Today we’re really excited to tell you about Typographic Postcards, a fantastic Kickstarter project by Frankfurt-based typographer Harald Geisler!

Inspired by the design of his now famous wall calendar (which he has been producing since 2009), Harold decided to apply the same concept to postcards. On his website, he explains:
The first THANK YOU Card I printed in 2012. I wanted a simple card to give to friends. (…) The card was received well so I designed a HAPPY NEW YEAR’s card. As a friend of mine went to hospital I felt the need for an original GET WELL card. With the next birthday coming up, I thought how great it would be to have a typographic birthday card, which eventually became this simple CAKE on pink background card.
He did more and more of them as the need arose, until he ended up with a set of 15 postcards:

The themes are an interesting mix of all-purpose words and expressions, some straightforward and other more intriguing. He bundled them all together on a Kickstarter project, in order to gather funding for printing the set.
Being IT geeks ourselves, the minimalist vintage-yet-techie feel of these postcards appealed to us immediately! But Harold decided to sweeten up the deal even further, by adding one new postcard to the set every time the total of pledges crosses a multiple of €300. Yup, you read that right! :)
It goes like this: if the project reaches just €300, everyone gets fifteen postcards plus one extra. If it reaches €600, pledgers get an extra two cards (total 17), three extra postcards when it reaches €900, and so on. Right now, the total amount is just over €1000, so all backers are already counting on 15+3 postcards… and the more people join, the more postcards everyone receives. Win-win!

So if you decide to back Typographic Postcards, do spread the word! We’re hoping many people will choose to join us, so that everyone can receive as many of postcards as possible! :)
31 comments so far
Great looking cards. The possibilities are endless . . . . . .
These are very beautiful! :) Couldn't resist myself, so I backed the project.
I already have them :) Very nice project and high quality cards!
I'm in love with this idea!
So simple, but an amazing idea! Sometimes a little bit less is more than enough. Great project, come on postcrossers, get this baby started :)
simplicity at its best! love these!
Interesting and simple. I like the idea, they are awesome to send special messages. :)
Nice idea, pity of the size though: 12x17 cm. A standard postcard is 10x15 cm and therefore these cards are oversized and don't fit in the sleeves that most collectors and postcrossers have/use :-(
15+5 extra postcards already! :D
What a great idea!
Personally, this does not appeal to me, I don't like these cards, sorry.
I can't understand this kind of... "art".
Not my type.
Therefore I won't be a part of it.
I like/love this way of recycling and creativity!!
I set myself a goal at what point (number of extra cards) I will join this project. The more participators the more cards will be designed and complete the set of cards. As I have so many cards in stock I wait to participate at 25.........
This is not logical. I might be better off with few cards if I realy have too many. Can someone have too many postcards?
My answer is no. So, as often in my life I changed opinion quick. I will kickstart anyway. If not now, then within 27 days. To make it more atracktive for others I just participated!!
You can participate only one time. So I can't donate a set this way to friend (which would 'safe' me shippingcosts).
Hurray for Harald!! And I hope you will use some other language words like: this is sowieso überhaupt nicht im Frage or françoise ~~~
Good news for those who like me wish to want a second set!!
In the comments of this projectpage is written by Harald Geisler that for every 15 euro you will receive a set.
I'm going to participate, it's 20 cards currently for $20 aus so that's good value!
It doesn't show the backs of the cards. The last time I bought 'postcards' via a kick-starter, they were just pictures with a blank back, no postcard backs at all. I was very disappointed. Before anyone buys any of these, I would ask to see if they are postcards or just pictures.
They are real postcards, also on the back :)
Hi Harald, great idea! Only thing I don't understand - if you make postcards, then why not make them in postcard size? I would participate if I knew I could use them for Postcrossing, but most people (me included) prefer normal size.
the discontented man finds no easy chair...
the cards look like fun! if im not broke by the end of the month, im in!
ohnetitel, wonderful adage! I'm in for these cards. They look like fun.
@ohnetitel ahah, what an eloquent way to put it! :P
how unusually! and wonderful...
15+7 postcards already! i think i might pledge for a second set :)
Fun idea!
One glorious day Harald Geisler himself will join Postcrossing. Shall we ask him, maybe?!
Still 15 + 7 BUT only 3 more backers needed to have 15 + 8
in 7 more days!!
YAY! 15+8 now, everyone will get 23 cards!
I saw these on Kickstarter and had to become a backer!! Always need new and different cards to send. Thanks Harald!
it's 15 + 11 !!! and a bonus (stickers). i am happy that so many others and i support this kickstartproject.
together we're strong!
интересная идея!
Hello! I have started my own blog with postcards and stamps I recieved!I will be very happy if you'd check it ^_^Thank you:)
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