February is finally behind us, and it’s time we announce how many cards were sent from Germany last December… and of course how much money they raised on the Postcards for a good cause campaign!
Ready? Go on, think of a number and then scroll down to find out!

Postcrossers in Germany sent 88570 postcards during December, raising a total of €8857 for Stiftung Lesen! That’s a record! 😀
Congratulations to all the postcrossers and a huge thank you to Deutsche Post, for committing to this cause. What a brilliant number… you really outdid yourselves this year!
As usual, it will take us a couple of days to sort out the prizes. We’ll get in touch with all the winners via email soon.
39 comments so far
great result.
Woohoo! Well done Germany postcrosser! Amazing! :D
That's fabulous! :)
♥♥♥ Wow :) thats very fabulous! :) ♥♥♥
Exciting! Great job everyone!
I sent two from Germany, but only 1 was received.
That's amazing! Great job! :) P.S. Where can we buy that "Priority Postcrossing Par Avion" stamp shown in the picture?
WOW! Great result...
Great!! I sent 34...
Wow, it's wonderful! :)
Answer to medusa242:
You cannot buy these stamps, you can ask in your German postoffice for them. Last time I bought 100 stamps for abroad (90 Euro cents) they gave me a roll for free. They usually hand those stickers out free - but I never got a full roll before.
That's so awesome!!! great result :)
Good job for a good reason! And I had the chance to send 68 cards.
My fingers hurt so much but it was worth it :)
Thank you also to those who received our cards from Germany and registered the cards before end of February.
@franhunne think that doesn't help medusa - there is no "postcrossing" on the stickers from the postoffice ;)
(if you want a roll of the normal priority stickers ehm two you can order them for free online and don't have to wait for the good mood of your postofficer https://www.dialogmarketing-shop.de/material-international/ (can type what you want in "Kundennr" field a "-" is enough) they will be sent very fast)
medusa242, you can order custom made ones at onlineshops or some printing companies.
I have a "mouse" by COLOP that I designed to look like the stickers by Deutsche Post but you could also design one with any text.
Great result! :)
I sent 20 postcards...
I love the photograph and the cute little figures. New guys?
Great result - maybe next time we reach the 9.000?? I am proud to have been part of this!
@medusa242 for example postallove sells some "special" airmail stickers
GUT gemacht Deutsche postcrossers!!!! I LIKE>>>!!!
Congratulations and ka pai (well done) Deutsche Postcrossers. Ka mau te wehi (awesome) achievement.
That's really great. Congrats all that took part in this project!
Wow,that's amazing!!
I have sent 14 postcards and they have all arrived, woohoo!
A large increase to last time.
All my cards arrived! So happy to have been able to contribute to this great cause! Great news anyway!
What a great thing! Glad that we did so well. :)
if you think about how many money we could have gotten in total IF not so many postcards would get lost within november till february each year!!!!..
its so sad..we could have gotten much more..
But nice we got so much at least^^
A great result.... I sent 222 postcards!
a big tumb up for all the German Postcrossers!
You can design an individual stamp here:
I have made it for a sheet with etiquettes to print out.
Wow well done!!!!
@Prima_Murasakibara: There is no big problem of postcards from Germany getting lost. 58 of my Postcards sent in December have arrived in time. Only 5 have not been registered yet: One user from Sweden has registered the last card on the 1st of January, one user from China has not been seen for a month now. A user form Russia has not been seen for three months now. So I think only two of these five cards are really lost.
▲ Great result! ▲
Next time we'll crack the record and send 90000 cards or more.
✉ Deal? ✉
That's fabulous - well done!
That´s great !
My little contribution , 85 postcards.
That`s great !
A wonderful result! My thanks & congratulations to all the PostCrossers for their sterling efforts! I hope you did not suffer too badly from "writer's cramp"! I wish that our Australia Post would organize a similar endeavour.
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