Postcrossing Blog

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Blog > Postcrossing & Deutsche Post: Postcards for a good cause!


Once again, Postcrossing is dressing up for the holidays, and in the spirit of the season, we’re partnering up once more with Deutsche Post to make your postcards work for a good cause! Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, we’re proud to announce that…

For every postcard sent from Germany through Postcrossing during the month of December, Deutsche Post will make a donation of €0.10 to the non-profit organization Stiftung Lesen (Reading Foundation).

Doesn’t that sound nice? If you’re in Germany, all you have to do is keep sending postcards! If your December postcards are registered before the end of February 2015, you’ll be contributing to this cause.

And though only postcards sent from Germany count, there’s always a receiver in every postcard exchange – so each time a card from Germany is registered, the recipient will be indirectly contributing to this donation as well!

To make things even more interesting, there will also be some nice prizes for the participants:

The winners will be picked up by Paulo's random number generator in early March 2015, when we will also announce the value raised by the German postcrossers to Stiftung Lesen here on the blog. Last year, a very impressive total of 7845 euros were raised… can we do the same this year? Stiftung Lesen

Stiftung Lesen is a German non-profit organization, working to increase literacy – especially among children and adolescents. They promote reading through several different activities, such as the “My first letter” contest.


So… what are you waiting for? If you’re in Germany, grab a pen and your stack of postcards and stamps, and start writing! The more cards you send, the more you’ll contribute to this cause – and the more chances you’ll have of winning a nice prize! :)

PS – As always, we respect your private information and will not share it with any company without your express permission. The full details of this campaign can be read here (German only).

66 comments so far

nenya1985, Germany

It's so nice to be able to help by writing postcards. :)

amylyn, United States of America

if anyone from Germany needs a recipient for their postcard...pick me pick me :)

Nordbaer, Germany

Woooohoooo! I was one of the lucky winners last year, perhaps this year again?

meiadeleite, Portugal

@amylyn: only official postcards (with a postcard ID) count! :)

amylyn, United States of America

ah ok

klausbaerbel, Germany

Thats great. I know the "Stiftung Lesen". But i can not found informations on the official page from Deutsche Post. :-(

nublu, Estonia

Oh, I really love the postcard box and the messenger bag!
Thanks for providing the link! I'd love to purchase them, but it seems the Deutsche post webpage is only available in german and probably wont ship to Estland?

Good luck to the participants and merry postcrossing!

Jess-Cee, Netherlands

I bought the postcard-storage box you can win, online at a bookshop earlier this year. It is really great. Wouldn't mind winning another one :-)

schnueffelliv, Germany

I think we can top this in 2014

It's good, that Germany has so many active Postcrossers. Reading is so important and a lot of fun. Bring kids into reading is important!!

this is at least a little treat for raising the postage again...

Zeronic, Germany

Ok, so I wait until tomorrow for new addresses. :D

kroete68, Germany

Great :D

cascadaschaf, Germany

:-) :-) :-)!!!

Sanni87, Germany

What a wonderful idea, I will be writing as many cards as possible, thank you!!

SannyMelon, Germany

i love it*-*..
But it annoyed me,that i could not sent much last year, since many cards within this time gets lost...or are registered long after 60 days>< i hope with 14 traveling cards this year i can send more that actually reach their destiny..

Luziaceleste, Brazil

I am gald that if I register one German official postcard I am contributing! Looking forward! And congrats to German Post!!!

DracuLaura, Germany

That's nice :)
I'll get new stamps this week, they have lovely snow globes (yes, they're shaped!) right now. And I have reams of pretty Christmas postcards, I love them.
But I agree with Prima_Murasakibara, most postcards get lost in Christmastime because the post offices and mailmen are so busy.

emoffdayz, United States of America

That's really soooooo cool awesome good luck Alberto of the German postcrosser :) :) :)

HeiWi, Germany

This initiative was spread in the intranet of Deutsche Post to all employees last year. That's when I joined postcrossing. Great that it is repeated.

CatharinaG3, Netherlands

Great work of Deutsche Post! Wish they would do something like that in my country too!

Blogger, United States of America


DracuLaura, Germany

@klausbaerbel Maybe it's not published on their websites because it's an exclusive cooperation with postcrossing?
Deutsche Post had actions with Stiftung Lesen before.
I hope we'll raise even more than 7845€ :)

ilcapitano, Italy

Beautiful idea!!!

Meisie, South Africa

I just love love postcrossing and this idea is brilliant. This is what Christmas is all about!! Giving to others! I am so sad, though, that we have a postal strike for over 3 months now in SA. Wish it will be over very soon!!

lillooet, Germany

I planned not to send so many postcards in december, but now I will rethink it.
That is a very cool promotion, Deutsche Post. Thank you!

And I hope, we will be able to buy those stamps!

tumbleweed, Germany

I can see it coming - I can't resist participating again :-)

rosenbusch, Germany

Really a good idea...

edo, Spain

Lovely iniciative!!

Axolotl, Germany

Looks like I'm going to send as many postcards as possible this month. :)

curvy-ginger, Germany

Oh, that's a great idea!
I'm happy to be in Germany and can be part of it!, let's write some cards! :)

Twinniberry, Germany

Oh great! Thanks to Deutsche post.
So I'll send as many postcards as possible!

zomertje, Netherlands

Great initiative,a pitty is that i don"t live in Germany. but good luck to you all and.....SEND THOSE POSTCaRDS

meiadeleite, Portugal

@klausbaerbel: They mentioned it on their Facebook page today:

juttertje, Netherlands

What a great initiative! Other countries should follow. ;)

Sunneva12, Norway

oh, great idea!
I wish I could participate, but I dont live in Germany :-)
Good luck, and send postcards! ;D

Xemaris, Germany

Love this initiative!

reisegern, Germany

That's really great. Stiftung Lesen is a great organization that school children benefit of a lot.
But WHY doesn't Deutsche Post a real Postcrossing stamp for everybody to buy? Really sad...

lama1, Netherlands

Great idea only a pity that only people with a German postcrossing account can join. I live next to the German border and often mail my cards there (Postal rates are there much lower :) ) Would have been great as I could have contributed to Stiftung Lesen with the cards I'll mail there this month.

ctr, Germany

Usually I don't "send and receive postcards to and from your own country" but today I have edited my profile and chose this option.
So I hope I can send more postcards in December as usual in a month. And I can also register german cards :)

paradonym, Germany

generated about 10 ID's last week - all posted today. I think that didn't count for competition?
Okay - hoping that all the russian cards will be registered before they expire. to have more cards to sent :D

paradonym, Germany

btw. ADAC Postbus will be only "Postbus" in the future - because ADAC decided to end that business because of the big price-fight between simliar services

danielc, United Kingdom

That postcard box looks really nice ;-)

HarlemL, United States of America


Kiesel1954, Germany

Now quickly set up the Christmas tree and then write diligently cards...:-)

fray, Germany

For this good cause I'll write more postcards than usual. I wish all Postcrossern a pleasant Advent and Merry Christmas!

Camilaps, Germany

That is so nice, guys!!

Frohnatur, Germany

@Reisegern - Because it's not up to Deutsche Post to decide about the stamps - the Bundesfinanzministerium decides about that and they are not as willing to cooperate.

Seashelly, Netherlands

Today I received (and registered) 7 (!!!) postcards from Germany. So that's another € 0,70 for the Stiftung Lesen! ;-)

Christa, Germany

Schön !

sophie54, Netherlands

To help this a bit, I put my account active again and also ticked the box for receiving from the same country. It's likely that I will receive a bunch of German cards as I'm 30 cards behind.

DocRoc, Germany

I´ve made one € already :) Great idea!

Geminiscp, Portugal

good ideas are always nice to repeat! :) congratulations to Germany! :)

SannyMelon, Germany

Would be cool if they would do this kind of thing more often,maybe also for other organisations..
Because i LOVE sending postcards a lot and its really wonderful to know,that there is someone who gets help with the money i spend on postage..(which is really a lot especially since it raises every year >

DracuLaura, Germany

I haven't exhausted my limit for a while, but currently 13 postcards are on their way. I hope they get registered soon so I can send new ones, haha.

DracuLaura, Germany

Speaking of, one card just got registered :D (well, it was within Germany)
So, my first 10 Cent just went into the collection bag.

SiHeChar, Germany

All my 19 cards are travelling! Hope they reach in time or even before, so I can send some more! Stiftung Lesen is very helpful for children to come in contact with books and some children really need help to realize how important reading is for their lifes!

lillsche, Germany

A great idea to raise money this way. All my cards are on the way...

Another great idea would be to finally print some official postcrossing stamps. I guess we all agree that the community is huge enough to make it a profitable deal for Deutsche Post. And looking at the stamps other countries have, it is high time to get some more 75 Cent stamps with creative pictures.

Merry Christmas & a happy New Year, everybody! :)

DracuLaura, Germany

@lillsche I'd love to have Postcrossing stamps. Germany is No. 1 on sent postcards. And I guess people who don't care about Postcrossing don't bother about the stamps they use.

jjmedusa, United States of America

AMAZING! I'm proud to have been born in Munich, Germany (though now I live in the U.S.). Go Germany! P.S. I agree, I would also love to see some different German stamps on the postcards I receive. Usually it is always the "50 Jahre Fehmarnsundbrücke" one.

freyr1, Slovakia

Sehr gut.

niederschoenhauser, Germany

Very good idea. I hope, i will be one of the lucky winners

DracuLaura, Germany

Oh, and of course I have to make the most of the old postage, at 1st January it will increase. So I'm sending and sending and sending as soon as I can :D

lambdaman78, Germany

Happy New Year! How much Cards did we get together?

DracuLaura, Germany

@lambdaman78 I guess we'll have to wait at least until 28th February. All cards sent in December and registered until then will be counted :)

ludovico, Portugal


Alaizabel, Germany

awww, too bad i haven't seen this earlier :(

DGladys, Hong Kong

Great ! I have contributed as well


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