Hi guys! While Paulo and Ana (the big ones) are busy setting up their new home, we’re here to tell you all about the adventures we had in Canada last fall!
Calgary is a large city of 1.2 million people, in the foothills of the Canadian Rockies. It is a beautiful city in Southern Alberta and we came at the perfect time — the splashes of color can be spectacular this time of the year!
The first thing we noticed was this big pile or rocks on CDNLib's front yard. She explained to us that they were called Inuksuks, and were possibly used as symbols of direction, navigation or to mark a food cache by the Inuit of Canada’s North. In recent years they have become an international symbol of Canada — and were even featured on the logo of the 2010 Winter Olympics, which took place in Vancouver!
A trip to Canada had to include some French-Canadian poutine—hot french fries topped with fresh cheese curd and hot gravy… so yummy! And we also had some amazingly fresh-made truffles from a local chocolatier… the pumpkin one was especially scrumptious and perfect for autumn.
And naturally, we had to try a “Double Double” (coffee, or in this case steeped tea, with two cream and two sugar) from world famous Tim Hortons!
We were lucky enough to be in Calgary for the first ever Postcrossing meet-up and we attended with CDNLib. While we were there we chatted with other postcrossers, exchanged some postcards, admired cards that others had received, heard some great Postcrossing stories, signed and wrote out some cards…
… and then posed for a group photo with everyone! Here is the whole group: die-dusche, Stormarela, CDNLib, herchelle, Angelamermaid, ButtonsandTins, salamadzer and Fracula. The meeting went so well, there are plans to do again in 6 months! Check out the meetups posts in the forum and join us if you are in the area!
Below is Calgary’s Public Library — with 18 locations across the city, it is a wonderful place to get together with friends, find some books and be entertained and informed. We were lucky enough to be there during a very special event.
The event is called “A Taste of Cultures” and participants celebrate the different cultures of the world, dressing up and performing in their traditional costumes and serving ethnic food.
It was great! We met these lovely ladies from Pakistan, Mexico and Cameroon.
CDNLib works at a school and one of the best parts of her job is reading stories to the children. The children LOVE to come to their school library and hear the stories and we were invited to listen to a few of them. What a great way to spend the day…visiting with children and hearing stories all day long!
As Halloween was fast approaching pumpkins and Jack-o-lanterns were popping up all over the place.
CDNLib even made us costumes so that we could participate in the celebrations and have some more fun with the children! :)
But while we were in Canada, the country suffered two tragedies, as two Canadian soldiers were killed on home soil. The first was killed in a hit-and-run incident in Montreal, Quebec and the second was a reservist who was killed while acting as a Ceremonial Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Canada’s capital, Ottawa, Ontario. The entire country mourned these two men and you could see the signs of the emotion and loss everywhere.
On Remembrance Day, poppies were worn on people’s lapels. Calgary has its own Field of Crosses Memorial Project that serves as a tribute to those who have served and died for our country from Southern Alberta, dating back to WWI. To date there are over 3000 crosses.
This year they included crosses for the two soldiers killed on Canadian soil in the previous weeks.
The day before we were going to leave, we were out enjoying the sunshine, with some clouds and a temperature of 17°C (62°F), when, within minutes, a change occurred and we could see the storm coming in from the Rocky Mountains—the wind picked up and the temperature dropped more than ten degrees…
… and the next morning, there was snow! Wow! Temperatures can surely change quickly in Southern Alberta!
Ok — time we get back inside our cozy envelope and fly to our next adventure!
Thanks for the great visit, CDNLib — that was a lot of fun!
Postcrossing Blog
Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world
Blog > The Little Mail Carriers in Calgary, Canada!
posted by meiadeleite

tags: canada, little-mail-carriers
33 comments so far
The little mail carriers with their costumes are so cute!
Thank you for sharing....
Love to see them playing with snow and as gosts, terrific idea! Congrats!
Wonderful, creative, and touching story- thank you!
I was the one who put together the meetup, but I had no idea that CDNLib was going to host the mail carriers. I may squealed out loud when she brought them to the meetup. They were wonderful guests.
So cool! I love their adventure stories. I hope to keep reading more! ^_^
Ghosts trick or treating?! Classic!
Awesome experiences!!
Again a wonderfull story, love little mail carriers!!!!!
So creative :) Congratulations
A great adventure!
Double Double and poutine... the first things I get when I cross over the border into Canada! :) Loved to see their adventures!
So nice!!! :)
Say hello to the Mail carriers for me!
The library event looked very interesting. Glad they were able to participate.
Hey !! the little posties in their white suits look so cute !! with their little pink baskets .
Thanks for sharing your stories
Lovely story!! Such cute little guys!!!
I wish they would come to visit Latvia someday - I am sure we have a lot to show and these mail carriers would enjoy this place! :)
It's a wonderful story. I travel in my own country with you. It's very well done. I'm admirative. Keep going!
Wonderful story with a emotional touch!
Again great story and photos. The little guys have been travelling 5 years this February - amazing! Looking forward to seeing the photos of the next stop overs...
What a wonderful story, I'm so happy to see the Little
Mail Carriers again! What a wonderful surprise to meet them at our little meetup last fall, and to finally put faces to the names that we see so often!
I am excited to see everyone again in April. Hey little Mail Carriers! You are always welcome at our meetup, ok!
Thanks CNDLib for the tour of Calgary. How inspirational!
Thanks for the report! Very good adventures! Nice to know a little of Canada...
Love the ghost costumes!! Thanks for the fun story.
Great Story!! I always look forward to reading Little mail carrier articles. Keep doing such great work....
Thanx for sharing the nice story! :)
Lovely Blog! Loving it! Keep posting! :)
So great -- More (human) people should so lucky as these two in traveling & meeting people all across the land. Thanks for the smiles!!
Another great repport. I'd love to host the Little Mail carriers when we are going to have the Next meetup in DK in Copenhagen in June.
So interesting! Very busy holidays for the mailcarriers! I'm sure they had a wonderful time!
Great story! Thanks!
The cute couple...
Maybe U can tell me how to get them for my little daughter?
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