Good news, everyone: Postcrossing has a shiny new forum! 🎉🎉🎉
Have you ever been to the forum? It’s a place for postcrossers to play games, arrange meetings, do swaps or just chat with each other, cementing the community bonds that tie us together. We love the idea of a forum… but for a long time now, we’d fallen out of love with the software we chose for it 15 years ago. It stopped being developed just a few years after we had installed it, and quickly started to show its age and limitations. The need for a separate login from Postcrossing itself was a hassle, and the lack of responsive design or support for languages that didn’t use Latin scripts were also issues that drove people away from it over the years… A technological upgrade that made the forum easier to use and in tune with the times was long overdue.
So over the past couple of years, we gave different softwares a go, finally settling on one that seemed to fit most of our requirements. We tested it first with a group of enthusiastic postcrossers, and then last month had a trial run with a larger group of active forum members, to understand how the forum would perform with more people on it. We were pleased with the results, and are therefore happy to announce that the new forum is finally live!

Some of the features of the new forum include the integrated login with your Postcrossing account, notifications when someone mentions you, group messages, aaaaall the emojis, easy upload of images, support for languages in different scripts, responsive design, wikis… 🥰 The list goes on and on!
Even if you’re not a “forum person”, we encourage you to login and take a look — maybe you’ll find a cozy place to chat with others in your language or geographical community, play a game of Tag with postcards of a certain topic, geek out about postcards or stamps (or maybe knitting or anime and manga!), talk about your favorite parts of Postcrossing or just generally hang out with other postcard lovers out there. Don’t be shy! It’s a fresh start, and everyone is welcome!
We hope you enjoy the new home for the Postcrossing community as much as we do — see you there! 👋
31 comments so far
Welcome to the new forum everyone! Feel free to ask questions in the forum. The only stupid questions are the ones you DON'T ask! :) And if you wonder about something, there are most likely others wondering about the same thing too.
Thank you!!! This sounds great!
What a generous offering! Postcrossing is such a wonderful community. Thank you for all the hard work it took to do this :)
Hooray! I've never enjoyed using the forum & always found it laborious! Excited to see the new site & what's available. Thank you for the hard work!
This new plataform is so welcoming. Plus, so EASY to use on the phone - a big plus in my opinion. Come, come chat and play with us over there! :)
Whoopee!!! So glad with the new update ☺️ Looks great and it's so much more comfortable.
Is the old forum archived somewhere and still available, or is it gone forever? 🗃️ 🤔
I love the new forum! I hope many more postcrossers will join it!
@Rutkiuss - The old forum will stay as a read-only archive after the transition periode is over. Maybe not forever, but at least for a long time.
I love the new forum! Hoping to see a lot of new members there to have a swap with!
Love the new forum! 5 stars!
I am so glad!!! It looks lovely and inviting!! Thank you!
Thanks for allthe effort. Very attractive and intuitive to use
Huh, I didn't bother with the old forum, mostly due to the separate login, but I just took a look at the new one and it looks really interesting, especially all the games and activities, so this one I probably will use.
im actually now checking in n out of forum, as it was easier and user friendly. previous forum with separate log in really was a hassle...nice improvement postcrossing now im really liking as i can hop in n out of forum easily...
I ❤❤❤ Postcrossing!
I have never used the old forum, but the new one looks great! I guess it has gained a new member now :)
It looks really good!
Как же здОрово, что есть место для общения по интересам с людьми всего Мира! Буду рада стать частью групп по интересам.
I may have to give the brand spankin' new forum a try, though I tend not to have much to say!
Thank you for all your work on our behalf.
Awesome, looks cool!
@nm_rockhound: there is a comprehensive Forum User Guide here: . And you can post here if you feel lost: . :)
Thank you for your efforts to make available a friendlier room for postcrossers: new forum! I am for more than a decade here and I am constantly amazed by progress and adaptations.
Let's have fun in the forum!
so, you too on Discourse... oh, well, it works. Everythign starts looking a bit too similar XD
I tried it out and I have to say that I liked the previous interface better. There is too much information everywhere on this one - it just gets confusing. Maybe it’s just me (I’m not so young and I don’t spend so much time online), but I find it too complicated and I’m not willing to take a long time learning how to use it. The previous interface was very intuitive, but this one just isn’t, at least, as far as I’m concerned.
I think that I’ll probably just drop out of the forum - it’s ok, I had a good run out of It. It also doesn’t help that at the moment, I am still waiting for mail from two people who tagged me 2 months and 6 weeks ago, respectively. That unfortunately puts a damper on my enthusiasm.
One thing that I do like, however, is the fact that I can read the messages that were sent to me directly from my Gmail inbox, instead of having to log in Postcrossing to see what people wrote. And it’s nice not having to remember a separate password. Otherwise, it’s all pretty and shiny, And full of little images everywhere, but sorry, too complicated for me!
That being said, I’m sure that you worked very hard on it, so congratulations, and it will probably make other people very happy!
Forums are for forum lovers, I believe. And if that is so, I can not understand why a communal place within this wonderful bigger PC community should be hammered this thightly shut with so many rules, regulations and don'ts. They make me feel like l am walking on egg shells. I even get the message that as first time user I am not allowed to have all rights, that I have to earn some trust first.
I very much love Postcrossing but this will not be my place of dwelling. I do wish everybody much fun using it though (and ik looks great)!
I'm very happy with the new forum, and I don't usually react well we change! I find it a lot easier to use and there is so much activity now that I'm spending way more time on it than before! 😅 I really hope that everybody will eventually get used to it 💜
Great news!
I love forums, but already used another one, about letters, on another website, and the software was not much pleasing to use, besides making vulnerabilities to the whole website. The site got hacked many times due to faults on the forum software design, and this vanished decades of posts from its members. It was a mess!
Good to see that you improved your one. I'll try to be part of it on 2021.
I have allows did postcards since as a child. My record is 170 postcards sent in one day with addresses only of friends and family. I love receiving post cards from all over the world. I will always respond with a post card in return. You can send a letter if you wish, but I will still send a postcard. Would love to break my old record set last century! I have a service dog, Iago, since I have been disabled while on the job and I required help from him every day!
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