Postcrossing Blog

Stories about the Postcrossing community and the postal world

Blog > Armenian Street Festival's Postcrossing exhibition — an update


Remember the Armenian Street Festival we mentioned here on the blog, back in June? It took place last weekend in Bucharest, and it was a great success!

Many of you responded to our call for postcards, and the organisers were flooded with your kind messages and support. George (aka Nazareanu) sent us some photos of the postcard display they built:

Armenian Street Festival - Postcrossing exhibition Armenian Street Festival - Postcrossing exhibition Armenian Street Festival - Postcrossing exhibition Armenian Street Festival - Postcrossing exhibition Armenian Street Festival - Postcrossing exhibition Armenian Street Festival - Postcrossing exhibition Armenian Street Festival - Postcrossing exhibition

George tells us the people in attendance were quite impressed, and so are we! It warms up our hearts to see people getting up and close with the postcards, taking the time to read them. If you’re curious, you can see many more photos of this colourful event on their Facebook page… from concerts to calligraphy workshops, seems like a good time was had by all! :)


The participants took the photo above to say thank you to everyone, and sent us the following message:

Every card received is amazing and the messages are unique and very emotional for us. We appreciate your gestures very much and this way, we want to thank all the Postcrossing community and the wonderful people around the world who wrote us!

Well done to the organisers of the Armenian Street Festival — and a big thank you to every postcrosser who sent a card to the festival!

27 comments so far

Luziaceleste, Brazil

beautiful displays!
congrats Armenian Street festival organizers!

Blogger, United States of America

How wonderful! I LOVE the way the postcards were displayed!! I would like to have something like that in my postcard room in my house :D

Quirinalia, Ukraine

It's so pity that I didn't manage to send a postcard!

rosenbusch, Germany

Thank you for the informations and the nice photos of the postcrossing exhibition....
I think, I sent a postcard?! Oh, it´s long ago.

AugustoAssis, Brazil

I make my own the words of the postcrosser 9teen87: An amazing idea to have something like that at home!

dershots, Canada

What a wonderful display. A great way for people to learn about other countries. I sent a postcard from Canada.

ned44440, Ireland

Very creative. It looks like everyone had fun.

Lorelai, Germany

What a fantastic "misuse" of clotheslines: I love it. How creative!

MissMolly66, Australia

I sent a Postcard from Australia. I love learning about other countries, culture, food, festivals,people and their history. It looks like everyone had a great time. I need to do this in Australia :)

squirrel_eve, Romania

It was a wonderful event!! I spent beautiful time reading the postcards. So many positive thoughts!

Robin67, Austria

I wish I could have seen all the cards!!!

alexanyan, Armenia

I Joined to this festival with my Postcard from Armenia :)

nugget, United States of America

Fun event and a great way to share Postcrossing!

navi, Taiwan

I seem to see my sent postcard. :-)

dingding_gospel, China

I wish China can make a exhibition like this,they can exhibit various postcards from different country.

Topas, Germany

creative way to present the postcards on the wall. So front and backside could be seen.

Geminiscp, Portugal

Another great idea, congratulations! :)

RosaRosae, Spain

WOW !!!

RosaRosae, Spain

How a card exhibition can fit into a festival !!!

RosaRosae, Spain

To all the organizers ...

wangyan_1029, China


Debz61, South Africa

I think I sent the South African Flag card!! Yay .... I see it there!!

Ceejayev, United States of America

I sent a postcard and my prayers ... may the blessings of the Street Festival follow all!

rini_rinrin, Indonesia

woooow... its sooooo wonderful to see the postcards that displayed in the event..
Hope many more people will join us to spread the words by postcards... ^_^

jiangyun, China

very good

ConstantGardener, United States of America

OH!!!! I had to share your group photo above.... to us... on my Face Book page!! What JOY!!

kraghavendrabhat, India

Fantastic!Congratulation to the Event managers.


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