Postcrossing Blog

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Blog > Around the world in Postcrossing meetups


While the Little Mail Carrier’s jet set around at undisclosed locations, their cousin has been busy attending meetups and getting to know postcrossers from all over the world! :) Here’s a brief recap of the last few months on his tour:

Hello everyone! This past August, I was in sunny Helsinki, meeting lots of nice European postcrossers! We did a fun scavenger hunt around the city, found lots of Moomins and Angry Birds, tried some Finnish delicacies and hopped on a ferry to beautiful Suommelinna island. I really wanted to see the inside of a Posti postbox, and managed to get myself stuck in the process… children, please don’t try this at home!

Helsinki meetup Helsinki meetup sign Group photo! So many Moomins! Yum! Is that deer meat? I'm not sure it's safe for me to stay here.... Errr... guys?! HELP!

I then jumped on a plane and landed in Baltimore, which was super exciting! We’re all big fans of The Wire and Hairspray at the Postcrossing HQ – so I felt right at home :) Cspt organised a wonderful meetup at Stone Mill Bakery Café. It was a lot of fun to meet new postcrossers from the other side of the pond… and the cookies were delicious! :D

Good mooooorning, Baaaaaaltimore! People are just so friendly here! Look at these smiles! I have this strange feeling I'm being observed...

After that, I took the boat back home, as it was time for another Bielefeld meetup! I knew a lot of the people there already, from past meetups, so it was nice to see them all again! As usual, I’ve dived into pools of candy, signed lots of postcards, and marvelled at the beauty of Autumn in North-Rhine Westphalia… but this year I also got to greet the postman, greeted the animals at the delightful Olderdissen Animal Park and visited Modern Times, a local postcard distributor who gave a special tour just for postcrossers!

Anja did a wonderful job with these tags! Wait wait... did I sign this pile? Good job Emilie! I think he likes you! Group photo time! Thanks Turtles for this photo! YAY! A real postman van! *sigh* I wish I could get one of these... Nom nom nom... Look at all those cards...

It’s been a blast! :)

Meetups are lots of fun, and completely organised by the members themselves! Curious to meet other postcrossers near you? Check out the list of upcoming events, or create your own! :)

25 comments so far

OboeCrack, Spain

I received one postcard from Bielefeld meetup!! Thanks!

DorotheeB, Germany

Thanks for the great report and the photos!

Sofa, Germany

I absolutely love the photo with the meeting stickers - looks like he's standing infront one of the "interview walls" they have on TV:D

ipuenktchen, Iran

yes, you're so right, dear anja!!!! I'm getting jalous... :-(( 3 meetups did the little cousin!!!! lucky him!!!! best regards to the cute guy!!!

mollyphlox, Finland

Yay - I see myself and a lot of other wonderful Postcrossers on the photo from the Helsinki meeting! :) It was indeed a wondeful day, makes me happy to think about it! :)

Luziaceleste, Brazil

Great to see people meeting around,looking forward for an opportunity. Sooner or later we will make it happen again in Brazil!

edo, Spain

Great!! One of Bielefeld meeting come here!!

rosenbusch, Germany

Thank you for the informations about the meetings...

nugget, United States of America

Fun article!

ned44440, Ireland

I am lucky enough to have received two cards from the Bielefield meeting - one personal from a friend lucky enough to attend the meeting and one offical card. Both cards were signed by many hands. Hope everybody had a wonderful time. I certainly think they did!!!

florencen, Australia

I have seen some of these at work.Some of the postcrossers are very lucky

Telenn, Netherlands

The Helsinki meeting was great :D Good memories indeed! And I was so fortunate to get 3 Bielefeld meeting cards (I keep saying, next time I'll be there, but for some reason it doesn't work out :P )

chrissybaby, Ireland

Wonderful recap of 3 meet ups :) I love attending these and also have organized some small ones here in Ireland.

isagv, Germany

It was lovely to meet the little one again in Bielefeld. I remember him sitting on my meeting bag in Cologne some months ago. ;)

indianfriendszone, India

I too received one...
but dont know the name of the sender :(

Geminiscp, Portugal

lucky guys!!!! :D

happy meetings, everyone! :)

dandilion, Netherlands

Its wonderful to be part of postcrossing!

kroete68, Germany

When i see the pictures from Helsinki, i remember a awesome day...thank you for this wonderful report Ana. :)

carlafed, Italy

I also received a wonderful card from the Bielefeld meeting. Thank you so much! It is like being a tiny part of the fun :-))

juliaclaire, United States of America

Cute update :)

kamikazeherz, Germany

Why didn't I know there was a Bielefeld meetup? :T That's not even half an hour away from here and my uncle lives there...
Will there be another one soon? :)

lolaoliva, Italy

Such a really nice time in Baltimore with the other postcrossers! Thank you cspt :)

meiadeleite, Portugal

@kamikazeherz: there's usually one every year! Keep an eye on the meetups page:

fiona817, China

so cool。Look forward to receiving your beautiful postcards

petrini1, United States of America

Nice post! We enjoyed meeting the little guy in Maryland this fall (and the pictures bring back the fun memories) and it's interesting to see photos from the rest of his travels. Thanks for the post.


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