Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > Postcrossing Spotlight: FloridaGirl from USA


Yvonne is a 64 y.o. grandmother in the U.S.A. and goes by FloridaGirl in Postcrossing. She has a soft spot for postcards with maps and nature, as you can easily see in her favourites. Here’s what she has to share with us.

How did you come across Postcrossing? What got you hooked?

I had saw that someone mentioned swapping postcards in another site. I went searching for where a site would be to do that. I found Postcrossing. What got me hooked was not just the official part of Postcrossing but also the Postcrossing forum when I discovered private swaps and saw that there were so many wonderful cards of places I’ve never seen. The people in the forum were so nice and I started to make friends. Also the cards spurred me to research places that were on the cards. I couldn’t just look at a photo and find it interesting, if it wasn’t clear to me what or where it was, I wanted to find out.
I do continue to do the official Postcrossing exchanges.

Do you have any other interesting hobbies?

I love maps, rocks, bookmarks and for years I made quilts but I had to stop quilting. That’s when Postcrossing started. I have maps from many places in the US and some other countries (road maps) and have 5 world Atlases.

I also have a collection of rocks that my parents, other family members or I have found; and, some that I bought, for example, petrified wood from Brasil.

My children have been giving me bookmarks for years, since I read so much. I’ve gotten beautiful bookmarks from other postcrossers.

Show us your mailbox, your mailman/mailwoman, your postoffice or the place where you post or keep your postcards!

That is me at my mailbox in front of my house.

floridagirl mailbox
Show and tell us about your favorite received postcard to date, and what makes it special.

My favorite of the animals are wild cats. This is a great card for the tenderness shown by the lions and the fact that I received it as a get well card from a postcrosser who I’ve gotten to know.

floridagirl Lions   get well card

I’ve come to love the beauty of the Julian Alps in Slovenia. This just one that showns how beautiful they are.

floridagirl Julian Alps, Slovenia

The Japanese have a beautiful way of showing off their cherry trees.

floridagirl Japanese Cherry Blossoms

This one shows olive trees with wild poppies blooming around them. It is one that I think is especially pretty.

floridagirl Olive trees and wild poppies
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18 comments so far

FemkeDorien, Netherlands

Oh nice cards I like especialy the last one.

purpleferret, Canada

Hi FloridaGirl...waves from NS!

mdam22, Australia

Sweet!! Great cards and lovely to get to know you! Thanks

nediam_nori, Finland

Yvonne, hug.!

ipuenktchen, Iran

hi, floridagirl, after many swaps it's nice to meet you here as the spotlight and remembers me to swap again with you :-))))))))) keep your eyes on your mailbox!!! your mailbox is *typical americain* for me.. it's nice!

lucymonty, United Kingdom

Wow, that lion card is stunning! Lucky you! :-D

Calaquendi, Lithuania

Yeah, that lion card is sooo lovely! I'd love to get it one day ^_^

MissMaple, Netherlands

Hi Yvonne :)

Great interview! :D

volvomom, United States of America

I'm so happy to see you here, amiga! Many hugs to you! :)

vanessa85, Switzerland

Hey Yvonne!! Good to see you here. Best wishes and thanks for all the great postcards I already got from you!!

Tjitske, Netherlands

Hey Yvonne, nice to 'meet' you here! And those postcards are truly beautiful!

Zeronic, Germany

Hi Yvonne, nice to see you here after many swaps. I wish you all the best and thanks for the nice postcards I've got from you!

orlando1120, China

Hi Yvonne~ We have many swaps/tags in the forum, I like your cards! Best wishes for your 2011!

carolreader, United States of America

It was nice to see your interview, Yvonne!

denarose, Australia

Hello Yvonne lovely to read about you here & see the beautiful cards--love the Lions!! Dena from Brisbane (Which is Sadly in the middle of a disastrous flood at present)

Silesiaus, Poland

Hi Yvonne !
Great interviev :)

mingshu, Finland

hi yvonne, nice to see you in spotlight :) the favorite cards you chose are indeed all really lovely :)

Misslondon, France

Nice to meet you!The cherry tree card is so adorable!
