Some time ago, Audrey (aka belladomanda) from the US sent us a tip about this wonderful paper artist she had stumbled upon. Have a look:

These stunning landscapes are made by Italian artist Caterina Rossato, who lives in a quiet town north of Venice. We were mesmerised by her intricate sceneries and the way she juxtapose details from dozens of different postcards to create new imaginary worlds. Curious to know more, we reached out to Caterina who kindly agreed to reply to a few questions about her work.
- Hi Caterina! Could you tell us a bit more about yourself?
My name is Caterina Rossato and I live in Bassano del Grappa, where I have my base camp. I like to move around, follow multiple projects simultaneously and suddenly fall in love with something that makes me forget what I was doing. I do not like to wait for the right moment and I hate perfection.
On weekends I like to climb mountains or go skiing on the glaciers with my partner. From this height you can see a bigger slice of the world.
- How did you start doing these mini landscapes? What inspires you?
It all started with the idea of breaking down the images and put them together, then with the need to sublimate into a single image multiple points of view or all the photos taken during a trip or a day. I create images in which all possible visuals and temporal variations of an experience are concentrated. They are two-dimensional images but developed in a sculptural way, made of levels, intersections, overlaps and joints. The viewer feels a sense of familiarity and alienation at the same time. Right now I’m working on a project with CNC milling machines that will allow me to combine these fragments into a third dimension.
- And on a more practical level, where do you find all these postcards?
In the case of analog collages, I buy stock of postcards from Ebay or local merchants: about 4000 – 5000 postcards every time. I always try to buy postcards from different areas and I usually change suppliers. When I compose digital collage I use hundreds of photographs taken by me in a specific landscape or I do research on the internet to find what I need, always in really high resolution.
Both analog and digital cutouts are organised in very detailed catalogs: analog clippings are divided into a filing cabinet with many drawers, digital ones go into folders and subfolders on my mac.
- Are you a postcard or letter writer yourself?
For many years I’ve been writing letters and postcards to my grandmother who lives far away from me. I started because I had the need to find a personal way to communicate with her, as she’s not able to send messages by mobile phone and with age her hearing has deteriorated making talking on the phone impossible. Given that other old uncles also live in my grandmother’s building, I started to write to all of them, in order to avoid upsetting anyone… so the arrival of the mail has become a highly anticipated moment, both for me and for them.
Whenever my grandmother receives a postcard she sticks it under the calendar. I’m interested in this shared time devoted to the thought and the gaze.
- Can you show us a picture of your workspace, or a mini-landscape work in progress?

Thank you Caterina, that was wonderful! 😊 You can find these and other projects of Caterina on her website,
36 comments so far
WOW!!!!!!! :)
Love her work!
So fabulous, I love this!
Tumeke! This is amazing work. Ka pai Caterina
Wow, amazing work Caterina!!!!!
Like this!! Very cool!! ))
VERY NICE!!!!!!!!!
Beautiful and creative work! So glad you shared this. Love the sweet story about her grandmother. And this bright-eyed cat helper!
wow! I love the works.
LOVE!! WOW!!~~~
Thank you for your sharing your dream-landscapes. Dream on!
Thank you for sharing this great art work! Congrats to the artist!
Thank you for this wonderful interview with Caterina Rossato! Her work is so inspiring.
Congratulation, beautiful work I love it. Nice story.
What a great way to reuse postcards, love it.
very fantastic
I would love to see an exhibition of all these marvelous, creative collages - very impressive!
These are so beautiful, creative and imaginative. Someone has to have very special "eyes" to see the possibilities of all these different postcards and combine them in such dramatic vignettes. I wish I had that ability; alas, I only have the ability to sit and wonder, completely awe-struck.
Wow. She is so inspiring! Makes me want to pull out some old postcards and start making collages.
Outstanding details. What patience you must have to create these incredible images.
Cutting stuff with scissors is definitely my least favourite part of any crafts... so I really admire Caterina's patience with this. The result is so beautiful. I feel inspired to go to a fair and buy a bunch of old cards, just to experiment :)
Beautiful work must have lots of patience
What a beautiful way to create such a wonderful thing. It's really beautiful.
I am truly, truly awed by this work. Thank you, Caterina, for bringing beauty into the world!!
i love your sense of color and shape-- the visual rhythm you give your cards. I'm going straight to your blog and see if there's any way we can do any exchange of mailart. :D
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