Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > Postcrossing Spotlight: PilotOne from Portugal


Meet José (aka PilotOne) from Portugal. He’s a flight simulator fan, and an enthusiastic member of the Postcrossing community in Portugal – he even gave an interview about Postcrossing on TV once!

Here is what he had to say to our interview questions:

How did you come across Postcrossing? What got you hooked?
pilotone mailbox

I joined the Postcrossing project on the 30th September 2009 and in fact I can’t remember how I learned about it! I believe however that it was through any article I read online. What keeps me active on the project is to become aware of other cultures, languages​​, ways of living and even some cases of life that are reported by some of the members in their profiles. To share all this is what fascinates me most in Postcrossing.

Do you have any other interesting hobbies?

Yes, although Postcrossing occupy some of my free time, I enjoy modeling and also dedicate much of my time to virtual aviation with my own flight simulator equipment. Photography and reading a good book are also habits that I practice very regularly.

Show us your mailbox, your mailman/mailwoman, your postoffice or the place where you post or keep your postcards!

You can see my mailbox on the first picture above, and here I am at the local Post Office:

pilotone postoffice

This is the post box where I mail my cards from:

pilotone postbox

Below on the left is my stock of to-send cards, and on the right, my received postcards:

pilotone cards
Show and tell us about your favorite received postcard to date, and what makes it special.

vn 720 This is my favorite! It shows an ethnic little girl and it really is one of the most touching cards I’ve received so far! I’m sure this little girl’s world is limited to her small bird and to the 50 or 100 meters surrounding the place where she lives!

Have you inspired anyone else to join Postcrossing or start collections of their own?

When I gave a TV interview about Postcrossing in October 2010 and we all felt a marked increase of new subscribers in Portugal, so I hope some of them have really got addicted to the project. Personally I also contributed to the dissemination of the project by friends, explaining them how everything works from the first requested addresses.

What is it your favorite part of the Postcrossing process?

The most exciting and favorite moment is to read the cards I receive and also to the countries they are coming from.
Registration process is also a big moment, as I can 'see’ (most of the times) the photo of the sender and also read his/her profile.

Have you been surprised by any place that you have received a postcard from or sent a postcard to?

I’ve been very excited when I received a card from Paraguay with a small ID. At that time I’ve checked the Postcrossing registration system and it was the 1st card from Paraguay received in Portugal. You can see it here.
My recently sent PT-266410 (still traveling) to Liechtenstein also made me happy as there are only 4 Postcrossing members on this Principality, so there was a very small chance for this to happen!

Have you met any other members in real life?

Yes many times! I use to attend local small meetings or just combine to have lunch or a dinner together with some members (we call it a meeting!) where we always finish with a card-writing session! I’ve also attended different International Postcrossing Meetings in Portugal that really had a large number of foreign members!

36 comments so far

csofiatorpes, Portugal

Parabéns José!

HoloceneTWDK, Taiwan

I've sent a postcard to PilotOne .
He is a man of hospitality and he upload the detailed description of the postcard you sent .
Great experience :D

DorotheeB, Germany

Thank you very much for the article and the photos, I enjoyed reading it. These articles give a face to Postcrossing, and I always wait for a new one.

toniabaer, Germany

the postcard is so funny i like it

FairyFoot, United Kingdom

I haven't played Flight Simulator for 13 years or so! I wasn't a good pilot! Maybe one day, I will send you a postcard and tell you all about my flights!

pucky, Netherlands

Great interview, thanks for sharing this all with us. The card from Vietnam is definitely very very special!

Geminiscp, Portugal

You met other Postcrossers?? Really??? :D See you again in 2 weeks! Cheers! :)

moonlessnite, Canada

i enjoyed your description of the "rare" country ID and surprise!

isagv, Germany

A very nice interview! Enjoyed reading it. :)

ganderson, Australia

Great interview. I love to see the Post Offices and boxes. There are so many different ways of sending cards.

YiliLoh, Malaysia

Thanx for the sharing! :)

nugget, United States of America

Interesting to read about other postcrossers. Thanks for sharing!

rikspacs, Finland

it was funny to send you card and then met you in international postcrossing meetup in lisbon :)

Stasele, Netherlands

Thanks for this nice interview!
I love the questions, and the answers that vary every time.

rosenbusch, Germany

A good interview. I sent you a postcard few months ago...

Blogger, United States of America

great interview - Your favorite card is fantastic!

soumya1, India

Very nice interview, thanks for posting :-)

fisherman, Ireland

Great interview my good friend Jose :)

idus, Germany

"I hope 'Postcrossing' can approach people, making the world a better place to live!"-
Exactly! :-)

nunoftferreira, Portugal

In May 2010 i sent a postcard to PilotOne and he was very friendly :)

KaiKitten, United States of America

Hello Jose! It's very nice meeting you through your wonderful interview. Your favorite postcard is beautiful and touching. Thanks for the great interview.

adriennegarry, New Zealand

Hi Jose, nice to hear more about you. I hope you will be at the Lisbon meeting 5th May 2013, not formally set up yet but Geminiscp is working on it and I will be there. ;-)

peacock, Russia

Fine you have so many postcrossing-friends met by you in real life. Thanks for sharing your story!

SuSu29, Canada

Both my daughter and I have received postcards from Jose - wonderful additions to our collections!

Matthew07, Malaysia

Nice interview. PilotOne is active on the forum as well. I have swapped several times with him. Nice guy. :)

PilotOne, Portugal

I would wish to thank you all for your generous comments to my interview. Your nice words will certainly contribute to make Postcrossing grow more and more! Thanks!

leleka, Russia

SO great to see here a person you pften meet on forum:) very nice story! best wishes!

nediam_nori, Finland

Hello PilotOne :) Nice to see you in the spotlight.! I still remember how I met you first time: through Hangman-game.

ipuenktchen, Iran

hi, pilotone, nice to see you and get common with you! you are so professional in storing your cards!!! I wish I could be the same as you, but I have my cards to sent in large laundry-baskets and the received cards still in cartons... :-((( thank you for sharing your story!
happy postcrossing, ipue.....

marica_t, United States of America

That is a very sweet and lovely postcard of the girl and her birdie! :)

Wonderful spotlight! He sounds very kind :)

Greetings from Ohio USA!

- Marica

tripeira, Portugal

So nice to "see" José here because we already exchanged some postcards through the forum. I still didn't meet you personally but hope to do it someday.
Obrigada por representar tão bem o Postcrossing em Portugal!

ned44440, Ireland

Lovely to meet José here and what a fabulous surprise having read this spotlight on José to receive an official card from him in the same week. Special. Many thanks again, José, for the spectacular card and I have a thank you card winging its way to you. It has been signed by other Postcrossers who attended a lovely meet-up in Dublin yesterday.

Bluma, United States of America

Nice interview- I always love learning more about postcrossers

MariaElisa, Finland

Such an inspiring and happy interview, thanks, and greetings to all!

shelly, Spain

Glad to see you here, Pilotone!

leugim, United Kingdom

Great article Zé :D Fly safe!


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