.

From left to right, the first island is Herm, and you can just see the glorious sand there. It’s a quiet place with just one hotel, several cottages to rent and two camp sites. It also has a school for just about six children and the staff who work there. Jethou is the middle island, which is privately leased and not open to the public, and the bigger island on the right is Sark. It has no traffic, but if you are fit you can cycle around the island, or use horse and carts to go around at a more gentle pace.

Castle Cornet

Above you can see Castle Cornet, which was built in the 13th century, to defend the islands from the French. It’s been attacked and captured several times over the years, and finally returned to the islands in 1947 after reconstruction. Today it houses several museums and period gardens, and this half-term the schoolchildren have been dressed as Harry Potter characters and making spell books etc inside the main museum. How fun!

In the summer, a cannon is fired there at noon each day, which Denise tells us can be heard all over the island.

Guernsey's Number 1 Postbox

This is something we were looking forward to see: Guernsey’s Number 1 Postbox! It is the oldest working postbox in the British Isles and was put there by the Post Office Surveyor Anthony Trollope on 8th February 1853, as an experiment to see how well they would work for collecting mail. He had been impressed with the system of pillar boxes in France, and decided to test them on the Channel Islands. The experiment was so successful that they were later introduced in the UK.

Although the first postbox was red, all the modern ones are a lovely blue color.

Blue Guernsey postbox

The Market Square is a lively place in St. Peter Port, and it was there that we met 2 little friends, next to this curious statue… Can you guess why they made a statue of donkeys? It turns out that people from Guernsey are nicknamed “Guernsey Donkeys”, while those from nearby Jersey are known as “Crapauds” (or toads)!

Market Square and Donkey statues

Since we were just around the corner from it, Denise and our friends took us to see the Town Church, built in 1475. We looked up in awe at its beautiful stained glass windows and ornate pews, where the Liberation service is held every year on May 9th.

Town Church Town Church

Can you spot the gargoyle in the roof below? The white building next to it is a pub, and so this gargoyle is said to make this the closest church to a pub in the British Isles — it’s even in the Guinness, apparently! Maybe we’ll go in and grab something to eat before hopping back into our envelope…

Town Church gargoyle

See you later everyone… or, as they say around here, à la perchoine!

PS – Thank you Denise for showing the Little Mail Carriers around Guernsey! Where will they pop up next…? 🤔

39 comments so far

ned44440, Ireland

How wonderful. My husband lived in Jersey for a while and loved it. We hope to visit The Channel Islands someday together. This has definitely inspired me.

BeckyS, United States of America

What a wonderful tour! It makes me want to visit Guernsey with, or without, the Little Mail Carriers.

Nzqu, Finland

That was a lovely story! The island looks awesome, I hope to visit it some day.

buglaydee, United States of America

Thank you for sharing. :)

Kaiwaza, United States of America

So cute! I have an island obbession and have always wanted to visit the Channel Islands!

CBOS, Germany

I see you had a great hostess. Denise aka Tranchile has become my Postcrossing e-mail friend since I sent her a card two years ago. Wonderful photos too. Guernsey is on my bucket list.
A la perchoine!

Rosebuddy, South Africa

Thank you😁Wonderful story, photos and sights. Lucky the Little Mail Carriers to have Denise as a guide, as we too have become great friends through our postcrossing correspondence. Oh to visit and meet in person...

Flippie, Canada

I'm also curios where the next adventure goes too....?

Ramya, United States of America

Thank you for this!

SylviaM, United States of America

What fun to see that the Little Mail Carriers were in Guernsey! I’m in Guernsey now using “travel mode” and will post at least ten cards tomorrow 🙂

Mailbird2, United States of America

I enjoyed the tour!

Kazbug, Australia

Thank for this magic tour of Guernsey, Little Mail Carriers! It looks like a wonderful place to visit & it's definitely on my Bucket list now. I wonder where the Little Mail Carriers will go next. They could always come & visit me in Geelong & I'd take them on a tour of my wonderful area.

Jacque53, United States of America

What a wonderful tour of Guernsey by the Little Mail Carriers and Denise! I had the good fortune to recently send a postcard to Denise. Guernsey is on my bucket list to see :).

GoCindy, United States of America

I have one Guernsey postcard - vintage. I loved this post! Thank you!

KristinaGisela, United States of America

This is such a great feature! I love the Little Mail Carriers and their adventure! Keep up the good work!

Mlee, Hong Kong

Thank you so much for sharing Little Mail Carriers’ wonderful trip to Guernsey. Would love to see this island one day :-) Any chance they’ll be visiting Hong Kong?

jm1122, United States of America

I wish I could have travelled with them!

FoxMirror, Finland

Ooohhh, thank you so much. I loved the guides with mailtransport as well. All the best ! runokuono

IndonesiaRaya, Indonesia

i'm surprised that today's blog is about Guernsey ! because i already swap with Denise several times and she always something to tell. and now with this article i can imagine all her stories...
thanks for sharing, Ana & Denise, have a nice day..

catwool, United States of America

I thoroughly enjoyed this article, I was lucky enough to SEND a post card to Guernsey, the first for me in that area. It is so beautiful!!

mounten, Italy

What a great tour, hello Denise thank you for sharing your homeland it's a great place. Love it, now Ican imagine where you live.The Little Mail Carrier did a good job and I guess you had a lot of fun. Ciao from Italy.

takoda, Germany

So cool, I just visited Guernsey during my motorbike tour this summer, such a beautiful island! :)

NIDUSKA, Finland

thank you

chrissybaby, Ireland

I have visted Guernsey some years back. Really want to come back to this wonderful place for a visit - this time with my husband

Chenoah, Germany

This is so beautiful. I've never been to the UK, but the channel islands are so special. I wish, I could visit one day. Thanks for sharing. I love the Little Mail Carriers and enjoy the stories so much.

rockycip, United States of America

Thank you, Denise, for your tour of Guernsey Island, for your photos and the story.

Miselka81, Canada

Please, send them to Orillia in Ontario Canada! I would really love to give theme a tour of the fall leaf colours in Muskoka, local breweries, and the lakes and forrests!!

shihmeisu, Taiwan

a lovely tour,nice photo :)

mniqie, Netherlands

It's so nice to see that the Little Mail Carriers show us the world! Thanks!

isinesunshine, Germany

Such a nice idea to use broken china for restoration!! :)

STUFFellaneous, United States of America

Many thanks, that was fun!

ili171, United States of America

Thanks for the tour. Until recently, when i sent a postcard, I didn't know about Guernsey. It is beautiful. Maybe one day I can see it in person.

Luziaceleste, Brazil

So many nice information and funny pics. Thank you, ladies!

Braam, Australia

A wonderful tour! It's like another world, eh? Thank you for showing me another corner of a fascinating group of islands.

HaiHong, China

How great and wonderful they are!

StetsFlauschig, Germany

Wonderful blog entry, thanks a lot! I still wait to host them in my town one day :)

Spryte808, United States of America

Looking at the photos brings back memories, however very faint. I was born in Guernsey and lived my life there until my family and I moved to Hawaii (another Island) when I was 10. I loved looking at some of the photos and trying to remember my past. I used to have a friend who lived in Cobo Bay, and I believe she still lives in Guernsey. I loved visiting the Candie Gardens and smelling the citrus leaves. My parents also often took me to Saumarez Park, where I would have endless fun on the swings and also feed the ducks, The island has such a great history! I am glad this was a feature.

LoneMatz, Germany

How sweet to see the little mail carriers visited Guernsey and Denise was their host. Great! Lovely photos and fun to read about their adventures.

maisiecatgsy, Guernsey

The big screen is on the grass above Cobo in the summer, not on the beach and it would have been good to have a mention of the potato peel pie movie, but it is a great snapshot of island life.. makes me want to go there... and I live there!


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