Postcrossing Blog

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Blog > January Writing Prompt: What are your hopes for the year ahead?


The writing prompts invite postcrossers to write about a different topic on their postcards’ messages every month. These are just suggestions though — if you already know what you want to write about, or the recipient gives you some pointers, that’s great too!

Now that 2021's over, we’re looking to the future with this month’s prompt! This time we’d like to pick your brains about what you’re hoping for this year…

In January, write about your hopes for the year ahead!
Marsden Moor

It’s tough to make predictions about what I’ll be doing — I usually take the year as it comes. There are a few sure things, like my exams, and I’m definitely hoping that I’ll pass those with flying colours! I’m also hoping to take my first trip home to Wales since 2019, and get the chance to go for some familiar walks in the parks there.

Other than that, I think I’ll keep my hopes small and cosy. I’m hoping to spend more time reading this year, if I can: I used to read about 400–500 books a year, when I was a literature student. I probably can’t manage to read that much anymore, but it’d still be nice to read 300 books or so, which is still a lot! I’m also hoping to have the time to go for walks more often here in Yorkshire, e.g. in the grounds of Nostell Priory or on Marsden Moor. We have a National Trust membership we really ought to make more use of!

And, of course, I’m hoping for more postcards! Now it’s your turn: share what you’re hoping for this year in the comments, or write it on your postcards this month!

56 comments so far

zapandtulle, Switzerland

I'm hoping to finally publish my novel after around 6 years of work 🧡

----zzh2005, China

I hope I can make great progress in my study.

Bemera, Belgium

I hope walking and doing sport 1 hour every day 🚶‍♀️

kraghavendrabhat, India

I hope that I will be able to collect as many UNESCO (WHS) postcards as possible.

Verabrady, United States of America

Please, no new varient COVID

mspatjp, United States of America

I hope to see winter birds come to the window bird feeder I got for Christmas.

ezredax, United States of America

I hope covid will go away. Personally, i hope the new year brings great happiness to one and all.

ruthkepler, United States of America

I hope people my country vote for a change of leadership in our Congress this year.

Indreni, United States of America

I hope 2022 is a good and hopeful year for the world.

anoli2000, Germany

i hope to improve my dutch further

Teufel07, Germany

I Hope to loos 10 KG and cornona ist going away.

tanzianne, United Kingdom

To keep on moving forward in life completing all the things that I wanted to do last year but never. Because Covid got in the way,

lindeclark, United States of America

My wishes are that in 2022 and beyond, my art workshop business is prosperous and in turn so will I. My wish is that my son stays healthy, prosperous and happy. I will be a first-time grandma this year!
That Covid and virus's are laid to rest! And that people become less selfish with their time and philosophies. That they think of others first, and draw peace upon this world with a kind heart.

sallyanne, United States of America

I hope for more enjoyment in life and less worry.

galaxiesbeyond, Netherlands

I already started walking quite a bit in 2020 and I really like it! How nature seems to have progressed! For 2022, I wish for more activity in both my creativity and that of the world, so that innovation can continue.

orange_memo, United States of America

Hope the New Year starts off bright and continues to shine throughout the year. Wishes for all of you of peace and contentment that do not cease, may your mailbox will be full of beautiful messages and postcards.
Happy New Year 2022!

justmesks, United States of America

I hope to be my active in sending postcards in this group, keep up with my new healthy journey and that the Covid vanishes.

Nicachu, United States of America

Hoping to also improve on my reading. I own so many books but I can’t seem to find the time to go through them.

Flippie, Canada

I hope that my husband and I can move to our new Condo in March this new year. Because it was postponed trough Covid delays and not enough Labour!
So I hope and wish; "GOOD BYE COVID " so we can move....
I hope that more people have patience with this pandemic....

Ganesha08, Germany

I wish for 2022 that Corona will disappear from our lives. I want back the freedom to travel anywhere. Regardless of that, however, I want nothing more than to keep my job.

nicetry, Germany

I hope COVid-19 will be more or less overcome everywhere (not only in rich countries like my own), so people can start to live their lifes again. Then I hope my youth work will flourish and maybe I'll even be able to start a Postcrossing club with some of them.

rdquintas, Portugal

Hi hope to improve my music sight-reading so that I can play even more beautiful music on my clarinet

chamekke, Canada

I hope COVID disappears -- or at least subsides to manageable levels! And also that it's possible to travel again (we'd been about to go overseas when the virus struck). But since these may not happen, mainly I hope that I appreciate more deeply what I already have, and that there is less anxiety and more hope in this world.

Switzi, Switzerland

Ich hoffe, dass ich bald wieder von Covid19 befreit bin. Ich freue mich auf tolle Erlebnisse mit meinen Kindern und mit meinem Team im Kindergarten einer Schweizer Heilpädagogischen Schule. Ich freue mich ganz besonders auf meinen 50. Geburtstag im Juli 2022 und hoffe, dass bis dahin die schrecklichen Varianten von Covid19 besiegt sind und man wieder mit Freunden und Familie feiern und tolle Erlebnisse haben kann. Frohes neues Jahr, Katrin aus Zermatt

Ivone_Henschel, Brazil

I hope to send and to receive a lot of beautiful postcard and with each other good news about the world! Be safe and happy! Warm regards from Brazil!

EvanescentHour, United States of America

Honestly, I just hope that it's a better year than the last two. And that I can do some traveling.

babytreese, United States of America

I'll be getting my teaching certification next month and hope to teach English in Taiwan this year!

BlueSeashells, United States of America

I wish for a peaceful and gratitude filled living. Get over my fear of Covid, it’s here to stay just like the flu!!

la_luna_pusa, Philippines

I wish for a safe and fair elections this May. I also hope the locals choose their leaders wisely.

Kimying, Singapore

I wish for 2022 where humans can resume travelling to other countries safely.

michisimone, Germany

Ich wünsche mir das ich dieses Jahr neue Brieffreunde finde und mehr Zeit für Englischlernen finde.

duncanpjames, United Kingdom

just want to be able to love my wife again

buckwriter, Italy

The end of the pandemic.. Telling the truth these two years have been productive and I shouldn't complain but this limited freedom is tiring.. Plus, I would want to return to be more active in the Postcrossing.

Anastasi_, Belarus

I hope that I will be able to write many beautiful and rhyming poems on any topic. And I also hope that I will read a lot more books this year!

Anto61, Italy

I propose to walk all the paths of Lake Como and its small peaks as Monte Bisbino and Cima della Duaria to ovest or Monte Boleto and Monte Palanzone over Bellagio ( the tip that divides the Lake Como in two branches ) ...Of Course the end of the pandemic to Finally ( we can ) embrace us .. many Hugs ...much more Hugs

Waldo, United Kingdom

After wondering at the many wonderful hopes of others, myself hope not to absentmindedly Delete a completed poem by accident that is not burned in my memory or copied elsewhere. And other 'longed for, unlooked for events.' Catullus.

omurk, Türkiye

I am hoping to be approved for post-doc in United Kingdom

cpaige, Canada

I'm hoping to visit my mother-in-law in Europe this year as she just turned 90 and my wife and I stay healthy through the pandemic! Wait a moment, those were my wishes last year! We did not travel to Europe in 21 and my family (5) all got covid!!!! We'll try again this year with the same hopes!!!!!!!!!

RowanP, Netherlands

The end of the pandemic. Send lots of cards.

didl, Germany

Ich hoffe, das wir alle gesund bleiben und noch sehr lange mit
Freunden und Familie zusammen sein können. Ich wünsche mir bald die erste Postkarte von Postcrossing.

Dragon, Germany


alicia347, Taiwan

I hope i will be happy everyday

Libara, Czech Republic

I hope I will be healthy

Ariel1122, China

I hope Tom can come to China,I hope I can see him.

Schuhmannic, Germany

My wish for 2022: End of the pandenic and peace.
My best wishes to all of you.

Twyuyulin, Taiwan

Dream come true

BeaCeeRoss, United States of America

I've been Mia for awhile. Ice been busy with family then got covid and was in the hospital starting SATURDAY I will be starting back up looking forward to getting back at it again Thank You for getting hold of me Hugs to All Berneice Ross

Alba1004, Germany

I hope for better living conditions, (situation at home), finally will improve.

Minniemoni, France

j'espère qu'on peu voir la fin du corona
j'espère que ma famille et moi restent en bonne santé
j'espère aussi une réussite avec mon chien en compétition
et j'espère que c'est ne pas trop égoïste

TanteD, Germany

I hope that the world have less fights and I also hope that I will be traveling a little bit (just a little bit please, because I stayed at home now over two years)

Kozetta58, Russia

I hope that we all finally take off our masks and openly smile at each other. I hope the borders will be open and we will be able to travel again. I hope there will be peace and happiness on earth!

stehblack, United States of America

Hope to get into nurse school and send more postcards thru postcrossing

BeckyS, United States of America

I hope that we all make it to the other side of the pandemic.

polarbearhugs, United States of America

I hope for compassion and love from more of us towards each other, animals and the planet! If we work together we can solve so many problems and make life better for everyone. I hope to travel and meet more people!

pemasagirls, France

I hope to be regular at meditation and yoga; and to do more sport for my health. And I wish for a less selfish society, more environment awareness and to get peaceful leaders in the world. So actually, I wish to continue to be positive and work for a good future for next generations.

ilzeb, South Africa

If you'd like to call it a "hope", it's to be free from my marriage. Perhaps it brings hope in the sense that that freedom should give me back who i was.


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