December is just around the corner, which means it’s time to dress Postcrossing up for the holidays, and to launch our yearly campaign with Deutsche Post to make your postcards count for a good cause! By now you know the drill, so without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, we’re proud to announce that…
So if you’re in Germany, all you have to do is keep sending postcards! If your December postcards are registered before the end of February 2016, you’ll be contributing to this cause.
And though only postcards sent from Germany count, there’s always a receiver in every postcard exchange — so each time a card from Germany is registered, the recipient will be indirectly contributing to this donation as well!
To make things even more interesting, there will also be some nice prizes for the participants:
- Two 50€ vouchers for
- Three 40€ vouchers for Marke Individuell.
- Two high quality pen sets, from Pelikan.
- Ten custom-designed Postcrossing stamp sheets (international).

Stiftung Lesen is a German non-profit organization, working to increase literacy – especially among children and adolescents. They promote reading through several different activities, such as the “My first letter” contest.
So… what are you waiting for? If you’re in Germany, grab a pen and your stack of postcards and stamps, and start writing some postcards! The more cards you send, the more you’ll contribute to this cause – and the more chances you’ll have of winning a nice prize! :)
P.S. – As always, we respect your private information and will not share it with any company without your express permission. The full details of this campaign can be read here (German only).
36 comments so far
Hurray !
Great! I saved a lot ofopen slots to be filled from tomorrow on:)
Yeah !!!!!
Yippee! :D
Go, German postcrossers, go! :)
Fantastic! I'm hoping for lots of German postcards to help the good cause.
The best ever ! GO GERMANY
Wie schön! Awesome!
Awesome!!!! :)
Niceeeee :-)
What a great program! I hope you German Postcrossers send lots of cards and raise lots of money!!
A yearly campaign - great!
Great 😉
I want to send a lot of cards !
What a great project. I wish I lived in Germany - child literacy is a subject dear to my heart.
I was just waiting for this :) Going to send as much as I can. ;) Like last year.
A wonderful project!
I register cards immediately, so German Postcrossers will be able to send as many cards as the system allows :)
Great! So I hope that the cards I send out now are travelling fast and registered immediately so that I can send many cards and support the Project!
Okey - let´s get ready to rumble :-)
Every Year a great project!
I saved a lot of open slots for this. GO GO GO!
Yeah, such a nice project. Let's start =)
great, I´l do my very best.
Great project. Go German Postcrossers. I'll be sure to register. :D
Great idea!!!!! keepon going!!!!
Na dann... ich werde fleißig schreiben. Aber... wo sollte ich mich registrieren? Geht das nicht automatisch? mhmm
Well then ... I will diligently write . But ... where should I register ? Is that not automatically ? mhmm
Awesome! I wish the US had something like that!
My Postcrossing activity shows nice peaks for December 2013 and December 2014. I am ready for another peak this year - my first cards are already on the way :-)
@CaWe it's 100% automatic — you just need to write postcards as usual, we'll count them up! :)
Great! And all can participate by registering sooooon;-)
I hope every postcrosser in Germany who is active will participate. My first Cards of December are on the way.
December is always the month I am very active. I hope that we will have more than the last years for the "Stiftung Lesen". Perhaps Close to or more than 9.000 Euro.
Just to be precise: It seems that only postcrossers registered in Germany can participate, right? So, as a German who is registerd in Netherlands, I can send a lot of cards from Germany this weekend they still won't count :(
Still, it's a great initiative and I hope the German postcrossers will raise looots of money for Stiftung Lesen. Thanks, Deutsche Post!
I was not active in November to save my chances for december - the first cards are on their way and I simply hope that they arrive soon :-)
It would be great to get the 9000,-€ or more!
Nice action, yet this leaves a strange aftertaste in my mouth.
What a wonderful idea! I wish that Australia Post could be persuaded to do something similar. They had a big feature on PostCrossing in a recent issue of their philatelic magazine, so they're aware of our international family, so here's hoping! Good Luck with the fund-raising, Germany!
Wow,great idea! Well done Germany 💌
I have sent 14 postcards and were registered, I think that's good :)
... just love this project.
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