Postcrossing Blog

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I love board games, and I know many of you do too. There’s something magical about getting friends around a table and trying to outsmart each other or collaborate towards a common objective. We laugh at unexpected twists, get the satisfaction of solving tricky puzzles and explore different worlds together… They’re brilliant!

So, for everyone who loves board games as well as postcards, Fenrir Boardgames is launching a new game that blends the best of both worlds—it’s a journey full of postcards, stamps and souvenirs, and it’s appropriately called Postcards!

Illustrated cyclists on a colorful game board map of France, showing various regions and icons.
Bicycle pawns

The game invites you to hop on your bicycle and embark on a picturesque adventure through 13 different regions of metropolitan France. As you cycle through these iconic locations, your goal is to camp around France, sharing your travels by sending postcards and collecting souvenirs. The game contains beautiful design elements, including gorgeous postcards, Marianne-themed stamps and many other small markers. I have a soft spot for board games with lots of little tokens, and all these look sturdy and well-finished.

A close-up of a red game tile featuring an illustration of a woman, resembling a stamp, held between fingers.
Tiny Marianne stamps

We received an advance copy to give the game a try and thoroughly enjoyed playing it. At first, we were too focused on just sending postcards 😅… but quickly realized the different layers of strategy one can apply to get points and thus win the game. You can use the different types of camping sites to gather bonuses and also collect souvenirs, all with their own perks. Each game takes between 30 and 45 minutes, and up to 4 people can play together. And there’s also a solo mode!

A hand holding three vibrant postcard-style game cards depicting Tarte Tatin, Mont Saint-Michel, and Camargue.
Gorgeous artwork on the postcards

I wish they sold the postcards separately though, in a usable format — they’re so nice! 😍 It truly makes you want to travel to France to visit these places one by one.

Currently live on Kickstarter, Fenrir is seeking support to bring the Postcards game to life. The campaign runs until February 10, and by backing it, you’ll not only get your hands on a copy later this year, but also support a game that resonates with our shared love for postcards and adventure. Check out the Kickstarter campaign to learn more and consider supporting this exciting endeavor.

Happy gaming nights!


Remember the Typographic cards we enthusiastically gushed about last year? Harald is expanding his already fantastic set of 26 cards with a special new one, and launching it with a bang on Kickstarter! He explains it better:

So far, 127 backers from 20 different countries have pitched in, adding 4 extra “sticker-cards” to everyone’s pack… and I’m about to add Portugal to that list!

So join us if you can, and spread the word to your friends in other countries. We hope many people will choose to back the project, so that everyone can receive as many cards as possible! 😀


Remember the Typographic Postcards’ Kickstarter project we mentioned back in June? The project was a big success and Harald ended up printing and shipping tons of postcards! We received our backer’s reward last week, and can confirm that the postcards are gorgeous, printed on high-quality paper with a very smooth finishing. The words on them are simple yet so versatile… there really seems to be a card for every occasion!

Harald's Typographic postcards

Harald kindly included a few extra packs on our reward, which we’re struggling happy to give away to 2 lucky postcrossers! :)

For a chance to win one of two packs of 26 postcards, leave a comment below and let us know of a word or very short sentence you think would be a good fit for these cards! Here are some that have already been printed:

Typographic postcards

Good luck everyone! Don’t forget to check back on this post around this time week to know whether your name was picked by Paulo’s random number generator.

PS – For fans of Harald’s work, he’s currently crowdfunding the 5th edition of his typographic wall calendar, which is entirely made of the same keyboard keys as these postcards… perfect present for a designer friend? :)

And the lucky postcrossers, as chosen by Paulo’s random number generator are… hkappespc and Alenta! Congratulations and thank you everyone for the comments! :)


Today we’re really excited to tell you about Typographic Postcards, a fantastic Kickstarter project by Frankfurt-based typographer Harald Geisler!

Typographic postcards

Inspired by the design of his now famous wall calendar (which he has been producing since 2009), Harold decided to apply the same concept to postcards. On his website, he explains:

The first THANK YOU Card I printed in 2012. I wanted a simple card to give to friends. (…) The card was received well so I designed a HAPPY NEW YEAR’s card. As a friend of mine went to hospital I felt the need for an original GET WELL card. With the next birthday coming up, I thought how great it would be to have a typographic birthday card, which eventually became this simple CAKE on pink background card.

He did more and more of them as the need arose, until he ended up with a set of 15 postcards:

Typographic postcards

The themes are an interesting mix of all-purpose words and expressions, some straightforward and other more intriguing. He bundled them all together on a Kickstarter project, in order to gather funding for printing the set.

Being IT geeks ourselves, the minimalist vintage-yet-techie feel of these postcards appealed to us immediately! But Harold decided to sweeten up the deal even further, by adding one new postcard to the set every time the total of pledges crosses a multiple of €300. Yup, you read that right! :)

It goes like this: if the project reaches just €300, everyone gets fifteen postcards plus one extra. If it reaches €600, pledgers get an extra two cards (total 17), three extra postcards when it reaches €900, and so on. Right now, the total amount is just over €1000, so all backers are already counting on 15+3 postcards… and the more people join, the more postcards everyone receives. Win-win!

Typographic postcards

So if you decide to back Typographic Postcards, do spread the word! We’re hoping many people will choose to join us, so that everyone can receive as many of postcards as possible! :)


Last week, stampraider emailed us with a couple of tips about some postcard-themed Kickstarter projects. We’re big fans of Kickstarter (and postcards, obviously), so we thought we should share these two projects with you!

First up, Wise Words – Inspiration through design by Michael, Josh & Jordan, a trio of graphic design and business students from Toronto, Canada. They’ve put together a neat collection of 40 postcards, with quotes from some of the biggest thinkers, inventors and builders of all time. Here’s their video:

Cool, right? From Nicola Tesla to Coco Chanel, the collection seems inspiring and versatile… just the thing for postcrossers, we’d say! :)

The second project, also from Toronto, is The Mo Project by The Letterpress Shoppe. They’re making postcards (also coasters, prints and stationery) featuring a number of moustaches to celebrate Movember. We do have a soft spot for letterpress, and these seem quite high quality!

The Mo project

So there you go! Have you heard of any interesting projects involving postcards? Do share!